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Can we get an up-to-date BW/EA statement on macros?


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Current crafting conquest objectives are infinitely repeatable(don't know who decided that was a good idea) and are easily abused with the use of macros. I haven't found any official statement on the macro matter dating less than at least 4 years. Can we get a clear "We ban people who use macros" or "We dont ban people who use macros" because right now the second statement is the closest to truth...OR make the crafting objectives a daily thing....so people that use macros cant abuse it as much
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Current crafting conquest objectives are infinitely repeatable(don't know who decided that was a good idea) and are easily abused with the use of macros. I haven't found any official statement on the macro matter dating less than at least 4 years. Can we get a clear "We ban people who use macros" or "We dont ban people who use macros" because right now the second statement is the closest to truth...OR make the crafting objectives a daily thing....so people that use macros cant abuse it as much


Do you have PROOF that someone is using a macro to cheat? If so, give it to the team, show them, etc. But stop claiming it's happening , just because your guild can't keep up with the guild in the lead.


You're cheating your way through the grinding and asking if that is ok?




Seem like another veiled attempt from a certain guild to accuse another of cheating

Edited by DarkTergon
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Did you see me accusing anyone?

I said the way the system is currently set up makes it really easy to abuse it.

Proof of botting would require me to have logs from the suspect pc which are impossible to obtain without commiting an actual crime.

The reason for this post is me discovering about farming conquest by continuously spamming inventor and war supplies without any kind of hard limit....if you think a few clicks without any kind of thought deserves an infinitely repeatable reward...well I dont care...this is your opinion after all.

It doesnt change the fact that this is easy to exploit and ,without BW making a hard stand on this, will be exploited.

"Proof" that it does already happen can be found in multiple forums praising automatisation and macros.

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Just accept that Conquest meta has turned into 'join the mega guild with an alt for as long as it takes to get my achievements'


The dev team so far has shown now interest in rebuilding Conquest to be based on GvG / FvF activities instead of Leaderboards.

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Just accept that Conquest meta has turned into 'join the mega guild with an alt for as long as it takes to get my achievements'


The dev team so far has shown now interest in rebuilding Conquest to be based on GvG / FvF activities instead of Leaderboards.

If I ever wanted the achievements, that is what I would do...I dont.

My issue is this: ''Why would I ever play GSF(which I like), do PvP(which I like), do FPs(which I like) etc. to earn conquest on my alts if the only thing that I had to do is to craft/dismantle a few tier 1 attachments???''

My guild offers reward for cq so there is some kind of motivation to pursue more cq.....

For the sake of the argument, let me replace the crafting macro with a no-life, no-school, no-job player who stays the whole day clicking on his crafting menu on his 20 or so toons and getting rewarded for it. I would be fine if you actually had to do something...make some mats bound so you actually need to get them yourself or something in the lines of that....make it so I wont be able to automatize the whole process of crafting in 10 min tops with a third-party program. If they say that crafting with macros is somehow more legal than rotation macros...Ill finish up the few stories I have left and leave the game.....if it is so difficcult to enforce(which I am sure is since it would require banning subs....and that's never good for a company) make it more difficult to exploit....if not just make the texture of the conquest score full of garbage....because that is all that would be

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I seriously doubt you'll get an updated statement because the rules haven't changed.


Governments don't have to remind people every 4 years that things like theft, fraud or even speeding are against the rules. They were against the rules 4 years ago, they did not change the rules, ergo, they are STILL against the rules.


Just because lots of people run a stop sign isn't going to help you one bit if you get caught (can imagine just how often traffic court hears that particular excuse...)

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I seriously doubt you'll get an updated statement because the rules haven't changed.


Governments don't have to remind people every 4 years that things like theft, fraud or even speeding are against the rules. They were against the rules 4 years ago, they did not change the rules, ergo, they are STILL against the rules.


Just because lots of people run a stop sign isn't going to help you one bit if you get caught (can imagine just how often traffic court hears that particular excuse...)

You speak the truth....but at the same time, running stop signs does get you consequences...if you get caught...and the police makes an effort to catch them....does that apply to this case tho.

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You speak the truth....but at the same time, running stop signs does get you consequences...if you get caught...and the police makes an effort to catch them....does that apply to this case tho.


