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Took me a while to wrap my brain around it, but I'm a convert to release 7


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My favorite class is consular sage, but after a megadozen sages, had grown tired of Yuon Paar.


Just now I rolled a jedi consular on PTS using the brand new character creation screen, and now I will never experience Yuon Paar's dreary tiredness on this character because I'm now playing the Jedi knight story line as a counselor. Yay me, T7 awaits!

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Well... that's exactly what's putting me off. I was expecting that we could truly mix both classes into one. Now I just experienced that your character is completely only one class, but gets to play the story of another...


What's the flippin' point? :rak_02:


PS: And sorry, I don't know why I would want to play a "megadozen" $CLASS over and over again. Isn't that part of the fun to try out multiple classes (especially for their story)?

Edited by Electricdawn
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Well... that's exactly what's putting me off. I was expecting that we could truly mix both classes into one. Now I just experienced that your character is completely only one class, but gets to play the story of another...


What's the flippin' point? :rak_02:


PS: And sorry, I don't know why I would want to play a "megadozen" $CLASS over and over again. Isn't that part of the fun to try out multiple classes (especially for their story)?


I'm not so sure I get the point of being one class, but playing the story of another class either... Although, there may be some people/players that have avoided going through the full class story (all 3 chapters) because they didn't like the playstyle of that particular class? People who like to play ranged characters avoiding playing melee classes for the story? /shrug


Although, as to your point about not knowing why anyone would want to play a "megadozen" class over and over again - the point isn't just to "try out multiple classes (especially for their story)" but that's actually precisely the reason why some people DO play a "megadozen" of a class over and over: FOR THE STORY. :)


I'm one of those players... I have at a *minimum* 8 characters of every single class. (A light side male. A light side female. A dark side male. A dark side female. A romanced male. A romanced female. A non-romanced male. A non-romanced female.) And then there are some classes, like the Agent that I have even more characters of, so I could run through every possible option in the story arc.


So I can see where some people may like the overall story line of a class SO much, that they create *numerous* characters just to play through it again, simply because there is *no way* to repeat original class stories like you can with KOTFE chapters... Plus if you're like me and have been playing this game since beta, you've had a LOT of time to level up literally hundreds of characters over the past 10+ years. :o So this new expansion may be interesting from that perspective.

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Well... that's exactly what's putting me off. I was expecting that we could truly mix both classes into one. Now I just experienced that your character is completely only one class, but gets to play the story of another...


What's the flippin' point? :rak_02:


PS: And sorry, I don't know why I would want to play a "megadozen" $CLASS over and over again. Isn't that part of the fun to try out multiple classes (especially for their story)?


The balance nightmare that would cause would be horrific.


The reason for it is for the altaholics (as noted by poster above) and to open up more thematic options for RPs (ex. using a rifle on a BH)


There is also the speculated benefit that this could also lead to totally new combat styles which would be totally fresh for everyone without having to create entire new class stories for them.

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I've nearly 200 toons across all of the classes, I hit legendary a long time ago, it's just my favorite is jedi consular, and yes it numbers in the dozens across all my accounts, and fun... my jedi consular with a knight story is using the sorc abillity tree, so I was frying flesh raiders on Tython with lightning. Edited by xordevoreaux
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Yes, I am very much looking forward to the combat styles. My favorite Agent is an Operative right now, and I really like the gameplay of the Sniper better. And my Merc will certainly become a Gunslinger, no equipment change necessary!


Also, my Consular will now be able to shoot lightning as she should, as long as they honor legacy ulocks like they said they would. Her surname is Kallig, you do the math.

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I really don't understand when people say "I play Consular", no you don't. You play either Sage or Shadow so which is it? It's two completely different classes. :rak_02:


If parsing that detail was even remotely important to the point of this thread I would have mentioned it. It isn't.

Both the shadow and the sage must contend with Yuon Paar in their class story, so "consular" does indeed fit the bill for both of them.

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I really don't understand when people say "I play Consular", no you don't. You play either Sage or Shadow so which is it? It's two completely different classes. :rak_02:


Since you decided to nitpick, I'll return the favour.


They are not different classes, they are different advanced classes. They are in fact the same class.

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I've nearly 200 toons across all of the classes, I hit legendary a long time ago, it's just my favorite is jedi consular, and yes it numbers in the dozens across all my accounts, and fun... my jedi consular with a knight story is using the sorc abillity tree, so I was frying flesh raiders on Tython with lightning.


So whats required to unlock the Sith Sorc abilities and a Consular at lvl 1? Dark 5 Achieve?

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So whats required to unlock the Sith Sorc abilities and a Consular at lvl 1? Dark 5 Achieve?


