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Sorry, this game is another Conan.


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Look, I like the game........as a single player, I will probably play it for the rest of my free month to take a break from WoW, then I will unsub and forget about it, sorry that's how I and apparently a lot of people feel, it doesn't measure up to anything else out there whether it be a console or another mmo.


I wanted this to be the next big thing, I honestly 100% truly did, I am a huge Star Wars fan and was really excited by the prospect of a newer better SWG, this did not do that, it gave me a single player Knights of the Old Republic that I can do some multiplayer things with.


Again, you are describing every other MMO.

You play solo till you need to group for an instance or Heroic.


Unless you are going to post 'Why' you think its like a solo game and what feature this game is missing compared to other MMo's, don't bother replying to me.

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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great. Yes, it is a good game-but it is very standard and a little too basic.


Getting to 50 was a breeze. Getting crew skills to 400 literally took hours. There is no challenge to this game at all. 3 Wzs and they are very, very broken. How many times must I log into Huttball, find it has already started and then get tossed out because I am stuck in the start zone behind the barrier.


The classes are not diverse enough and endgame offers nothing at all to keep this game afloat.


Yes, I agree with everyone else--stop comparing this game to WOW, it is not even close to a WOW. It is more on the level of DC Universe Online and sadly--will no doubt meet the same fate as DCUO and be f2p in a year.


I like the game, it just has nothing really to offer for my $$$.


Flame away, just mark my words and we will see in a year.


Certain people Disagree with you

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I already explained what I meant. Don't be hating cause you can't read or understand simple explanations.


Not hating, just trying to understand your comment, when you don't explain your reasons or make valid points for your comment.


All we got is Rift has Rifts lol.

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Again, you are describing every other MMO.

You play solo till you need to group for an instance or Heroic.


Unless you are going to post 'Why' you think its like a solo game and what feature this game is missing compared to other MMo's, don't bother replying to me.



1. Less classes/professions than any other "big" MMOs ever made.

2. Smaller game world than most other MMOs ever made.

3. I see less people than actually running around questing, pvping, socializing than I ever did in SWG, WoW, EQ, etc.

4. There is no reason to be in a guild except to make chat convenient

5. The design of the game is to follow your given questline, there is little room for outside combat leveling other than heroics and flashpoints

6. No player driven economy

7. No player interdependency



Seriously, have you ever played another MMO?

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Again, you are describing every other MMO.

You play solo till you need to group for an instance or Heroic.


Unless you are going to post 'Why' you think its like a solo game and what feature this game is missing compared to other MMo's, don't bother replying to me.



Instancing servers - I hardly see anyone running around, heck a guildmate from WoW and I got into a group and he had to teleport to my instance just to do something with me.


Companions - Who needs a group for those elite mobs when you got your companion to help you, the companions while a nice idea FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME are bad for an MMO because you have NO NEED for a group for the tougher quests unless it's a heroic quest and even certain ones of those can be done solo with your companion.


The feel of the quests - It just seems like single player questing "Do this one then move to that one to unlock this one to do that one to move on to the next zone, beat class quest boss move to next planet" and it's all in order! There is no open world feel at all!


There are 3 reasons.

Edited by Gunryu
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Look, I like the game........as a single player, I will probably play it for the rest of my free month to take a break from WoW, then I will unsub and forget about it, sorry that's how I and apparently a lot of people feel, it doesn't measure up to anything else out there whether it be a console or another mmo.


I wanted this to be the next big thing, I honestly 100% truly did, I am a huge Star Wars fan and was really excited by the prospect of a newer better SWG, this did not do that, it gave me a single player Knights of the Old Republic that I can do some multiplayer things with.


Are you stupid ? This was never supposed to be "SWG". This was ALWAYS supposed to be a story-driven MMO. Go back to WoW.

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1. Less classes/professions than any other "big" MMOs ever made.


Anyone who has played a MMO from the start knows this is incorrect, WoW, DC, etc.. etc.. did not start with all the classes it has now.