Hard to say really. Unlike the police, BW enforcement doesn't involve sirens. We really have no way of knowing just how much action they take.


Of course, responsible citizens do not require enforcement to follow the rules...

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What you and your buddies are saying is: "why cant we beat them? Therefore they HAVE to be using macros" and crying your little hearts out and pointing fingers at others. Just stop. Less whining and more playing will get the job done. Seriously man - get a life and move on. Just move on. Aaah but yeah, at today's meeting you were all reminded once again that your "enemy" are cheaters, so you have to react. Oh, and you were also told that everyone here belong to that enemy guild. LOL LOL LOL Yeah no - not quite. The entertainment value of these threads are not very high. Waffles and syrup perhaps, but not this waffling...Maybe its time we all ask to have YOUR guild investigated because it sure sounds like a dangerous cult and causing a lot of strife and toxicity in the community. Not worth it ...

BTW THERE IS A WRITTEN STATEMENT ON THE USE OF MACROS! Just search and go read. Stop using the devs as your personal attack weapon. Man up, and if it's really that important to "REIGN SUPREME" to quote your GM, fight for it yourselves. Stop trying to bully and harass other players in other guilds, please.

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What you and your buddies are saying is: "why cant we beat them? Therefore they HAVE to be using macros" and crying your little hearts out and pointing fingers at others. Just stop. Less whining and more playing will get the job done. Seriously man - get a life and move on. Just move on. Aaah but yeah, at today's meeting you were all reminded once again that your "enemy" are cheaters, so you have to react. Oh, and you were also told that everyone here belong to that enemy guild. LOL LOL LOL Yeah no - not quite. The entertainment value of these threads are not very high. Waffles and syrup perhaps, but not this waffling...Maybe its time we all ask to have YOUR guild investigated because it sure sounds like a dangerous cult and causing a lot of strife and toxicity in the community. Not worth it ...

BTW THERE IS A WRITTEN STATEMENT ON THE USE OF MACROS! Just search and go read. Stop using the devs as your personal attack weapon. Man up, and if it's really that important to "REIGN SUPREME" to quote your GM, fight for it yourselves. Stop trying to bully and harass other players in other guilds, please.

Did you even bother reading the thread?

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BW does not discuss disciplinary actions they take on specific accounts, so we'll never hear if anyone gets banned. But a lot of people are seriously misjudging how much time someone can sit in front of the screen and repeat boring activities. One of my first online game experiences was Entropia Universe, where I gathered sweat by the hour to pay for my in-game activities. About as exciting as watching paint dry. But the same ability came with me to SWTOR - I can craft for hours at a time without getting too bored. It's made me a lot of credits. The secret is distraction - music, movies on a 2nd screen, stuff like that. I used to think the ability to repeat tedious tasks was not an uncommon one, but the complaints from the last few months has made me change my mind.
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BW does not discuss disciplinary actions they take on specific accounts, so we'll never hear if anyone gets banned. But a lot of people are seriously misjudging how much time someone can sit in front of the screen and repeat boring activities. One of my first online game experiences was Entropia Universe, where I gathered sweat by the hour to pay for my in-game activities. About as exciting as watching paint dry. But the same ability came with me to SWTOR - I can craft for hours at a time without getting too bored. It's made me a lot of credits. The secret is distraction - music, movies on a 2nd screen, stuff like that. I used to think the ability to repeat tedious tasks was not an uncommon one, but the complaints from the last few months has made me change my mind.

I feel like I should have made the thread about infinitely repeatable crafting objectives instead of macro since for a lot of people seem to be THE trigger subject.

Let the name of the thread be: '' Infinitely repeatable crafting conquest objectives are a dumb idea that should never have seen the light of day''

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Did you see me accusing anyone?

I said the way the system is currently set up makes it really easy to abuse it.

Proof of botting would require me to have logs from the suspect pc which are impossible to obtain without commiting an actual crime.

The reason for this post is me discovering about farming conquest by continuously spamming inventor and war supplies without any kind of hard limit....if you think a few clicks without any kind of thought deserves an infinitely repeatable reward...well I dont care...this is your opinion after all.