There's an intro quest when you start your initial class story that lets you steer away from your original class. Your class is now called a combat style, and you start off with your original combat style, and then the quest gives you the opportunity to pick anything within the appropriate regime. Force wielding stays with force wielding and tech with tech.

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There's an intro quest when you start your initial class story that lets you steer away from your original class. Your class is now called a combat style, and you start off with your original combat style, and then the quest gives you the opportunity to pick anything within the appropriate regime. Force wielding stays with force wielding and tech with tech.


OK, so that means on Imp Side, BH and Agent can play each other's stories, SW and SI can also.

On Pub side, JK and JC can play each other's stories, and Smuggler and Trooper can also.



That's not exactly what I'd call wide open, but it is interesting.

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OK, so that means on Imp Side, BH and Agent can play each other's stories, SW and SI can also.

On Pub side, JK and JC can play each other's stories, and Smuggler and Trooper can also.



That's not exactly what I'd call wide open, but it is interesting.


I did not play a tech toon, but basically I can say yes. You pick what is called your origin story. Your origin story is what you're familiar with as class story: smuggler, bounty hunter, consular, etc.


So you can start with the origin story of agent, and then pick the combat style gunslinger. You're still playing an agent, but your combat abilities are all gunslinger.


Here is my guildie's screenshot having picked bounty hunter for her origin story and gunslinger for her combat style.


Later you can pick, via the short quest I mentioned earlier (can't remember the name of it) to change your combat style, which is how I went from playing the knight origin story with the consular combat style to the lightning sorc style. According to the content of that quest, flipping your style as I did is a permanent decision.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I did not play a tech toon, but basically I can say yes. You pick what is called your origin story. Your origin story is what you're familiar with as class story: smuggler, bounty hunter, consular, etc.


So you can start with the origin story of agent, and then pick the combat style gunslinger. You're still playing an agent, but your combat abilities are all gunslinger.


Here is my guildie's screenshot having picked bounty hunter for her origin story and gunslinger for her combat style.


Later you can pick, via the short quest I mentioned earlier (can't remember the name of it) to change your combat style, which is how I went from playing the knight origin story with the consular combat style to the lightning sorc style. According to the content of that quest, flipping your style as I did is a permanent decision.


That's interesting. Thank you for taking the time to explain.


The question that immediately pops into my head is this - what about existing characters?

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That's interesting. Thank you for taking the time to explain.


The question that immediately pops into my head is this - what about existing characters?


I'd have to transfer another toon to PTS, but I think the quest to choose popped up for it, but I'd have to check to be sure on another transfer that I'm not misremembering what happened on that toon.

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I think I saw a video on YouTube earlier tonight from Illeva that shows a Force user having, effectively, a vision that talks about everything they've done has led them to this point, they've grown in the Force, now they have to chose if they will continue on their current path or take their understanding and chart a new course... Let me go look...


Found it!


(PS: Whoever on the Dev Team did that floating island-garden-place, I LOVE IT.)

Edited by turbomagnus
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There's an intro quest when you start your initial class story that lets you steer away from your original class. Your class is now called a combat style, and you start off with your original combat style, and then the quest gives you the opportunity to pick anything within the appropriate regime. Force wielding stays with force wielding and tech with tech.


Had to make a new character to see it. It doesnt automatically pop up for copies. Pretty sick!

Edited by Zergnaut
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So you can be a Sith Inquisitor playing the Juggernaut storyline? Or a Sith inquisitor with Juggernaut abilities?


Why not just play a Juggernaut?


Because people like a certain story but not the playstyle it comes with, I like the inquisitor and consular story but I prefer how my jugg/guardian plays now I can do both.

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Because people like a certain story but not the playstyle it comes with, I like the inquisitor and consular story but I prefer how my jugg/guardian plays now I can do both.



Or they have a different archetype in mind when they play an origin. Bioware actually gave some good examples with Boba Fett as a Bounty Hunter Vanguard and Captain Rex as a Trooper Mercenary, compared to the Jango Fett BH Mercenary and standard Clone Trooper/Stormtrooper Trooper Vanguard archetypes that they had used to create the classes in the beginning.

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Or they have a different archetype in mind when they play an origin. Bioware actually gave some good examples with Boba Fett as a Bounty Hunter Vanguard and Captain Rex as a Trooper Mercenary, compared to the Jango Fett BH Mercenary and standard Clone Trooper/Stormtrooper Trooper Vanguard archetypes that they had used to create the classes in the beginning.


Yep, I'm interested in a future trooper that dual wields basters but can also fall back to a more original vanguard style at times.

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