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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Agreed, it would have been awesome if they had some people in lead positions with that kinda resume, similar to blizz having hardcore eq raiders involved back in development


I also think the lack of developer feedback on these forums in general is indicative of a lack for a pulse on hardcore.


Games like league of legends and star craft all have developers actively participating and those communities respond well to it. Hopefully biowares live team can open the doors up for real discussion on here about genuine concerns.

Edited by kalexkhan
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I find it more annoying how I click a skill, watch it blink, and yet it cancels like I got stunned. That is a true issue of response to where it isn't even delayed.



Latency seems to be exactly whatever the problem the OP is having. Based on my perspective, when I click a skill and it works as intended - the result is consistent.

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Dear god, I didn't know I was such an evil, mean and bitter person :(


Firstly, I've been silently following this thread for awhile now, and I want to thank you for voicing the disconnect I felt from my player. I just could place my finger on the issue until I saw the first version of this thread. I hope that BW gets its act together and fixes these issues shortly, but on account of their recent 1.0.1 patch, I'm not sure I can count on it.



Secondary, yeah the infractions are iffy to me. I speak my mind, and I get a warning. I'm just trying to figure out how many points equal what?


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I really like this game a lot, but the ability delay really is a serious problem.


I've noticed that sometimes the ability delay is worse than other times, and I can't really say why that is. All in all though, the game seems unresponsive. The delay makes it feel like something is broken. I love PVP, but I haven't even tried it in TOR yet, because I know this problem will make it really frustrating.


Please find a way to fix this. I too am concerned that the lack of responsiveness may hurt long term playing of this game. I play games for fun, and hitting a button a bunch of times because there's no response isn't fun. Knowing that I pressed a key and watching my character do nothing, if even only for 0.5 of a second isn't fun.


A big part of gaming is honing your reactions to the NPC's and other players- knowing what the right things are to do, and the precise moment in which to do them. When it doesn't happen the instant I press the key, it's not fun.


I know that this is not asking the impossible, as I've been playing other games for years, and they react the instant the key is pressed. Please, please find a way to fix this. This wonderful game you made deserves it.


Thanks for your help on resolving this.

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What I'm trying to say is they need a proper GhostCrawler, no matter how much you may hate the man, he knows what makes a good MMO.


I agree fully with all you're saying but I would just expect more "knowledge"? Connection? Understanding? by someone that matters who "can" in fact affect these overarching and very important designs.


It feels like the lead designer is not very well versed with competitive or "more hardcore" gaming.



Unless all these people are wrong in claiming this was part of the problem in Beta (I don't know, I didn't get in) and this is just a technical hiccup. I firmly believe that this shouldn't/couldn't have gotten released with the current combat and responsiveness flaws if someone higher up knew what they were doing/looking at.


I'm not trying to rant against Bioware but obviously there is a pretty major issue that simply:


1) Was forgotten?

2) Overlooked?

3) Or maybe they were never "really" aware (which is the most scary answer)



So here again is hopes that this will be fixed and improved and communicated (soon). I should point out that you can read my early review (link in the OP). I actually enjoy the game very much otherwise and like a lot of things but how can you consider "ANYTHING" > Gameplay??


I disagree very strongly. Ghostcrawler was the worst thing that happened to WoW PR. What he did was open up transparency between players and devs, and since he never really understood what he was talking about, made them look really bad. (not knowing what "cleave" meant in arenas during a press conference??? come on, you balance for arenas!!) He flubbed so many times and had to back track his words. Not only that but he could never balance the classes no matter how hard he tried, he blamed it on "it's an mmo, it's impossible to balance 100%" when really, it's not, he was just bad.


Having a GC has nothing to do with the SWTOR gameplay this thread is focused on. WoW had all it's ducks in a row gameplay-wise BEFORE they hired GC. GC only made things worse across classes and forced class homogenization, he was the champion of decline of WoW(its current state).

Edited by Froth
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Ya, I hope this fix this soon. To make matters worse, since the last patch my movement controls seem to stop functioning after playing for awhile. I have to exit the game (if I can) then restart. Only happens when I play this game. There was one time when my UI stopped working, I couldn't click on anything. Ya, lol this game requires some work still.
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I disagree very strongly. Ghostcrawler was the worst thing that happened to WoW PR. What he did was open up transparency between players and devs, and since he never really understood what he was talking about, made them look really bad. (not knowing what "cleave" meant in arenas during a press conference??? come on, you balance for arenas!!) He flubbed so many times and had to back track his words. Not only that but he could never balance the classes no matter how hard he tried, he blamed it on "it's an mmo, it's impossible to balance 100%" when really, it's not, he was just bad.


Having a GC has nothing to do with the SWTOR gameplay this thread is focused on. WoW had all it's ducks in a row gameplay-wise BEFORE they hired GC. GC only made things worse across classes and forced class homogenization, he was the champion of decline of WoW(its current state).


you must have made a ton of video games. you really know what you're talking about

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I almost broke up with my boyfriend because we got in a huge argument over him not healing me. He kept insisting that his heals weren't working and I finally realized why.


I hope you can help me mend this relationship and find a fix asap. This is more important than any new content in the next update. Quite critical. May the force be with you, Bioware.


LOL I'm sorry... if you guys can't survive some gaming issues together, then your relationship just isn't meant to last. :rolleyes:

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I agree with the OP 100%. I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this.


