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Remove the pvp requirement for Major Pierce >:(

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I hate the toxic waste dump that is pvp and shouldn't be forced to do pvp in order to get Major Pierce.


Remove the pvp requirement to get Major Pierce, BW, please and thx.


As it was a requirment from the start, i doubt they'll remove it. I've pretty ignored Pierce on moat of my toons, due to the toxicity of PvP and too much Hutt ball pops.

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2015 called and wants its thread back.

Seriously though this is simply not going to change. It was always intended that you had some variation in the recruitment of companions.

(I'm assuming you aren't a SW because otherwise you can skip all that.)

If you happen to be close to Valor rank 40 anyway you might not need all 20 matches, which is how I bypassed it on several imperial toons (and the pub mirror, M1-4X).

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2015 called and wants its thread back.

Seriously though this is simply not going to change. It was always intended that you had some variation in the recruitment of companions.

(I'm assuming you aren't a SW because otherwise you can skip all that.)

If you happen to be close to Valor rank 40 anyway you might not need all 20 matches, which is how I bypassed it on several imperial toons (and the pub mirror, M1-4X).

I only bothered with Pierce on my non-warrior main because I want all companions on her because I'm mad. Warriors get him back "free" but I agree, it was intended that certain companions were given certain "hoops to jump through" in order to get them back. What I'd like to see is the option to delete/remove the alliance alert for non-class companions I don't want or at the very least for the alliance alerts section to stay closed when I open the companion menu instead of shoving it in my face every time. I'm never going to do alliance alerts on my alts unless they were a class companion or a special like Paxton or Nico.

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I only bothered with Pierce on my non-warrior main because I want all companions on her because I'm mad. Warriors get him back "free" but I agree, it was intended that certain companions were given certain "hoops to jump through" in order to get them back. What I'd like to see is the option to delete/remove the alliance alert for non-class companions I don't want or at the very least for the alliance alerts section to stay closed when I open the companion menu instead of shoving it in my face every time. I'm never going to do alliance alerts on my alts unless they were a class companion or a special like Paxton or Nico.


Completely agreed. I only did the Bowdaar and 4X/Pierce alerts on my Rep main Sage and Imp main Sorc because those are my main characters. Most of my other characters will never touch the alerts for Bowdaar and 4X/Pierce, and many won't even do the To Find A Findsman alerts so I don't have those alerts always in my face and taking up space on the companion window.


I would love it if all Alliance Alerts were moved to a mission terminal so we could pick and choose the ones we want. It would be preferable if they were no longer gated behind To Find a Findsman, but if not that's okay as it's only one and it's not difficult to do quickly. Alternatively, as you said, have the menu collapsed or move it to the bottom of the list so those alerts can sit there forgotten. Or give us a way to drop the ones we don't want to do.

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All companions are the same in ability save for a few differences in the gifted comps. Pierce is ok i went thru the pvp matches its not my thing but i did it on one toon. So really you would be better off to just use what you have and move on or do the missions like everyone else who wanted him.

The reality is there is no free lunch in Star Wars

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I did all the alliance missions on my main, just so I could see them all, and have as many together as I could, as for the others, it wasn't really important, as we've so many, there is no need for them all. And there is nothing special about pierce, or bowder, so I've basically ignored thier alerts on most of my other chars.
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After Pierce/M1-4X required PVP and Dr. Lokin the Rakghoul plague I thought Mako would require Bounty Hunter week and some other companion the Gree event. But they never went that direction. Instead Mako just shows up with Akaavi for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers only.


I only bother with Piece on Warrior. M1-4X on Trooper (they can skip PVP), Bowdar on Smuggler (can skip most of the fighting) and Qyzen on Consular (can skip the fighting). And Lokin on Agent (can skip giving all the crafting materials).

Edited by RameiArashi
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After Pierce/M1-4X required PVP and Dr. Lokin the Rakghoul plague I thought Mako would require Bounty Hunter week and some other companion the Gree event. But they never went that direction. Instead Mako just shows up with Akaavi for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers only.


