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I am playing this as a single player game...


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Is there any MMO where folks group to level? :confused:


FFXI, and a bunch of other Asian MMOs I could list but you've never heard of. Sometimes it's done well and can be fun, but it has to be in a non-quest-grind type game.


Anyway I think the topic was mostly in reference to the heroic content and how a lot of people are just skipping it or soloing it later.

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Right there with you, OP. To me it's basically a singleplayer game that's managed to cunningly add just enough multiplayer fun to justify me paying a rolling subscription for it. But really, I'm in it for the Bioware story more than anything and just couldn't resist the temptation of another story from them (full disclosure, I've taken two weeks off work for the release of Mass Effect 3). The MMO aspect I fully intend to stay very casual on, if only because I already have one fulltime, second job game in the form of Eve Online.


Now, don't take this as a "I don't want to play with you people, you all suck" statement. I've enjoyed the groups I've been in, and the community has been fun and friendly. I just love that the game allows me to log in for an hour after work, have some fun and log off again, it even encourages it by giving me a good story to enjoy along the way at a pace that suits me, rather than race to endgame.

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Right there with you, OP. To me it's basically a singleplayer game that's managed to cunningly add just enough multiplayer fun to justify me paying a rolling subscription for it. But really, I'm in it for the Bioware story more than anything and just couldn't resist the temptation of another story from them (full disclosure, I've taken two weeks off work for the release of Mass Effect 3).


Full disclosure... Proud owner of a Pre-ordered CE for Mass Effect 3! :D

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I'm doing much the same.

I enjoyed what group content I did early on, but I think partly because I've levelled quickly and partly because I play at unsociable hours (and partly because I don't play a tank or a healer), it's been near impossible to find groups for heroic content or flashpoints without sitting around for hours on end spamming chat, and I'd rather be progressing my story than doing that.

I'm a bit of an obsessive completionist and I prefer not to skip any content if I can help it, but in the end, story is what I'm here for, and I'm grateful that I can play through my story beginning to end solo.

Edited by Torikae
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One of the troubles right now is, there is too much XP per zone to need to do these, or repeat these as dailies.


I did this a few times in Coruscant and ended up leaving there at level 18, I never did a single group quest on Taris and left there at level 23... It's a 16-20 zone!

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So far I'm soloing playing a vanguard. Still fun. I rolled the wrong class, should have rolled a straight dps because after WoW I don't want any more pressure as a tank, I have decided I want to be able to relax and kick back and watch numbers fly. I haven't completed a single "heroic" mission yet and I hit 34 last night. Still fun especially with the pvp around on a pvp server. It adds that nice "danger" factor you wont get out of a single player game.
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I am playing this as a multi-player KOTOR game now. I play with a few friends and we enjoy the cut scenes together. It's great. I also love playing it like a single player game. I am on a PvP server so that adds some added tension of not knowing if I am going to attack a player or get attacked at any given moment. I really enjoy this game.
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I have been running as a single-player game with the option to group if I want.


I did Black Talon because I was there when I got the quest, the others not so much, I want to do them eventually. But I am 30ish now I just do not want to go back to the space space station and spam for a group.

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One of the troubles right now is, there is too much XP per zone to need to do these, or repeat these as dailies.


I did this a few times in Coruscant and ended up leaving there at level 18, I never did a single group quest on Taris and left there at level 23... It's a 16-20 zone!


I actually don't mind that. I like staying a little ahead of the content so that I don't have any issues finishing the story quests by myself (+ companion, of course).


Speaking of companions, that's probably another reason I have no issues soloing this game right now, there is a (possibly false) sense of being grouped all the time when my companion is with me.

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As much as I enjoy single player games, I never liked leveling to cap mostly solo in any MMO, found it boring to be honest. Thankfully, being in a guild meant that I didn't have to, as I don't think anyone would say no to grouping up with a mainspec healer:D, it just removes downtime almost completely.


Of course, grouping meant much safer questing in zones where the opposing faction has a presence. And the social points are nothing to scoff at, either.

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I enjoy doing the heroics. I find that in the course of questing on a planet there's always someone looking for a group to do them. Or if I make occasional posts in Gen someone will be interested in joining up. For all of the complaints I've had no issues finding groups.
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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.


And this is sad

And bad.

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I also play as single player and ignore the group missions until i can solo them. Really cant be bothered sit there trying to make a group. I did a few flashpoints to start but ignored them since for the above reason and because i'm already higher level than the content, but i do like PvP.


The problem is because of this i'm struggling to justify the monthly sub. £8.99 to PvP doesn't feel right to me.

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I also play as single player and ignore the group missions until i can solo them. Really cant be bothered sit there trying to make a group. I did a few flashpoints to start but ignored them since for the above reason and because i'm already higher level than the content, but i do like PvP.


The problem is because of this i'm struggling to justify the monthly sub. £8.99 to PvP doesn't feel right to me.




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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.


I play with my girlfriend every minute that I am on except now when she is asleep, and we occasionally group up with others. And right now while my girlfriend is asleep I am helping a friend of mine who is lower level with his quests so...



Hi, I'm one of those mythical social beings you were talking about :p

Edited by Vesperascit
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I play with my girlfriend every minute that I am on except now when she is asleep, and we occasionally group up with others. And right now while my girlfriend is asleep I am helping a friend of mine who is lower level with his quests so...



Hi, I'm one of those mythical social beings you were talking about :p


And that is the beauty of this particular game. You can enjoy the group/social aspect, and I can enjoy the single player aspect... all under the same title. :) And when you want to solo, you can. And when I want to group, I can.

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I have to admit that after Esseles and a few other 2+ and 4 Heroics that I have stopped accepting these quests. Not that they aren't fun, its just that I actually prefer to play when I want and do as much as I want in the time I have without waiting to get in a group to complete these. And... since I don't need these quests to progress, I don't take them anymore.


And don't get me wrong, I am not starting a "Please, for the love of all that is good, implement a LFG tool NOW!" thread. This is not a commentary on the in game grouping system (or lack thereof). Just a comment on how I am playing the game right now.


Anyone else finding that they are playing this as a single player game as well (and still enjoying it a lot)?


This is what Bioware set out to achieve. For those folks that hate grouping and just want to play a MMO by themselves, the option is there.


Unfortunately, there are people that hate this freedom and want everyone to be forced to group to satisfy how they think an MMO should be played.

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