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What did you think of Secrets of the Enclave?


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I liked it, it's the best FP I've played in a long time. I haven't played it on veteran so idk what the boss mechanics are like, but it wasn't super difficult on story. The actual story was okay although

disappointed that we don't actually fight Malgus.

In that respect it's similar to the Traitor storyline which is kind of irritating. Let's hope it doesn't play out exactly the same way Traitor did.


What I really like about it is the allusions to KOTOR2. I loved that game even more than the original, but I've found that BW either avoids referencing it or does a terrible job of it (see: The Exile, Kreia). The ruined enclave has a prominent role in K2 and it was awesome to explore it, it felt very much like being back there, as well as all the weird droids and other strangeness in the sub-basement

though it's hard to imagine the Exile would have missed killing that Terenterak back in the day.



One of the other big pieces from K2 that I was surprised to see was

Aryn Leneer discussing force bonds, echoes in the force leaving imprints

. I thought they did a really respectful treatment of that concept for K2 and it surprised me, I didn't think these devs had it in them, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it in the future.


I also like that it has different storylines for imps and pubs, but I can't say I much liked the final boss on pub side.

Golah, really? It's not that I dislike seeing an old character return but I came in expecting to fight Malgus and we get this whiney beardo from imp Tat? Really, the archaeologist is holding his own against two Jedi and the PC? It reminded me a lot of the SW fighting Quinn.



Another thing I liked, not sure if it was intentional, but while you're initially stuck with Arn, you can sub in whatever comp you want and Arn will just show up in the cutscenes. That is great, it's such an obvious positive change and I hope they continue to do that moving forward.


I didn't do the cheevo with the animals and the food dish, and I don't really like that part but it's more creative than "kill 1000 mobs" so that's something.

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I like the FP.

For some reason I like Rivix a lot in it.



I really like it when you picked the "spared npc" option, Rivix disobeyed you anyway. He is obviously trying to undermine the Commander but he is doing in a way that we can't confront him about it... yet. His Jedi knowledge is strange too. I love mysterious character.




I wish the bosses won't just throwaway chracters.



Golah is from my fav planetary story so come on, don't kill him pls! I was so happy to recognize him lol

So the Bioware "canon" decided that the Jedi Kight spared Leeha but killed Tol Braga. Pls give poor Leeha a break.




Only drawback is that I wish the deco drop rate is higher. Preferably one for each boss.

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I like the FP.




Golah is from my fav planetary story so come on, don't kill him pls! I was so happy to recognize him lol

So the Bioware "canon" decided that the Jedi Kight spared Leeha but killed Tol Braga. Pls give poor Leeha a break.




Not sure if this needs spoilers but

you don't get an option to kill Leeha, the ls/ds is whether you inform the council about her and angry Zabrak dude's relationship.


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I am disappointed by the flashpoint because dantooine deserved better than what we got which could have been any old flashpoint on any word and it would have had the same story and felt too good for that world. the enclave while did have some call backs it was nothing more than just a glorified ilum and cz-198 with a less story than ilum and more story than cz-198. We honestly would have been just fine without the flashpoint never even being in the story.


Compared to the previous flashpoint i would rate as way better both are just interludes to something bigger making us have and additional 2 different storylines ontop of whatever our characters are playing in the return to republic vs empire. I did however like the return of Leeha Nareez on impside, it just was not enough for the flashpoint to be good. i would seriously give it a 2 out of 10.

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I loved it. More the Imp than Pub side, but both are fun.


I haven't enjoyed an update this much for a very very long time.


I'm sure the absence of a character I dislike increased by enjoyment O:-)


You really call 1 flashpoint an update? on top of that we all know what the Galactic Seasons is meant to be. Force us to rehash the same 10 year stuff over and over again, while they twiddle their thumbs to get us actual content. I stand by my statement of mediocre content with the new flashpoint.

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You really call 1 flashpoint an update? on top of that we all know what the Galactic Seasons is meant to be. Force us to rehash the same 10 year stuff over and over again, while they twiddle their thumbs to get us actual content. I stand by my statement of mediocre content with the new flashpoint.


You really going to argue about my personal opinion?

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I did it on imperial side. It made me sad, story wise is not really interesting but lots of great ideas, I was like "Oh my god this idea is so good" many time but ending is way too abrupt and flashpoint overall too short given the expectation



Things I like :

-Jedi Big Boss doesnt care about the officer to be killed

-My agent tried to kill her but failed

-Malgus/Krovak thing, good to know this game is not all about our character

-Rivix voice acting!

-Paranoid Jedi and still alive at the end, so recurrent character possibly.



