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Change Character Sheet back


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Going to keep it simple.

Thank you for attempting to make the amplifiers easier. Unfortunately I can't say I'm happy with the new design.


I can't even begin to imagine what people with smaller screen sizes are going through. I got the impression that it didn't go over well on the test server and I would have thought it was something that needed to be re thought.


Bring the old one back till you come up with a better design. You could have just replaced one of the drop down combat stat areas with the amplifier one and left the rest alone.


I understand that people may have worked hard to bring about the new design and I thank you for your efforts but I feel that it's time you take a bit of humble pie, admit you made a mistake, and put it back till you have a better idea.

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Second to this. The new design takes up too much space, and hides one of the sections showing useful information. The amplifiers panel should be a pop-out that can be hidden.


The amplifiers panel is useful when creating a gear set, but after that it just gets in the way. Making it something that can be hidden would resolve this.

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I completely agree that the new character sheet is a total mess. It takes up way too much space, gives you nothing than your zoomed in toon and doesn't even show the currently applied outfit.

The amplifier list is an even bigger mess. What is it's purpose? Those, that are building their set of amplifiers will not be harmed if they have to do one extra click how it was before (if someone even used the list and didn't just mouseover the pieces they wanted to reroll amps on), and as for the people that already have all or most of their amplifier sets completed, I highly doubt they need constant big useless window that you can't even hide.

Another thing is the redesign. Who actually asked for it? Why is it even a thing? People are unhappy about all sorts of things - the desync, toxicity, throwers and wintraders in ranked, endless bugs in Dxun and operations that are older than some of the players. And yet you guys at BW decide to change the one thing nobody had any complaints about. Genius!

I'm not even gonna talk about how poor the redesign actually is, but why did you change the locations of the armor slots? It is just irritating and has no use.

I know that it might not be true, but it seems like another one of those changes that are done only to create the illusion that "we are actually doing something besides pumping stuff into the CM". :(

Here is my suggestion: Please at least give us the option to hide that obnoxious amplifier list. It would be even better if you gave the option to use the "old" character sheet like you did with the toggleable option to use or not to use the pack explorer. :confused:

Edited by Ivan_babca
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Going to keep it simple.

Thank you for attempting to make the amplifiers easier. Unfortunately I can't say I'm happy with the new design.


I can't even begin to imagine what people with smaller screen sizes are going through. I got the impression that it didn't go over well on the test server and I would have thought it was something that needed to be re thought.


Bring the old one back till you come up with a better design. You could have just replaced one of the drop down combat stat areas with the amplifier one and left the rest alone.


I understand that people may have worked hard to bring about the new design and I thank you for your efforts but I feel that it's time you take a bit of humble pie, admit you made a mistake, and put it back till you have a better idea.


I straight up cancelled my sub. The change is absolutely obnoxious. I just came back to the game after several years. There's a ton of content, tons of things for me to do, I'm enjoying it, then you pull this. This is a deal breaker. An additional UI window that can't be minimized, moved, closed, sized or anything (Because you can't edit the character sheet in editor) is added, while important data that I want to see in that second window next to Melee (Defense), is now relegated to a dropdown box, all to throw amplifier rerolls in my face? It's obtrusive, it takes up nearly as much width as my character sheet window. When I have Inventory open and a Cargo Hold or GTN window open too, this is just beyond obnoxious and enters into, poorly implemented UI (options).


Next are the amplifiers themselves. They're supposedly mostly QoL. Yet, they're also credit sinks in and of themselves as you can't choose the amplifier you want. So far, I've rolled probably less than 20 times and have yet to receive the one I'm after, 0-20 or whatever it is, isn't exactly making me want to use the feature, PRE-CHANGE as it was/is. Now?! Why would I bother given the credit-sinks that exist already? Why would I not just take what's given and MAYBE roll once here and once there just to get out of an amplifier that as-is is not benefitting me at all, not like the ones that are only benefitting me a teeny-bit, maybe a touch collectively if I stack them (theoretically, remember I'm 0 for whatever). Now that's not even UI related, but it it most definitely connected.


It really shouldn't be so hard to make it a pop-out box or, even just have left it as it was. I had no problem figuring it out, I just don't think it's worth using THAT much. Certainly not so-much as to undertake a UI change to the character sheet and relegating information that I had and want to something I now have to click to see again over something I DON'T WANT to see.


My wallet is my conviction on the issue.

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I straight up cancelled my sub.


My wallet is my conviction on the issue.

Not the sole reason, but I have to admit that It's been in my head the whole evening : I should vote with my wallet, and remove my credit card from my account, so that I don't get re-bill for another 6 months.


...Just looked it up... my automatic rebill is tomorrow... or in 80 minutes, EST

Need to log on each of my characters to deposit the credits in legacy hold...


Small details adds up.

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I feel like perhaps giving us the option to have the old style Character Sheet in the options to pick between the new and old style would work well, for those who wish to choose, I personally am having trouble even playing with this new style, most of the time the Melee, Ranged, Force, Tech and Defense is missing from your Character Sheet, nothing like having to guess your stats. xD And when it is there you have to constantly switch between them as its only on one side now. As well as much of the time the Amplifiers part of the Character Sheet window blocks the Inventory window.
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I am considering canceling. This is an obnoxious change. The character sheet takes up half my screen. I have to move things around to see what I am doing. What is the purpose of that. Only reason I can see is that it's a hard sell in your face to buy amps. Well if I am not sub'ed I am not buying amps. Bad decision to do this to us.
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I for one will be voting with my wallet and canceling my subscription over this stunt. This is nothing more than a way to abuse addiction by placing the amplifier page in the middle of the screen much like a slot machine in a casino. This is a marketing ploy to suck more money out of people all while providing a useless tool in everyones face and ruining a working class sheet.


