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What are you doing now (pre 7.0) ?


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Same thing I always do between expansions, play other games. My primary MMO, FFXIV (also has an upcoming expac) but while I wait for both SWToR's and FFXIV's to drop I just been playing other games, some old, some new, just to pass the time, I also watch several Anime series when not in a gaming mood.
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I've reactivated STO:

** cleaning up old guild account (as a leader)

** created one new character

** purchased two new ships (received a 3rd as a bonus drop)

** Updated USS Defiant (refit)

** Outfitted 3 sips (total)

** Updated all uniforms


.... just to name a few!


As for THIS game ... I'm keeping a close eye on what ACTUALLY happens.

** CQ's

** New gearing system

** how the new pruning has affected ACTUAL game experience.

** companions (if they remain as dead as they are now). REALLY EXTREMELY disappointed where this has gone for sometime now !!

** Story line ( I rather suspect this part will continue to be REALLY cool and well done as always )

** other game mechanics , the new UI (user friendly or not)

** solo play or group only (if you're really going to have access to the ACTUAL game gear ... ect.)

** the amount of NEW content (vs how much time we're going to continue to rehash old material ... AGAIN )


At that point I will make an appropriate decision on my own !


So what am I REALLY doing... messin' around with another game WAITING to see what happens here !

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For me I'm finishing running story content on my knight so that I have one class of each faction ready to do new story stuff with. I'm currently on the alliance recruitment after chapter 9 so need to wait another week so I can do lokins as I remember that needs the rakghoul event to finish.
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Playing Star Trek, Fleet Command, reached level 20, without resorting to Pay to win , so yup, it's slow, but still fun.


As for this game, logged in to move stuff on the gtn with a couple of mains, used the tokens to get 50k on a guild toon, and log in to a couple that are not in my guilds, just to keep them active. Pretty much it.....


Did manage to set up another char with my son, but haven't gotten around to playing it much, just had an idea, lol

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Gave up on my limitless achievement.

Gave up on getting to 100 on required toons. As I was late to that party and there isn't time to complete now.

Going to give Cyberpunk a retry. Play a bunch of my Steam games.

Edited by LeMage
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Renown 100 on 4 class on Darth Malgus and Satele Shan. My main server is Star Forge, I already have limitless and everybody knowns my name on Star Forge.


I should be doing Master Mode chapters and Star Fortress for achievements, but I can't be bothered.

Edited by Falensawino
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Well I was just pvpin and trading in tech frags for oem’s/rpm’s. After the itemization thread that came out a little while ago, now I’m just waiting for the ranked season to be over buy a second set of weapons on the server I don’t have them on and will cancel my subscription.



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What are you doing now (pre 7.0) ?

Same as I do every day, spout off on the forums, correct people's gen chat grammar on Dromund Kaas while they're in the middle of a heated debate about things very unprintable here, titter and laugh at the ERP guild names on fleet when they crawl out of the woodwork on a Friday night, and solo any of dozens of toons on whatever server for no good reason until my main guild's OPS time.


Oh, yes, and occasionally, build Sims4 mods. My latest creation was a retexture of a folding chair without any dents or scratches on it. Yes. Amazing stuff.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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The Nightlife event is over, the Feast event is over, most interested players have hit lvl 100 in Galactic Season 1 and November's repeating events hold little or no interest for players who have been around a while.


What are you doing to fill in the time, in game, between now and the (hopefully soon) launch of 7.0?


I have just hit my Limitless achievement and find myself at a loss for a direction.


Suggestions welcome.



Play something different.


For me, I have been away for almost 2 years playing Path of Exile. 7.0 is bringing me back. So I resubbed in anticipation for its December release...

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I started a new Agent and did heroics to get to level 75 before starting my class mission. I wanted to save this character for the expansion so I could choose the Commando spec as I've always wanted an Imperial heavy trooper. Not having a ship though has made me impatient so I am doing the class mission to at least get that and make travel easier.


Very excited by the thought of having multiple specs on characters!

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