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squads are a severe problem and need balancing.


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There is literarly nothing a single player can do agains premade squad. They must be forced to face their equals only. Stop random stomping or have an online worthy of soul series.


I've won many games vs premades, and I don't know if anyone has told you this so strap in. This is an MMO where you're meant to group up.


Mind explosion I know.

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I like the challenge playing against Premades. Sometimes it's against all odds but on the other Hand just like Snave said, you still can win against them. If you can't win, just troll them.

I'm trying to separate them and force them to 1v1. Or i just burn them in Huttball for absolute no reason.

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i sertainly belive that anyone on this this topic has a 45+cm dick and allways win against premades. Nevertheless it is unimportant. we must have a comfortable game for everyone not only for top premades. That is why premades must be balanced against each other.
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i sertainly belive that anyone on this this topic has a 45+cm dick and allways win against premades. Nevertheless it is unimportant. we must have a comfortable game for everyone not only for top premades. That is why premades must be balanced against each other.


I just don't get it? Don't you want to evolve as a pvp'er and work with a group to be able to beat them? I could care less who I play against, I have no issue at all with a group of friends queueing up together. I am not interested in a "comfortable match", I want the challenge. No, I have not won all matches against premades because there are a lot of damn good players out there. I have won a lot of those matches though and that is what makes pvp fun.

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If you are referring to a match last night on SS, in which a pug when up against a premade in voidstar and absolutely wrecked them. Yup, I was there. Shhhhhh, I was on my vanguard.


undouboutably you are playboy, genius and millionere. nevertheless your anecdotical evidence, premades must play only vs premades of the same power.

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undouboutably you are playboy, genius and millionere. nevertheless your anecdotical evidence, premades must play only vs premades of the same power.


You have me pegged. Playboy, genius, with millions. It was a pug, just so happens that there are times in which even premades have those "oh $hit" moments when they find out who they are up against. It is 100% ok to be good at pvp in this game.

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I was in a voidstar last night against a premade, they were terrible, our PUG team destroyed them.


Depends on what you mean by "destroyed" - if you farmed them for 40+ kills and also won objectives, kudos. If you just won by objectives as the group tried to PVP away from the doors, kudos still but that's not really "destroyed."


As stated on every thread about this crazy topic, the problem isn't premades. No one cares if they get matched up against a group of 4 players from a bad guild who group for PVP. People care about getting trounced by players who are playing at a significantly higher level. People would still complain (rightfully so) if the matchmaking system put 4 players on one team who were all superior to the #1 player on the other team. The problem is the population in SWTOR cannot support having a queue that balances out skill levels across different instances. There just aren't enough PVPers. There's a reason why the best games happen during prime time when the most games are popping.

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i sertainly belive that anyone on this this topic has a 45+cm dick and allways win against premades. Nevertheless it is unimportant. we must have a comfortable game for everyone not only for top premades. That is why premades must be balanced against each other.

How about Cry closets? Should we have those in warzones to? Ya know, in case it gets too stressful for someone and they can't quite find the inner strength to logout.

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If you are referring to a match last night on SS, in which a pug when up against a premade in voidstar and absolutely wrecked them. Yup, I was there. Shhhhhh, I was on my vanguard.

hmm may have been the same, but i'm sure there were more than just 1 match of this type going on.

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Depends on what you mean by "destroyed" - if you farmed them for 40+ kills and also won objectives, kudos. If you just won by objectives as the group tried to PVP away from the doors, kudos still but that's not really "destroyed."


I would go with the latter, i didnt pay attention to kill counts but i get what you're sayin.

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A separate queue for premade groups has been a fond request of so many PvPers for many moons... on the other hand, when separate premade queues were tried on PTS (I am not sure if it was also tried on the live servers at some point).

PvPers whined about the fact that there were no PvP queues popping, because suddenly more than half the PvP-interested population was in a different queue.

Anecdotally, I have noticed that some of my guildies have been able to consistently join the same PvP battle on the same team even without being grouped - they just happen to be in a shared Discord channel, and the PvP pop is low enough when they are playing that it becomes a viable tactic, although they apparently do get a bit kill-crazy and ignore objectives when they are 2v2 or 3v1 on opposite teams.

Assuming that BW cannot magically increase the PvP population to avoid this pehnomenon, how would you suggest handling that? Maybe cutting off external comms during a warzone?

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A separate queue for premade groups has been a fond request of so many PvPers for many moons... on the other hand, when separate premade queues were tried on PTS (I am not sure if it was also tried on the live servers at some point).

PvPers whined about the fact that there were no PvP queues popping, because suddenly more than half the PvP-interested population was in a different queue.

