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about this 15 minutes deserter thing...


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First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team (not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing) there, no raging in chat, not getting stressed irl, having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about). Also, I absolutely despise 4x4 arenas so what do I do if an arena pops up? I leave so someone who actually wants to play an arena can take me place and then I just queue again until an 8x8 pops up. See? There, no complaining in chat about how I hate arenas, not being forced to play a map that I don’t want to.


Now with this upcoming ‘’change’’ what is going to happen if an arena pops up? Oh guess what I’m going to be forced to play something I don’t like! What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there and being almost insta killed as soon as I leave the spawn and end up not having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about huh?) and this is just me. There are a lot of people out there who are probably going to spend the entire warzone flaming their teammates and just making it a toxic ambient overall, trolling, or just doing absolute nothing, since now they can’t leave (well they can but no one wants to wait 15 minutes only to risk having the same ‘’experience’’ again) and yes I know stuff like this happens even without this 15 minutes deserter thing, but now it’s going to be more recurring than ever. But hey I guess you devs thought something like this ‘’Hey, if I put a 15 minutes deserter debuff this is probably going to make everyone actually play as best as they can right? It’s going to make warzones more competitive due do people being penalized if they leave!’’. Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?

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you should never have been allowed to quit a WZ once you get into it. this change is LONG overdue.


if you dont like specific maps, then maybe you should be queuing the ones you like only, and if it wont let you for whatever reason, ask for that feature.


People quitting WZ the minute they feel they dont want to stay was a much bigger problem than getting a map you happen to not like.

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Most people already agree, the Deserter lockout in regs is a bad move on BW part. There are too many variables involved to make it fair and reasonable. People who think this is a good idea will soon realize that it isn't a fix for their problems and their frustrations will persist and then they'll cry for something else without thinking it through. Thats how this game works.
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you should never have been allowed to quit a WZ once you get into it. this change is LONG overdue.


if you dont like specific maps, then maybe you should be queuing the ones you like only, and if it wont let you for whatever reason, ask for that feature.


People quitting WZ the minute they feel they dont want to stay was a much bigger problem than getting a map you happen to not like.


I'm sensing a bit of a conflict here

Maybe I should have said "mental health and stability" the fact is when people act like toxic vermin, it bothers me. if you have a problem with that, you are probably a part of the issue.


It is my right to choose who I play with in game.


Smells like Teen Spirit

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you should never have been allowed to quit a WZ once you get into it. this change is LONG overdue.


if you dont like specific maps, then maybe you should be queuing the ones you like only, and if it wont let you for whatever reason, ask for that feature.


People quitting WZ the minute they feel they dont want to stay was a much bigger problem than getting a map you happen to not like.


That’s really not valid if you can choose the maps your want to play, which we can’t. You also have the issue of some maps being unplayable. At least they are supposedly temporarily removing them till they are fixed. But that’s not in the patch notes, so that has me worried.


The other issue is until you can have some choice in what you queue for, you should be able to leave before the match starts. It should also not start unless you have even sides. Ie, I’ve popped 8v8 and it starts with 8 on one side and 4 on the other and by the time you get back fills, the other team already has the game mostly won (if they are smart).


In both cases, you should be able to leave. If you don’t get even teams before the match begins, then there should be no penalty for leaving it after it starts. If you pop a map you don’t like, you should be able to leave before it starts (with in reason).

Which means the count down timer for the match to start shouldn’t begin till the teams are full. Then they could have a window of grace for you to leave before a match starts. If someone leave then. The timer pauses for a back fill.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If they would just implement a warzone queue system like they do for flashpoints, the deserter "feature" wouldn't even be necessary. Instead, they punish people who gets maps they hate or are stuck with bad/clueless teams. Absolutely terrible move for people at least trying to enjoy a reg, which is rare enough as it is.


I know Chris said they are going to put a WZ queue system in at some point, so why not just work on that instead of putting in a deserter system? Seriously, what is the point?


Luckily season 13 starts tomorrow, so I guess it's time to start the token grind. Hopefully the pops are less than 15 minutes apart while all the reg deserters sit in the naughty corner for leaving OPG.

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you should never have been allowed to quit a WZ once you get into it. this change is LONG overdue.


if you dont like specific maps, then maybe you should be queuing the ones you like only, and if it wont let you for whatever reason, ask for that feature.


