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World Design


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World Design

Going back to refresh older planets/pieces of content to make the gameplay feel better.


This is a welcome change.


Perhaps finally those floating lamp posts down in front of the Tython Jedi temple where the road splits between Kaleth and the twilek village will finally be positioned on the ground, and maybe no more stretching of rock textures everywhere. I'd love to see those 2009-era watercolor textures go away for more denser, correctly u-v mapped

textures. And maybe bigger world maps?




The distribution of heroics on starter planets need to be balanced.

Why should Hutta have 5 heroics, Ord Mantel 3, Korriban 2, and Tython a measly 1? What was the thinking there?

Each starter planet should have the same number, 3 or 5.



Follow-ups to original exploratory quests


And supply follow-ups to the original exploratory quests. On Ord Mantel, at least we get a follow-up letter from Private Farn (if we rescue him) explaining what happens. We get a similar follow-up letter from Alif (the acolyte who witnesses Essor Kayin murder another acolyte) whom we condemn or rescue at the hands of Inquisitor Zyn. We don't get that with Spanios and Moracen / Flingeld on Tython.




Flingeld's story has always bothered me in that he was never given a second chance.


Maybe a follow-up quest in which we can redeem Flingeld (he is on Tython because he's force sensitive, after all, even if weak). For example, perhaps his home world is Alderaan, and he already knows that his aristocratic family made very clear to him that his fate as a member of the aristocracy is directly tied to his success in his Jedi trials. Mindful of the high stakes should he fail, Flingeld cheats.


Flingeld cheating, as we know, costs him his one and only chance to continue as a padawan, and so now he's a non-person as far as his family goes. Stripped of his family name, barred from inheriting the title he would otherwise acquire and --- knowing his family's assassins (all the families have assassins, admit it) would kill him should he ever attempt to return to Alderaan --- Flingeld doesn't even have a home world to return to should he ever leave the order.


He's a lost soul, with no family and really no second family among the Jedi despite being ordered by his master to labor in the Jedi archives. It's not like his former fellow aspiring padawans would want to hang around someone so steeped in shame, demonstrably willing to disobey his master's direct orders by involving another acolyte, and contravening the purpose of his trial. Off he goes to spend a life in obscurity in the archives of the temple, a no-name person doing the work of what any droid could do.


Jedi redeem dark sith by turning them to the light side on several occasions, but Flingeld's master along with the Jedi council aren't willing to grant redemption to one of their own acolytes? Seriously?


So in a follow-up exploratory quest, along comes our player, who, guilty for having helped Flingeld in the original exploratory quest, or, questioning the authenticity of the Jedi response by not allowing for Flingeld to be redeemed, our player either intercedes on Flingeld's behalf (hello, Kira story line) to give him another chance, and we receive a follow-up letter later saying he made it ---or--- if played dark, our character has a chance to just kill off the undeserving little toad and save everyone the embarrassment.



The Twi'lk Youth


The Twi'lek youth (who knows his way back to camp) that we rescue from the hands of the force-sensitive flesh raider, we learn of his fate, a fate which is either negative or positve depending on whether the player, in the original exploratory quest involving him, sends the fleshraider to the Jedi Temple or head over handlebars over the cliff.




...and maybe class story companion SSR flirts finally or is that breaking the bank?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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This has me a bit concerned, actually. There's a bunch that could be improved upon, absolutely, but considering the last few years I'm sort of worried what BW considers improvement. The way they described it in the stream was so vague that it could mean almost anything, and I can imagine changes in a very large spectrum ranging from great to downright horrible.


I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they've just not earned that, so I'm going to remain worried and hope they don't screw things up too much.

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I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they've just not earned that, so I'm going to remain worried and hope they don't screw things up too much.


You mean they haven't already screwed things up for the worst yet!? LOL


Seriously though, they really should do a rollback on all non-droid companions outside the original class story when it comes to equipment! I would just love to stick Lana, Senya, and Acina in matching slave-girl outfits! RAWR!!!

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The distribution of heroics on starter planets need to be balanced.

Why should Hutta have 5 heroics, Ord Mantel 3, Korriban 2, and Tython a measly 1? What was the thinking there?

Each starter planet should have the same number, 3 or 5.


Which is the 5th heroic on Hutta? There is the water cleaning one, the prisoner rescue, the rooftop explosion and the one in the sewer. :confused:

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What I find needs fixing are some of the mission icons (bonus stories repeat but some icons are not showing the arrow symbol), plus maybe cutting out the travel like they did later on when you use a taxi. Also I noticed there's a missing scene with the Sith on Belsavis if you do the story arc. He will talk to you again but you have to click on him and there's no symbol indicating it. Many others are like that too. It's a bit annoying and I feel like I am missing more story that way. Sometimes I find some of the dialogue acts as if I chose an option that never came up either. That's a big annoyance for me.
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You mean they haven't already screwed things up for the worst yet!? LOL


When they got to this part in the stream, my thought process started out with imagining all the great changes they could make--much like the OP--but it quickly turned to visions of forced skytrooper encounters, walker missions and power-ups on temporary ability bar.. yeah, so, sorry, bringing old stuff in line with new content does not sound encouraging to me.


I don't want to say that this can't turn out nicely, but frankly.. I think the old content is better than the newer content, so yes, I am concerned.

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The two most important things that I hope this refresh includes is:

1) a toggle-able option to do planetary heroics as they currently are, via mission terminal and auto-turn in, or the original way, via cinematic voiced conversation with the NPC on acquisition and turn-in.