2. Smaller game world than most other MMOs ever made.


Again this is incorrect, the game worlds combined are larger then WoW, DC, Rift etc.. and the devs have said this game is bigger then all there other games combined


3. I see less people than actually running around questing, pvping, socializing than I ever did in SWG, WoW, EQ, etc.


I dont have that issue and have been having lots of fun in open world PvP and grouping with random people for Heroics etc.. and I never have to wait for the group to fill up.


4. There is no reason to be in a guild except to make chat convenient


Clearly your not in a guild or one filled with randomers and strangers, My guild run heroics every day, Multiple flash points etc..


5. The design of the game is to follow your given questline, there is little room for outside combat leveling other than heroics and flashpoints


Just like everyother MMO, you do the game untill you hit a heroic or instance, then you move on to the next area / Planet. I spend lots of time exploring looking for datacrons, lore objects and general Codex entry's.


6. No player driven economy


Again, I dont think you have played many MMO's as EvE is the only MMO with a fully player controlled economy.


7. No player interdependency


This is just gibberish


Seriously, have you ever played another MMO?


Reading your comment you are very new to the gaming / MMO world or just like the feel of your rose tinted glasses. Why are you even playing TOR lol.

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Instancing servers - I hardly see anyone running around, heck a guildmate from WoW and I got into a group and he had to teleport to my instance just to do something with me.


Companions - Who needs a group for those elite mobs when you got your companion to help you, the companions while a nice idea FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME are bad for an MMO because you have NO NEED for a group for the tougher quests unless it's a heroic quest and even certain ones of those can be done solo with your companion.


The feel of the quests - It just seems like single player questing "Do this one then move to that one to unlock this one to do that one to move on to the next zone, beat class quest boss move to next planet" and it's all in order! There is no open world feel at all!


There are 3 reasons.


Playing the same game?


Heroic 2 mans yeah they can be done with a companion. A buddy and with 2 companions you can breeze through em.


Herioc 4 mans? Good luck with doing it with just you and your companion lol. Unless you are out leveling it by a bit.


Tried to do Blood and Sand with a companion healer, our group failed so hard...

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Playing the same game?


Heroic 2 mans yeah they can be done with a companion. A buddy and with 2 companions you can breeze through em.


Herioc 4 mans? Good luck with doing it with just you and your companion lol. Unless you are out leveling it by a bit.


Tried to do Blood and Sand with a companion healer, our group failed so hard...



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Reading your comment you are very new to the gaming / MMO world or just like the feel of your rose tinted glasses. Why are you even playing TOR lol.



********. I've been gaming since Kings Quest 1, and have been played 5 MMOs (EQ, EQ2, SWG, WoW, Vanguard, Warhammer). I'm playing ToR because I didn't do enough research lol.


Don't be mad because people expected more out of a Star Wars MMO with 7 years of development time and the biggest budget of all time.


This game has less classes than WoW had at launch, crafting is a joke, group size is a joke, the entire game is designed to be a mostly single player game. I'm questioning if you have ever played a MMO before. I don't care what BW says, the worlds are not bigger than any of the MMO's I've played....at least they don't feel that way.

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Dude, honestly, you are claiming to be lv 50 and have your crew skills capped while saying it was easy and quick? LOL go take your lev 10 toon somewhere else and go play your Night Elf with Chuck and Mr T.


Uh getting to 50 and capping your skill IS easy and quick...dunno what your problem is?

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No end game?


Let us remember a simpler time, when now giant success World of Warcraft was released.


It had no Raids, it had no Warzones in fact what you could say is that it had no end game content.


Now lets look at SWTOR.


It has a raid and it has 3 warzones.


Why golly that's sure allot more than what WoW had.


But the warzones and pvp is compeletely broken though, really it is. PvP in this game is broken to bits in so many ways i dont think its fair to even say they have warzones because they dont work.

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********. I've been gaming since Kings Quest 1, and have been played 5 MMOs (EQ, EQ2, SWG, WoW, Vanguard, Warhammer). I'm playing ToR because I didn't do enough research lol.


Don't be mad because people expected more out of a Star Wars MMO with 7 years of development time and the biggest budget of all time.


This game has less classes than WoW had at launch, crafting is a joke, group size is a joke, the entire game is designed to be a mostly single player game. I'm questioning if you have ever played a MMO before. I don't care what BW says, the worlds are not bigger than any of the MMO's I've played....at least they don't feel that way.