It doesnt change the fact that this is easy to exploit and ,without BW making a hard stand on this, will be exploited.

"Proof" that it does already happen can be found in multiple forums praising automatisation and macros.


No, you have no proof, yet again, another player/guild is trying to accuse ..etc, etc, etc. It's very tired at this stage. If you have no proof, but conjecture, then you have nothing . If this was just about macros, you would never have mentioned CQ, the fact you did, shows exactly what this is about.


I feel like I should have made the thread about infinitely repeatable crafting objectives instead of macro since for a lot of people seem to be THE trigger subject.

Let the name of the thread be: '' Infinitely repeatable crafting conquest objectives are a dumb idea that should never have seen the light of day''


Duh, you think so, that's what YOU mentioned....


The problem is YOUR guild is getting it's backside kicked, and you are trying to find ways to crimp the style of the one doing it, because they are better than you...

Edited by DarkTergon
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I feel like I should have made the thread about infinitely repeatable crafting objectives instead of macro since for a lot of people seem to be THE trigger subject.

Let the name of the thread be: '' Infinitely repeatable crafting conquest objectives are a dumb idea that should never have seen the light of day''


Maybe the reason people thought you created this thread to discuss abuse of macros was because...wait for it...


In your three sentence OP, you used the word "macros" 5 times.


<<sips martini>>





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For calling people toxic, you sure assume a lot of sht about me...........crafting cq objectives are dumb...nobody submitted an argument to counter this...so I assume you agree with me....case closed.


Crafting conquest objectives are not dumb. They are a way for someone who enjoys that part of the game and/or has made that an essential part of their character to help their guild and themselves. Why shouldn't that be a part of conquest? Everything else in the game is.

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Random thoughts in a mostly useless thread....


Anything in game CAN be automated (bots) if the player has enough technical savy and doesn't mind risking their account, as evidence see the thread by Keith about adverts and credit farmers which both mentions credit farming bots as well as their actions taken to ban those accounts.


Macros (of the simple gaming mouse / keyboard type) CANNOT automate crafting to any meaningful extent as the crafting UI requires much more that simply clicking the same place or hitting the same key over and over (gift giving or the casino slots however are easily macro'd, and both are against the ToS).


Bioware may be slow but they do take actions against botting and such - again see the thread about credit sellers. If you believe someone is 'cheating' through bots or whatever, report it through the appropriate channels and let Bioware handle the situation.


Crafting as a repeatable objective for conquest is more than fair, especially since one of the major rewards from conquest are crafting materials, and since it is available to every character. Remove or nerf crafting to uselessness while still requiring crafting mats from conquest and watch some of us leave the game.


As for the real reason behind your thread - the largest, most organized, most dedicated guild will top conquest - if that isn't your guild, then start by looking at what you and your group can do to improve rather than keep making specious claims about others and / or asking for every objective to be removed or changed to fit your play-style.

Edited by DawnAskham
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If I ever wanted the achievements, that is what I would do...I dont.

My issue is this: ''Why would I ever play GSF(which I like), do PvP(which I like), do FPs(which I like) etc. to earn conquest on my alts if the only thing that I had to do is to craft/dismantle a few tier 1 attachments???''

My guild offers reward for cq so there is some kind of motivation to pursue more cq.....

For the sake of the argument, let me replace the crafting macro with a no-life, no-school, no-job player who stays the whole day clicking on his crafting menu on his 20 or so toons and getting rewarded for it. I would be fine if you actually had to do something...make some mats bound so you actually need to get them yourself or something in the lines of that....make it so I wont be able to automatize the whole process of crafting in 10 min tops with a third-party program. If they say that crafting with macros is somehow more legal than rotation macros...Ill finish up the few stories I have left and leave the game.....if it is so difficcult to enforce(which I am sure is since it would require banning subs....and that's never good for a company) make it more difficult to exploit....if not just make the texture of the conquest score full of garbage....because that is all that would be


This should be an easy answer. You should play the parts of the game because you like them, not because of how much conquest it gives you. Take the conquest as a bonus for enjoying your play time


Nothing wrong with how the crafting is for this game. That is how some people focus all their time.

