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Big things coming in 2021?


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So I saw part of an interview where the team was alluding to some big things coming to SWTOR this year. Possible rendering updates, possible expanding... Personally i would love to see a return to class stories... I know 6.3 and GS just released, but... is there any more info on what's yet to come? It's now June and I feel like the window of opportunity to get the hype train rolling is going to close soon. I really love this game, and the amount of love the dev team has for it too really shows. I just feel a little too left in the dark on this one.
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So I saw part of an interview where the team was alluding to some big things coming to SWTOR this year. Possible rendering updates, possible expanding... Personally i would love to see a return to class stories... I know 6.3 and GS just released, but... is there any more info on what's yet to come? It's now June and I feel like the window of opportunity to get the hype train rolling is going to close soon. I really love this game, and the amount of love the dev team has for it too really shows. I just feel a little too left in the dark on this one.


Not going to happen. They will say its covid bla bla bla

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It is reasonable to expect some story content, some cosmetic changes, level-cap increase, gearing mechanism re-design, and additional gameplay revisions on the occasion of the 10th anniversary later this year.


It is bad enough that they'll hype it beyond what they'll actually deliver. The recent "Play Your Way" is a good example. I don't understand why players would want hype, much less for it to start six months early.

Edited by mike_carton
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I don't understand why players would want hype, much less for it to start six months early.


Such is not exclusive to this game. You should see the Sims 4 community, salivating at any little hint that there will be a Sims 5. The theorists have been busy for years on that one whipping the player base into a frenzy at the least little sign that could be interpreted as an imminent brand new release of that franchise.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Personally I just want them to disband the alliance and brings things back to story balance then set focusing it upon favouritism, and replace acina/vowran with either Malgus or Jadus. and for future trailers to give the consular/inquisitor, smuggler/bounty hunter and trooper/Agent a chance of trailer spotlight, for they did say back in 2011, this game is NOT just about the Jedi and Sith
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It is reasonable to expect some story content, some cosmetic changes, level-cap increase, gearing mechanism re-design, and additional gameplay revisions on the occasion of the 10th anniversary later this year.


It is bad enough that they'll hype it beyond what they'll actually deliver. The recent "Play Your Way" is a good example. I don't understand why players would want hype, much less for it to start six months early.


Quite honestly ... IMO .. there are still a few of us around that are so desiring that the game make that move (so to speak) ... !!


Some of us still hold out just enough hope that (at least part of ) the games potential will erupt into reality.


There is so much potential for this game that is yet untapped. Sooo I guess from that stand point until someone turns out the light and tells us the party's over we'll just hang on !!


** New Class ( I have my own personal interest there with an in depth sketch / suggestion there ) ... May not happen but .. still ... Oh my .. the potential there alone is just incredible .


** Return of "key" companions (or perhaps introduction of a couple of new ones (IF THEY WERE WELL DONE).


** Sooo many good ideas floating around.


** YES !! above all I know that without question that the team has to make it their own !! I get that !! I really do !!


** AND YES I know that at least one member of the team does keep a close eye on this forum board. Maybe many feel as though this area is lost and forgotten. I DON'T that that's true for one minute !!


Some might call me crazy !! ( that's OK too ... not the first time AND wont be the last )


I still believe in the possibilities of good things happening !! I guess that's why in RL I love fishing so well. There is ALWAYS that possibility of catching a GOOD ONE !! ( I placed 2nd in a private tournament this past spring !! ) AND I'm just crazy enough to believe that by the end of this year I'll have that new "Office" as well !!



Edited by OlBuzzard
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So I saw part of an interview where the team was alluding to some big things coming to SWTOR this year. Possible rendering updates, possible expanding... Personally i would love to see a return to class stories... I know 6.3 and GS just released, but... is there any more info on what's yet to come? It's now June and I feel like the window of opportunity to get the hype train rolling is going to close soon. I really love this game, and the amount of love the dev team has for it too really shows. I just feel a little too left in the dark on this one.


SWTOR 6.0 was officially announced on 2019-04-13 and released on 2019-10-22, roughly 6 months after the announcement.


Keith Kanneg's comments about doing something major for SWTOR's 10th anniversary in 2021 were made in 2020 January, before the COVID pandemic had upended life in America and the rest of the world outside of China.


In the recent SWTOR Twitch stream announcing 6.3 I seem to recall Eric Musco saying something to the effect that they had not forgotten SWTOR's 10th anniversary.