I hope more people cancel their subscriptions until they either replace the old character sheet or fix this one so that it is not a ploy to abuse people.

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I don't have a sub, I use the bi monthly purchase, but when the time starts running out, I consider whether to purchase another two months or not, a lot has happened in the last six months that make it harder to get the next two months, and it gets closer to the last day each time, in fact, the last time, I used a forum users link to extend my sub for a week while I decided. And it keeps getting down to the last minute before I cave, and get the two months. But I used to buy subs for my family, especially when they weren't in school, or for bdays, etc. But i've stopped doing that, and I'm not the only one. They have lost a lot of subs, but it doesn't seem to bother them, as they released on steam, when steam dies down, they'll release somewhere else, and keep going. They don't care, because they have a steady stream, it doesn't matter to them if it's regulars or not. Edited by DarkTergon
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The new character sheet definitely has issues.

  • The main- and off-hand items break up the column of armor pieces. If they could be moved to the left side, above or below the tactical, that would preserve the effect of putting them near the hands rather than the feet, but without breaking up the armor view
  • The amplifier window takes up a lot of space that isn't usually needed. If it could be opened and closed (default closed), that would be great.
  • The window is rather large. If there were some way to resize it, or just a setting to switch between small/medium/large window configurations, that would be great.
  • While viewing individual amplifiers is nice, it would also be nice to have a compressed view that showed the total value of each amplifier, across all gear
  • Losing the second stat window (melee/ranged/force/tech/defense) makes taking useful screenshots of the character sheet harder.

None of this is a deal-breaker for me, but that doesn't mean I like the current window.

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The new character sheet definitely has issues.

  • The main- and off-hand items break up the column of armor pieces. If they could be moved to the left side, above or below the tactical, that would preserve the effect of putting them near the hands rather than the feet, but without breaking up the armor view
  • The amplifier window takes up a lot of space that isn't usually needed. If it could be opened and closed (default closed), that would be great.
  • The window is rather large. If there were some way to resize it, or just a setting to switch between small/medium/large window configurations, that would be great.
  • While viewing individual amplifiers is nice, it would also be nice to have a compressed view that showed the total value of each amplifier, across all gear
  • Losing the second stat window (melee/ranged/force/tech/defense) makes taking useful screenshots of the character sheet harder.

None of this is a deal-breaker for me, but that doesn't mean I like the current window.


I have to agree to this and an option in Preferences to choose between the old one and the new one could be an option. But it it is definitely necessary to change it or bring in the old one as option. For me it is one of the worst changes in the game since its release!

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Agreed. This layout already had complaints on the PTS so I'm not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to push it live in this state. Classic example of something that's been made purely functional with not much thought to UX.
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The old character sheet used to fit snuggly between a Legacy Stronghold Cargo window on the left, and inventory window on the right. The character sheet used to fit snuggly in the middle. Allowing you access to everything important, draggable, and equippable.


It was a handy tool. :(

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I echo these sentiments... considering all of these issues were called out in testing, and the feedback was summarily ignored, EA is leaving us little choice in how to voice the obvious player displeasure at their rather obvious attempts to get more people to burn creds on amplifiers.


Not one bit of the UI change had players in mind, or usability. That's plainly obvious.

No aggregate total

No indicator of which set of amplifiers you can roll (still have to look at potential list every damn time)


Other than the level lock, and weekly cost re-set, which required no UI change, I see zero player benefit here.

I do see overwhelmingly negative feedback being ignored, which requires a response from the player base.


Since we're obviously now dealing with EA, not Bioware, there is one thing they care about, so that's how we get their attention.

Edited by ChanceNoir
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I see that some people are voting against the new UI change by voting with their wallet. I would like to suggest that we start by pointing all our friends and people we know to this particular post. If we get replies with something as simple as "I agree". It might illustrate exactly how big a part of their user base might actually "vote with the wallet". I feel they may not see a few people in a single post as anything to be concerned about. If they feel they make more money by putting things in front of our faces, then maybe by a simple show of numbers, we can illustrate exactly how big an impact this could make on their bottom line. I don't think EA truly understands how dedicated some of us players can be. I've seen other similar posts starting to show up with varied issues with the new character sheet. I'm essentially asking for a peaceful demonstration, in the simple form of getting more attention to this particular post.
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Agree x's 10. In the very least dont' have it auto pop out! Let us shrink it back!


There's no reason it had to be on the character panel to begin with as there are modification stations all over everywhere.


Please undo this change.

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The old character sheet used to fit snuggly between a Legacy Stronghold Cargo window on the left, and inventory window on the right. The character sheet used to fit snuggly in the middle. Allowing you access to everything important, draggable, and equippable.


This, this is exactly what I liked about the old character sheet. Please revert it back!

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The new character sheet is absolutely atrocious. All the previously mentioned complaints are accurate and I agree with them all, but I also want to add the character's appearance. I want to see my character in the outfit I have selected for them while I edit stats/mods/etc. The set bonus sets are atrocious, I do not want to see it on my character.


The size of the window, the way it looks zoomed in almost gives me a headache. I get irritated now anytime I switch out mods, it actually is making me not want to ever hit C, I am wanting to ignore progressing so that I never have to see it. Please, please, please stop changing things that are working.


I was somehow able to overlook the chat/social bar change, but now with this change, I am seriously starting to question ever spending another dime on this game that I have loved since Beta. EA/Bioware, this is just pathetic, unnecessarily pathetic. No one asked for this.

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