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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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Funny OP, the same happened to me, but backwards, while playing WoW !


I was trying the 4.3 patch in WoW, doing the first of three 5-man dungeons. I was engaging the first pack of mobs, looking at the WotLK background, and it hit me :


I was fighting the same knight and elven mage model that I fought back in Vanilla. With the same sound effects, same voices, same "yaaah".


WoW is re-using the same old models since 6 years. Same buildings, same architecture, same mechanics, same bosses, same you-must-save-the-world scenario, same combat rotations, and less & less talent choices, less & less server interactivity between players.

It hit me right in the face : WoW is dead.


5 minutes after I entered this very dungeon, I presented my apologies to the group, quit, disconnected, and unsubbed WoW for the first time in 5 years.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.




If you think WoW was good .. you should have played SWG.


It blew the doors off WoW ... ESPECIALLY as far as open worlds go.





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that's of course leaving out the fact that coruscant itself can fit in ALL wow cities in all wow expansions in just one go, and still have left space.


these people apparently havent seen coruscant. zones hahaha . its so huge that you could live in it.


Coruscant is nothing but corridors separated by travel routes.

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Is it possible to be this ignorant? Noone is playing for sunsets and atmospheric effects, but it's part of what makes the gameworld immersive. According to your "logic", you shouldn't have trees or mountains either because noone interacts with them in the game anyway.




Amazing how stupid people make themselves look just to blindly defend this game at all costs.


He/She is making a point...That point being that no game is ever going to have everything that every person wants to be in it.

They're all going to have their pros and cons.


To the "I wanted vast open worlds!" crowd, it has been WIDELY known and stated many times by Bioware devs, CM's, TOR fansites, beta testers, etc (ad nauseum) that this game will NOT be a "Sandbox" game and that, due to the story-driven nature of the game, will be more guided and directed in its leveling and progression.


Basically, what we have here is....(Analogy incoming)


You go to buy a car. You go to a BMW dealership. You tell the salesman you want a Pontiac. The dealer tells you, "We don't have Pontiacs. We're a BMW Dealership."


You say "Cool. Let me take one of your Pontiacs for a test drive."


The dealer looks at you strangely and says..."Uh...Yeah, sure. Let me go get the keys" [beta]


You take the BMW 335xi for a test drive. You get back to the dealership and tell the dealer "Well, it drives nice and all but it's not at all like the Pontiac I was expecting."


Again, the dealer looks at you strangely and says "Dude...I already told you. This is a BMW dealership. We don't have Pontiacs. They don't even make those anymore. They're pieces of crap. If you want a Pontiac, go to the crappy used car dealership up the street and stop wasting my time."


You look at the dealer incredulously and tell him "I'm the customer. I'm always right. Don't tell me what to do....Oh, and by the way, I'll take it!"


You then get the beautiful brand new BMW 335xi home and proceed to call the dealership every day to complain about it because it's not a P.O.S. 1993 Trans Am.


Yup. That's what these threads are.


That's how stupid you look.

Edited by DarthNethus
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Some parts of SW:ToR are big but thats besides the point.


The fact is that if I am subscribing to an online "M"MO then I want it to be just that.

Some people will try to say differently but the fact is that it feels like your playing a singe player game and if I wanted that I would be playing a single player game.


Take off phasing as a whole and this game will be much more enjoyable.

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He/She is making a point...That point being that no game is ever going to have everything that every person wants to be in it.

They're all going to have their pros and cons.


To the "I wanted vast open worlds!" crowd, it has been WIDELY known and stated many times by Bioware devs, CM's, TOR fansites, beta testers, etc (ad nauseum) that this game will NOT be a "Sandbox" game and that, due to the story-driven nature of the game, will be more guided and directed in its leveling and progression.


Basically, what we have here is....(Analogy incoming)


You go to buy a car. You go to a BMW dealership. You tell the salesman you want a Pontiac. The dealer tells you, "We don't have Pontiacs. We're a BMW Dealership."


You say "Cool. Let me take one of your Pontiacs for a test drive."


The dealer looks at you strangely and says..."Uh...Yeah, sure. Let me go get the keys" [beta]


You take the BMW 335xi for a test drive. You get back to the dealership and tell the dealer "Well, it drives nice and all but it's not at all like the Pontiac I was expecting."


Again, the dealer looks at you strangely and says "Dude...I already told you. This is a BMW dealership. We don't have Pontiacs. They don't even make those anymore. They're pieces of crap. If you want a Pontiac, go to the crappy used car dealership up the street and stop wasting my time."