EA's Play Live event is scheduled for 2021 July 22, a full month later than previous years' events. It's possible SWTOR's 10th anniversary plans could be announced there. Regardless of what is planned for SWTOR's 10th anniversary my only expectation is that BioWare will do something special and different. I'm no longer expecting 7.0 but we may still get it. It just comes down to what BioWare is able to do after the adverse impacts of COVID and Texas' 2021 February freeze. I think whatever "major" plans they originally had have likely been downsized after the turmoil of the past 12+ months.

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** New Class ( I have my own personal interest there with an in depth sketch / suggestion there ) ... May not happen but .. still ... Oh my .. the potential there alone is just incredible.


If you have or read the making(or the art) of SWTOR book, it talks of how they had to cut a lot of material due to the time crunch. One of the Classes they were going to make were Gray Jedi. Which I would down with. You can still have an Imperial/Republic version of each. And you can then have three faction.


Republic: Trooper, Knight, Consular

Imperial: Agent, Warrior, Inquisitor

New Faction: Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Gray Jedi


And it would still make sense since I've always felt smuggler and BH shouldn't be exclusively tied to pub/imp. I would imagine they still have all the work they did on the class as well so they should be ahead of the curve instead of coming up with a "new new" class

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If you have or read the making(or the art) of SWTOR book, it talks of how they had to cut a lot of material due to the time crunch. One of the Classes they were going to make were Gray Jedi. Which I would down with. You can still have an Imperial/Republic version of each. And you can then have three faction.


Republic: Trooper, Knight, Consular

Imperial: Agent, Warrior, Inquisitor

New Faction: Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Gray Jedi


And it would still make sense since I've always felt smuggler and BH shouldn't be exclusively tied to pub/imp. I would imagine they still have all the work they did on the class as well so they should be ahead of the curve instead of coming up with a "new new" class


The problem here is how would you do things like pvp? Does the grey jedi essentially branch out into the knight/consular mirrors? What about the imperial mirror for Trooper? What about PvE and end game raiding with the community split three ways? Does the free faction freely group with the other two factions? How do you balance the pop if everyone just roles free faction to have access to both sides?


Your idea is awesome on paper, but implementing it in an MMO is just a whole other nightmare of balancing.

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Actually .. I would never go with the gray Jedi ... I would prefer more of a FSNFU (Force sensitive non-force user ).


There is a way to bring the new class in with the current story. BUT that would be reaching a bit. IMO the new class thing would have to be in the works for almost a year now in order to do it right. I'm not suggesting that it's impossible ... just very unlikely to see this one item now !!


I still believe that there is the possibility of a better year ahead. It's up to EA making sure that BW gets the funding and the go ahead nod to get the job done !!

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Actually .. I would never go with the gray Jedi ... I would prefer more of a FSNFU (Force sensitive non-force user ).


There is a way to bring the new class in with the current story. BUT that would be reaching a bit. IMO the new class thing would have to be in the works for almost a year now in order to do it right. I'm not suggesting that it's impossible ... just very unlikely to see this one item now !!


I still believe that there is the possibility of a better year ahead. It's up to EA making sure that BW gets the funding and the go ahead nod to get the job done !!


You still run into the same problem of how you would go about mirroring it. Due to how swtor is built it has to have a mirror class.

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You still run into the same problem of how you would go about mirroring it. Due to how swtor is built it has to have a mirror class.


Hmmm ... see how this works:


Let's start with this (for now):


New class:

** Republic : SIS Agency aka CMI-3 / possible name (just a suggestion ... I'm certain the development team is better at this than I am) ... CMI-3 (Covert Intelligence Division 3)


** Empire: IISC (Internal Imperial Security Council ... answers only to the emperor)


I know that in some cases players have asked if there are sub classes available? My suggestions would be as follows:

Republic Sub Class Names

1. Healer

Covert ops medical specialist. Uses one weapon only. Shield converter for off hand. Code (sub class) name: Specialist / (name subject to change). Also can use stealth capabilities with assigned boosts to insure success.


2. DPS: Ranged

Covert ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Nemesis ( name subject to change) Uses two hand held machine pistols (blasters of course). See above posts for other details.


3. Tank

Cover ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Rampart (name subject to change) .. Uses one main hand hand held machine pistol (blaster) with specialized off hand defensive capabilities.


Empire Sub Class Names


1. Healer

Covert ops medical specialist. Uses one weapon only. Shield converter for off hand. Code (sub class) name: Appollyon (name subject to change). Also can use stealth capabilities with assigned boosts to insure success.


