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Please please please, take action.


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Dromund Kaas seems to suffer the most and it really seems to get worse when a certain country starts to wake up and come online. I've ask many why they behave so poorly and they really do think its acceptable because its Dromund Kaas and this is how you behave here. But as i have said it is not restricted to one place, both Fleets can suffer and also Coruscant at time.


What county?

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Chat channels in this game are getting worse, misogyny, racism, bigotry, body shaming and homophobia are rife. Places like Dromund Kaas and both fleets are awful, truly awful at peak times. You say something and your then targeted by the mob yourself, its ridiculous. Please mods do something, even if its just a hour a day. If they know your going to be about perhaps they will refrain somewhat?


Pro tip, right click the names of the folks making chat channels bad and report spam. If enough people do that because they too are tired of the misogyny, racism, bigotry, body shaming, homophobia, etc then it auto squelches that person from all chat channels for 24 hours. It's built in and not even customer service can remove that 24 hr squelch. Other than that there is legacy ignore system which is nice and will block them on all their characters.

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All it would take is a GM too enter say DK chat for a few minutes and make themselves known, most would stop immediately. It would take seconds.


I can't remember ever seeing a GM in chat here. Even WoW I'd see some blue now and then. Not often mind you.

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Some servers have /allies just type in /cjoin allies

I'm not sure if all have, but starforge definitely does, and I think SS & DM might too


aw. that's so cuuuute.


don't join LFG channels if your goal is to avoid offensive chat. it's just fleet but everywhere. lmao


as for the OP's larger issue....


welcome to the internets?


SF isn't bad. SS used to be really bad, and I've heard bad things about DM (this also relates to win-trading, probably not a coincidence), but it's an adult game. use your chat filter if language offends you. as for the other stuff...again, welcome to the internets. good luck roping that in.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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Pro tip, right click the names of the folks making chat channels bad and report spam. If enough people do that because they too are tired of the misogyny, racism, bigotry, body shaming, homophobia, etc then it auto squelches that person from all chat channels for 24 hours. It's built in and not even customer service can remove that 24 hr squelch. Other than that there is legacy ignore system which is nice and will block them on all their characters.

Yeah, look for the names of the instigators. There's usually one or two people driving the conversation. Putting them on your ignore list goes a long way.

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Body shaming ?

Are you seriously complaining about "Baras is thicc" jokes ?



It's a lot more than that. Every day there are dozens of things said in chat that are clear violations of the Terms of Service everyone agreed to when they installed the game (Violating the Terms of Service is a legitimate reason for being banned). A moderator popping in from time to time to drop the ban hammer on the truly egregious things said would go a long way to stopping the worst of the worst (at minimal to no cost - the threat that someone might be watching is often more effective than someone actually watching). However, there is a core group of players that will defend to their last breath the "right" of players to be offensive even though they have no such right in a video game. Sorry, but "free speech" has its limits.

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It's a lot more than that. Every day there are dozens of things said in chat that are clear violations of the Terms of Service everyone agreed to when they installed the game (Violating the Terms of Service is a legitimate reason for being banned). A moderator popping in from time to time to drop the ban hammer on the truly egregious things said would go a long way to stopping the worst of the worst (at minimal to no cost - the threat that someone might be watching is often more effective than someone actually watching). However, there is a core group of players that will defend to their last breath the "right" of players to be offensive even though they have no such right in a video game. Sorry, but "free speech" has its limits.


You assume people actually read the tos and that they care about breaking them. BW could ofc enforce them with moderators but so far they haven't and I doubt they will. My guess is that it would be too expensive. I also suspect some of the worst trolls have extra troll accounts, so they don't really care that much if they get banned.


I personally mostly ignore them, in that I don't respond in chat. Most of these trolls live of the attention they are getting. The worst you can do to them is to just not respond. Also if you respond you might make yourself a target.

If they are not shutting up I put them on legacy ignore, if what they are saying is really offensive or sickening I report them. Not the most optimal solution ofc but mostly works for me. Sometimes seems like swtor attracts a lot of crazy ppl or ppl who are excessivly self medicating.


Most trolls also like to hang out on starter planets, capital planet or on fleet. So if you don't wanna deal with crazy best to avoid them or just close chat. You can just open it again if you're looking for a group.


The profanity filter is pretty much useless btw. Everyone knows how to get around it anyway and it filters some words out that are really harmless. I stopped using it years ago.

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I can say this: Is not only on toxicity that devs are not taking actions. I am a Pvper, and there is a known person speedhacking, which has been demonstrated with different videos on the Theorycrafters discord, and also were sent to Biochris. And there has been no action against this person, who is also permanent banned. Same thing with wintraders in Ranked, multiple proofs have been shown to the devs, and they havent take actions.


I think the game, particulary in this aspect, is in the worst place I have ever seen it.

Edited by Gorekann
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aw. that's so cuuuute.


don't join LFG channels if your goal is to avoid offensive chat. it's just fleet but everywhere. lmao


as for the OP's larger issue....


welcome to the internets?



No idea what your problem is, but don't really give a flying monkey.

The person asked about a LFG channel and I answered him.

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They're bad in pretty much all games lol and it's not getting worse it's been like this always, played since beta. You'll learn to filter out to poopy people and trolls, you dont need a big brother to filter them out for you. You're an adult (hopefully).
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