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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP is an utter disaster right now.


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Oh man... the stuff being posted here is exactly why I haven't bothered with 75 regs for years. It is a clusterf*** beyond rescue. Lowbie pvp and solo ranked ftw :D


If ranked is as someone described, it's "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE...oh, and burst." Rinse and repeat until one side wins. At least, that's how it is for Sentinels/Marauders.



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Predation most definitely does not need a nerf. That is a marauder's only source of movement speed and rootbreak that allows them to stay in combat. The mad-dash rootbreak is a waste of an ability point that should be used on defenses.


You can nerf the speed without nerfing the root break effect. And yes, the speed needs to be nerfed. No class in the game should be running around with 75% movement increase.

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Add Shadows to that too.


Shouldn't allow 4 Shadows to queue into the same BG.


All that CC and backstab, everyone dropped like flies.


Really? If anything Sins got nerfed the worst, we don't need anymore of that coming our way.


But I do agree with everything else you pointed out in your OP

Edited by RaithHarth
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One side matches have been a staple of swtor since day 1 of the games life. The "matchmaking" they introduced just simply made it worse.


Yes, I wish they would remove the match making because it’s worse than before we had any. And it’s been like that since they implemented it.

I remember when it was first implemented and I posted it was broken, but I got ridiculed as usual and told over and over it wasn’t broken (but vindication always comes too late to fix things).


The only thing Bioware needed to do at the time was make it cross faction and limit the amount of healer/tanks per side. Which does sort of work as long as people don’t leave and you get the wrong back fills,


And if Bioware actually explained how the match making works, ie, what are these “hidden” stats they won’t tell us about, then maybe we could test it and help them fix it so the match making does work.


Unfortunately, I think this has snowballed too much now and we have way too few players to make any match making work properly. So it’s probably time to just remove it, but keep the restrictions on how many healers and tanks can be on one team.


I would go as far as also removing 4 man premades from regs because that only makes the problem worse. They could still keep 2 man premades as a compromise.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Oh man... the stuff being posted here is exactly why I haven't bothered with 75 regs for years. It is a clusterf*** beyond rescue. Lowbie pvp and solo ranked ftw :D


I agree with the sentiment and it’s sad that lowbies is more fun and actually more competitive than lvl 75 regs these days.

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I agree with the sentiment and it’s sad that lowbies is more fun and actually more competitive than lvl 75 regs these days.


meh, lowbies is too "target the level 20 guy" for me. as for solo ranked being better... just LOL

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I completely agree with you, as do many others. Mobility creep is an issue. In the past Bioware has tried to fix this by introducing more slows to the game like the shatterslug slow, more 25% passive slows to abilities, tacticals that spread a slow, etc. But the slow creep has done little to combat mobility creep. Mobility abilities in this game just need to be flat nerfed. Predation (utility), hydrolics (with utility), sniper countermeasures (utility), force speed cd reduction (utility), are all great examples of unnecessary mobility increases.


If the mobility creep was nerfed I think TTK would go up significantly without actually changing numbers, DCDs, or anything meaningful that also effects PVE.


It’s always been an arms race between mobility/speed vs slows/stuns/Mez in this game. Every meta Bioware jerk it in one direction and then back the other way. But they never seem to remove what they add. They just seem to add more of both, so now we have too many classes that have the same or similar abilities or feel of other classes.


Too many classes are starting to feel generic to other classes abilities. Ie, phase walk for snipers is the latest version of what I’m talking about. They keep adding more passive immunities etc too. The ultimate conclusion to this type of development is just having 2 Dps classes, ranged and melee and everyone will have the same type of abilities (just called different things).


It’s my opinion that they should go back to 1.2 type meta and scrap a heap of the cross over abilities and mobility and slows ete. Then rebuild the specs from there. I do know 1.2 had its issues, but there was a lot less mobility vs slow/stun wars.

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The only thing Bioware needed to do at the time was make it cross faction and limit the amount of healer/tanks per side. Which does sort of work as long as people don’t leave and you get the wrong back fills,


This is the only thing anyone wanted in a matchmaking setup. If there's two healers just make sure the game doesn't stack them on one team. No one asked for the skill based matchmaking being tacked onto regs, but BW loves to go "above and beyond" to do the opposite of what the player base wants or even just what comes logically.