2. DPS: Ranged

Covert ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Vengeance ( name subject to change) Uses two hand held machine pistols (blasters of course). See above posts for other details.


3. Tank

Cover ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Retribution (name subject to change) .. Uses one main hand hand held machine pistol (blaster) with specialized off hand defensive capabilities.



It should be noted that if by chance the Development Team really ever reads this suggestion: My expectations are probably different than you might expect. If this sketch is too detailed... my apologies. I would expect that this class be made the way you want it to be made. Hopefully in there you will remember with kindness some of the main points:


A. Class name

B. Class weaponry that is VERY unique

C. Specialized moves and unique abilities to "shoot while on the fly".

D. A specialized system of defensive and skill set bonuses that are reflective of the "FSNFU" as described.


It should also be noted that the foundation has already been established throughout SWTOR already. It would be easily to add these to the story. IF the team wanted to it might even be added to the beginning if they so chose. It would obviously take considerably more time and money ... but IMO still doable !!

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Hmmm ... see how this works:


Let's start with this (for now):


New class:

** Republic : SIS Agency aka CMI-3 / possible name (just a suggestion ... I'm certain the development team is better at this than I am) ... CMI-3 (Covert Intelligence Division 3)


** Empire: IISC (Internal Imperial Security Council ... answers only to the emperor)


I know that in some cases players have asked if there are sub classes available? My suggestions would be as follows:

Republic Sub Class Names

1. Healer

Covert ops medical specialist. Uses one weapon only. Shield converter for off hand. Code (sub class) name: Specialist / (name subject to change). Also can use stealth capabilities with assigned boosts to insure success.


2. DPS: Ranged

Covert ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Nemesis ( name subject to change) Uses two hand held machine pistols (blasters of course). See above posts for other details.


3. Tank

Cover ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Rampart (name subject to change) .. Uses one main hand hand held machine pistol (blaster) with specialized off hand defensive capabilities.


Empire Sub Class Names


1. Healer

Covert ops medical specialist. Uses one weapon only. Shield converter for off hand. Code (sub class) name: Appollyon (name subject to change). Also can use stealth capabilities with assigned boosts to insure success.


2. DPS: Ranged

Covert ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Vengeance ( name subject to change) Uses two hand held machine pistols (blasters of course). See above posts for other details.


3. Tank

Cover ops attack specialist. Code name (sub class name) : Retribution (name subject to change) .. Uses one main hand hand held machine pistol (blaster) with specialized off hand defensive capabilities.



It should be noted that if by chance the Development Team really ever reads this suggestion: My expectations are probably different than you might expect. If this sketch is too detailed... my apologies. I would expect that this class be made the way you want it to be made. Hopefully in there you will remember with kindness some of the main points:


A. Class name

B. Class weaponry that is VERY unique

C. Specialized moves and unique abilities to "shoot while on the fly".

D. A specialized system of defensive and skill set bonuses that are reflective of the "FSNFU" as described.


It should also be noted that the foundation has already been established throughout SWTOR already. It would be easily to add these to the story. IF the team wanted to it might even be added to the beginning if they so chose. It would obviously take considerably more time and money ... but IMO still doable !!


I would like to see a blaster rifle option instead of pistols for your ranged idea because at the moment, we only have operatives and Powertechs that use rifles in the game. Which is a shame cause I don’t like either classes, but I have some really cool rifles I’d like to be able to use.



Buzz, you might find this interesting to watch. It’s an early revel of this game Phantasy Star 2 online : New Genesis.

(due for release in June)

I know this is a totally different type of online MMO game you’re probably use to. But I like how they are going to do a combo type weapon which would be cool in swtor to go from melee to ranged or pistol to rifle.


I especially like how they are linking their older game Phantasy Star 2 online to the new game (they will be a 1000 years in the future). It’s certainly a type of mechanic Bioware could use to link a new swtor 2 game to original swtor (if they were ever keen to make one).


For the record, I don’t play these games, but I find some of the concepts in them appealing and think some would work in a swtor type setting, more so than some of the WoW cloned features this game has borrowed over the years.

Have a watch and tell me what you think.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I would like to see a blaster rifle option instead of pistols for your ranged idea because at the moment, we only have operatives and Powertechs that use rifles in the game. Which is a shame cause I don’t like either classes, but I have some really cool rifles I’d like to be able to use.