When have I got mad lol.


Reading this comment your the one who needs to clame down. I know your mad because I ripped your comment apart but this is a forum and if your going to post rubbish, expect people to point is out.


Again, just like your other comments your facts are totally wrong, It seems like you know the names to other MMO's but never actually played them.


To me you have no real opinion or facts to back up your argument, So just leave it at that.

Your opinion, no matter how incorrect it is to me, is still your opinion, If you dont want people to disagree with it, dont use the forums.


Take care.

Edited by Kanharn
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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great. Yes, it is a good game-but it is very standard and a little too basic.


Getting to 50 was a breeze. Getting crew skills to 400 literally took hours. There is no challenge to this game at all. 3 Wzs and they are very, very broken. How many times must I log into Huttball, find it has already started and then get tossed out because I am stuck in the start zone behind the barrier.


The classes are not diverse enough and endgame offers nothing at all to keep this game afloat.


Yes, I agree with everyone else--stop comparing this game to WOW, it is not even close to a WOW. It is more on the level of DC Universe Online and sadly--will no doubt meet the same fate as DCUO and be f2p in a year.


I like the game, it just has nothing really to offer for my $$$.


Flame away, just mark my words and we will see in a year.


What was WoW when it started??? It was HORRIBLE!!! and what WoW is like now, is nothing like what it use to be.

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not really. I'm actaully past level 5 and the game isn't crashing for no reason and pretty much this is ten times better. In other words, no. It's not anther Conan. Now if the "expansion" was just an area with no new level cap, and failed going F2P,..then it'll be Age of Conan.
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The honeymoon feeling is wearing off for many players and they are finding out, it just is not that great. Yes, it is a good game-but it is very standard and a little too basic.


Getting to 50 was a breeze. Getting crew skills to 400 literally took hours. There is no challenge to this game at all. 3 Wzs and they are very, very broken. How many times must I log into Huttball, find it has already started and then get tossed out because I am stuck in the start zone behind the barrier.


The classes are not diverse enough and endgame offers nothing at all to keep this game afloat.


Yes, I agree with everyone else--stop comparing this game to WOW, it is not even close to a WOW. It is more on the level of DC Universe Online and sadly--will no doubt meet the same fate as DCUO and be f2p in a year.


I like the game, it just has nothing really to offer for my $$$.


Flame away, just mark my words and we will see in a year.


meh, I agree. Doubt it will go f2p in a year, there are enough Star Wars and Bioware fans to keep it afloat. But it's definitely a pretty low ball quality mmo imo

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lol.. saying its another conan is far too harsh.. that game was COMPLETELY unfinished after lvl 20, and incredibly bland combat with the exception of finishers


Yea if by completely unfinished after lvl 20 you mean 50, where the raids were bugged and the castle siege system wasn't in place.... up till 50 things were fine, after well.. snooze fest.

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Well then its a Bloody good thing i enjoy DC, and intend to get right back on that game once i cap all characters on this one, and await the major patches.


Stop hating, go play WoW, enjoy your jack black inspired expansion and stay the heck away from these forums.



MoP won't be that bad. It's gotta be better than Cata which put the nail in the coffin on the absolute destruction of Warcraft Lore. Night Elf Mages anybody?


Anybody miss WC3?


I still hold a grudge against Blizz for Horde Paladins :/

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Only thing i want to see is maybe a small level cap increase maybe to 60 but make it from there on out a somewhat steeper experience curve keep in mind im 35 while writing this and have been playing since the 17th. because i have a friend thats level 50 and he doesnt even get legacy exp (im guessing legacies are spread around all characters on that server maybe and you have to make alts when the first hits 50 or somethin...wont know til they release more info on it)


but from what we have from the start is alot better than what i got from wow when i joined pre cataclysm and even then....it was more of a job than a game.

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Yeah, because in every other MMO you have to group for everything lol :rolleyes:


No difference in this MMO to another, you quest alone until you need to group for an instance or Heroic.

If I missing some other function every other MMO has and TOR is missing please enlighten me.


