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QOL issues you would like to see Bioware address


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Actually what I'd like to see is a better reporting system. If you are standing beside someone, and they are being <redacted>, when you right click and report, you've a host of options. But if you aren't beside them, the only option is to report as spam, which probably gets ignored. I'd like to see the system be the same, whether you are beside the offender or on the other side of the planet.


It’s a great idea. I 100% agree with this.

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An actual control bar (like the companion bar) for the RNGebus (Combat Support Droid). Damn thing still runs loose like a kid on a sugar high on their first trip to a toy store.


Even if it is only a simple 2 option panel: Passive/Agressive

(though I would never say no to a 3rd choice if it is the option to tell it to stay frelling here and do. not. move.)

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Ohhhh, knew I forgot one.


On GSF, can we have a button to press to target that player right in front of us rather than having to tab multiple times?


I'm pretty sure it already is a thing, idr what it's called but I think by default it is E because I have yet to change my keybinds for GSF and it targets whoever is within my crosshair.

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A mass delete box (like the deconstruct box for renown items!) would be AMAZING. Would help with clearing out unwanted set pieces after wanting that 1 belt or pair of boots.


A claim all button for emotes, flairs, titles and companions items. I have the patience of stone!!


For all GSF cosmetics to be accountwide. I can understand needing to start out with stock ships on each character and individual progression but the cosmetics and ships you can buy with CC are NOT worth it themselves because of how wacky that is, and I totally would spend on cosmetics if I'm going to work toward those achievements.


Auto-grant GSF weekly and daily upon entering a match after completion of the introduction.


Recollect button for the XP armors. If they aren't going to be allowed in collections to make copies, allow us to strip them from whatever character they're on, destroy the mods, and place them in our current character's inventory. It can be tedious trying to look for them and even sometimes, people can miss one or two pieces, making the search far worse.


Custom ability mapping save slots. I'm sure there isn't a single soul out there that wants to remap their abilities to their keybinds every time they swap specs. Its to the point where characters become strictly one or the other spec because people can't be bothered to change it to suit what may be needed for content. Making it that much easier would encourage branching out.


Notification setting to turn off all Conquest related pop ups. Seriously, it can't be that crazy that some of us really don't care at all. If they're willing to go into the settings for it, it matters.


Restructuring the family tree for legacies. It was a fun idea at first and while a lot of people I personally knew back when there was still hope for it were disappointed, I'd still like to see it be spruced up some. Add different relationships, make the crossovers not extend endlessly one direction, gotta be something we can do with that.


Add an option for the old main menu music.


Universal keybinding for certain UI elements like inventory, Hanger, Crew Skills, etc.


I'm sure I've had more but these are a nice start! :D

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While not in any way game breaking, I have one QOL issue I would love to see addressed.


I want a way to sort and lock the order of our characters on the character select screen.

I would hope it would also be toggle-able for those who would not like a set order of characters.


This has been one of my main dreams since the game launched as I (personally) would love to keep my mains on the front page of character selection screen. I would even play some of my less used characters if I could just jump to them, but still have my main characters where I prefer them.

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the ability to claim SINGLE items out of once unlocked armor sets... if i want these Relaxed Vestment Boots to combine with other stuff, i don t want to drag a whole set into my inventory and having to tediously delete the other items sans the boots

YES, THAT! So tired of deleting all the stuff from the bag manually!


- Another thing with crew skills: possibility to create a custom fast access page or something, where we could put our selected missions or schematics to easily access them.

For example on my slicer I'd love to have all the Lockboxes missions in one place since I don't care for ther others.


- I'd also love to have a better outlined number of current page of the forum discussion. Right now I have to hover my mouse over the page numbers to see where I am, it's just a tiny bit bolder then all the others.

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A revamp of the stronghold decoration system. Increase the offset to +/- 40, add a Z axis slider and a second rotation slider so that we have full 3D manipulation, and make it easier to add multiple decorations to our collection (for ex., the anniversary decos, some way to add all 999 of [deco] without having to right-click 999 times).

You can move decos to the quickbar so you only have to hit '1' 999 times instead of right-click 999 times! Isn't that amazing? :D

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you'll have to expand your thoughts on this one as the 3 you listed already have keybinds (or at least are able to)


Allow me to set 'B' for inventory on all current and future characters without having to need to go back in and change it every time I make one. It also cleans up any characters I may have missed since changing bindings on one or two characters to the most recent and preferred binding. If I'm suddenly finding 'H' for the hanger to be a hindrance, I'd like to undo it across all characters without needing to log inot the 40+ of them.

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The main QoL thing I'd like to see would be a system similar to the Stronghold listing, for Companions. That is, your most recently used companion(s) goes to the top of the list. They've made several attempts to make the companion list more user friendly, but there's just too many of them.

Or, barring that, a method of putting particular companions on a skillbar, like mounts.

Edited by JediQuaker
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My pipe dream is a level 75 casual pve endgame. The current level 75 endgame consists of one operation that I have absolutely zero desire to do with a group of 7 random idiots from fleet. I did it a few times with guildies, but given that the average pug can't get 3 people capable of doing the puzzle in kp hm, not trying dxun (or for that matter gods) with them.


Heck, the average pugs these days cant handle the ec minefield. Could we consider this when doing level design in the future please?


