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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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Elders Scroll II had a game world twice as large as Great Britain but that doesn't mean it trumps every other game world created so far.


Millions love chess although it is played on a 2' square mat or smaller.


Have you ever heard of "Rogue?" No "graphics" whatsoever, but a success!


SWTOR isn't any of those games. Learn to enjoy it FOR WHAT IT IS and give it the time to expand. Its barley been a week and you're complaining because you can't run off into the desert for miles?!


Relax. Slow down. Take some time to smell the bantha pudu and try out everything else that there is in the game.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.




which may have been a good thing, except it ran on real day/night cycles so I never saw daytime in wow

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1. Wow past TBC is a dead game on the open world. I have no idea how the OP can claim that he see´s people there all the time, I did play wow since alpha and I never felt so alone in an MMO like there, after xp in pvp and LFG tool were introduced.

To actually meet another player while you quest from 1-85 is a miracle, to meet 2 is like impossible.


2. Wow is restriced pretty much everywhere. There are many mountains blocking your path´s, you can also not cross the water as you then drown, since Cata you can fly with your mount, but even there invicible walls block you way sometimes.


3. SWTOR right now does feel alive. I can hardly quest without waiting for respawns, because there are so many others doing quest´s, yesterday I checked and we had 100 other players on Dromund Kaas, 78 at Nar Shadaa - if wow is a desert than SWTOR currently is the world trade center.


4. If a horde group does raid Moonglade, something what almost never happened past vanilla, then they would not run past you at Westfall. Westfall is not located at Kalimdor but at the eastern kingdoms.

Edited by RachelAnne
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Only when you get to the very edge of the map. In this game you die of exhaustion at the edge of a zone.


The edge of the zone is the edge of the map--at least in reference to the dune sea.


Also, by the OP"s definition, Daggerfall (TES II) is more of an MMO than WOW--and that doesn't even support massive numbers of players or online features. Failure in definition.

Edited by Darren_Kitlor
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Does anyone realize that your talking about a game thats been out since like 03 or 05 or something like that vs a game that just launched?


Consider the begining of WoW, no flying mounts meant that you were restricted to just going alongvery similar paths. Even now in WoW you get off your flying mount you have very few options or points to leave a zone and they are all the entrance of another zone. Mabye like 4 exits per zone and they almost all go through a very small hole.



The difference in SW:TOR is that each planet has many zones at wich you can freely come and go between. Its rare in this game that you are restricted as to how you can get to another zone once you are on a planet. Sure there are more "recommended" paths, but oh well.


Go back to WoW and on your NOT flying mount i.e your GROUND mount, let me know how many ways there is to get out of any zone and how small the exits are.


OP, you play Alliance, now take elwin forest for example, there are 4 ways out of there 5 depending on how you consider them. you have the narrow canyon between 2 mountain sides to RedRidge, another narrow path to whatever that farmland area where deadmines is, a boat that leads to I believe Northrend, and you can cross a river to duskwood I blieve it is just below there, at wich point you have a random mountain placed directly on the other side wich makes you have to go one side or the other.


Now tell me that WoW is more of an "Open World" than SW:TOR

Edited by belthazaar
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Funny thing about the WoW exhaustion zone in the sea: Say you swim out and die, then you take your ghost and decide to explore with a ghost cause "I can't die if I'm dead derp". Well, funny thing is, apparently your ghost can also die from fatigue. Then you go back to graveyard as the ghost of your ghost.


Eventually you will be the ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your ghost of your brother's ex-girlfriend's boyfriend's mom's corpse.

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The difference in SW:TOR is that each planet has many zones at which you can freely come and go between. Its rare in this game that you are restricted as to how you can get to another zone once you are on a planet. Sure there are more "recommended" paths, but oh well.


See i consider each planet a "zone" and each place you consider a zone a small hub or a city. Sure you can freely move between each one but you can in wow as well. Now to leave a zone, as per my definition of it, you only have two options per planet as i've seen. One is your ship the other is a flashpoint ship thats in one of the small hubs. So by my definition of a zone there are the same if not less ways to leave a zone in swtor than there are in wow.


Now why i call each planet a zone is that you very rarely enter and leave a zone at the same level you often enter a zone and go from quest hub to quest hub. Gathering quests completing them then moving onto the next hub. Often times a breadcrumb quest is or a chain is involved leading you onto the next zone. Certainly swtor zones are very large but from the first two open planets i've been on most of it is just open space filled with very few creatures/resources and in the case of Tatooine nothing.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


I hate how at level 33 ive seen only 2 people of the other faction. I saw them both together too. Once I hung out right ouside enemy faction main camp. No one came out to fight me.

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It seems like there are few creatures, because BW has not enabled the draw distance. You can see maybe 10 feet infront of you, but thats it.


Wow has a much larger draw distance, you can pretty much stand at IF and look after loch modan and see mobs there. This BW needs to fix asap, hopefully they do.

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Alright I love these posts about exhaustion zones.


Which would you prefer.


1) Endless Landscapes but there is nothing to see but you on a mount rushing across sand.




2) A promp that says "There is nothing out here"




How about this:


You make planets huge so they actually feel like planets,

You space out the quest zones appropriately

You greatly increase the movement speed of mounts

You make mounts feel like actual vehicles, not like you're running around normally with 110% movement speed

You add actual cities to the game, nothing too fancy but something a little better than a platform with some quest givers and vendors. I know it's the same thing, it just looks less terrible.


What would this accomplish?