I'll enlighten you :)


SWToR is nothing more than a linear RPG. You have one main storyline and a bunch of side-quests, which are so mind-numbing that the only way forward was to make them even more mind-numbing by adding in the wait for it.. a bonus! A bonus if you last it long enough to kill another 30 or so of the same mob.


The probability here is that 99% of the fanbois played wow themselves, yet, mention something negative about SWToR now, and they go all kidish and tell you go back to WoW or HKO. They seem to conveniently forget that wow had multiple zones you could grind levels in, in addition to the quests. SWToR has one zone at your level and nothing more. It's nothing more than Skyrim on steroids with multiple players online, who, if you watch, run around jumping like they're all wow rogues!!


Is SWToR a nice game? Yes.

Is SWToR a good MMORPG? No. It's a single player game with a hint of MMoRPG.

Is SWToR a polished game? Absolutely No. It's bug ridden with blatant bugs that should never have been allowed in a production release. But, because the fanbois yell at everyone who mentions the flaws, the publisher can go ahead and release whatever they want in the knowledge that the fanbois will have their back.


The bottom line is SWToR will maintain an average playerbase for some time to come. But, my money is on the release of D3 and then you'll see a mass exodus.


There is on;y so far you can pump an IP with a game presently so linear as this. The sad part is, this game could have been so much better, had more leveling zones, had things like armor dyes and more creative crafting. I mean really, the crafting here has to be the worst ever presented and actually claim to be crafting where you do nothing, and 'instruct' some automated NPC to do it for you.


Ships! Travel the galaxy my ***. You pick a menu'ised option and are shown some interstellar travel video for 5 seconds and swoosh, you're there.


Zones. Some zones are near unplayable at times because of lag. This kind of thing should have been sorted before release. I mean, HellForge from wow was a great indicator of how not to build a zone.


I'll play this game on train-tracks until I reach L50 then I'll move on. I see more greatness in the grandad MMoRP, Everquest 1, than I see here.


Sad really.

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I'll enlighten you :)


SWToR is nothing more than a linear RPG. You have one main storyline and a bunch of side-quests, which are so mind-numbing that the only way forward was to make them even more mind-numbing by adding in the wait for it.. a bonus! A bonus if you last it long enough to kill another 30 or so of the same mob.


The probability here is that 99% of the fanbois played wow themselves, yet, mention something negative about SWToR now, and they go all kidish and tell you go back to WoW or HKO. They seem to conveniently forget that wow had multiple zones you could grind levels in, in addition to the quests. SWToR has one zone at your level and nothing more. It's nothing more than Skyrim on steroids with multiple players online, who, if you watch, run around jumping like they're all wow rogues!!


Is SWToR a nice game? Yes.

Is SWToR a good MMORPG? No. It's a single player game with a hint of MMoRPG.

Is SWToR a polished game? Absolutely No. It's bug ridden with blatant bugs that should never have been allowed in a production release. But, because the fanbois yell at everyone who mentions the flaws, the publisher can go ahead and release whatever they want in the knowledge that the fanbois will have their back.


The bottom line is SWToR will maintain an average playerbase for some time to come. But, my money is on the release of D3 and then you'll see a mass exodus.


There is on;y so far you can pump an IP with a game presently so linear as this. The sad part is, this game could have been so much better, had more leveling zones, had things like armor dyes and more creative crafting. I mean really, the crafting here has to be the worst ever presented and actually claim to be crafting where you do nothing, and 'instruct' some automated NPC to do it for you.


Ships! Travel the galaxy my ***. You pick a menu'ised option and are shown some interstellar travel video for 5 seconds and swoosh, you're there.


Zones. Some zones are near unplayable at times because of lag. This kind of thing should have been sorted before release. I mean, HellForge from wow was a great indicator of how not to build a zone.


I'll play this game on train-tracks until I reach L50 then I'll move on. I see more greatness in the grandad MMoRP, Everquest 1, than I see here.


Sad really.


i didn't even read all that you posted because in a nutshell i'm pretty sure you said barbie adventure is better than TOR.


what i did look at is how much you've contributed to the forums. you've had 4 post i guarantee you all of them in this thread.


so in that respect. THAT is pretty sad... really.

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