People quitting WZ the minute they feel they dont want to stay was a much bigger problem than getting a map you happen to not like.


I'm on the fence. I hate it when I am on a map I like and people start deserting before it begins. However, I understand because I loathe quesh (most buttball...I like Vandin though) and will leave each and every time I encounter that map. So...I can't judge. Hopefully this will make more interesting maps, but I have a feeling it could have unintended, negative consequences such as people queuing for PvP even less frequently.

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If they give choice to WZs, people will leave WZs far less often. They are trying to fix a problem but are using the wrong solution.


Imo it's not really fair to shove people into WZs they do not want to play, and then on top of that punish them if they leave it because they do not enjoy that map.


I do really get annoyed with people that leave WZs, because many do it at the first sign of them losing. That's a poor sport in my mind, but many people do this. That's why I wish they'd just give us the choice of WZs already, then a quitter debuff would be perfect.

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Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?


I do not know. We will find out tomorrow :(

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I was okay, even supportive of it when I first heard about it. I hate people leaving the moment things start to go badly - they may think it's not bad behavior to ditch, but it is. But the more I see reactions here, the more I think BW is underestimating player masochism. If people aren't allowed to leave, they'll sabotage their team - we've already had players admit that is their intent.


As others have said, this should only be introduced in conjunction with giving some choice to picking matches, not piecemeal. My hope is that we'll have short-term instability caused by a minority of toxic players, and everyone will gradually grow into the new paradigm, but it will be a bumpy process getting there.

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I am with the Thread Starter in this. I always start a game, HB included and do my best intent to win it, not to make numbers. But if I am alone trying to win it (recent year or so it happens a lot) and I cannot do anything. I leave.


I play a game to have fun, and part of the fun for me is doing my best to win WZ.

THAT IS WHY I PAY A SUB SINCE EIGHT YEARS and have been in the game since launch 20/12/2011


Also there should be a chance in this like a 10 seconds debuff that allows you to leave maps that you do not like, and more important to leave refill games. What sense does it have to play a HB at 4-0 and all your team is doing nothing in defense line. Why should I stay in a dead game when my team does not care.

I have been always against selecting maps but with the 15 mins deserter now they introduced, it is not a luxury it is mandatory for BW to do this.


So now to keep my sub I have one option, or play Ranked Arenas till the death, they do become boring IMO as even there the situation is far from perfect. Yes you get good Arena games but you also get bad ones, when two in your team really do not even care of following a target, but still the situation is much better then regz.

So I will see how the situation develops. Things might get good as they where on my Origin Server, where I rareely ever left a game because everyone worked hard to win. But I doubt that will happen...

Edited by limenutpen
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Oh damn, i couldn't agree more with you op. PvP is going to get worse, people are going to be AFK during matches & toxic players are going to be more problematic than ever. The matchmaking is already bad, now it's going to get worse. Great. Can't wait.
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Also I forgot to mention I barely have time to play this game (roughly 2 hours per week) so when I do log in I make sure to have fun as much as possible doing whatever, being forced to play a map that I don't want to or sitting in an 8v8 that is getting nothing but almost spawncamped isn't among the thing s I'd do to have ''fun''. :(
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i have random DCs (it s an SWTOR exclusive feature... every other online game i play, does fine) in SWTOR on a regular basis... sometimes in the middle of an FP / Match... will get debuffed constantly now... thanks for nothing, Devs
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I get why they want to implement this. It's for the players who constantly leave during the match. There's one particular one that comes to mind that leaves so often that seeing "_________ has left the warzone" when she does this has become quite the meme. It gives PvPers a bit of a chuckle. So as I said "I get it" but I think it should only happen once the WZ begins just like our gear locks down once it starts at least until we get the to choose the WZ maps and excluding those matched into in-progress WZs. Getting penalized for leaving a WZ that's been in progress as a replacement for someone who rage quit seems a bit harsh... Edited by TyrFoge
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First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team (not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing) there, no raging in chat, not getting stressed irl, having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about). Also, I absolutely despise 4x4 arenas so what do I do if an arena pops up? I leave so someone who actually wants to play an arena can take me place and then I just queue again until an 8x8 pops up. See? There, no complaining in chat about how I hate arenas, not being forced to play a map that I don’t want to.


