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GSF Needs a separate Q for Premades/Groups


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Now that more ppl than ever are playing GSF due to Seasons u really should implement a group Q for GSF. It's just so incredibly boring getting completely stomped over and over again by premades, and it must be boring for them not to get a real challenge at least for the ones who aren't preteens.


I suggest that any group over 3 ppl goes into the Group Q.

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The problem is there really aren’t that many premades in GSF. What you may think is a premade could just be a very skilled team. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been accused of being on premade. Plus, the ones that exist don’t tend to go against other premades. That queue would be dead and useless.


Besides, premades are not a guarantee of success, nor do they really tip the scales in one direction or another.

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No? It wouldn't solve the problem you think you have. Check this out: https://imgur.com/a/jRiECrp


I'm Sriia there. I'm playing solo. 25 of my 30 kills were solo kills, meaning that no one even landed a shot on the red ships I removed from the game. My one death? I hit retro and hit a wall. The other team never managed to finish a kill; that's how utterly lopsided this game was. Let me stress this again:


I was (and usually am) playing solo. By myself.


I still wrecked that team and games like that happen for me pretty routinely.


When I'm grouped? It's with one other person and so we wouldn't be subject to your group queue idea anyway.


I definitely see complaints about "sriia's premade" though. Those people agree with you; they think a separate queue would stop games like this from happening. Like you, those people are wrong.


I would love to have more competition. The only way I'm going to get that with the game's population is if people actually take the time to work at it.


There's a whole community full of people who are happy to help you learn. Resources are in my signature.


The problem is there really aren’t that many premades in GSF. What you may think is a premade could just be a very skilled team. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been accused of being on premade. Plus, the ones that exist don’t tend to go against other premades. That queue would be dead and useless.


Besides, premades are not a guarantee of success, nor do they really tip the scales in one direction or another.


Correct, most "premades" are really just solo players. I get accused of it all the time and at most I sometimes group with one other person, and that's not even that frequently. Even on my solo only toons my win rate is around the same.


That said, a full four person premade of high level players is definitely going to win more often. But uh... shouldn't they? A full four person premade of randoms, on the other hand... well sure to you or me they're speed bumps. To your average player, they improve their chances.


No they should not do this.


As a primarily solo player: I agree wholeheartedly. It's not going to solve the problem people are having.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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I 2nd, 3rd and 4th what's been said here. It wouldn't fix anything the way you think it would. By some margin most of those heavy loss games you are experiencing are not against premades. Take a look this thread please, and realize what one player is capable of. Short version 77-82% solo win ratios on all servers. Like Sriia I also get accused of grouping / cheating yadayadaya....If premades are as rampant as you think they are, how can I get these results?


Yes, premades are in the game, they are queuing, but there are virtually no premades left that are 4 Ace level players. The premades that are around are typically mid-tier skill level players, who when grouped are still strong enough to stomp a team of noobs.


GSF is not some arcade flight sim that you can smash buttons and do well. It actually requires a degree of understanding and skill to be any good. Skill makes the biggest difference in the game and while matchmaker can certainly be improved, I think its an enormously difficult job to get matchmaker to accurately asses someone's skill.


But let's deal with what would actually happen if we had a separate group queue. Since most premades are not 4 Ace level players, they are not grouping to find a competitive match. I see this with my team on Malgus. We group exclusively to counter other groups. If no groups need countering, we fly solo and against each other. But on the occasions we do group up to counter another premade, that premade more often than not quits queuing. They are not in it to find competitive high level thrilling matches, they just want an easy ride. So if we did have a group queue, those premades would not queue in it, because they know they would encounter groups like mine and the one Verain here is part of. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of competitive GSF. Grouping with my team and finding another equally good or better group to have some thrilling games against, but the reality is that 90% of the player base would be scared of that queue and hence it would be dead. Also it would mean that 4 noobs finding it tough who group up to balance the scales, would now find themselves pitted against 4 pros.


