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Finally a positive thread :)


I love all the spoken dialogue, medical droid revive is very handy,liking all the quests so far. Been in plenty of groups and I am having a blast. I have never felt as If I am grinding which is definitely a first for me in an MMO.


As for the haters - shan't miss them and baffled as to why they are still playing tbh.

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So far I've seen about 1 or 2 actual reasons why someone loves this game. Interesting..


But, while I am severely disappointed, here are some of the things I like:


- Group conversations: these are always fun because they really do add an unknown element to the story, which suddenly makes it more exciting.


- Dual-wield pistols: if you're an ex-SWG Smuggler like I am, you'll know why this is awesome!


- Class storylines: for the most part I have really enjoyed these. I do agree with some though, that the Sith Inquisitor storyline is so far very 'meh'.


- Graphical style: I actually like the aesthetic style chosen for TOR.


Agreed, i made a similar thread with these points made. I love the story lines and more importantly bioware really broke the mould with them.

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An amazing game. Simply awesome, by any standard.


If I didn't have all those other players in the background and even (during my cutscenes!) I'd think I were playing a game so focused on my roleplay that it were single player. Alas, I am not playing a single player game. It's just that incredible.

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So far I've seen about 1 or 2 actual reasons why someone loves this game. Interesting..


But, while I am severely disappointed, here are some of the things I like:


- Group conversations: these are always fun because they really do add an unknown element to the story, which suddenly makes it more exciting.


- Dual-wield pistols: if you're an ex-SWG Smuggler like I am, you'll know why this is awesome!


- Class storylines: for the most part I have really enjoyed these. I do agree with some though, that the Sith Inquisitor storyline is so far very 'meh'.


- Graphical style: I actually like the aesthetic style chosen for TOR.


Pardon me if i point that out Errathe, but if i had to list all the things i like in SWTOR, i'll prob hit the text cap.

The title is "The I LOVE SWTOR Thread" not "The Things i Like in SWTOR Thread".

Maybe it's just semantics.


Nevertheless i wish you good game!

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Needs some tweaks, but it has been a blast so far! The voice over story and dialogue wheel is fun. I really enjoy the multiple character involvement in quest conversations. I hope they continue to support and work on that. And I hope I can find more questing partners beyond just heroics and flashpoints.


It also doesn't hurt that it seems like that alot of the WoW elitists don't like it. :)

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I really enjoy the game as well.


I'm always playing 'some' MMO or another, and sadly for the first time in years, my houses in LotRO are going to be locked down and I'm 'hoping' that my excited wanes a 'bit' and I'll be able to do a little Rift in their on the side (still like their character models and simple animations a touch better - walking, running, sitting, hanging around and looking slick all day :o).


One reason I sadly 'don't' have to play Rift much is it's a bust for Alts, in a sense. You level up 'so' fast that if you are a goody hunter like me, and want every new dress, hat, boots, dogs, pets, mounts, lamp posts, picket fence that comes with the events, your Alts end up being level 30 and you haven't even done any quests yet, except the starter zone. When I play those characters, I don't even know what to do at this point, because I've been given all these abilities and I've never had a chance to learn to use them 'over time'. Leveling is 'way' too fast there, compared to here. I think that fast leveling thing was a failed experiment. I now know what it must be like to 'buy' a WoW character on eBay and go play it, having no idea what I'm doing. :)


So yes! Having a blast! I tried space combat once, and failed miserably, not sure I get it. I'll try again. I'm human, we're supposed to have this amazing ability to adapt. :)


Oh...but for the love of [insert deity, lack of, or state bird here], please fix the "I want to be evil, but don't want my character to look like Keith Richards and Marty Feldman had a baby all the time!" toggle from resetting when I zone! :eek:

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Pardon me if i point that out Errathe, but if i had to list all the things i like in SWTOR, i'll prob hit the text cap.

The title is "The I LOVE SWTOR Thread" not "The Things i Like in SWTOR Thread".

Maybe it's just semantics.


Nevertheless i wish you good game!


But they OP specifically also asks for things you actually like/love about the game, not just that it's awesomesauce. :)


Those of us with complaints are taking the time and trouble (and wading through all the fire) to post our issues that we believe need attention.


Let's hear the same from those of you who are 100% satisfied. Would be nice to hear some good stuff!

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The game is awesome.

1) Group conversations - because you just never know what/how someone will say something.

2) In game cinematic - I'm a 'light' role-player. This was the first game ever where I went back and re-leveled a toon because he was too ugly to look at in the close-ups. My absolute favorite though is my main. A very dark skinned Jedi Consular Seer Zabrak with little horns, glowing yellow eyes, and hot ;) Anyone who tells me there aren't enough options when building your toons during character creation is nutty.

2) Flirting as a Trooper, pissing off your companion, and getting the pay off ;)

3) The stories are really cool. Some of the class quest ones are better than others, but the world stories are fascinating and while I have mentioned it more than once, playing the other classes fills in additional information.

4) The way that the classes play so differently, even the mirrored ones. Yea, the skills are identical, but the way the toon 'feels' in combat is very different. Heck if I know how to explain it.


Yep, the game has bugs, some of them major ones, but I have no worries that they will be fixed.