Buzz, you might find this interesting to watch. It’s an early revel of this game Phantasy Star 2 online : New Genesis.

(due for release in June)

I know this is a totally different type of online MMO game you’re probably use to. But I like how they are going to do a combo type weapon which would be cool in swtor to go from melee to ranged or pistol to rifle.


I especially like how they are linking their older game Phantasy Star 2 online to the new game (they will be a 1000 years in the future). It’s certainly a type of mechanic Bioware could use to link a new swtor 2 game to original swtor (if they were ever keen to make one).


For the record, I don’t play these games, but I find some of the concepts in them appealing and think some would work in a swtor type setting, more so than some of the WoW cloned features this game has borrowed over the years.

Have a watch and tell me what you think.


** The new class would not use blaster pistols. More like automatic machine pistols (by todays comparison).

** Also: the new class would not need to kneel / anchor (stand still) or take cover in order to use primary offensive or defensive postures.

** Advance classes ( level 50 and up) would receive the "force sensitive" endowments but would NOT have access to "force" attributes such as force leap or defensive maneuvers. This would NOT be (in any circumstances) a hybrid class or subclass addition to the smuggler or trooper.


And yes ... some of the fighting displayed by a couple of the classes in that review is similar to what I'm describing !! (Gunner I think was the one in particular). There is actually a whole suggestion on this class in the "suggestion box". I really like the fast moving and hard hitting idea. Standing still while your character is knocked back or out of the position needed for most affective use of best attacks is not my idea of fun.


In any case: I hope this helps a bit. And yes .. I do like the link the the game review !


Thanks !!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I wish just the opposite, and have, for a long time. I've wanted to the Alliance to become a genuine and independent third faction.


And thats the problem. This game is Star wars the old republic, not Star wars the alliance. Having a third faction just ruins and destroys the games primary focus, as this game is about the Republic and the Empire, when they rolled in Zakuul it just tipped and ruined the games purpose that a unknown third faction just steam rolling the other 2 factions like if it's one giant Mary/Gary sue. Same as too the Alliance, a third faction thats more being more perfect and better then the main two factions...it's just dumb and boring. But if they want to do other secret/hidden factions then they should've done it like shadow of revan, not a massive giant army that can steam roll but a small organisation.


So thats why the Alliance needs to go, I dont care if they just disband it, or just blow up odesson there's just 0 point to keep it around.

Edited by Rhys_lightning
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Plus if they not done that pointless 5 year skip and less focused on the alliance, we would've had alot more story content and new planets to explore, like ryloth, mustafar, sullest, Every planet possible Edited by Rhys_lightning
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Please NO MORE Level Increases............ Work with what we have for a bit. They had to give players bolstering for the story with the Spirit of Vengence because people cried it was too hard.


FFXI, a game designed around horizontal progression eventually raised its level cap and you expect a game designed around vertical progression to not raise the level cap? lol good luck. Eventually you have to do a reset on progression and level cap increase is the best way to do it.

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And thats the problem. This game is Star wars the old republic, not Star wars the alliance. Having a third faction just ruins and destroys the games primary focus, as this game is about the Republic and the Empire, when they rolled in Zakuul it just tipped and ruined the games purpose that a unknown third faction just steam rolling the other 2 factions like if it's one giant Mary/Gary sue. Same as too the Alliance, a third faction thats more being more perfect and better then the main two factions...it's just dumb and boring. But if they want to do other secret/hidden factions then they should've done it like shadow of revan, not a massive giant army that can steam roll but a small organisation.


So thats why the Alliance needs to go, I dont care if they just disband it, or just blow up odesson there's just 0 point to keep it around.


I strongly disagree...


IMO the alliance reminds me of groups like the Mandalorian people of Star Wars. No so much as a race of people but rather a group that has banded together based upon a common goal and belief.


Odessen is an excellent base. IMO ... there is still a lot that could be written to shore up the defenses and strengthen their resolve. This does not take away from the original story since it takes place approximately 3600 years before the original trilogy (IIRC). ( A lot can happen in that time frame).


Also the idea of Vitiate and Valcorian was a part of the "eternal emperor" was a part of the original SWTOR plot ( Please see the story of Scourge and his decision to help the Jedi to defeat the emperor ).


There is a lot more that can be said. But it is unlikely that anything I will say will change anyone's mind who is dead set against what has been done. I will only offer this: Change is inevitable. Perhaps there may come a time when players might want to change the role that they are currently in without destroying the integrity of the story that has been provided.

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