I know what you're thinking, a group queue being dead doesn't matter to you. At least they wouldn't be queuing in the regs queue. But again I have to reinforce whats been said here. It wouldn't change the balance of GSF as much as you think it would, because most stomps are not a result of groups. If you're already thinking "this is a stomp, it must be a group," then your mentality is already wrong, and you'll struggle to succeed in GSF. Don't get me wrong, I look for signs of groups when things get tough, and there are tell tail signs that indicate it might be a premade. But usually its not. Usually its just matchmaker being drunk. When the premades do appear its usually at peak times, and I know which people on which server are likely to be part of those groups.

Edited by Ttoilleekul
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The last couple of posts have highlighted a change that is needed, they claim solo people are on top all the time, the same solo people, not groups. What we need then are brackets, that 'Could' remove these sharks from the tide pool, put them in a pool of their own, a shark tank, and leave the minnow's swimming around in the tide pool learning to be sharks.


We need the equivalent of ranked and unranked, so these people don't do what has been shown . If you want the GSF community to grow as you say you do, changes are needed.



Edited by DarkTergon
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Moving discussion from my video highlights channel to here.


The last couple of posts have highlighted a change that is needed, they claim solo people are on top all the time, the same solo people, not groups. What we need then are brackets, that remove these sharks from the tide pool, put them in a pool of their own, a shark tank, and leave the minnow's swimming around in the tide pool learning to be sharks.


We need the equivalent of ranked and unranked, so these people don't do what has been shown . If you want the GSF community to grow as you say you do, changes are needed.


No, you cannot master the ship in 5 mins, and that's insulting to say, you may get a rough grounding, but not mastering, at least not for most people.
If you're going to take everything I say as an insult we may as well give up now. "5 minutes" is a figure of speech. I started a new toon from stock recently and have got 3 ships fully mastered in a little over three weeks. Compare that to ground PVP, complaining about lack of gear is an invalid argument. Gearing ships is easy by comparison.


Of course you can furnish a vid of you in stock ship, you are the ace, an ace pvp person could go in to unranked in base gear, and still kick ***. It doesn't mean anyone can.
Why complain about gear then? Gear has nothing to do with it, you just said so yourself. And if said person does go into unranked and stomp, how does this help the state of unranked?




Ask where?

According to some, these forums are dead, not even worth looking in to (Not my words, others)
then why mention it.

In game?
Yes, GSF channel.

People rarely talk in GSF matches, sometimes you get some say take a & b, or b&c, but no conversations. When anyone does mention they are new, most of the time it's ignored, or some one says, don't worry, I'm new too, etc. Don't think I've ever heard anyone actually offer advice, or say anything about training.
At this point you are either being willfully ignorant or you are not reading what people say. I have literally offered you personal coaching to solve your problems. Given how much time you spend on here, you have the time to accept it. Sriia has made it abundantly clear in multiple posts how she has set up resources to help people, including a guide and a dedicated very active GSF discord. Other players have received help on here both from me and others. Failing that, find a good player in a match, whisper them and ask for help. That's what I did. You would be surprised to find it works. You, would be surprised to find it works. Other people do this all the time. You're just raising problems for the sake of raising problems now. These are not problems.


From the games I've played, the same people always seem to be on the same teams
No they are not. 12k games here. No they are not. You're just bitter about losing. Bad players lose, good players win. that's how it is.


maybe it's just RNG, but most of the walk overs, are because all the good players seem to end up together (again, it could be grouped, or just extremely bad luck)
Most people can only do well on a good team. Put them on a bad team, they get squished. So if one side has an Ace and the other side does not, the people on the Ace's team will perform better (scoreline) than they would if they were on the other team. The stronger team makes the weaker players look better. You are reading this as good payers always together. Its not true. There is a lot you don't understand about the impact and control certain players have on the flow of the match and how that effects other players.