You look at the dealer incredulously and tell him "I'm the customer. I'm always right. Don't tell me what to do....Oh, and by the way, I'll take it!


You then get the beautiful brand new BMW 335xi home and proceed to call the dealership every day to complain about it because it's not a P.O.S. 1993 Trans Am.


Yup. That's what these threads are.


That's how stupid you look.


Bad analogy. Really bad.

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So, Buur...


You've been on these boards since 2008 and you seriously expected this game to be "Open World"?

Because if you did, then I think either A.) You've never actually READ anything here or; B.) Your reading comprehension is a little off.


How many times in the scheme of the grande "Themepark vs. Sandbox" argument have the Devs SPECIFICALLY SAID that this is NOT a Sandbox MMO and that this is not SWG part 2?


Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?



Corrected my awesome typos.

Edited by DarthNethus
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If you think WoW was good .. you should have played SWG.


It blew the doors off WoW ... ESPECIALLY as far as open worlds go.






Ive played Star Wars Galaxies up until the NGE and I love it and I miss it in a sort of way.


also to the other post ive played Ultima Online up until Asherons Call was released.

Also played Everquest 1 and 2 , Asherons Call 2 , LOTRO, Age of Conan, EVE,Beta Tested STO and played Rift. In my order from best to worst this is how I rate them.


1. World of Warcraft (Hands down the best , just bored of it.)


2.SWTOR (Could have been the best, still may be the best but I dont hold hope with the engine they chose and some decisions they made , still my number #2 and also why Im mad cause I think they screwed up a great IP)


3.SWG (Loved it up to the NGE)


3.Asherons Call (Quit after 2 years when I met a girl)


4.Rift (Really liked it but saw no point since it was so much like WOW)


5.Everquest (Loved it but I was doing too much partying)




7.Asherons Call 2






10 STO (Worst mmorpg Ive ever played, miss the fanbois on the forums , I think most of them quit also)


So I have played other mmorpgs and I thought SWTOR would be awesome but it was a huge huge letdown. And I still have it at #2 because if they fixed the shards and instancing I would sub and love it in a heartbeat.

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He/She is making a point...That point being that no game is ever going to have everything that every person wants to be in it.

They're all going to have their pros and cons.


To the "I wanted vast open worlds!" crowd, it has been WIDELY known and stated many times by Bioware devs, CM's, TOR fansites, beta testers, etc (ad nauseum) that this game will NOT be a "Sandbox" game and that, due to the story-driven nature of the game, will be more guided and directed in its leveling and progression.


Basically, what we have here is....(Analogy incoming)


You go to buy a car. You go to a BMW dealership. You tell the salesman you want a Pontiac. The dealer tells you, "We don't have Pontiacs. We're a BMW Dealership."


You say "Cool. Let me take one of your Pontiacs for a test drive."


The dealer looks at you strangely and says..."Uh...Yeah, sure. Let me go get the keys" [beta]


You take the BMW 335xi for a test drive. You get back to the dealership and tell the dealer "Well, it drives nice and all but it's not at all like the Pontiac I was expecting."


Again, the dealer looks at you strangely and says "Dude...I already told you. This is a BMW dealership. We don't have Pontiacs. They don't even make those anymore. They're pieces of crap. If you want a Pontiac, go to the crappy used car dealership up the street and stop wasting my time."


You look at the dealer incredulously and tell him "I'm the customer. I'm always right. Don't tell me what to do....Oh, and by the way, I'll take it!"


You then get the beautiful brand new BMW 335xi home and proceed to call the dealership every day to complain about it because it's not a P.O.S. 1993 Trans Am.


Yup. That's what these threads are.


That's how stupid you look.


You can ride that analogy-train as much as you want (and in your case, it's a ****** train).

Fact is, the game lacks in many aspects, however that's alright as long as they improve it.


Peronally, my biggest gripe is all the bugs and the poorly optimized game-engine. I hope they improve it very soon.

Edited by Astron_
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As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


last time i saw any kind of open pvp was years ago.. only people storming main cities now and again for achievements, more like a zerg pve fest.


i'm on Alderan at the moment, seems pretty big.. haven't discovered everything yet and is till missing lot's of quests and stuff.

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You can ride that analogy-train as much as you want (and in your case, it's a ****** train).

Fact is, the game lacks in many aspects, however that's alright as long as they improve it.


