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Stuck in "quick play mode" after patch. Download done, but I can't play my characters


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8 yr vet here...Thnx all fer posting...None of the fixes worked fer me, until i additionally changed the Compatibility of the 2 swtor.exe files listed in task manager, details header. Both to XP sp3 mode. Furthermore, i ran an older preferred account, which worked w/o problems. Then i exited out. Ran my Subscriber account. Now everything works great!


So i changed the mode of 3 files, Rebooted the game, and ran a preferred old acct to make sure. Now my Subscription acct works again. :)


Now way would i re-install.

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On some PCs, changing compatibility breaks other things or causes a degradation of sorts. I noticed weird choppiness on mine that wasn't here before.


If you edit your launcher, what you're essentially doing is disabling BitRaider, which then makes you download the streaming portion of the game, which is the Asset 338 folder. That's why it's a 2 hour download.


The best fix for me was to disable bitraider, take the download hit, and not worry about that mess anymore.


That being said, instead, I just uninstalled and reinstalled via steam. Steam has no BitRaider, so no worries anymore. So if you have to make a fix, do it the steam way

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On some PCs, changing compatibility breaks other things or causes a degradation of sorts. I noticed weird choppiness on mine that wasn't here before.


If you edit your launcher, what you're essentially doing is disabling BitRaider, which then makes you download the streaming portion of the game, which is the Asset 338 folder. That's why it's a 2 hour download.


The best fix for me was to disable bitraider, take the download hit, and not worry about that mess anymore.


That being said, instead, I just uninstalled and reinstalled via steam. Steam has no BitRaider, so no worries anymore. So if you have to make a fix, do it the steam way


I get a little bit of choppiness, too, but only while launching the game, so I don't consider that broken. Having to sit here for 2 hours is broken. Also, others are having to do the 2 hour download/repair every single time they want to play. In my book, compatibility mode is still much better even with choppiness.


Just my 2 credits on that

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Crazy thought - but, given the nature of Quick Play and it being related to starting planets vs. the rest of the game content, and given the number of times I've seen people mention this bug resurfacing with new patches in the past, I'm wondering if this bug could be related to a player having a character on one of the four starter planets when a big patch is deployed (in this case, 6.2). This is the first time I've run into the Quick Play bug, and I happened to have recently started a new jedi who was parked on Tython when the update hit. Anyone else impacted by this bug able to quickly confirm they had zero characters on a starter planet when 6.2 deployed?
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Also having the same issue for the first time, English version. I tried the Bitraider delete solution several times to no avail. Glad I am not the only one and hope it's solved soon; I miss playing!


EDIT: Can confirm compatibility mode worked correctly!

Edited by Solitius
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:mad: FIX THIS!!!! :mad: don't want to: use tricks, re-download the entire game, delete files at every time we log-in, edit anything with notepad. JUST, FIX, THIS!!



I agree - when I pay for a subscription I expect to be able to play the game I'm paying for. This bitraider problem has been going on for a long time, and it should have been addressed by now. I'm not doing any kludges or workarounds, and I'll only do a re-install if I absolutely have to.

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No, it hasn't been fixed yet...

Just started the game, got to char select screen, no characters were chooseable...

Went to my SWTOR files in Windows again...

Deleted BitRaider....again....

Running the launcher again....

Come *on* Bioware, BitRaider has been a ridiculous thorn in the backside of us all for *years*...do something about it!

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No, it hasn't been fixed yet...

Just started the game, got to char select screen, no characters were chooseable...

Went to my SWTOR files in Windows again...

Deleted BitRaider....again....

Running the launcher again....

Come *on* Bioware, BitRaider has been a ridiculous thorn in the backside of us all for *years*...do something about it!


Reeeeaally don't have to do all that...

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I'm glad that works for you, but it isn't a universal solution, and we shouldn't have to sit and guess or do workarounds.


Actually, it's been working for about 90% of those posting here and in BioWare's post where this was suggested. I mean, if you'd rather try the long download/repair first, be my guest.

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I know I'm not the only one experiencing this; but since the update on 12/15/20, my game has refused to download past "Quick Play Mode." I'll sit there for several minutes and watch the progress bar move not a picometer. It's infuriating, and you don't want a Sith Lord to get infuriated.
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This has been suggested in this thread several times and also by the mod. FYI


Hmm, I see you must be the Captain Obvious for Swtor. I've read your latest comments, well, none of them gave any useful + informations for helping the others, just judging. Please leave the Forums :)

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Do this it does work and fixed the issue

06.25.2020 , 03:08 PM | #4


FIXED -- error in launcher config file


After experiencing the same issue (characters not available for play after latest update), I've been able to resolve the matter by fixing - of all things - a spelling error in the SWTOR launcher configuration file.


In my case, it had to do with the BitRaider app apparently not handling the update properly due to, as it seems, a simple spelling error in the 'launcher.settings' file. This file is located in the main game directory ('\Program Files (x86)\Star Wars-The Old Republic' for me).


Close the game, then open the launcher.settings file in Notepad. Look for the following line:


, "bitraider_disable": false


and change this to


, "bitraider_disable": "false"


So yes, just add 2 parentheses like in the other lines. After this change, the following happened for me:


- After starting the launcher, the game started to update again, re-downloading some 320 items, including most of the 'Asset' folder (around 25 GB?).

- It reported an error with 66 of the files, and prompted me to press 'Repair'. Which I did.

- Lengthy repair procedure

- I pressed 'Play' again, and was greeted by a server selection screen, followed by the character selection screen with all chars available for play. Tested & worked. Yay!

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