I only bother with Piece on Warrior. M1-4X on Trooper (they can skip PVP), Bowdar on Smuggler (can skip most of the fighting) and Qyzen on Consular (can skip the fighting). And Lokin on Agent (can skip giving all the crafting materials).


There were other natural fits alluded to in vanilla. Vette could have connected with Risha, as they knew each other as children. It’s implied Kaliyo and Doc had a relationship. Mako joining up with Akaavi isn’t a huge stretch, considering her experience with Torian and, if applicable, if the BH PC became a Mandalorian. I wish more of that could have been done. It would have added some spice to many of the bland companion returns. I can imagine Guss and Gault having an interesting series of cons together.


I half-believe that the devs decided to nix that approach for time reasons or based on negative feedback:

“I don’t think Companion X should be gated by activity A! Alliance Alerts are part of the story and I don’t want to have to do whatever the activity I don’t like is to get this companion.” As I said, these arguments were all made in 2015 and 2016. I personally don’t think it’s a big deal if some companions are gated behind certain types of content just like specific rewards are gated behind specific content, but some would disagree, and vehemently so.


I think of companions, at this point, and even throughout KOTFE/KOTET, as rewards like any other piece of gear. The ones the story needs or needed were given to you, and everyone else was a reward for doing some activity. I don’t have the same friends now that I had five years ago in real life, and I was present and accounted for during that whole time, unlike the player character who was frozen in carbonite. I don’t personally believe that anyone is “entitled” to any companion other than ones they paid “real money” for ... this could mean cartel coins or it could mean pre-ordering or being subbed or whatever requirements tied to actual US currency there was. I didn’t particularly care for the idea of the companion locator terminal, and I especially dislike the notion of being able to bring characters back from the dead. But other people feel differently, which is good we need a marketplace of ideas, and we don’t all have to agree. So the result is a hodgepodge of systems and Pierce/4X is one part of that mishmash approach.

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  • 2 months later...
As a recent returner to the game, in the past, you could get Pierce (and Forex) via "participation trophy" and didn't have to win, but I've heard that said requirement was changed for the Daily/Weekly missions. Was the requirement changed for the Alliance Alert, too, or can you still get complete the mission simply by joining Warzones like you used to in this case?
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Never did any of the PvP required Companions. They are still rotting in my Mission Que. The only ones I ever got were the companions that I was able to get to influence 10 before I started KOTFE.


They can take their PvP requirement and put it were the sun don't shine.....

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I haven't done any PvP since I returned to the game, just haven't bothered and I hear so much about toxicity surrounding it. I only got Pierce on the Warrior and the droid on the Trooper cause they can skip the whole pvp thing and get them right back so I got the achiev at least. I just knew doing that many games would probably take super long since I would probably be put on losing teams the entire time like I used to be.


I was curious why they didn't really have a Risha/Vette Reunion at least for the smuggler, the Risha/Corso return was kind of lame tbh. Kind of wish there was more to it, also the Akaavi/Mako reunion was pretty boring too, also wish there was more to the quests.

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I hate the toxic waste dump that is pvp and shouldn't be forced to do pvp in order to get Major Pierce.


Remove the pvp requirement to get Major Pierce, BW, please and thx.


I agree to some degree, however as there are now many companions that are not available outside of their class, I no longer see this as an issue. If BW were to remove the PvP requirement to get Pierce then BW should allow all original comps to be available to all. Yes there will be players who don't want more companions but all that's needed is an option to delete alerts

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I agree to some degree, however as there are now many companions that are not available outside of their class, I no longer see this as an issue. If BW were to remove the PvP requirement to get Pierce then BW should allow all original comps to be available to all. Yes there will be players who don't want more companions but all that's needed is an option to delete alerts


They might not remove it, as other companions have different requirements, so if they were to remove them, it might cause a cascade effect.

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Just give us a way to remove Alerts from our C&C window so they do not clutter it. I completed the 4X/Pierce and Bowdaar Alerts on my two main characters, and after that only on the original class. Many characters I will not even do To Find A Findsman so I do not have to deal with all of those Alerts that I do not want to do. My preference would be for all Alerts to be moved to a mission terminal, so we could pick and choose the ones we want, but barring that a way to remove them would be acceptable.
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