As for people quitting because it was too easy, another perfect reason for ranked, it takes the sharks out of the tide pool, and gives them an environment where they can compete, and challenge themselves

It doesn't though. There are plenty of highly skilled ranked players and teams still playing regs PVP. You're kidding yourself thinking a ranked GSF queue will stop Ace pilots from playing regs GSF. Stop, just stop. I'm all for the ranked queue, but it won't change the state of regs GSF.



People can improve, but that isn't 'get good', that's just improving.
You haven't even tried my help, which at this point is rescinded, to see how much "improving" would solve your issues. At this point you are literally talking about things you have no clue on. You can't comment on skill and how it effects matches, because you have none. SO you can't comment on how different it would be for you if I trained you.


As long as sharks are allowed to swim in the tide pool, minnows will forever be eaten alive, and never get a chance to evolve .
So how did I do it? I wasn't instantly amazing at GSF. I sucked for nearly six months before I started to get the hang of it. And I am not the only one. What you have there is a defeatist attitude; "The game is too hard for me so I want it to be made easier." Perhaps you should take up playing an easier game like Solitaire. Your're not cut out for GSF and your constant moaning and whining is getting tiresome.


It also exists to give the better players, a better challenge. And by giving them a better challenge. the leave unranked alone,
No they don't.

and it give the unranked a chance to improve.
Again, regs PV is a mess so regs GSF would be the same.

All PvP is a mess, but that's not because the aces are running around unranked stomping everyone to the ground, it's because BW have messed up a lot, which to go in to would triple the size of this thread. It would sort it out better then PvP, as the actual GSF system is far superior , in fact PvP needs to have the GSF system.
So skill has nothing to do with PVP at all, and the quality of the games in regs ground PVP has nothing at all to do with it being noobs vs pros. Yeah, this is just getting silly now.


But there's no point in arguing,
Yep I'm there with you on that one.


the sharks want to stay in the tide pool and eat the minnows

and the minnows want the game dumbed down to the point that its no longer PVP. Like I said, you aren't cut our for this, you should leave GSF and all PVP. You don't understand it. Edited by Ttoilleekul
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and the minnows want the game dumbed down to the point that its no longer PVP. Like I said, you aren't cut our for this, you should leave GSF and all PVP. You don't understand it.


No, they want a fair game, a chance to survive long enough to become the aces themselves, and advance to next level, but 'aces' keep dominating, keep sitting on spawn sites, keep one shooting people before they even have a chance to learn. You keep saying you've played thousands of games, are you telling me, you've never heard people complain about spawn sitting, or aces, ruining it all...No, you probably haven't, but I have


I understand GSF & PvP, I've played it from the start. I may not be an ace, but I can play. As for losing, sure we lose some, but we also win some, and my chars have been up there near the top. Again, this is just big fish syndrome.


You care about yourself, and the status quo, I'd rather see a more fair system that would benefit all, especially the new players. There's a lot of them at the moment, I'd like to see them stay, but with the way things are, they are either going to leave, or just be numbers that the aces can farm, although that could be what you want.

Edited by DarkTergon
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No, they want a fair game, a chance to survive long enough to become the aces themselves, and advance to next level, but 'aces' keep dominating, keep sitting on spawn sites, keep one shooting people before they even have a chance to learn.


Anyone with enough interest in GSF to be willing to put in the effort that's required to become an ace doesn't really have these problems.


To become an ace you need to want to UNDERSTAND the game at a fairly deep level. Which means that fairly simple thing like that there are three spawn points in TDM matches, and that people can't shoot you if there's a massive piece of space junk between you get picked up pretty quickly. So do the tooltips describing what abilities and components actually do in game. The result is that people on the road to being an ace can learn how to stay alive in a GSF match pretty quickly. It takes maybe half an hour of tutoring from a good teacher, or several hours of Google-fu based self learning.