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meh, lowbies is too "target the level 20 guy" for me. as for solo ranked being better... just LOL


Nah, only the drones do that. It still depends on class mix.


I do the most damage on my sub 20 characters vs higher lvl lowbie Alts because Bioware do something to increase the damage output the lower you are vs the higher the enemy.

I don’t know how you can measure it because it’s not a stat or booster measure that’s listed anywhere.


In lowbies, I focus whoever is the biggest threat first or someone who will die instantly. Most of the time you can slow or disable those lower lvl characters and focus down more threatening ones. ie, Sorc’s, snipers or PTs. If you leave them to free cast to chase a lvl 20 Jugg around, then you’re going to take a heap of damage, which is usually a loss.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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This is the only thing anyone wanted in a matchmaking setup. If there's two healers just make sure the game doesn't stack them on one team. No one asked for the skill based matchmaking being tacked onto regs, but BW loves to go "above and beyond" to do the opposite of what the player base wants or even just what comes logically.


Exactly ^^

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No class in the game should be running around with 75% movement increase.


It’s like playing against speed hacks sometimes lol, because nearly every class but Juggs have a “speed run” ability. Then add predation and you’ve got everyone speeding all over the place and we wonder why there is so much dysnc because the game engine can’t deal with it,

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It’s like playing against speed hacks sometimes lol, because nearly every class but Juggs have a “speed run” ability. Then add predation and you’ve got everyone speeding all over the place and we wonder why there is so much dysnc because the game engine can’t deal with it,


Juggs have two, they just both suck and are tied to other skills.

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And yes, balancing around 8v8 objective pvp is way better than balancing around 4v4 arenas. Class balance before the introduction of arenas was not perfect, but it was 1000x better than what it is now.


Hmmmm, never really thought of pvp class balancing like that. Interesting point that I agree with. 8vs8 was certainly more about team build (similar to that of a pve raid) and each class had a role. The current 4vs4 is most certainly not like that now.

Edited by Nickodemous
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Skill has zero to do with the fact of a mechanic being broken. No class should have an ability that gives 100% immunity to everything without some kind of drawback.


if anything more classes need something like hydraulic overrides. one short duration CC break on an eternal cooldown is not even close to sufficient in pvp.

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PvP is okay right now. It favors Ops/PTS and assassins but that’s only because they control the 1v1 trolling meta.

Any spec can perform well but you need 306 gear, a solid gear set and full augments if you want to compete with the Soyboys. It’s really about knowing every class so you know how to counter them. This isn’t WoW where you can hump a pillar for 30 minutes and win with gas, it’s about hard burst damage and crucial interrupts on healers into a hard stun.

That said I think level 50 pvp was better, because everyone died faster and didn’t have so many ways to go basically immune to damage. RIP wallbanging and Annihilation

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That said I think level 50 pvp was better, because everyone died faster and didn’t have so many ways to go basically immune to damage. RIP wallbanging and Annihilation


It had its issues, but yes the level 50-55 era was the best time for pvp. As much as I hated some of the hybrid crap, I think I'd take that over the insanity that is the utility system where other specs are getting access to tools that were waaay up the tree and were unique to those specs back then.

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It had its issues, but yes the level 50-55 era was the best time for pvp. As much as I hated some of the hybrid crap, I think I'd take that over the insanity that is the utility system where other specs are getting access to tools that were waaay up the tree and were unique to those specs back then.


Agree. And the fix to the hybrid system would have been locking one tree per spec. I’ll never understand why they didn’t do that instead.

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Agree. And the fix to the hybrid system would have been locking one tree per spec. I’ll never understand why they didn’t do that instead.


I recall making similar suggestions that you could only branch into the other trees after reaching the master talent in your chosen tree.


Of course now a days the level cap has gotten too high for a skill tree to work sadly, which is why I was so heavily against level cap increases back in the day and honestly I'm still against them. I believe there are other ways to create a reset without increasing the level cap.

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