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Nasty Dasty thinks GSF / PvP / and Uprisings Should Award More Conquest Points


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Happy now, Stradlin?


I don't think Flashpoints and Ops should b/c they award a different currency. Hence the reason you flat out lied about multi-player activity decreasing to any significant extent.



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Dasty, normally I find you a hilarious voice of reason, so let me try to explain my thoughts here.


Until about 1-3 months ago, I was someone who frequently created groups in game for ops, mostly sm, some easy hm (i.e. KP/EV). Then, something happened. I was at max BiS gear on all the classes I frequent (and a few not so frequent), the best way to cap cq was kp farming, which then got nerfed (understandably), and being at max everything meant my mental hangup with supposed endgame content not being at endgame level made me have little motivation to continue grinding gear for the last couple classes.


So what did I do? I pushed cq. kp farm, yes I admit I participated. When the best way to cap cq became cz/planetary missions, I could suddenly hit small cap in a week by myself without playing hardcore.


So why am I not pleased? In days of old, the best way to cap cq was to get a group of my (then plentiful) guildies together for whatever group content of our choice. over time, changes to the game were made and my guildies largely quit (and a bit of interpersonal drama didn't help). So... now what? well ops were still the best way, and I am good enough (and in game patient enough most of the time) to teach pugs via typing on stuff like sm gf ops. So then the say 3 of us would still have fun together pugging whatever op was the one for that day.


then, the bug happened such that single boss ops were the only avaliable queue ( ironic, considering the nerf to the LBLO situation, seriously BW, what's the difference really?) Well, now what? In short, down to me and my closest friend, we began grinding simply whatever was the best cq to reach guild cap. kp farm, daily solo stuff that's even faster with 2, whatever.


This became very boring, very repetitive, very quickly. So now, I've mostly quit swtor for ffxiv. I'm still paying to keep the guild and to post here, but questioning that decision heavily.


So now there is one less person making groups for ops regularly. How many others are in a similar situation?


TLDR: I guess, the point is, gear is not really a substitute for content that can last indefinitely. Conquest is a better substitute for content, in my mind, because you always benefit. In reality, however, upping conquest gains from ops is probably not enough, by itself, to bring me back. I would need a casual endgame at max level. In the meantime, I will be doing ffxiv, where at least the grind isn't the same one i've been doing for a decade, and waiting on the Marvel Avengers game from Square Enix.


PS: BW if you're reading this, please consider the stupidity of the lack of scaling old content. You want people to grind gear, then make it so the gear is downgraded in content that rewards said gear? seriously, my brain hurts attempting to figure out your inability or ineptitude, whichever the case may be. It saddens me, as a (at the time) poor college student who scrounged together the funds to build a PC for this game back in the day. Now, I have the funds (though I admit, not always the time), but nothing to do.

Edited by KendraP
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Happy now, Stradlin?


I don't think Flashpoints and Ops should b/c they award a different currency. Hence the reason you flat out lied about multi-player activity decreasing to any significant extent.



Just for my understanding. Which different currency is it that Flash Points and Operations award?


The reason I ask is simple. I know Warzones reward tech frags and gear but at a much lower quantity. I though Uprisings also did and GSF I haven't played in years so I honestly don't know what you get out of that.

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Happy now, Stradlin?


I don't think Flashpoints and Ops should b/c they award a different currency. Hence the reason you flat out lied about multi-player activity decreasing to any significant extent.




Absolutely seen a drop in GSF pop frequency since the last conq patch. Queue wakes up 40-60 mins later than it used to. On GSF forums, somebody playing on French server is complaining GSF there suddenly being completely dead. Additionally, at least my guildies seem to be doing much less FPs than they used to.



Seemingly drastic GSF voes on the French server aside, This isn't a world of some binary absolutes. Multiplayer content greatly suffering from current conq patch isn't some sudden zero sum where every queuepool and LFG tool is suddenly complerely deserted. These deaths come in small amounts and likely never go all the way. Hours far removed from server peak is where you first see the change. In particular with less popular activities like lowbie WZs and GSF. Meanwhile, somebody queuing to FPs as a tank during peak hours is likely never to notice the change.