Being "stuck" at the bottom of the scoreboard is a matter of claiming to care about winning, but not caring enough to actually do anything about it. I'm pretty much that way in ground PvP, but I'm sufficiently self-aware to know that until I invest some effort in the most basic level of competency, balance, gear, and matchmaking are all pretty much irrelevant, because my lack of skill totally overrides all of those factors by a huge margin.


It's fine. WZs, arenas, flashpoints, ops, GSF, heck, even crafting. If you don't care that much about the game mode, you'll be stuck not being very good at it. It's ok. It's also easy to change if you decide you want to get good and become motivated to learn.

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How about instead we just remove Solo queue all together, make people actually play a team game with a team. Since everyone seems to want to delete an entire playstyle, I vote we delete yours instead.


he's not talking about deleting a playstyle, he's talking about adding one in, a que for groups, just like PvP has. Maybe it won't work, as has been put forward, but no need 'delete' his playstyle....:rolleyes:

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Anyone with enough interest in GSF to be willing to put in the effort that's required to become an ace doesn't really have these problems.


To become an ace you need to want to UNDERSTAND the game at a fairly deep level. Which means that fairly simple thing like that there are three spawn points in TDM matches, and that people can't shoot you if there's a massive piece of space junk between you get picked up pretty quickly. So do the tooltips describing what abilities and components actually do in game. The result is that people on the road to being an ace can learn how to stay alive in a GSF match pretty quickly. It takes maybe half an hour of tutoring from a good teacher, or several hours of Google-fu based self learning.


Being "stuck" at the bottom of the scoreboard is a matter of claiming to care about winning, but not caring enough to actually do anything about it. I'm pretty much that way in ground PvP, but I'm sufficiently self-aware to know that until I invest some effort in the most basic level of competency, balance, gear, and matchmaking are all pretty much irrelevant, because my lack of skill totally overrides all of those factors by a huge margin.


It's fine. WZs, arenas, flashpoints, ops, GSF, heck, even crafting. If you don't care that much about the game mode, you'll be stuck not being very good at it. It's ok. It's also easy to change if you decide you want to get good and become motivated to learn.


True, but in order to maintain the interest you need to be able to progress, but people can't as they are constantly shot down, put down, etc. Me personally, I'm usually in the middle of the board, depending on the match sometimes it can be higher, but that's fine for me, as I don't really care about GSF, I just do it for the GS & CQ points, but here's the kicker, the people that supposedly do care about it, are happy to keep people down the bottom, keep the same thing happening, over and over, till people get fed up with it, and either quit GSF, or just leech. Personally I think it would be better to have a fairer system, so that people don't get bogged down, and actually have a chance to improve, and come to like the game. ESPECIALLY as it's been given new life with CQ&GS.

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he's not talking about deleting a playstyle, he's talking about adding one in, a que for groups, just like PvP has. Maybe it won't work, as has been put forward, but no need 'delete' his playstyle....:rolleyes:


But hear me out, if we remove solo queue, no one will ever complain about premades again! It's really a win/win.

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A lot of ppl seem to somehow think that I suggested that a group Q would solve all problems, never did. All I mean is that It would help if nothing else to weed out the ppl (some apparently in this thread) who just want easy wins.


And ppl would of still complain etc. but it would give clarity to the situation.


I like the idea of brackets, but just hidden mmr would do the trick no need for Ranked. as it stands I regularly play gsf on new chars and get put up against chars I know are fully decked out.


Some ppl really are taking this personal attack on them, I assure you it's not!

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No? It wouldn't solve the problem you think you have


The thread was over when you posted this. Everyone arguing with you is just doing so out of spite.


The skill gap in GSF is, and will always be, immense. You have a space sim type game, and it is fully pvp. It also has a control style that is indicative of a certain period of pvp game development- in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, this would control like X-Wing or like Galaxies. If it were made today it would probably control like Squadrons. But instead it controls like Star Conflict, and a lot of players walk into it alienated for quite a bit of their learning curve. The game applies MMO features directly as well, such as "roll to miss, hit, or crit" on a perfectly aimed shot, as well as some other MMOisms. The logic around how shots work confused one player enough that he accused us of serving the devil, and he meant it completely without irony.