I've played many of the games that were mentioned, and quit for that very reason. I'm not looking for WoW clone, but they nailed the responsiveness. I feel that if Rift or Warhammer would have had the same, they could have been a lot more popular. It just doesn't feel right.

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I have three months on my sub and while I love a lot about this game it feels too clunky and ability delay is the main reason with UI being the second.


If there isn't at least some word on a fix at the end of the three months I'll just go back to waiting for something else.

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Showing my support again, haven't posted since thread 1, lol.


I can't believe how poor the combat is in a game they've spend over 100 million on, it completely baffles my mind. Most MMO players will tell you that combat/gameplay is the MOST important factor for an MMO's success, but you're telling me not one BW employee mentioned this when you were designing it?


Forget about ability lag for a second, the gameplay as a whole is absolutely abhorrent. No amount of fixes could make this game acceptable to play, even an enjoyable way, let alone competitive.


Tbh none of this surprises me, there's a video of SR showing the first few levels of the Sith warrior on Korriban, he died doing the very first Sith trial in the Tomb of Ajunta Pall.

Maybe if the developers actually played their game to an acceptable skill level, they would

have seen where they went wrong by using the slow and outdated HeroEngine.

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During the single-player content the ability delay won't matter that much, but when you're playing with other people around you or do PvP, flashpoints and/or operations, this problem becomes MUCH more appearent. I can't begin to imagine all the times I called my ISP to try to solve this issue because I thought it was lag, before I saw this thread. Now I just hit my fist in the wall instead.

I don't care if this will make the game feel, combat wise, like WoW since that is, imo, the ONLY good thing that has come out of Blizzard's team of retarded monkeys since TBC.

Edited by Senatsu
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I love all the people saying, "that sounds like a hardware issue on your end."


You really just point out how you never notice whole seconds missing from your character's responsiveness.


The good news is, with a failure of this magnitude, hopefully no MMO will ever be released with terrible features like this again. It's a shame, this game had a ton of potential.

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you must have made a ton of video games. you really know what you're talking about


Ya cause GC being a bio-chemist then getting hired on developing WoW(based on some demo with no dev experience) knew what he was doing too!!!! right????? AMIRITE??


seriously kid.


It doesn't take droid to know bads when they see them.


P.S. your comment is not a rebuttal, you either have nothing to argue against my claim or don't understand what you are talking about. Which is it?

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100% agree with OP. I have the same problems. Yes I played WOW...who hasn't?


The more I play this game, the more I think to myself that they rushed it way to much and I really think it should still be in a state of beta testing.


I think the real problem is that it was an intentional design decision to make it this way. Sacrifice game-play experience in one way(character responsiveness) in favor of make your animations fluid. Seriously, nobody give a FLYING **** if your animations are fluid if your abilities don't fire when you press them. Thus, this thread.

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I think the real problem is that it was an intentional design decision to make it this way. Sacrifice game-play experience in one way(character responsiveness) in favor of make your animations fluid. Seriously, nobody give a FLYING **** if your animations are fluid if your abilities don't fire when you press them. Thus, this thread.


ability definitely have a priority on animation.


If you have a sorcerer test this : crushing darkness>force lightning. The channeled ability animation start like 1 second after the ability start damaging, or after the crushing darkness animation finish. That mean in that case ability doesnt wait for the animation to finish but the animatin does.

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I'm a (formerly) WoW arena junkie, and pvp is unplayable. Now that people are getting gear (no problem!) and matches are getting tight, I simply cannot play my class with the character delay. I play Merc as a bodyguard (please make respeccing cheaper... 45k is too much) and I cannot fake cast to bait and interrupt. I can't cast and then move and then cast. I have to actually wait till my character has casted his heal (visually) rather than looking at his cast bar. What's the point of alacrity (haste) anyways? everything is still unbearably slow, unresponsive, and many times my casts simply dont work!


I can't vent heat while moving most of the time (instant cast), My stun that WAS perfectly timed to freeze them in the fire now has to wait for me to raise my arm, shoot the dart, and all of the sudden.... guess what.... OUT OF RANGE.


My Unload won't even work half the time, and the other half I spend 15 seconds shooting the dead body.


Fix this issue, my arena team may have to hold a spot for me.

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I can't vent heat while moving most of the time (instant cast), My stun that WAS perfectly timed to freeze them in the fire now has to wait for me to raise my arm, shoot the dart, and all of the sudden.... guess what.... OUT OF RANGE


I just had the same issue on Hutball, throw the cryo grenade just before a player walks over the grill -- by the time the grenade actually lands, the player is well past it.

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I almost broke up with my boyfriend because we got in a huge argument over him not healing me. He kept insisting that his heals weren't working and I finally realized why.


I hope you can help me mend this relationship and find a fix asap. This is more important than any new content in the next update. Quite critical. May the force be with you, Bioware.


man, I sure hope you are in your teens...


ah. to be naive...

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Ya cause GC being a bio-chemist then getting hired on developing WoW(based on some demo with no dev experience) knew what he was doing too!!!! right????? AMIRITE??


seriously kid.


It doesn't take droid to know bads when they see them.


P.S. your comment is not a rebuttal, you either have nothing to argue against my claim or don't understand what you are talking about. Which is it?


you really know what you're talking about. im serious

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