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1. As stated before, from level 1 you feel important....you feel....dare i say it (looks around pensively), ok im just gonna say it....HEROIC!!!! when i was on ord mantell and i saved that merchants daughter from torture and death, and he shouts at the top of his voice "EVERYONE...THIS IS THE MAN THAT SAVED MY DAUGHTER....priceless, just priceless. and this is a level 1-10 quest.


2. i love the EPIC look to the whole game. The King of epic feel so far in any mmo imho has to be LOTRO. First time hitting moria, or Lothlorien, almost takes your breath away. But i was walking through taris, and ascetically, it just looked EPIC! when i was on Corrusant, i found myself wishing i could take a taxi and just free-fly and explore!


3. Companion system is just so well done. You get attached, you have your favorites (im looking at you elara and kira). *SPOILER ALERT* the way kira just punks Darth Angrels interrogators was just HILARIOUS!!!!


4. Somehow those warrior poets over at bioware eliminated THE GRIND. How in the world they ever managed to eliminate the grind, im still puzzled, BUT ITS NOT THERE! ive played 5 classes past level 10, three past level 25 so far, and its just FUN!


5. This game is a True Roleplayers Garden of Eden. From someone who played more homebrewed pen and paper rpg then you can shake a stick at, in true bioware form, you really get into your character, and really get attached and engrossed. You actually care about your toons.


All in all this game has one of the best foundation i have ever seen in any mmo, and ive been playing then since the old text style muds. Anyone out there ever play the revenge of the jedi circle mud......my first love *nostalgic sigh* this game is a winner. Im SO proud to say that im a beta tester and day one early access to an mmo that is going down as one of the greatest ever made!!!!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!!!!

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The only thing I dislike about this game is the forums, more so the people that have nothing better to do then complain about every single thing. Half the crap they complain about is straight ignorance. Its seriously depressing to see so much negativity.


Other than that I love the game, I will be resubbing for sure!

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Go make your own thread for issues. This thread isn't for that. Thanx.


If that was directed at me, I actually answered your original request for good things and reasons why. I came here to discuss the good aspects of the game, not the stuff that disappoints me.


Sorry if you missed that.

Edited by Errathe
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Love it.


I would also add that I've been really lucky with the community on my server so far. I've grouped a lot and not a single jerk yet.


As for end-game... I don't care. The experience I'm having is simply worth the entrance fee. If I feel the need to unsub at any point, it won't invalidate the fun I've had, nor the value of it. If there's enough content to keep me happy, great. Either way, any expansion that added another chapter to my Char's story would get my money.


Edit: Forgot to say, I was a fully-paid up hater (although I didn't bother posting about it, not that kind..) up until I got in to the penultimate beta weekend.

Edited by Kanubis
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I like that this game feels like a single-player game, with optional grouping components.


I dislike that previous MMO I played because it felt like rushing through doom on god mode at lower levels, only to force tedious volumes of repetative grindy group content on you once you hit max level.


I love the voice-over and dialogue choices. I haven't cared this much about questing in literally years - probably never, actually.


I now find myself hating quest text boxes that fail to engage, have horrible writing, and, when grouped, must be clicked through with maximum speed in order to keep up with the sprint everybody around you is going at.


I like that there is semi-difficult content out in the world. I like that I can die if I pull the wrong mob, or see world bosses scattered about, or little tiny mini-instances meant for full groups.


I hate that other MMO I've played for removing all elites, for streamlining content to the point where there is no spice left to the experience, where the whole point of the game is not to play the game, but to get to max level.


Shall I say it? I like space combat.


I actually like pvp in this game, because I don't feel like I stand absolutely no chance whatsoever against the twinked-out pvp gods to the point where I might as well stand still and let myself be two-shot.


I love tanking in PvP.


Are there issues? Sure, of course. Little quality of life things that don't detract majorly from the experience for me, yet.

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Not all of the stories are good. For example, the Sith Inquisitor Story is very bad; and most people with level 50 Inquisitors agree


The sadder thing is that you musn't have a life besides crying on the forums for the last 9 days(the day you posted your "feels old" thread). If you dont like it, quit acting like a self-entitled baby and move on!!!!


I LOVE this game, and I am having a blast. Cant wait till they address a few issues and add more content. I, for one, am actually using my brain and realize this game is only a week and a half old and that content will come with time.

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But they OP specifically also asks for things you actually like/love about the game, not just that it's awesomesauce. :)


Those of us with complaints are taking the time and trouble (and wading through all the fire) to post our issues that we believe need attention.


Let's hear the same from those of you who are 100% satisfied. Would be nice to hear some good stuff!

Ok Errathe, you got me here. ;)


Sadly, by the time i made a list, other guys mentioned the majority of it.

I would just add that this game has all the amazing features of other great Bioware games like companions and moral choices (plus a great storyline), within a MMO.


What i love the most is that i can play with my friends or my girlfriend and having fun at our own choices. It's all like my gf saying "you meanie" when i'm harsh, and me saying "how classy" when her smuggler back talks. :)


It's an MMO at its best, because you can enjoy it fully when playin with someone.

In the face of "It's just a single player sold for an MMO" haters.


Hope it was exaustive, but keep in mind it's all about personal tastes! :)


Have fun stormin da base!

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