You pointed out that in a single game you can account for over half of everything important that happens. The other 15 or 23 people are as impactful as NPCs. And the copes when this happen are ceaseless. Oh, you're a HACKER. Oh your ship has GEAR. On and on and on.


Ultimately though, the players that continue to argue in this thread are less worried about you than they are about a team. And here's why- they believe they can rope together enough control ships in the spawn count down to shut you out. Plenty of times I see "ok everyone focus X", and sometimes it happens. When person X is YOU, sure, that makes sense. But to qualify for this call out and subsequent control spam, well, lets just say that the average X is not all that memorable, I think player X just has to be able to aim at all.


So they have hope because they think THEY can form a functional (if ersatz) team to punish you for daring to fly solo against their greater numbers. This works because GSF is ultimately about teams. But how do they handle actual enemy premade teams?


Well, as we see in this thread- they try to get them removed from the game instead of either dedicating themselves to trying to master solo queue as you and some others have, or trying to form their own teams.


Since most premades are not 4 Ace level players, they are not grouping to find a competitive match


You're correct, but you're arguing with them as if they don't know this. They know this. This is what they want. If four players show up to play, they want them to time out two hours later and never get a single game. They are asking for matchmaker to solve their issues by making teams totally unable to play. That's literally their entire goal. Their ideal world lets them go into solo queue, act all offended when a solo ace shows up and gang up on him or her, and then come to the forum and use lubed up tweezers on their tiny flightsticks when they see me or Drako or somebody pointing out that we literally can never play because we sat in queue for an hour.

That's not an accident, that's what they want, a game broken for teams.


Why complain about gear then?

People who complain about gear fall into two buckets, with a very rare third one:

1- New players who don't understand a lot yet, and overestimate gear's effects.

2- Players looking to blame something besides themselves.

3- (very rare) an alt of a known pilot explaining why he or she did junk in a particular game against geared good players (not why he lost, but why his numbers were low or whatever)


In the context of the first game on a character, or even the first 10 games, you might have a game that you lose that you would have won. But this is contingent on being the sort of player who could have solo carried the game in the first place, which whiners (1) and (2) absolutely never are.


How about instead we just remove Solo queue all together


I mean, if someone is seriously thinking about a mode to trash, solo queue would send the better message. After all, players would just group up in /gsf and queue that way, as they have done in MMOs since time immemorial, and team leaders would quickly develop reputations and such. I don't think they should do such a thing, but it would be more interesting than trashing teams in a team game.



Anyone with enough interest in GSF to be willing to put in the effort that's required to become an ace doesn't really have these problems.


Absolutely. Further, I can say with absolute certainly that many GSF games pop with no one of any note on either side, something that can be ascertained with /who and the new legacy-stalking crap that this game has, so anyone pretending that they CONSTANTLY RUN INTO ACES is either lying or literally only queuing when good players are on, which is quite the talent.



Ultimately this is always a team game, either 8v8 or 12v12, excepting custom lobbies. The game incentivizes you to make a team. If you choose not to, understand that you are setting different expectations for yourself- you are queuing as a SOLO ACE. Solo players, even top ones, get absolutely rolled by premade teams, because it is a team game. Your expectation in that mode is to play as well as you can (generally this is your goal in all games, one hopes). If your goal is TO WIN though, you should be queuing with three of the best players you know just as often as you can.

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The skill gap in GSF is, and will always be, immense.


It also has a control style that is indicative of a certain period of pvp game development- in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, this would control like X-Wing or like Galaxies. If it were made today it would probably control like Squadrons. But instead it controls like Star Conflict, and a lot of players walk into it alienated for quite a bit of their learning curve. .


