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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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Huh really now. And Wow doesn't have mountains that block your way...or oceans that kill you for swimming out to far?


Ohhh thats right...it does.


^This. Wow is 7 years old... why even compare it to something that's been out for less than 2 weeks. I mean come on. SWTOR is awesome. It's pulled me in more than wow ever did.

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my system is set for performance I even use classic windows theme :D


Win7 64bit

I've defragged, Ran as Admin, High priority


I was using 12.1 previews the day I got the game monday 26th. Rolled back to 11.12 WHQL's same issue Suttering, bad fps drops when ppl are about (makes me believe internet problems) I Don't have the best of internet, but wow never caused me issues (Hate bringing wow up all the time, but since its the only other MMO I really put time into)


IF My CPU/GPU usage were high and getting bad FPS i would understand my system just cant play it. but i barely get 50% GPU usage and 50% cpu usage on each core.


I don't wanna roll back to many drivers, as I play BF3 alot


Sounds like you've done some work there :) Sorry you're still having issues then cause I have a blast in WZ's but I can understand your frustration totally. I hope you are working with the customer service department on this. Hopefully as time goes on too we'll all see improved performance as the engine is tweaked and developed. Good luck in your endeavors and hope to see you in game some time!

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Just wishful thinking there :D


There's reasons why people like wow so much, or it wouldn't be going so strong still after 6years?


I'ts because out of the fake 10 million people Blizz claims to have, they really only have around 8 million (or less). Along with the fact that 7.5 million of those people are Chinese gold farmers. I see more community in this game 1 week after launch than I do now in WoW.

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Go have a look. The source is my own damn working. I figured out how big 100m was on the map and since said map is an accurate representation of terrain in SWTOR, worked it out by basic maths.




This is the World of Warcraft excluding Northrend and Outland. Elwynn Forest is around 0.7km square. At SWTOR speeds you can run across Elwynn Forest in approximately 90s without a mount.


WoW is not a big world. It's quite small.


If you look at your scale, it should be immediately obvious to you that your scale is completely out of whack. Just look at simple things like the size of the roads of the various games on the various maps. An entire city in WoW is about as big as a single house in your Paradise map.

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Other than reactive combat where your avatar actually deflects and parries and reacts to the world around them.


Other than interactve group dialogue options during said cutscene.


Other than companion crafting system.


Other than fully moddable gear.


Other than space combat mini games in lieu of other daily questing options.


Other than alignment system that affects gear choices.


the first point actually worsens the game - see the ability delay thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=105955


companion crafting system is like doing it yourself and going AFK. If anything makes it easier.


Moddable gear is useless at max level as you'd use raiding tier for the set bonuses.


Space minigame is on rails, and is comparing to say ... The Netherdrake races on Shadowmoon Valley or flying bombing quests


Alignment system is meaningless. End game raid gear has no alignment requirement. Dark V characters can use green lightsabers, and such.

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People are strange. I remember when I was testing WoW in Closed Beta and everyone was saying how closed the game was without having any depth, blah, blah. Now its this poster thinks WoW must be the perfect picture of open world.


FYI: Its all personal opinion.

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Yeah, they could totally have put ALL the planets together on one continent because THAT would make MORE sense than having to travel to NEW planets...


I never seen them travel to new planets in the movies... they just drove/ran to the next zone.



Edited by darthdoll
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i think some people have different definitions of "open word"



to me if i can travel anywhere no matter where i am in my story progression/ character progression and can freely help lower level friends or go back to a starting zone i think i can safely say i am playing a open world game.


now if i am playing a game where i have gotten so far into my progression i can no longer return to past places unless the game allows me for story reason then i will say the game is linear.


Swtor is a open world game rather you like it or not i think some are not using their brain and thinking of how dumb it will be if you can walk 10 steps from hutta into hoth since they are on 2 different planets trillions of miles apart from each other.


people use the example of WoW and claim certain things i have played WoW for years i can tell you before Cataclysm you was forced to use your ground mount in Azeroth you had to walk certain paths to get into the next zone like silithus you had to go through tanaris and un'goro to get there.


WoW has its bounds like Eastern kingdoms and kalimdor are instanced from one another along with northrend and outlands and like someone mentioned if you put all of Swtor planets together this game is alot bigger than WoW alderaan by itself felt like 6 WoW zones put together.


just remember how open world games are just because it is not like skyrim or WoW doesnt mean it can not be open world.

Edited by genmyke
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Unsubbed. Good, just means we won't have to suffer through many more of your posts. Take Shadysketchy with you, please. (He hasn't posted in this thread yet, but it is a hater thread so he'll be here soon).


Haha indeed i am missing Shadysketchy unbiased comments......

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I found 2 really important things when I logged back into WoW from Swtor :-


1) the delete button for my toons




2) the cancel subscription button in my Battlenet a/c. Bye WoW and OP hope you continue to have years of enjoyment in your game of choice :)

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Funny, I got in WOW and felt like I was sitting in my Grandmother's parlor with the giant Grandfather clock ticking in the background. Utterly bored to death.


