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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I felt a great disturbance in the Force........


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What a let down of a game. I eagerly anticipated the release of SWtor. I held back from "beta test" previews. I followed fansites and ate up news of the release of this "amazing" game.


Now I wonder what all the hype was about?


This game does nothing original. The "Story" is just a glorified version of AoC voice acted story lines. The game mechanics scream WoW. PvP which is horrible btw is a huge step backward from what mythic did with WAR.


THe voice acting... nice touch... for the first 5 or 6 quests after that, it's skip skip skip skip. It's jsut a delay to get to the quest. For all of you who said "I don't like to read quest text" well you're not gonna want to wait around and have some NPC tell you why you need to blow up boxes of droid parts. Over done in my opinion.


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


So i wish the best to SWTOR prove me wrong, but I've unsubbed maybe i'll check it out again in 6 months to a year.


But for now... NEXT!

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What a let down of a game. I eagerly anticipated the release of SWtor. I held back from "beta test" previews. I followed fansites and ate up news of the release of this "amazing" game.


Now I wonder what all the hype was about?


This game does nothing original. The "Story" is just a glorified version of AoC voice acted story lines. The game mechanics scream WoW. PvP which is horrible btw is a huge step backward from what mythic did with WAR.


THe voice acting... nice touch... for the first 5 or 6 quests after that, it's skip skip skip skip. It's jsut a delay to get to the quest. For all of you who said "I don't like to read quest text" well you're not gonna want to wait around and have some NPC tell you why you need to blow up boxes of droid parts. Over done in my opinion.


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


So i wish the best to SWTOR prove me wrong, but I've unsubbed maybe i'll check it out again in 6 months to a year.


But for now... NEXT!



....riiiiiiight. Believe me when I say no one will miss you.

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What a let down of a game. I eagerly anticipated the release of SWtor. I held back from "beta test" previews. I followed fansites and ate up news of the release of this "amazing" game.


Now I wonder what all the hype was about?


This game does nothing original. The "Story" is just a glorified version of AoC voice acted story lines. The game mechanics scream WoW. PvP which is horrible btw is a huge step backward from what mythic did with WAR.


THe voice acting... nice touch... for the first 5 or 6 quests after that, it's skip skip skip skip. It's jsut a delay to get to the quest. For all of you who said "I don't like to read quest text" well you're not gonna want to wait around and have some NPC tell you why you need to blow up boxes of droid parts. Over done in my opinion.


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


So i wish the best to SWTOR prove me wrong, but I've unsubbed maybe i'll check it out again in 6 months to a year.


But for now... NEXT!


Your'e an idoit you were following this game and expected it to be different from WoW? You are either blind or a lair about following this game. Now if you want a different MMO wait for GW2.

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What a let down of a game. I eagerly anticipated the release of SWtor. I held back from "beta test" previews. I followed fansites and ate up news of the release of this "amazing" game.


Now I wonder what all the hype was about?


This game does nothing original. The "Story" is just a glorified version of AoC voice acted story lines. The game mechanics scream WoW. PvP which is horrible btw is a huge step backward from what mythic did with WAR.


THe voice acting... nice touch... for the first 5 or 6 quests after that, it's skip skip skip skip. It's jsut a delay to get to the quest. For all of you who said "I don't like to read quest text" well you're not gonna want to wait around and have some NPC tell you why you need to blow up boxes of droid parts. Over done in my opinion.


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


So i wish the best to SWTOR prove me wrong, but I've unsubbed maybe i'll check it out again in 6 months to a year.


But for now... NEXT!


U mad bro? Can i have your stuff?

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God, could you guys please stop rehashing these unbelievably stupid threads? The game needs a bit of work, we know that, but so far, SWTOR has had the smoothest launch.


work on this game wont change OPs opinions he doesn't like WoW so he wont like SWTOR.

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You have to remember that this game started development back when this type of MMO was popular. It has for some reason taken FOREVER for them to release it.


Now this game looks dated because Bioware or EA either didn't have the money or didn't want to spend the money to sort of rush the development or change it half way through development.


Perhaps a fully voiced MMO in the generic MMO genre is just too much. I feel that was their down side. It's an awesome feature, one I hope continues on to other MMOs in the future, but because it takes a colossal amount of time to get all those voices, it has hurt the development of the game in other areas.


What Bioware should have done was to get rid of the leveling system all together and shortened down the amount of side quests. This would have made the game more like their other series like Mass Effect or Dragon Age where there is still a lot of content, 50+ hours or so. They then could have saved time on not having to record all of those voices. The game would have felt like less of a grind and many people would have been much happier. You of course would still have PvP and end game raiding with buddies it would have just been much faster.

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Will such threads ever stop? I mean seriously every single person who does not like the game has to post about it? We have 100s of such threads every day so please stop as this is getting tiering!


At least title the thread properly so that i know that this is another "thread about how dissapointed i am" so i know in advance to not view such a thread.


Like said above nobody care anymore if you leave or not because you are not the first to enlighten us with this dramatic info. There were hundreds before you so we all know "the story" upside down already...

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Will such threads ever stop? I mean seriously every single person who does not like the game has to post about it? We have 100s of such threads every day so please stop as this is getting tiering!


At least title the thread properly so that i know that this is another "thread about how dissapointed i am" so i know in advance to not view such a thread.


Like said above nobody care anymore if you leave or not because you are not the first to enlighten us with this dramatic info. There were hundreds before you so we all know "the story" upside down already...


Seconded. Why those who are departing can't just go, I don't know.

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Will such threads ever stop? I mean seriously every single person who does not like the game has to post about it? We have 100s of such threads every day so please stop as this is getting tiering!


At least title the thread properly so that i know that this is another "thread about how dissapointed i am" so i know in advance to not view such a thread.


Like said above nobody care anymore if you leave or not because you are not the first to enlighten us with this dramatic info. There were hundreds before you so we all know "the story" upside down already...


That's really the entire point of these message boards is for people to give feedback on the game. Telling them to leave doesn't make any sense at all.

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That's really the entire point of these message boards is for people to give feedback on the game. Telling them to leave doesn't make any sense at all.


Perhaps go read the OP again and if you will find ANY feedback let me know. There is 0 feedback in the OP.


I will just quote one part of the OP:


I don't care about the bugs, or how polished this game is. It's an out dated pile of crap. Maybe if this were released 4 years ago it would have been something fresh, however it's way behind the curve.


Nice feedback...offering solutions to the devs and so on.


Like i said before, there is 0 feedback here given by the OP.

Edited by Endel
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Sorry that you dislike the game OP.

I enjoy it, people at work are talking about it (and that's not normal) when I never heard the first word about another game this year so far from them.


My wife is looking into a laptop to play the game and my friend at work who hates monthly subs is already planning on buying the game.


The GTC's at my two local gamestops are sold out every shipment they have gotten in so far, with more orders for them still left. (mine included)



Personally I can not wait for the first 30 days to expire.

Edited by titanmike
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This is an amazingly original post and I am shocked I have not seen one like it in all my time here. Seriously, you're hating on one of the key points of the game? If you don't care about the story then yes, "next." I for one am ridiculously overleveled because I can't force myself to skip a quest and I keep sprinkling in some PvP as well.
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This is not the game you're looking for!


Move along.




Seriously why do people feel the need to tell us why they are leaving? The only people who care are the trolls and whiners who populate the general forums. The 1m+ who are happy with the game are too busy playing it to care.


I'm only here because I'm away on holiday and unable to play.

Edited by ChuangTzu
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