Peronally, my biggest gripe is all the bugs and the poorly optimized game-engine. I hope they improve it very soon.


Likewise. There are a lot of bugs that need fixing. Combat delay. Story/Quest bugs, Characters having no eyes in dialogue scenes, etc.

Level 10 characters fighting level 50 characters in WZ's.

Server/Faction population imbalance.



These, to me, are the issues that need to be addressed.


However, as I said in a previous post in this thread, I knew what I was buying before I bought it.

I didn't buy Mass Effect expecting to play Heroes of Might and Magic.


Where I'm coming from is that people effectively QQing that SWTOR isn't SWG-2 or WoW with Lightsabers aren't doing anything but looking foolish.

The game was never marketed or advertised as such...Quite to the contrary, actually.


To me, if I don't like a game, I don't play it. I don't trash-talk it or the people who made it...Or the people who actually DO like it. Nor do I hang out on that game's forums.

I move on to something else.



And the analogy is valid. People have been told time and time again that they are NOT getting "Thing A", they are getting "Thing Z".

They buy "Thing Z" and complain that they didn't get "Thing A".


The analogy stands and the behavior remains foolish, childish, self-entitled, and ignorant.

Edited by DarthNethus
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Hope they eventually put in night/day at very least. Also hope they put in much much larger lvl 50 zones. Belsavis is large, sure but that's cus they also dumped in lvl 50 areas for dailies. Ilum, the only true 50 zone is super small, at least just the faction specific areas for PvE dailies.


I get where the OP is coming from. WoW is a more true open world enviroment while TOR is nothing more than lots of boxs, much like how AoC handled it. But I doubt this will ever change unless bigger, better planets are put in which I really don't see happening until an expansion at least a year from now.


Had thought Rift was small, but in reality when comparing level capped zones...Rift is considerably larger which is hilarous due to fact that was the one the smallest MMO worlds ever.


Last note, putting in different instances to split up the pop so there is no lag pretty much means that this game cannot handle 200+ players in one area like other games can. Which pretty much makes the game feel empty unless you can get everyone to change instances and go to only one.

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This game world is so freaking massive compared to any game world. I just have to laugh at this because obviously someone hasn't got off the starter world. The starter world is NOT indicative of future worlds sizes. In fact I'd wager each "next zone" increases by a factor of 3-10 over the last in size. Where I am now on Belsavis, I still look forward to reaching the edges of a zone.. just don't look forward to having to get there some times. Long long runs even with fast mounts. :p
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@ OP


In WoW you have "open" zones and "forest / cavern" zones


In Tor we have (mind you I have not done all planets yet):


Tython (Open nature themed zone)


Corruscant (Compact sprawling metropolitan zone)


Tatooine (Open Desert zone)


Nar Shaddaa (Compact urban zone)


Taris ( Open / Urban zone depends more where you are at)




Seems to me that Tor has more variety to it. Just because you did not like the feel of for example corruscant does not mean there are not zones that make you feel like you are actually out in the open.


If nothing Tor did it job well if you feel like it's not open on a planet on corruscant or Nar shadda because it's SUPPOSED to feel like that.

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Yes , one way I was resricted by a mountain, another way i was restricted by a exhaustion zone.


you realize empty dead space on a map is just a time sink, leaving cause maps are not big enough ? go play SWG the biggest sand box mmo, OH wait people hate huge empty zones, thats one reason why the game died.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


Agree 100% OP, Its a really a shame they way they butchered this game with the way the designed the planets.

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The op is right in a way. I would say the leveling is just as good if not better than in WoW because of the story and well crafted quests but the world doesn't even come close to touching WoW's in design. I never got the feeling as I did in WoW that the world was alive or dynamic. I remember the first time stepping into ashenvale or the first time seeing the sunset in the barrens. Corny but the world in wow was awesome to explore the first time cause it felt alive. In swotr the small city planets feel extremely linear and constrictive and the big ones have tons of empty bland space. The game makes up for it in other areas but world design is def a negative.
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Yes , one way I was resricted by a mountain, another way i was restricted by a exhaustion zone.


Path through the mountain to a much wider zone.


I suspect you add up the area of WoW at release and SWTOR at release and SWTOR is a lot bigger. WoW had years to build all the extra zones.


Give it time as they have said, there will be more planets, and I suspect more areas on the original planets. They way it is done now, it gives them room to add a lot more to each.


I hope no one expected a whole planet to run around on?

Edited by Deyjarl
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