I guess what made you wanna create this thread was me asking if you have -ever- spoken about conq. system's imbalances without it just being there as a two sentence long staging ground for talking about me or my posting. Your response to that question was to create an OP where about half of the 1.5 lines of text is all about me and calling me a liar.

Edited by Stradlin
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Absolutely seen a drop in GSF pop frequency since the last conq patch. Queue wakes up 40-60 mins later than it used to. On GSF forums, somebody playing on French server is complaining GSF there suddenly being completely dead. Additionally, at least my guildies seem to be doing much less FPs than they used to.



Seemingly drastic GSF voes on the French server aside, This isn't a world of some binary absolutes. Multiplayer content greatly suffering from current conq patch isn't some sudden zero sum where every queuepool and LFG tool is suddenly complerely deserted. These deaths come in small amounts and likely never go all the way. Hours far removed from server peak is where you first see the change. In particular with less popular activities like lowbie WZs and GSF. Meanwhile, somebody queuing to FPs as a tank during peak hours is likely never to notice the change.


I guess what made you wanna create this thread was me asking if you have -ever- spoken about conq. system's imbalances without it just being there as a two sentence long staging ground for talking about me or my posting. Your response to that question was to create an OP where about half of the 1.5 lines of text is all about me and calling me a liar.


Ahh the truth comes out.


You're upset b/c you love GSF (which is fine) and people are not tunneled into it. Instead, they have found a more enjoyable way to advance their characters, albeit still far, far slower than multi-player PvE.


So, so easy. You keep tripping over your own words. Your conflation is even more obvious.



Edited by Jdast
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Just for my understanding. Which different currency is it that Flash Points and Operations award?


The reason I ask is simple. I know Warzones reward tech frags and gear but at a much lower quantity. I though Uprisings also did and GSF I haven't played in years so I honestly don't know what you get out of that.


Flashpoints and Ops reward much better gear and more Tech Fragments.


Stradlin keeps posting a video / image of how fast one can get Conquest.


He is right and has posted the fastest sure fire-way to get the Amplified Champion, Victor, Slow Road, and Undying Sets.


There is a reason, however, that Ops and FPs are being run and it is not complicated - they are far, far superior in terms of gearing. That is why I am calling him out as liar - b/c he is and refuses to do the math on Tech Fragments / Boxes.




P.S. Kendra, don't disagree at all, but your complaint (justifiably) seems to be more about content vs. reward system.

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Ahh the truth comes out.


You're upset b/c you love GSF (which is fine) and people are not tunneled into it. Instead, they have found a more enjoyable way to advance their characters, albeit still far, far slower than multi-player PvE.


So, so easy. You keep tripping over your own words.




Yeah, we talked about this in the now locked thread. Singular activity that gives rewards much faster than anything else has huge draw to it. Same phenomena is there for Hammer Station. It is much faster MM than any other so tons of people spam it. They spam it til they get bored of it and then spam it some more. Getting bored don't matter as much as getting rewards matters. It is no different with conquest; how much you dislike/like planetaries or multiplayer stuff don't matter. Planetaries are vastly superior so it is planetaries that plenty of ppl do.


..And I'm upset they nerfed my fav. activity quite severly. In a patch that in general increased rate with which ppl earn conq by 400% or something. It t akes 90 mins to reach conq target in GSF. Takes 10-15 mins via planetaries or amp clicking.

Edited by Stradlin
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Yeah, we talked about this in the now locked thread. Singular activity that gives rewards much faster than anything else has huge draw to it. Same phenomena is there for Hammer Station. It is much faster MM than any other so tons of people spam it. They spam it til they get bored of it and then spam it some more. Getting bored don't matter as much as getting rewards matters. It is no different with conquest; how much you dislike/like planetaries or multiplayer stuff don't matter. Planetaries are vastly superior so it is planetaries that plenty of ppl do.


..And I'm upset they nerfed my fav. activity quite severly. In a patch that in general increased rate with which ppl earn conq by 400% or something. It t akes 90 mins to reach conq target in GSF. Takes 10-15 mins via planetaries or amp clicking.


Who the blazes are you tell me or anyone what is boring? And you are WRONG about it giving rewards faster than anything else. Just plain wrong.