Edited by LeoAugustina
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You really call 1 flashpoint an update? on top of that we all know what the Galactic Seasons is meant to be. Force us to rehash the same 10 year stuff over and over again, while they twiddle their thumbs to get us actual content. I stand by my statement of mediocre content with the new flashpoint.


Thread is sharing opinions about the FP not a debate so no need to "stand by" any personal opinion m'kay thanks. :cool:

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Do we really need spoiler tags? I mean, if someone comes here and sees a spoiler, they kinda asked for it...


Anyway. I really, really enjoyed it.


What I liked


- diversity of dialogues per class (smuggler man. Always cracking me up)

- all that character building with Krovos and Rivix

- all the dialogue/scenes during the flashpoint

- Rivix reaction when asked to spare the captain

- all the saboteur stuff (and the flirt line)


Arn's/Tau's reactions in the end if you tried to pull him to the dark side in Onslaught



What I didn't really like but not the end of the world


- story doesn't really progress

- Aryn... gosh she's so annoying (which is nicely done as I assume it's the goal)

- Krovos constantly pulling mobs when you're trying to AoE

- the saboteur option for republic characters is... a LS option... which sorry doesn't make sense

- Hylo... I really want to see Theron again. Heck I'd take Lana but come on, why is Hylo doing all that stuff now?

- how once again the Empire doesn't seem to care one bit about you...

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I liked some aspects of it but not others.


The setting was great and the game play of the flashpoint was fine.


The story is interesting and clearly leading to something, which is always good.


As for the rest, I'd rather they used companions (or at least a companion) we already have then keep introducing new ones. Got a list full of companions on every character that are never used.


At least my BH got to see Torian in SoV even though I hate the actual flashpoint. Dissapointed he didn't get a kiss though when Theron and Lana both did.

Edited by Suzsi
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Hmmm... OK .. a few random thoughts:


** I enjoyed most of the dialogue ( ran smuggler / gunslinger )

** I liked the overall story and the role that the characters had in it !!

** Really kind of short and seemed to gain very little in the story


I did appreciate a couple of answered questions about Malgus ... And seems like I had a handle on where this is going up to now !! Kind of makes me wonder if he's learned a lesson or two from Vitiate and maybe trying to find stuff for him personally !

I also wonder if maybe there is some sort of connection between the incident with Malgus and the Mandos !



** Difficulty level for a FP was very easy !!

** Companions still seem to be left out !!


Overall good ... more like a short story before the next step toward a major plot unfolds.

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Didn't do it yet out of a combination of fear that there would be bugs that might ruin the experience and being busy keeping on top of galactic conquests.


I'll read the known issues and maybe play it at the weekend if the problems noted are only minor.

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Disappointed. The Enclave should have been a series of quests involving excavating it. Not a shoot-move-shoot-move-cutscene slog that resolved nothing.


I think they wasted the enclave.


I'm starting to agree with this view, it was less fun the second time through, doing the imp storyline. I guess I have a high tolerance for BW wasting stuff from KOTOR. The Foundry was a waste. SoR was a waste. The Exile showing up again recently in Echoes of Oblivion was a huuuge waste. This was actually fairly well done, in comparison.

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I'm starting to agree with this view, it was less fun the second time through, doing the imp storyline. I guess I have a high tolerance for BW wasting stuff from KOTOR. The Foundry was a waste. SoR was a waste. The Exile showing up again recently in Echoes of Oblivion was a huuuge waste. This was actually fairly well done, in comparison.


In KOTOR 2, it was a bit spooky with surprise encounters and ways to accidentally kill yourself while dungeon crawling for loot. I’d have liked something similar here.

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I’m wondering how many people got the taskbar bug that unlocks it and if you leave / return to fix it, you then get locked in the flash point and can’t move. Basically making that character unplayable brill they fix the bug.


The first 3 characters I've ran through there ALL have that issue. Two of those are smugglers. I just played with it unlocked. (It's a royal pain).


In any case... just another BUG to deal with for now !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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The first 3 characters I've ran through there ALL have that issue. Two of those are smugglers.


In any case... just another BUG to deal with for now !


It’s why I haven’t tried it on any of my alts. BioWare haven’t even announced an emergency patch date yet, so I’m not risking one of my 75s.

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It’s why I haven’t tried it on any of my alts. BioWare haven’t even announced an emergency patch date yet, so I’m not risking one of my 75s.


I still have over 1/2 of all of characters to run through EoO and Sov. Soooo .. It's pretty obvious that those are what they are and probably just have to run them as is. Maybe by the time I'm finished with those characters / previous stories, the problem will be fixed ... maybe.

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