Players/pilots like me (who come from XWING:Alliance and SWG's JTL , aka the best ever) have no problem with any "learning curve" . Instead, our problem is quite simple:



Edited by Nee-Elder
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A lot of ppl seem to somehow think that I suggested that a group Q would solve all problems, never did. All I mean is that It would help if nothing else to weed out the ppl (some apparently in this thread) who just want easy wins.


You've got it backwards chap. The high skill players in this thread like hard games. From time to time we even go out of our way to communicate here, on Discord, other platforms in order to scrape together a big enough bunch of aces so that we can have really good games.


The people who want easy games are the ones who want to get skilled players out of the queue. It's not premades they dislike. They're happy to fly against a group of four clueless noobs. They're not happy to fly against someone who can get 20 kills, 15 assists, and more than 100 k damage. It's the skill that they object to, not being in a group. Being in a group, by itself, doesn't make players any better, and it doesn't influence win rate. Ultimately the queue wrangling is an attempt to increase personal win rate for unskilled players without the bother of having to get better at playing the game. It's about getting the emotional high of being a winner, without the effort of trying to learn how to win.


I like the idea of brackets, but just hidden mmr would do the trick no need for Ranked. as it stands I regularly play gsf on new chars and get put up against chars I know are fully decked out.


There's already hidden mmr in GSF. Games played on the characters legacy go in, so does gear level of the current character.


It's probably not the best set of metrics to base mmr on, but even if you improved that there are still other problems.


One is that the population is small enough that high skill players are rare, and mid skill players are uncommon. If there are an odd number of either, the matchmaker can't handle it. One team will have a greater number of pilots in a particular skill bracket, and that team will win.


The other problem is that the matchmaker can be pretty stupid when it comes to match balance. We've seen this back in the day when there were enough regular high skill groups so that you could get 16 to 20 aces queued at the same time as 4 person groups. So with 5 groups of aces in the queue you shouldn't get a match where there are 2 groups of aces on one team and no aces on the other right? Because there are 3 teams of aces available you could balance them against, right? Not with SWTOR's matchmaker. It doesn't avoid worst case balance scenarios even when population in the queue would have allowed well balanced teams to form. We don't know enough about how it works to explain why it does so poorly sometimes, other than that fast queue times is possibly the number one priority.


The matchmaker could be improved. Substantially. Sometimes the available population just can't support a pair of closely matched teams. Other times it definitely could, but for reasons known only to the people who have seen its code it makes disastrously mismatched teams anyway. The first part isn't really solvable, but the second part should be. I can see a Dev argument for putting it at low priority though. If imbalanced matches are going to be common no matter what, how much sense does it make to dump a large amount of effort into a really high quality matchmaker?


That's also the logic that sinks any hope of mmr bracketing in the queues. Based on the available population and skill distribution within that population, it wouldn't produce a significant useful effect. To make one game, you end up dumping all the brackets into it, and then waiting because there still aren't quite enough people to start a match.

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The last couple of posts have highlighted a change that is needed, they claim solo people are on top all the time, the same solo people, not groups. What we need then are brackets, that remove these sharks from the tide pool, put them in a pool of their own, a shark tank, and leave the minnow's swimming around in the tide pool learning to be sharks.


The game already has some level of matchmaking going on. It sounds to me like you're suggesting that the people who get good at the game shouldn't ever get to have matches.


Because that would be the case, unless you would be okay with matchmaker popping games when it has enough people, rather than waiting for enough people who look similar. That's what it does already, though.


In the former case, you remove any incentive anyone has to get good at the game, because there will never be enough top level players to fill out even an 8v8 game outside of peak prime time hours. You also remove any pressure; you're not going to get better at the game if you're never challenged by anyone.


I would love if the game had a large enough population to do this! But it doesn't, and I don't think it's fair to punish people for learning how to play. This is a non-solution.


but here's the kicker, the people that supposedly do care about it, are happy to keep people down the bottom, keep the same thing happening, over and over, till people get fed up with it, and either quit GSF, or just leech.


