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10 Good
  1. 1 Leveling in that game got bad half way through at 20 and sucked even more at 30+. 2 This game already has way more content then that game and is getting its first big content patch much earlier.
  2. I an a MMO vet and was use to 4 nights of raiding a week and just added a 60 day time care.
  3. Kara wasn't that hard, I was in a normal raiding guild and it didn't take us to long to beat kara. T5 was completely different as we couldn't get enough good raiders for 25 and the core group left. But Kara was and still is my favorite raid ever. Not knowing just which fight you would get the stage was great and I doubt the chess match will ever get beaten as mot fun fight ever.
  4. Yeah quick path to ship would be great, nothing worse in this game then wrapping up a planet at 2am and knowing I have a long trip back to my ship.
  5. Wow dual spec is for casuals? That is just a stupid statement. Dual spec is fine and players should be able to do it because at most it lets you take heal/tank and then a dps spec as no class can do all 3.
  6. I liked Nar Shadda, each grouping of quest was nice and compact.
  7. No at 4am my time 2am server I was able to find a group for a heroic on korriban. Yeah it's a starter planet but it still only had 35 people on.
  8. Yes because if they need it for their main character then they are using it 100% of the time to your 90% for the companion. You should always ask first.
  9. This 300 million gets thrown around a lot but there is nothing to prove that this was the budget. Avatar didn't cost that much to produce, more then likely it was around 100 million and the budget wow got wasn't much smaller. It's not like Blizzard was some small unknown studio.
  10. No pop caps are up, high school and below went back to school this week and others went back to work.
  11. No wow is like a garage that has been copy and pasted over and over again with filler. If you never played cata those zones are set up like SWTOR plants, quest that are grouped and send you on to the next little area. Is it all connected? Yeah but does it have a lot of filler? Yep. The only cool zone in cata was Hyjal.
  12. I wouldn't be shocked if his story gets a rework and it's a minor content patch.
  13. Yeah I'm gonna go with this, they don't even compare.
  14. So your claim is anyone who disagrees with you is a fanboy...... yeah you sound credible.
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