It's fine and there is unanimity as far as I can see that GSF / PvP and Uprisings should reward more Conquest points.


It's pretty arrogant, however, to tell other players that their preferred way of playing is - to quote you - "boring" and constitutes spam.



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I agree with the statement, "GSF / PvP / and Uprisings Should Award More Conquest Points." However, I think it's not enough.


I'd like to add, award more Conquest Points, Tech Frags, and Crafting Mats.


Conquest points alone might encourage some people to do these activities more, however, I believe to really encourage people to do other activities then more types of rewards should be added, too.


PVP needs added rewards to more mirror that which is rewarded for PVE activities, so that we PVPers can do our main activity while at the same time gear up. You know, like we can do via FPs or OPs, if we enjoyed those.


Bioware, put truth into the mantra and make it a reality: "Play it your way."


Or! just continue on being a lying, deceiving, money-grubbing gaming company that seems to be narcissistically arrogant in how you handle yourselves with your playerbase with such a awful, lack of proper and professional communication.

Edited by Lhancelot
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I agree with the statement, "GSF / PvP / and Uprisings Should Award More Conquest Points." However, I think it's not enough.


I'd like to add, award more Conquest Points, Tech Frags, and Crafting Mats.



Yeah, this would be nice. Conq is a reward system that ties all playstyles and players together. It is a shared currendy for somebody doing storyline and somebody doing rated pvp. It'd make sense reward crates give..sampling of all playstyles. To promote all playstyles.


However, one needs to keep in mind current conq system is inflated as heck. People are talking about bringing 30 or 40 chars to target weekly. Everything you give as conq reward, ppl will have too much of. (too much= it lessen s point of getting this stuff via any other means. )

Edited by Stradlin
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Who the blazes are you tell me or anyone what is boring? And you are WRONG about it giving rewards faster than anything else. Just plain wrong.


It's fine and there is unanimity as far as I can see that GSF / PvP and Uprisings should reward more Conquest points.


It's pretty arrogant, however, to tell other players that their preferred way of playing is - to quote you - "boring" and constitutes spam.




Lol. People getting bored of seeing whole lotta HS is some arrogant, deeply controversial take in your books?:D Okay. These very forums have tons of threads with ppl vneting about this matter.


And what do you mean by plain wrong? I'd def say HS is fastest. . If your mindset is "I wanna do an MM really quickly. II want something that is as fast, as easy and as safe as possible," then HS is usually what you end up wanting.

If you got some gimmicky stealth solo run hair on your chest, then you have alternatives like red reaper and so on. But for majority of people, its hopping to Q and doing a 4 man HS.

Edited by Stradlin
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Lol. People getting bored of seeing whole lotta HS is some arrogant, deeply controversial take in your books?:D Okay. These very forums have tons of threads with ppl vneting about this matter.


And what do you mean by plain wrong? I'd def say HS is fastest. . If your mindset is "I wanna do an MM really quickly. II want something that is as fast, as easy and as safe as possible," then HS is usually what you end up wanting.

If you got some gimmicky stealth solo run hair on your chest, then you have alternatives like red reaper and so on. But for majority of people, its hopping to Q and doing a 4 man HS.


In other words, there has not been a decrease in multi-player PvE.


<<It's like taking lollipops from a Gamorrean>>



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What's the point of a argument when the only point is to prove someone wrong? For real. Can't we provide the debate with ideas on how to encourage the game to be played isn't that what we all want for the game?


You guy's make these discussions about yourself it no longer is about the game or making it better. I mean I get it, I used to enjoy forum PVP as much as anyone, but this back and forth thing that's become personal is tiring for me nowadays. I guess if you got the energy for it, w/e.


I just wish we as people could get over ourselves and do things for the greater good, even in little things like this. Like a game. We can't even come together and recognize we actually on the same team, we just have different ideas on how to make the game better. But we all want the same thing... That's why I don't get how these debates on making the game better turn ugly like they do.

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What's the point of a argument when the only point is to prove someone wrong? For real. Can't we provide the debate with ideas on how to encourage the game to be played isn't that what we all want for the game?