Well, if planets were larger maybe it would feel more like being on an actual planet and less like being stuck in a heavily instanced ant hill nightmare, unable to move or free yourself from the cold firm grasp of millions of mobs because you're being kept in by unclimbable mountains and your speeder explodes every time a trash mob so much as looks at it.


If speeders went a bit faster and were a bit more durable maybe it would feel less like you're riding a push around buggy made of thin glass and more like you're riding, you know, an actual speeder.


If you had some cities maybe people would have places to gather (I wouldn't gather, but I want to see other people do it), maybe it would be worth going back to planets you've finished, it might even give you the illusion that you're in a real virtual world with other people and not all alone in a grindy buggy singleplayer game.


Admittedly world pvp is dead mainly because the pvp in this game is just awful, but a contributing factor I think is that you can't move around freely to look for people to kill because the world is actively trying to smother you with mobs and walls, and there are no obvious gathering places where you can go to find lots of people.

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See i consider each planet a "zone" and each place you consider a zone a small hub or a city. Sure you can freely move between each one but you can in wow as well. Now to leave a zone, as per my definition of it, you only have two options per planet as i've seen. One is your ship the other is a flashpoint ship thats in one of the small hubs. So by my definition of a zone there are the same if not less ways to leave a zone in swtor than there are in wow.


Now why i call each planet a zone is that you very rarely enter and leave a zone at the same level you often enter a zone and go from quest hub to quest hub. Gathering quests completing them then moving onto the next hub. Often times a breadcrumb quest is or a chain is involved leading you onto the next zone. Certainly swtor zones are very large but from the first two open planets i've been on most of it is just open space filled with very few creatures/resources and in the case of Tatooine nothing.


If you want to be that closed minded about and be a troll then have fun. Oh and if you ligitimatly dont like SW:TOR then good ridance. All I see from you is that regardless as to what anyone says you wont accept that TOR has a better system. Oh and to your reasoning behind each planey being a zone. Its flawed, take Hoth for example, you go there around lvl 37 or so and leave around 41. Now you also come back around lvl 45ish. Does that make it one zone or two? Or does it make it a Planet with multiple zones?

Another thing to realize, while each zone has a certain lvl range to them as the suggestion on the Galaxy Map, each "hub" as you put it has an individual lvl range. For example, the starting planets, if you try to go from lvl 5 even, and enter the last area being around a lvl 10 zone and try to do anything there, what happens to you??

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Does anyone realize that your talking about a game thats been out since like 03 or 05 or something like that vs a game that just launched?


Except Sentinel Hill and everything she subsequently described has been in the game since launch.

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Delete all of your flying mounts and then tell me how "open" WoW's zones are. Poeple have gotten spoiled with the flying mounts and think that it is just one HUGE zone when it's not. Some of you obviously didn't play WoW back when there were no flying mounts. The zones are actually quite small and...gasp...linear. This isn't a sandbox mmo folks and neither is WoW. That model is hard to pull off and do it right.
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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


Who is we?


Don't speak for everyone because of your own opinion, I am extremely happy with this game and the way it is turning out.

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Delete all of your flying mounts and then tell me how "open" WoW's zones are. Poeple have gotten spoiled with the flying mounts and think that it is just one HUGE zone when it's not. Some of you obviously didn't play WoW back when there were no flying mounts. The zones are actually quite small and...gasp...linear. This isn't a sandbox mmo folks and neither is WoW. That model is hard to pull off and do it right.


Shh, the WoW fanbois/SWTOR haters will get confused and will have to make stuff up like "I was totally playing WoW before flying mounts and you could totally go anywhere and do anything at any time...it was soooooooooooo much better than this game".

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


Then got completely destroyed by Horde players hahaha.

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Yes , one way I was resricted by a mountain, another way i was restricted by a exhaustion zone.


its true, wow rift and many others have enormous open worlds. you'll still get pwnt by everything youre not of level to face but heck no one stops you from going there, its your repair bill. But those huge open worlds are home to voiceless, storyless, static, boring mobs in a hollow gameworld ive zero interest in.


If you'd followed the forums since '08 you'd have known they sacrificed sandboxiness for hardcore storyline, for which I am grateful. I played wow, I didnt need a sequel.


your mileage may vary.

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I don't know why people keep saying that Tatooine is huge. It seems huge, but once you start running too far out, you die of "exhaustion".




I absolutely HATE that 'Exhaustion Zone' - I would much rather they just put Invisible Walls up, like Galaxies did.


Players should be Rewarded for exploring NOT Killed.


Most Moronic Idea I've ever experienced in an MMO.

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They do but the mountains and oceans are a much much much longer mount run than the ones on SWTOR , much larger areas in WOW is not even comparable.


SWTOR is like a garage, walls on a 4 sides.


WOW is like a stadium walls on all 4 sides.


No wow is like a garage that has been copy and pasted over and over again with filler. If you never played cata those zones are set up like SWTOR plants, quest that are grouped and send you on to the next little area. Is it all connected? Yeah but does it have a lot of filler? Yep. The only cool zone in cata was Hyjal.

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I absolutely HATE that 'Exhaustion Zone' - I would much rather they just put Invisible Walls up, like Galaxies did.


Players should be Rewarded for exploring NOT Killed.


Most Moronic Idea I've ever experienced in an MMO.


Even with those zones there's 10000x the area to explore in wow than SWTOR. You have entire damn continent to explore, and each continent is 50x the size of any full SWTOR planet.


SWTOR is corridor planets. The only planets that aren't corridors are giant fields of ice or sand with little to no detail.

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