2) restores datacron decorations as possible loot drops for players of all levels

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You can repeat hostage situation cleanup if you complete it prior to hostage situation.


You can't always do that, you have to have it from before. There was a bug where you could pick it up on fleet, with the others, but it has been fixed.

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You can't always do that, you have to have it from before. There was a bug where you could pick it up on fleet, with the others, but it has been fixed.


I never have any trouble repeating it, either from fleet or the heroic terminal on hutta, I just have to select clean up first, do it, then do situation.


The only time you can't repeat it is on new toons who've never done the heroics before.

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I never have any trouble repeating it, either from fleet or the heroic terminal on hutta, I just have to select clean up first, do it, then do situation.


The only time you can't repeat it is on new toons who've never done the heroics before.


hmmm, i've clicked it first numerous times, and the terminl just closes. even on toons that have done the heroics. Will have to try again and see what happens...lol

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I think people are reading too much into world design changes.


This is probably just going to be a modest improvement to textures/light etc. and with any luck, upgrading the conversations to use the improved camera and lighting


I very seriously doubt they will start changing already complete content into something like a walker mission. That would make no sense at all.

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I think people are reading too much into world design changes.


This is probably just going to be a modest improvement to textures/light etc. and with any luck, upgrading the conversations to use the improved camera and lighting


I very seriously doubt they will start changing already complete content into something like a walker mission. That would make no sense at all.


Being the person who mentioned "walker", I'd like to point out that that was not expressing concern about specifics, but about what they consider to be good design decisions. I am not at all convinced that what they consider an improvement would, in fact, be an improvement. They're going to do it regardless of what I or anyone else things, of course, and maybe it will all be good, maybe it will all be trivial, but as someone who likes the old content a lot better than the new content, I have some trouble looking at this from a purely optimistic perspective.

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Removing sync alone would go a long way for me or adding an option but hey, I guess that's never really been on the table to begin with. I'm imagining if they're talking gameplay, it would involve tweaking difficulty since accessibility and QoL are where things like heroic transport, taxi terminals unlocked and changes to heroic moment ability placement are. It's so vague and likely far off that we could guess right and end up wrong when the changes eventually make it in.


It would be awesome if we don't have to wait up until the week of to get an idea and give feedback.

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The exhaustion zones, especially on Tatooine and Hoth, need to be fixed; either moved or removed.


no exhaustions zones, people just run off the map........SWTOR is home to the flat earthers....or taters....hotties? erms, flat somethings ;)

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no exhaustions zones, people just run off the map........SWTOR is home to the flat earthers....or taters....hotties? erms, flat somethings ;)


There are specific areas where the exhaustion zones are clumsily placed. Like on Balmorra, the bugtown zone, if you go south onto the water you hit an exhaustion zone. It's unnecessary and if they removed it, you wouldn't fall off the map since the whole area is closed in by rock walls.


Other spots include Tatooine and Hoth, where if they just moved them back more, it would help make us feel less constricted.

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There are specific areas where the exhaustion zones are clumsily placed. Like on Balmorra, the bugtown zone, if you go south onto the water you hit an exhaustion zone. It's unnecessary and if they removed it, you wouldn't fall off the map since the whole area is closed in by rock walls.


Other spots include Tatooine and Hoth, where if they just moved them back more, it would help make us feel less constricted.


It might be there because there could be gaps where people have gotten stuck, etc. *The fall of the earth thing is just poking fun at the flat earthers.* There are parts of alderaan when in the 'mountain' areas, you can move a couple of inches, and the map dissapears, or you can see the inside out. I've never fallen through, just hit the invisible wall. This would probbly happen in areas where the exchustion is removed. The planets are big enough, why would you feel constricted.


You could always try messaging the team here or on twitter, and ask specifically, why they are there, and what would happen if they were removed, or moved back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My feedback on world design


1. Seeker droid overhaul make it more like the mouse droid.


2, Makeb imperial story the "Prototype Istopope five droid" Boss fight: that you fight in the half point of the story, please change it, the mechanic for this fight is boring, and tedious, going in circles , and keep pushing terminals, not fun.


3. Less enemies NPCs on Makeb.

4.Chapter 11 and other chapters in kotfe have less enemy NPC that attack

5. Tatooine balloon for the holocron please have the balloon go faster.

6. Walker and Iokath, make it fast and more responsive

7. Nar shadda or coruscant make the underground city look different from each other.

8. More friendly NPC in the cities like coreilla

9. Corellia, make it less of a maze and create short cuts.


10 same for belsavis make short cuts, and tear down some parts of the wall

11. less enemies on Iokath

12. Less enemies on belsavis in areas.


All I can think of right now.

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Actually my biggest hope is that if they're going to revisit old content, they'll consider adding a solo option for the ending of the macro-binocular quest chain. I'd forgive them mucking up a few other things if they gave that a go. :p


And the seeker droid chain, while they're at it. Does the "Simulated Meatbag" achievement with HK-55 need another player in same stage of HK-55 acquisition? If so, that one too.

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And the seeker droid chain, while they're at it. Does the "Simulated Meatbag" achievement with HK-55 need another player in same stage of HK-55 acquisition? If so, that one too.

No, it doesn't. The cheevo is for *being* the simulated meatbag, so you just need to be high level (because it happens on Odessen), but can be either before or after doing the mission yourself. You group with someone else, and that someone else goes into the instance to do the mission, and you tag along. During the sequence that the other player controls, there will be a moment where HK shoots *you*, and that gives *you* the cheevo.

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