You guy's make these discussions about yourself it no longer is about the game or making it better. I mean I get it, I used to enjoy forum PVP as much as anyone, but this back and forth thing that's become personal is tiring for me nowadays. I guess if you got the energy for it, w/e.


I just wish we as people could get over ourselves and do things for the greater good, even in little things like this. Like a game. We can't even come together and recognize we actually on the same team, we just have different ideas on how to make the game better. But we all want the same thing... That's why I don't get how these debates on making the game better turn ugly like they do.


Thread title was very clear. Put me on ignore. Problem solved. Given that BW is, in point of fact, making changes, I felt the thread warranted. Rest is up to you and the mods.




P.S. Entire point of thread is there is a middle ground.

Edited by Jdast
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I just wish we as people could get over ourselves and do things for the greater good, even in little things like this. Like a game. We can't even come together and recognize we actually on the same team, we just have different ideas on how to make the game better. But we all want the same thing... That's why I don't get how these debates on making the game better turn ugly like they do.


We did come together, 99% of the community voted universally in support of the new CQ, we all loved it, and even agreed that some parts of it needed points boosted. But ONE disgruntled person, campaigned relentlessly against it, which is why we ended up with several locked threads, and removed threads. Even when we agreed with said person, and pointed out, the best way to approach it, so that he can actually get the support for it, he ignored it, and still ranted on about getting other activities nerfed. It happened, it may be a small nerf, but in the long term, we'll feel it, and chances are there are more to come

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Flashpoints and Ops reward much better gear and more Tech Fragments.


Stradlin keeps posting a video / image of how fast one can get Conquest.


He is right and has posted the fastest sure fire-way to get the Amplified Champion, Victor, Slow Road, and Undying Sets.


There is a reason, however, that Ops and FPs are being run and it is not complicated - they are far, far superior in terms of gearing. That is why I am calling him out as liar - b/c he is and refuses to do the math on Tech Fragments / Boxes.




P.S. Kendra, don't disagree at all, but your complaint (justifiably) seems to be more about content vs. reward system.

Ok so when you say different currency you mean more currency, which makes sense to me. For me the point is clear that ops and fp's do not need more conquest points because of the rewards you already get there.


I also am of the opinion that for BW Warzones, GSF and Uprisings are dead for them for development and they don't want to encourage more people to participate because it would mean that going forward they have to spread their thin resources more. I think they want to focus on solo content, FPs and the occasional operation and leave it at that because then they can achieve some continuity which they wouldn't be able to if they also had to put more resources in other areas. My opinion of course but that's why I think that Warzones got the short end of the stick when it comes to rewards in 6.0 because they just want to maintain it for those who want PvP but not see it as something they have resources for to develop any further.


I could be wrong but I haven't found another explanation for it and it is in line with GSF and Uprisings now as an activity. So conquest or otherwise, they're probably not interested in rewarding those activities more.

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Absolutely seen a drop in GSF pop frequency since the last conq patch. Queue wakes up 40-60 mins later than it used to. On GSF forums, somebody playing on French server is complaining GSF there suddenly being completely dead. Additionally, at least my guildies seem to be doing much less FPs than they used to.



Seemingly drastic GSF voes on the French server aside, This isn't a world of some binary absolutes. Multiplayer content greatly suffering from current conq patch isn't some sudden zero sum where every queuepool and LFG tool is suddenly complerely deserted. These deaths come in small amounts and likely never go all the way. Hours far removed from server peak is where you first see the change. In particular with less popular activities like lowbie WZs and GSF. Meanwhile, somebody queuing to FPs as a tank during peak hours is likely never to notice the change.


I guess what made you wanna create this thread was me asking if you have -ever- spoken about conq. system's imbalances without it just being there as a two sentence long staging ground for talking about me or my posting. Your response to that question was to create an OP where about half of the 1.5 lines of text is all about me and calling me a liar.


Part of that also has to do with double XP ending. Both in lowbie and mid pvp has nearly died again since it ended and lvl 75 pops has significantly reduced at the time I play since double XP finished.


But let’s not forget all the problems that a multitude of players are having just getting the game to run since the patch and BioWare are AFK for 4 days and no fix in sight.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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In other words, there has not been a decrease in multi-player PvE.


