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Everything posted by Lidonebrave

  1. Love the legacy ignore change. Thank you for that! The client-side spy component you have added needs to be streamlined though. ATM it is causing too much instability on too many systems. Maybe use something different than the old MD5 cryptographic hash algorithm? It's fine to check all the loaded .DLL's in our systems to check for automation or illegal programs, but its not okay to mess with our system's performance because of your bad programming in trying to implement something that only a very small percentage of your userbase MIGHT be using. Please snoop around our processes all you want, but please do it responsibly!
  2. Unfortunately, your gliches are becoming clichés... A rather intriguing and IMO much more important question that remains to be answered is why and how and where do you get your information from? More specifically, why are you the chosen one to have the ear of the devs? Maybe you can inform the rest of the community how it is possible that you seem to know upcoming changes weeks before they happen. For instance, your Announcement last week to your guild, and I quote: " Atention @ everyone the developers did their job. They eliminated the stims from the game. Right now, even if someone from any guild would want to do the conquest points macro is not the best option anymore. As i am also glad to announce, in few weeks the conquest will also change. All planets will be availible for all yields so there will not gonna be planets specificly for large yield or medium or small. All yields can have absolutly all planets. As a secondary change, if a guild alack a yield for example the large yield, there will be a cooldown in which that guild cannot atack for the next week the large yield, the cooldown will be for 1 week." Sooooo....who is your informant? Maybe the rest of us would like to know these things too, so that we can fairly compete against you and your guild(s). ... ... ...
  3. Couldn’t agree more, so had to quote everything. If this have the added benefit of less harassment and toxic behavior from a certain guild towards others that kept beating them, then it would be worth it too. Let’s hope they won’t find something else to complain about now if they still lose. I enjoy crafting, and it seems to be fine as it is. Perhaps they can adjust the cost of mats to make war supplies a little, but I guess that won’t happen easily.
  4. Hahaha tip of my hat to you! /bows in respect. You sure dunnit. Can I now have a dry martini too, please? Time to relax 😂
  5. Seems not all the synapses are firing , so let me walk you through the process. First, you spend a lot of credits, time and patience to gather all the resources needed. Oh wait - I heard you guys support the gold sellers ? (see how easy it is to make an accusation without any proof? Oh a gold seller that supplied your GM did come forward, or so the rumor goes). But aside from that unsubstantiated rumor- so what you do is walk up to any GTN and buy them. Instead of throwing all those credits on paying new innocent players and calling them “worthless” when they don’t produce enough conquest points, just buy the things and click away. Or why not just join another guild like I did , and start enjoying this amazing game and amazing communities that’s out there? Try it.
  6. Yeah, unfortunately you are right. This is the result of a moron with no understanding of the Conquest objectives available, no skill or understanding on running and organizing a guild, but very good at telling lies, harassing and bullying his opponents in the hope they will give up. Someone who believes the devs are there for his pleasure alone, and that he can and did manipulate others to do his bidding. Unfortunately new or returning players like myself do stumble into this web of lies and it might even sound plausible until one analyze the lies he spreads and look at the ‘math” he presents to prove his crazy whacked viewpoint. Clearly not understanding the role of guild perks and/or many other factors. He thought he could simply start a guild and throw a lot of credits at everyone and buy his way to “reign supreme over the server”. Then he himself or his followers start these threads to elicit a response under false pretenses exactly like this OP did. So we have to basically either learn to turn a blind eye to it all, find some kind of humor in it, or hope they will eventually figure out how Conquest Objectives work. Until then - keep singing and try new waffle recipies? 😋
  7. Easy. Objective to donate war supplies. Infinitely repeatable. Just keep clicking on a stack of invasion forces for as long as you want. Stop pretending and lying through your teeth about the intent of your original message.
  8. What you and your buddies are saying is: "why cant we beat them? Therefore they HAVE to be using macros" and crying your little hearts out and pointing fingers at others. Just stop. Less whining and more playing will get the job done. Seriously man - get a life and move on. Just move on. Aaah but yeah, at today's meeting you were all reminded once again that your "enemy" are cheaters, so you have to react. Oh, and you were also told that everyone here belong to that enemy guild. LOL LOL LOL Yeah no - not quite. The entertainment value of these threads are not very high. Waffles and syrup perhaps, but not this waffling...Maybe its time we all ask to have YOUR guild investigated because it sure sounds like a dangerous cult and causing a lot of strife and toxicity in the community. Not worth it ... BTW THERE IS A WRITTEN STATEMENT ON THE USE OF MACROS! Just search and go read. Stop using the devs as your personal attack weapon. Man up, and if it's really that important to "REIGN SUPREME" to quote your GM, fight for it yourselves. Stop trying to bully and harass other players in other guilds, please.
  9. . Yeah sure. But we know you are in the #2 guild and you were told again to start creating fake tickets against your nemesis by your “supreme leader” as he calls himself. If there were bots, I am sure they were dealt with. When will this madness stop? When you “gain supremacy over the servers” to use another direct quote from your GM? It’s not even funny anymore. Just go away. Please!
  10. It is indeed. They are told on a daily basis to flood the devs and CSR departments with fake tickets against this other guild. This morning's "urgent message" read "THEY MUST BE STOPPED". Then after a lot of offensive blabbering's, they are told to phone Keith Kanneg and I quote "explain him the corruption of this game"....lots of false statements later he ends with : "I will never tolerate this mafiotic behaviour. Devs need to understand we own them not they own us. They work for us because we paying them". All I could do was laugh and think to myself what a crazy place this is. When people like that are allowed to run guilds and try and enforce their really weird and downright Fascist viewpoints on a gaming community and gets away with it? And now they will say I belong to the other guild. Pssst Codyman, I do not btw. I quit your fascist guild and was very happy to find a nice small community of friends. Please just stop this rubbish dude. You are being lead by the nose in a very wrong direction
  11. Oh my dear dear Cody. Its a terrible idea. Its not even worth discussing. The only real solution is to have more planets to invade. OTOH I am really as eager as anyone else to become as indignant as possible about something or other, but I want to make sure not to waste a good snit of indignation on a bad cause. IOW - my dear, this is a bad cause. It's a terrible idea and I honestly do not think anyone will take you serious. But who knows. Hopefully the schools will open soon. In the meantime I guess we have to endure this.
  12. Hahahaha but your nose is growing dude. You actually posted a link in our guild's discord to this post, admitting you posted it. Please for the sake of everything holy and unholy, just stop this nonsense. Your witch hunt wont help you actually win anything. Less whining and spying and more playing might help? Dunno just an idea... Cant believe my very first post after starting to play a couple of weeks ago, and it's in reaction to a troll. Sigh, to think I actually joined that guild too.
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