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Yeah.. The New Amplifier Pane Needs to Go.

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/shrug....anything is possible with these guys.

Anyone who's retired after working for 35 years or so, will know that these things are normal in almost all workplaces.


Have you ever seen those things like the Visa card that has the name "Maybe Later" or the birthday cake that says "Just put happy birthday" on it? Same thing -"right away boss". 😂

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All my years of subbing to and playing SWTOR ive seldom felt compelled to post on any topic in the forum but on this subject im driven to. This new amplifier pane is by far the most ugliest and most un needed thing Bioware have ever added to our screens. Also the new character puppet is just awful.


Things were fine before these were added, i actually liked how everything was. But now it just gives me a headache each time i log in and see this mess. Please Bioware, please...get rid and get back to how it was. Thank You.

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Notice the complete lack of comments or acknowledgement of players unhappiness as well. Its hard to want to keep playing a game that seems to take its player base for granted.


I know that I feel completely discouraged to log in when even the replies from customer service seem frustrated they can't get the developers to use basic reason.


I've been playing other games and spending my gaming budget on them when it usually goes to SWTOR.


Sure are there bigger problems in the game, yeah.

But chances are they won't fix those either, because that would require effort rather then just let some intern who can't even properly design a UI (I mean you didn't even properly disable the amplifier window when its not visible ffs)


Its a shame because this game has a lot going for it, but when something basic like this gets forced with "deal with it, its our game" approach vs. "We hear you and we'll work on it." AND its pushed as a quality of life enhancement...


It's just time to spend your money elsewhere.

You give interns far too much credit. Full-time employees would never let an intern be responsible for any task that would have this kind impact on a project.

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Well, nice to see community agreeing about something for once. : p Seriously, does -anyone at all- actually like the new amp screen?


...All this stuff about quitting game cause of it is ridiculus tho. Its a game on live dev. Mistakes happen and real big ones get fixed. Nobody's gameplay or day is ruined cause of massively invasive amp screen.

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Well, nice to see community agreeing about something for once. : p Seriously, does -anyone at all- actually like the new amp screen?


...All this stuff about quitting game cause of it is ridiculus tho. Its a game on live dev. Mistakes happen and real big ones get fixed. Nobody's gameplay or day is ruined cause of massively invasive amp screen.


its nice to see that the communety agree's with the same thing more that we all hate the amplifier pane and all wane see it chance back more.


and i have a bad feeling there not going to chance it all do we hate it all the new amplifier pane i bet there not going to chance it and not going to listing to us since we all agree that the new amplifier pane is to big and needs to chance big.

since the big reason more there not going to chance it since we all know good that there give no crap about what the communety like's or hate there give notting about us.

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So... devs still pretending there is no issue, just like they did with the social bar?


you can more tell there give not crap what the communety thinks about the chance's there wane do in the game.

all is there much hate about it there still give no crap about it.

and since there give no crap about there not going to chance it.

the only thing there care is that we give then money for buying cartal coins or buying sub thats the only thing there care about is making money and not how the communety like's or hate things there going to chance's

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I wish that social bar would just stay closed and stay where I put it on my screen



Devs please -- it's very frustrating having to close and move it almost every time I log into a toon, on every single toon.

At least please say it's in the works? Soon-ish?

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I wish that social bar would just stay closed and stay where I put it on my screen





Devs please -- it's very frustrating having to close and move it almost every time I log into a toon, on every single toon.

At least please say it's in the works? Soon-ish?


So much of this was ALL suggested and begged for as well as a plea for a different approach regarding the new UI (which also includes the new "Amplifier Pane" ) .


It's as if they are needing to redo the complete UI for some odd reason. I sincerely hope not. Had all of the recent "add-ons" followed the same "format" as the original UI MOST[***] of the difficulties we have now would have been so minimal.


In fact I made a pleas specifically requesting that the new "add-ons" (ALL of THEM) followed a similar format based on the one we've used so successfully for so many years.

** Mobility .. (and the ability to STAY where you put the different UI components)

** Sizing ability... (some prefer larger icons and lettering .. some prefer the lower case or smaller size)

** Having all of the UI to be more uniform in design certainly looks and preforms more consistently.


[***] note: the term MOST is used simply because some would have complained regardless of what was done.


Just my own opinion ... that I've stated .. and restated (from time to time).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I like it. 🤔


Or at least, I don't mind it. I find the new Character window to be easier to use, and without the amplifier list, I wouldn't have realized I still have a couple of 'green' (and not useful) amps. 🙂

Oops. Slight clarification. I like the new character pane, but I DO want the amplifier list to be collapsible.


Btw PSA - the character window, and some others, is affected by your "Global scale" setting in UI editor. If you find them too large, reduce the global scale factor. (Mine's around .8 atm.)

If you reduce the global scale you may find that some elements need to be repositioned and/or be individually re-scaled.

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Patch notes: Players can now collapse and expand the Amplifier list on the Character sheet.


We can only hope that we wont have to close it each time we try to open character sheet. Amp window may be collapsible but that wouldnt really solve anything if we would have to close it each time we wanna change gear etc.


Same for the damn social bar. That thing keeps opening and i just want it to remain closed forever.

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Players can now collapse and expand the Amplifier list on the Character sheet.


On the very first.

THANK YOU. This is all I asked for. (Please makes it closed as default?)


Agreed. Its been driving me insane. Glad to see they're actually listening. Hopefully this starts a trend of actually valuing input over just someone in development being like: "hey guys you know what we should try"


This game has a rich, passionate and dedicated player base. All Bioware need but do is ask and so many of us will happily provide simple QoL improvement ideas.


But ultimately thank you for fixing the mistake and hearing us, please continue to do so.

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Patch notes: Players can now collapse and expand the Amplifier list on the Character sheet.


We can only hope that we wont have to close it each time we try to open character sheet. Amp window may be collapsible but that wouldnt really solve anything if we would have to close it each time we wanna change gear etc.


Same for the damn social bar. That thing keeps opening and i just want it to remain closed forever.


They're still testing the amount of popups the game screen can force us to look at before inducing a seizure a la Ready Player One, thanks EA.

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Never had need to even open the Amplifier window before. Now it's open and I still have never even looked at it as I still have no need for it. Even if I did use it I would still have no need for it to be open all the time.


The Amplifier window like the Social / Advertisement Bar are, Just another example of more Quality Programing from BW / EA


Close the stupid Windows.

If I need to LOOK at either one of them, I'll click the fricking button....

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