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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Player Owned Houses?


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Im sure many of you played Star Wars Galaxies and remember that you could have a POH. To my knowledge so far playing this game i havnt heard about owning a house. I am just wondering if in a longer playthrough of the game will allow me acces to a house or they will be implimented once the level cap is removed?
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I was thinking about that. The ships are obviously the houses. But I hope in the future they add a lot of customization options to our ships so we can make them appear as we want them. Maybe in the distant future we could even build our own ship from the ground up (a little complicated since the ship appears in cutscenes and your companions have to know where to be, etc.)
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He talked about a owned house.


It's not in but it's one of the things they'll have to add fast if they want to keep a specific group of players.


I would not expect this to go in. If anything they could do Guild Halls, but I expect the Ship will serve as your "Player Housing." What they should add though is customization options in the interior to satisfy that group.

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Yes, ships could do but as you said, they must add things to do inside like drop every item from the game on the ground and move/rotate in in any direction and on any spot in the ship and add furnitures, dynamic togglable lights, display weapons and armor, etc. At least on par with the 8 years old SWG. It's what make many people stay subscribed. Edited by Dreossk
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Yes, ships could do but as you said, they must add things to do inside like drop every item from the game on the ground and move/rotate in in any direction and on any spot in the ship and add furnitures, dynamic togglable lights, display weapons and armor, etc. At least on par with the 8 years old SWG. It's what make many people stay subscribed.


This isn't SWG, thankfully. And I highly doubt people stay subscribed just so they could decorate their houses. Not many people stayed subscribed at all, for that matter.

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They threw us old SWG vets something of a bone by saying that the Star Ship would essentially be your house, but I would like something down on the ground to keep stuff in!


Agreed. I had my mustafar underground bunker where i stored my trophys from hunting banthas and such. The star ship imo is good but it needs improvement its big but the isnt alot to do in it and the removal of free flight while in space is a big dissapointment for me. =/

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SWG was a sandbox SWTOR is a theme park.


let me ask you one simple question now that you've spent some time in this game.

where would you put your house? and still have room for 10k more houses for all the other people playing on your server alone.

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Agreed. I had my mustafar underground bunker where i stored my trophys from hunting banthas and such. The star ship imo is good but it needs improvement its big but the isnt alot to do in it and the removal of free flight while in space is a big dissapointment for me. =/


Might i ask, at what point in beta did TOR have free flight?

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Agreed. I had my mustafar underground bunker where i stored my trophys from hunting banthas and such. The star ship imo is good but it needs improvement its big but the isnt alot to do in it and the removal of free flight while in space is a big dissapointment for me. =/


they have already said that they are going to improve on what you can do in your ship in the future.

also Free flight was never removed... since it was never part of this game.

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In all honesty, I think that with the current game, player starships would work better, basically just like the POH in SWG, you should be able to fully decorate your starship etc.


POH and Guild Housing would imply a sandbox or freeroam sort of world, and TOR is everything but that. With a new freeroam space system, player housing and guild housing would fit in perfectly.

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They mentioned possibly adding guild capital ships: http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20111213-0


So i'd assume if they did that, they'd probably add some sort of housing system.


The personal ships ARE the housing system. And they are a brilliant solution to the long standing problems of player housing. There is no rush for a limited number of houses nor do they clutter up the landscape, vastly changing the tone and character of some other games. And the very mobility of the ships or their use as a multi hub/zone transport seems to nicely step around that whole tendancy of housing to drain life from the public spaces in the towns and cities of MMO's. All they need to do is add some interior customization options and create a guild flagship or starport and we are gtg.


As for throwing the SWG players a bone, or threats to quit if SWG features aren't implemented in TOR. Ummm? Bad news guys. As of this week the entire population of SWG isn't even a blip on Biowares radar. In terms of playerbases the SWG fans don't even really qualify as "niche" players anymore. None of these demanded features kept anybody playing SWG now did they? Features and systems will be added to this game because they benefit this game and its design goals and playstyle targets.

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Im sure many of you played Star Wars Galaxies and remember that you could have a POH. To my knowledge so far playing this game i havnt heard about owning a house. I am just wondering if in a longer playthrough of the game will allow me acces to a house or they will be implimented once the level cap is removed?


Who needs housing REALLY?


We all have ships people. Think about it would a person that flies from Planet to planet really have a home when they have a ship?



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