Now with this upcoming ‘’change’’ what is going to happen if an arena pops up? Oh guess what I’m going to be forced to play something I don’t like! What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there and being almost insta killed as soon as I leave the spawn and end up not having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about huh?) and this is just me. There are a lot of people out there who are probably going to spend the entire warzone flaming their teammates and just making it a toxic ambient overall, trolling, or just doing absolute nothing, since now they can’t leave (well they can but no one wants to wait 15 minutes only to risk having the same ‘’experience’’ again) and yes I know stuff like this happens even without this 15 minutes deserter thing, but now it’s going to be more recurring than ever. But hey I guess you devs thought something like this ‘’Hey, if I put a 15 minutes deserter debuff this is probably going to make everyone actually play as best as they can right? It’s going to make warzones more competitive due do people being penalized if they leave!’’. Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?


I agree 100%

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First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team (not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing) there, no raging in chat, not getting stressed irl, having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about). Also, I absolutely despise 4x4 arenas so what do I do if an arena pops up? I leave so someone who actually wants to play an arena can take me place and then I just queue again until an 8x8 pops up. See? There, no complaining in chat about how I hate arenas, not being forced to play a map that I don’t want to.


Now with this upcoming ‘’change’’ what is going to happen if an arena pops up? Oh guess what I’m going to be forced to play something I don’t like! What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there and being almost insta killed as soon as I leave the spawn and end up not having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about huh?) and this is just me. There are a lot of people out there who are probably going to spend the entire warzone flaming their teammates and just making it a toxic ambient overall, trolling, or just doing absolute nothing, since now they can’t leave (well they can but no one wants to wait 15 minutes only to risk having the same ‘’experience’’ again) and yes I know stuff like this happens even without this 15 minutes deserter thing, but now it’s going to be more recurring than ever. But hey I guess you devs thought something like this ‘’Hey, if I put a 15 minutes deserter debuff this is probably going to make everyone actually play as best as they can right? It’s going to make warzones more competitive due do people being penalized if they leave!’’. Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?


Most of pvp players told devs that deserter in unranked is a bad idea and brought up numerous points why they must not do it. In a best and old swtorTrademark traditions devs kindly ignored our concerns and still planning to bring deserter to unranked despite all statements made by players.

Unsubbing or going for a deathmatch on maps you can't stand to play on would be the best decision to show them what we think about it

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i have random DCs (it s an SWTOR exclusive feature... every other online game i play, does fine) in SWTOR on a regular basis... sometimes in the middle of an FP / Match... will get debuffed constantly now... thanks for nothing, Devs


When I used to play WoW, it could tell the difference if you DC’d or left the match and would only apply the buff if you left. I wonder if swtor will be the same

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BioWare are enforcing punishments in order to discourage people from quitting a map. Rather than implementing rewards to encourage people to play terrible, poorly optimised, desync garbage maps.


Hilarious decision

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Getting stuck with a bad team is a problem inherent to random group finder and will be a problem as long as that exists and you use it.


Especially in this game.


BioWare are enforcing punishments in order to discourage people from quitting a map. Rather than implementing rewards to encourage people to play terrible, poorly optimised, desync garbage maps.


The performance issues and desync are an entirely seperate issue which must be dealt with seperately.


Punishing people for abandoning teammates is required as much as rewarding them for teamwork. both is needed equally.

Edited by DaZeeZee
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Kind of like what everyone else is saying, I'm against the 15 minutes deserter penalty. Since World PVP is just a remnant of a bygone era, Unranked Warzones are the only consistent source of casual PVP and as such, there shouldn't be a lot of regulation by the devs except for violations of TOS. Players should be able to come and go from unranked warzones as they please since there are really no stakes involved with the outcome of an unranked warzone unlike ranked. Edited by Csjbo
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Getting stuck with a bad team is a problem inherent to random group finder and will be a problem as long as that exists and you use it.


Especially in this game.




The performance issues and desync are an entirely seperate issue which must be dealt with seperately.


Punishing people for abandoning teammates is required as much as rewarding them for teamwork. both is needed equally.



I disagree completely



I pay good money to play this game via a subscription. My subscription fee is not a gamble on my gameplay experience. I'm not using their slot machine map chooser and then being punished for not participating in maps that are poorly developed.


This isn't beta testing, I'm not rewarded access for playing a broken game.


And also, staying in a map and seeing out the timer, without participating. Is much more detrimental to the experience of others in my team. Simply replace me with someone who wants to play this map and let me que for a map I want to play.

Edited by -Ashton-
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