Er, but back to my primary complaint: the current "endgame" consisting of downscaled level 70 ops that are essentially designed for downscaled level 75 players is beyond ridiculous. Like, I can't think of a forum safe adjective to describe the level of stupid of the current casual max level endgame.


And what makes me sad, no one except me seems to care. BW has provided the hard core NiMers and ranked their carrot. And by the way, the NiMers would benefit from an actual max level endgame as well. And in conclusion, having a max level endgame would aid in making your (also beyond stupid, fyi) new augments have an actual purpose (because you could scale the bosses with them in mind).

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Let me perma hide certain companion groups under contacts and let me hide alliance alerts. If I haven't done them, I'm not going to, either let me get rid of them or hide them without having to close the tab every time I log in. I'm never going to do 4X or Pierce, on anyone but my Trooper/Warrior for example and them just being stuck in the list is a pain.


Same sense, let me favourite a companion or toggle my most used or do something so that my 'main' companion is at the top of the list. It's fine as is if I want to use Arcann but when I have to scroll all the way down looking for Scourge, or Quinn, it's kind of annoying.


I will +1 to those suggested being able to 'lock' the character screen to a certain order. I like my mains being on the front page, but I like to play alts sometimes. I hate my mains then dropping off to the second/third page because I've had to cycle through my alts.


Let me hide conquest/guild (x) controls (planet)/light vs dark pop ups via the interface or something. I hate having things get stuck on my screen especially if they pop up during cutscenes or something.


Either a way to claim only the pieces you want from an armour collection, or a quick delete tool. Sometimes I might claim several armour sets because I want to use individual pieces. I'm then stuck there having to manually drag and drop all the bits I didn't want from the sets. It's so tedious.


Make Diplomacy missions display alignment properly. I hate having to hover over them now to check which one gives the full alignment gain and which gives the mix of dark/light. Now they all just show your selected alignment from the light/dark toggle unless you hover over the icon, it just slows things down.

Edited by Farferello
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Let me perma hide certain companion groups under contacts and let me hide alliance alerts.


I just got done leveling a new toon and noticed this "new change" to the C&C list... what utter crapola.

QOL: give players OPTIONS to how they want things displayed, and TOGGLES to turn on (or off) "features".


I do not know why the dev's have such issues with these 2 specific words, let alone not breaking them when we do get them...


Make Diplomacy missions display alignment properly.


this is not just diplomacy, the whole alignment system is broken and awards light/dark points however it likes despite whatever side that characters switch is flipped to.

Edited by Kaveat
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I just got done leveling a new toon and noticed this "new change" to the C&C list... what utter crapola.

QOL: give players OPTIONS to how they want things displayed, and TOGGLES to turn on (or off) "features".


I do not know why the dev's have such issues with these 2 specific words, let alone not breaking them when we do get them...

The problem is that every display option or toggle doubles the number of combinations that must be tested at some point in the QA cycle.

this is not just diplomacy, the whole alignment system is broken and awards light/dark points however it likes despite whatever side that characters switch is flipped to.

Regardless of this behaviour that you're reporting (that I've *never* seen any hint of in my own characters), Diplomacy has its own particular lunacy, where the shown alignment symbol represents the position of the toggle and not the points that come from the theme of the mission.

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If they're determined to go down the horizontal sets progression route then some collections style storage tabs would be nice. Juggling all these items in the existing storages is a royal pain. Would love say a scrolable tab of dedicated 7 slot rows for individual sets, ideally with a button to easily pull out all pieces in a row.
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Give the armor collections icons a full figure, well lit, no outline, plain background icon so I can see ALL of the pieces of a set in optimal conditions without having to select it and put it in the preview window. Finding just the right boots is awful the way it is now!
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Let us put specific companions on quickbars for easy/quick summoning.

Let us put specific strongholds on quickbars for easy/quick egress.


Add weapons to outfit designer.


Hood tog... nervermind.


Make it easier to share full armor sets with alts so I don't have to remember to hit my legacy bank at the beginning and end of every session.

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Regardless of this behaviour that you're reporting (that I've *never* seen any hint of in my own characters), Diplomacy has its own particular lunacy, where the shown alignment symbol represents the position of the toggle and not the points that come from the theme of the mission.


To put it another way. the problem with Diplomacy is that is used to be the only crew skill that awarded light or dark points. There was/is one of each yield at each grade. One light rich and one dark rich. Those values have never been removed so when you have light side toggled and do one that was/is tagged as dark, you get your light side award and then the dark side tag associated with the original mission. Makes the whole system seem screwy as it always seems to give the toggled value first and then screws up your score by awarding the tagged value afterwards.

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Regardless of this behaviour that you're reporting (that I've *never* seen any hint of in my own characters)

Not consistently, but will occasionally see a light reward or two in the middle of a flock of darks when collecting missions at login. I had a couple reports on this last year with at least 2 other professions that had replies of "we are aware of the issues, and they will be addressed in a future update", yet more than a year later... still see it happening.

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While not in any way game breaking,...


I want a way to sort and lock the order of our characters on the character select screen.

I would hope it would also be toggle-able for those who would not like a set order of characters.


Not only a sort and lock, but for me, I'd like like 2 columns so I can but my Pub toons in one and my Imps in another.

Maybe even a tag showing if they are spec'd healer, tank DPS. I sometimes forget who is who.

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