Anecdotally, I have noticed that some of my guildies have been able to consistently join the same PvP battle on the same team even without being grouped - they just happen to be in a shared Discord channel, and the PvP pop is low enough when they are playing that it becomes a viable tactic, although they apparently do get a bit kill-crazy and ignore objectives when they are 2v2 or 3v1 on opposite teams.

Assuming that BW cannot magically increase the PvP population to avoid this pehnomenon, how would you suggest handling that? Maybe cutting off external comms during a warzone?

how would they stop people from using any type of voice chat?

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hmm may have been the same, but i'm sure there were more than just 1 match of this type going on.


ok, i was not there, dont really care either way. ...... you just lost how much i appreciated your posts....now they garbage...no respect

Edited by Nickodemous
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A separate queue for premade groups has been a fond request of so many PvPers for many moons... on the other hand, when separate premade queues were tried on PTS (I am not sure if it was also tried on the live servers at some point).

PvPers whined about the fact that there were no PvP queues popping, because suddenly more than half the PvP-interested population was in a different queue.

Anecdotally, I have noticed that some of my guildies have been able to consistently join the same PvP battle on the same team even without being grouped - they just happen to be in a shared Discord channel, and the PvP pop is low enough when they are playing that it becomes a viable tactic, although they apparently do get a bit kill-crazy and ignore objectives when they are 2v2 or 3v1 on opposite teams.

Assuming that BW cannot magically increase the PvP population to avoid this pehnomenon, how would you suggest handling that? Maybe cutting off external comms during a warzone?


um, no? I am starting think that the only ones who post here now are non pvp'ers

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ok, i was not there, dont really care either way. ...... you just lost how much i appreciated your posts....now they garbage...no respect



We may have been on the same team or it may have been different matches hours apart, i dont really know, i dont know any of your characters. We could be on the same team passing the HB back and forth and i would have no idea it's you.

It's not something to get offended about but if you don't like my posts anymore thats ok to :)

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How about Cry closets? Should we have those in warzones to? Ya know, in case it gets too stressful for someone and they can't quite find the inner strength to logout.


Is it too difficult to stick to the topic?

Do you realy have any valid points why premades do not need to be balanced?

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Base line statement. SWtoR is a casual game for casual games. If you want progression raiding and what not this isn’t game and similar for PvP. The same small number of people play ranked and the general population couldn’t care less.


MMOs and respective game modes within live and die by their population. And its current format by lack of rewards (wins don’t count) and some premades discourage new players from trying out PvP and actually getting good.


There are 2 types of “pre mades” – 1) play the objective 2) go full team death match mode. The TDM premades are toxic and turn players away.


Go look through the number of posts on this forum and you also have 2 types of posters / players. 1) that like keep group queue in unranked, but acknowledge TDM premades are an issue 2) those that don’t care and rather continue to rofl stomp their way through for easy wins population be damned.


Case and point majority of comments in this thread.


Quick disclaimer, played since launch on and off. Highest player is rank 91 with a couple 80s and quite a few 60-70s. Doesn’t mean anything other than that I do play a fair amount of PvP.


For example, below is my experience of 10 games played yesterday. Some breaks in between Solo queued each time.


1. Yavin Ruins Loss TDM premade on opposite team 3 players quit my team in first 2 min. but close game in the end due spread out map. Still fun match

2. Hypergate Win TDM pre made my team ridiculous score.

3. Voidstar Loss no premades noticeable close game, fun

4. Hypergate Loss TDM premade on opposite team 2 players quit. ridiculous score

5. Hypergate Loss TDM premade on opposite team 1 player quit. ridiculous score

6. Hypergate Loss TDM premade on opposite team no player quit. close for half game then stupid score

7. Hypergate Loss TDM premade on opposite team 5(!) players quit, back fill / quit and repeat. stupid score

8. Hypergate Loss premade on opposite team no player quit. very close game down the wire

9. Yavin Ruins Win no premades noticeable easy win

10. Hypergate Loss TDM premade on opposite team 2 players quit. ridiculous score


If I didnt stick to plan to play 10 games regardless I would have stopped after 2. Cause honestly, there was nothing fun about facing TDM pre mades when your team as soloers and some are new, under geared or inexperienced etc.


You can still get 10-12 medals and your 2million dmg or whatever, but what is the point? And if I was a new or inexperienced player I wouldn’t play PvP again.

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Is it too difficult to stick to the topic?

Do you realy have any valid points why premades do not need to be balanced?

Is it too difficult for you to git gud?

you don't have valid points, just biased opinions based around your skill level.

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