Do you know how much time I've spent on both creating my own resources and cataloguing others? Never mind the amount of time I spend before and after every game trying to offer useful information in chat, in Discord, on the forums, and in the GSF channel in game.


This claim is, to put it politely, a bunch of nonsense. Nearly all of the high level players in this game have put at least some amount of time into trying to teach others. Some moreso than others, sure, but most of us have made the effort.

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Players/pilots like me (who come from XWING:Alliance and SWG's JTL , aka the best ever) have no problem with any "learning curve" . Instead, our problem is quite simple:






yeah you could do this right now. it won't give you any advantage at all, but if you want "joystick support" you can have it.


For more information about why they're not going to give joysticks an inherent advantage (which is what you actually want) please see Verain's excellent thread on the subject.




Unrelated: So far we've had complaints about premades, high level players, and joysticks all in one thread. I swear I'm tempted to make GSF Forum Bingo at this point. Can I get some complaints about gunships?

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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What can I say, I was inspired.


I present to you, GSF COMPLAINT BINGO!


[size="7"]b         i       n        g      o   .[/size]

HACKS                     |       GUNSHIP           |        BATTLESCOUT           |    PROTON TORPEDO        |      GUNSHIP
                                |      ONESHOT ME     |       ONESHOT ME              |       ONESHOT ME              |         WALLS
BATTLESCOUT         |       BOMBER            |       TOO MANY                  |            SPAWN                  |       CAN'T HIT W/
 SWARM                  |           NEST              |         STRIKES                    |            CAMPED                |         CANNONS
CAN'T LOCK            |     TO MANY               |      [b]**FREE**[/b]                 |         PREMADES                  |      OTHER TEAM
MISSILES                 |    MISSILE LOCKS       |      [b]SQUARE[/b]                 |       AREN'T FAIR                 |    FOCUSED ME
ACES HAVE GEAR  |  USING D.O.s            |  EMP/EMP Missile/ R.S.     |          ION RAILGUN            |   ION RAILGUN
   ADVANTAGE       |    IS CHEAP               |        LOCKOUTS               |            ENGINE DRAIN         |         SNARE
   ION RAILGUN      |   INTERDICTION         |    TICK BOMBER                 |            GEARING  IS            |     KILLED BY
REGEN DEBUFF      |  DRONE SNARE         |     BEHIND MINES               |             TOO HARD              |     POWER DIVE 

Edited by Ramalina
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What can I say, I was inspired.


I present to you, GSF COMPLAINT BINGO!


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HACKS                     |       GUNSHIP           |        BATTLESCOUT           |    PROTON TORPEDO        |      GUNSHIP
                                |      ONESHOT ME     |       ONESHOT ME              |       ONESHOT ME              |         WALLS
BATTLESCOUT         |       BOMBER            |        TO MANY                   |            SPAWN                  |       CAN'T HIT W/
 SWARM                  |           NEST              |         STRIKES                    |            CAMPED                |         CANNONS
CAN'T LOCK            |     TO MANY               |      [b]**FREE**[/b]                 |         PREMADES                  |      OTHER TEAM
MISSILES                 |    MISSILE LOCKS       |      [b]SQUARE[/b]                 |       AREN'T FAIR                 |    FOCUSED ME
ACES HAVE GEAR  |  USING D.O.s            |  EMP/EMP Missile/ R.S.     |          ION RAILGUN            |   ION RAILGUN
   ADVANTAGE       |    IS CHEAP               |        LOCKOUTS               |            ENGINE DRAIN         |         SNARE
   ION RAILGUN      |   INTERDICTION         |    TICK BOMBER                 |            GEARING  IS            |     KILLED BY
REGEN DEBUFF      |  DRONE SNARE         |     BEHIND MINES               |             TOO HARD              |     POWER DIVE 


You beat me to it, but I made my own (with many of the same items). https://i.imgur.com/obz1pCW.png

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