Wow is boring. I can't even drudge up enough energy to even bother installing it on my system.


Nothing is new about WOW, the colors start to make me feel like I am in a OP Florescent shirt factory that exploded.


If it works for you, go for it.

Wow didn't have all the world it has now at the start either.


We stick with SW:TOR, we assist them in making it what the players like.

And we actually learn some patience and understand that there is no magic wand that makes major or even minor alterations in a blink of an eye.


And we will have the most wonderful game that will last for years.

Like WOW did...


yup, this game is a winner. exponentially better at launch than anyother mmo in history. will last many good years.

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Im really starting to think there is a lot of crack heads on this forum...


For people to say this feels like a single player game and not a MMO is retarded...I've actually grouped up while questing in TOR where I NEVER did in WOW unless it was a instance, pvp, or raid...Maybe occasionally random peeps for a world boss or some @#$%...but thats about it


For people to say there is no open areas and etc on planets is also retarded...In my opinion, its no different then WOW...The only difference is instead of walking up a road that turns in to a whole different area or etc, you have to hop in your ship and fly there...Now if you put all the planet areas together and made it 1 world, it would feel exactly the same...


For people to complain that not every feature is in that a 7 yr old game has now is also retarded...There are some things they left out on purpose for specific reasons and the other stuff would of pushed the game out even further until who knows..The End of the world?...Also considering it has a crap ton of options at launch that most didnt have until at least 1 year in and BW plans on putting most of that stuff in as soon as they can...


Theres a bunch of other stuff I could point out, but I leave with this last statement...What kills me the most if when people start off by saying "this is to much like WOW or its a WOW clone" but as soon as there is a different take on something that WOW does a certain way, but you happen to not like it cause its different (not necessarily bad, but maybe you consider it that) yall scream "It needs to be more like WOW"


In the end, I'm not saying this game is perfect...I've got a couple things I might have done differently and/or I would add, but all and all, this game is DOPE and you guys should give them a little more credit..If you dont like it, dont play it...No need for 3,000 posts stating I am not going to play TOR


I mean yall have to be smoking crack...thats the only conclusion!

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I'ts because out of the fake 10 million people Blizz claims to have, they really only have around 8 million (or less). Along with the fact that 7.5 million of those people are Chinese gold farmers. I see more community in this game 1 week after launch than I do now in WoW.


Its actually down to about 5.5 - 6 mil now.

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It isn't the scale of the areas that bother me, it's the ambience.


With Wow, you always got a feeling from each area. When I see the name of a Wow zone I can immediately remember what the zone looked, sounded, and most importantly, felt like.


Tor's zones have no real ambience. The music is blah, the npc's look like clones of each other, there's no sense of urgency from the surroundings. Everything feels so sterile. When I think about some of the games I've played, I get a nostalgic feeling for some of the zones. I can't ever imagine myself missing a place like nar Shadaa and wanting to go back to it. It's choppy. It's plastic. It's mostly flying over areas that you can never reach.... ***.


Even tatooine was a let down for me. I don't like it when it's obvious that the geography has been designed to contain certain areas. Some games do this better than others. Tatooine felt like a kind of a honey comb or something.


It's obvious Bioware went from designing a rpg to a mmo.

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Im really starting to think there is a lot of crack heads on this forum...


For people to say this feels like a single player game and not a MMO is retarded...I've actually grouped up while questing in TOR where I NEVER did in WOW unless it was a instance, pvp, or raid...Maybe occasionally random peeps for a world boss or some @#$%...but thats about it


For people to say there is no open areas and etc on planets is also retarded...In my opinion, its no different then WOW...The only difference is instead of walking up a road that turns in to a whole different area or etc, you have to hop in your ship and fly there...Now if you put all the planet areas together and made it 1 world, it would feel exactly the same...


For people to complain that not every feature is in that a 7 yr old game has now is also retarded...There are some things they left out on purpose for specific reasons and the other stuff would of pushed the game out even further until who knows..The End of the world?...Also considering it has a crap ton of options at launch that most didnt have until at least 1 year in and BW plans on putting most of that stuff in as soon as they can...


Theres a bunch of other stuff I could point out, but I leave with this last statement...What kills me the most if when people start off by saying "this is to much like WOW or its a WOW clone" but as soon as there is a different take on something that WOW does a certain way, but you happen to not like it cause its different (not necessarily bad, but maybe you consider it that) yall scream "It needs to be more like WOW"


In the end, I'm not saying this game is perfect...I've got a couple things I might have done differently and/or I would add, but all and all, this game is DOPE and you guys should give them a little more credit..If you dont like it, dont play it...No need for 3,000 posts stating I am not going to play TOR


I mean yall have to be smoking crack...thats the only conclusion!


I agree. WoW is infinitely more single player than SWTOR. You never have to talk to, interact or even be nice to anyone to play the entire game. What's worse, is once you hit level 10 you never even have to leave a city.

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