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Ok I am starting to see some decent arguments justifying onfinite crafting.

So let me try to show you my perspective: I came back to the game 3 weeks ago from a 1 year break to a dead guild so I found another that is way more active and is a conquest guild....I am not sure if 3 weeks is enough to be part of some kind of drama going between the top guilds, but I guess it is too late now....again if I actually want to have the planet cq achievements I would just join the top guild and be done with it...in fact I almost did because I was spamming my LF a guild on the fleet and some one from said guild invited me....I messaged them....and well...they were no longer online...though luck...so I got invited to another top guild and joined them instead.

Before I left, they way I made conquest was through rampages, fps and mostly gsf and was completely ignorant of the crafting cq component. My guild being a conquest guild had plenty of info on this which surprised me...I had a crafter toon that I mainly used for augments and not much else...but I actuallly never considered earning cq from this...I tried...and ih boy....1.5k per 30 secs just for crafting grade one mats....for reference....I get almost the same amount for finishing a game of gsf that takes time to find a lot more to finish....and it is infinitely repeatable....you are gonna tell me that gsf objective is as well....but let us agree the time/effort required for the crafting objective is way lesser than the gsf one. This is what tick me off.

Also, if you have the mats....you can easely automate crafting as well....I agree that this is true for most of the game...

Imagine doing nim ops and finding out that doing hs vet will net you more rewards per run...

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Did you even bother reading the thread?


i think most of us did yea, and you have no proof, all you have is your own speculation of what you (or your guild) think are the best ways to reach high conquest points and that you suspect your "enemies" in the other guild is using that strategy


craft as it is, is fine and so are the conquest points that you are rewarded with, honestly just play the game the way you want and worry less about how much points you and your guild acquires, once you are able to let that go i am sure you will feel better

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Ok I am starting to see some decent arguments justifying onfinite crafting.

So let me try to show you my perspective: I came back to the game 3 weeks ago from a 1 year break to a dead guild so I found another that is way more active and is a conquest guild....I am not sure if 3 weeks is enough to be part of some kind of drama going between the top guilds, but I guess it is too late now....again if I actually want to have the planet cq achievements I would just join the top guild and be done with it...in fact I almost did because I was spamming my LF a guild on the fleet and some one from said guild invited me....I messaged them....and well...they were no longer online...though luck...so I got invited to another top guild and joined them instead.

Before I left, they way I made conquest was through rampages, fps and mostly gsf and was completely ignorant of the crafting cq component. My guild being a conquest guild had plenty of info on this which surprised me...I had a crafter toon that I mainly used for augments and not much else...but I actuallly never considered earning cq from this...I tried...and ih boy....1.5k per 30 secs just for crafting grade one mats....for reference....I get almost the same amount for finishing a game of gsf that takes time to find a lot more to finish....and it is infinitely repeatable....you are gonna tell me that gsf objective is as well....but let us agree the time/effort required for the crafting objective is way lesser than the gsf one. This is what tick me off.

Also, if you have the mats....you can easely automate crafting as well....I agree that this is true for most of the game...

Imagine doing nim ops and finding out that doing hs vet will net you more rewards per run...


If you start a thread with a post that is clearly looking at ways to improve conquest, make it more inclusive, more fun, more balanced, and show a willingness to listen to people with different opinions and recognize everyone does not play the game the same way as you, you may start a decent and productive discussion.


But if you start a thread that is a thinly veiled attack on others and / or how others play the game, or post arguments that are structured in such a way they effectively state 'my way of playing is the right way to play and everyone should play my way', then you're not likely to get a discussion but rather get called out.

Edited by DawnAskham
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i think most of us did yea, and you have no proof, all you have is your own speculation of what you (or your guild) think are the best ways to reach high conquest points and that you suspect your "enemies" in the other guild is using that strategy


craft as it is, is fine and so are the conquest points that you are rewarded with, honestly just play the game the way you want and worry less about how much points you and your guild acquires, once you are able to let that go i am sure you will feel better

My post was never about proof...and no craft is not as fine as it is...regardless of who uses it...my guild your guild...a guy without a guild.... it is just plain broken...if I wanted to play cookie clicker...I would have dwlded it on my phone....

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