<<It's like taking lollipops from a Gamorrean>>






He is demanding that solo players get screwed over as much as GSF so that there can be equality in the game. He suggests that unless there 90 - 100 ways of gaining EQUAL stuff in said player format that there can be no peace. There is no way to add that much of a dead part of the game without affectively shutting the rest of it down.


Might as well shut the rest of the game down!


GSF has been dead a long time now …


I use to do a lot with the "flying" part of the game. Problems were (even back then)

** It's stuck on a boring as hell rail

** They gutted the rewards

** Do they even have PvE any more ???


I'm sorry … I'm not on the board of directors.. and I'm fairly certain that none of us here are either!! GSF is pretty much dead and gone. I wish that were not the case. But it is. And unless one of us can come up with 5 or 10 mil to overhaul that aspect of the game there is not that much we can do about it.

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Who the blazes are you tell me or anyone what is boring? And you are WRONG about it giving rewards faster than anything else. Just plain wrong.


It's fine and there is unanimity as far as I can see that GSF / PvP and Uprisings should reward more Conquest points.


It's pretty arrogant, however, to tell other players that their preferred way of playing is - to quote you - "boring" and constitutes spam.




Great strawman. He said they spam until they get bored and then spam some more. Doing the same thing over and over does get boring for most people in the world. Many people need variety which is why there are so many threads complaining about lack of new content. Why so many use the argument that the game is losing subs because of that lack.


Yeah, we talked about this in the now locked thread. Singular activity that gives rewards much faster than anything else has huge draw to it. Same phenomena is there for Hammer Station. It is much faster MM than any other so tons of people spam it. They spam it til they get bored of it and then spam it some more. Getting bored don't matter as much as getting rewards matters. It is no different with conquest; how much you dislike/like planetaries or multiplayer stuff don't matter. Planetaries are vastly superior so it is planetaries that plenty of ppl do.


..And I'm upset they nerfed my fav. activity quite severly. In a patch that in general increased rate with which ppl earn conq by 400% or something. It t akes 90 mins to reach conq target in GSF. Takes 10-15 mins via planetaries or amp clicking.

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Great strawman. He said they spam until they get bored and then spam some more. Doing the same thing over and over does get boring for most people in the world. Many people need variety which is why there are so many threads complaining about lack of new content. Why so many use the argument that the game is losing subs because of that lack.


Your point about lack of content making the game stale is 100% correct. It also has absolutely 100% nothing to do with my point. Lack of content is the constant, while energizing different pathways of the old, stale content is the variable.


The new system opens up new avenues for Conquest and Set Gear acquisition. Some people are still spamming HS, though, b/c it is short, simple, and rewards more Tech Fragments and Flashpoint crates (which have different weighting for dropping particular sets) over a set period of time.


And, as the thread title states, I think Conquest acquisition routes should be increased to include even more activities, notably the ones Stradlin appears to enjoy playing.


Personally, I detest GSF, but if others want to play that 4 hours / day - fill your intergalactic starships. Since 6.0 launched in October, I have been in Hammer Station four to 5 times, but it would be the height of arrogance for me to tell others to change their behavior.


Overall, more options and pathways are good -- hence, you know -- the title of the thread. As a sentient being, however, I'm quite capable of choosing how to spend my time having fun. This is a polite way of saying your post missed the mark by an entire galaxy.


But, again, you are absolutely right that lack of content is a pervasive problem. Alas, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I (at least) am talking about.



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Another point is that a certain person keeps banging on about how his 'choice ' of play doesn't reward CQ as fast as other stuff. But if I was to solely focus on 'my' style of play, I'd probaly get less. I prefer the storys, I love running the stories, some may get stale, but others don't, and I mix and matxh, but using different sexes, alignment options, species, and companions, trying to see all the different scences. Yet every time that is brought up, he ignores it. GSF & PvP can rack up more points than just doing story missions. Edited by DarkTergon
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Another point is that a certain person keeps banging on about how his 'choice ' of play doesn't reward CQ as fast as other stuff. But if I was to solely focus on 'my' style of play, I'd probaly get less. I prefer the storys, I love running the stories, some may get stale, but others don't, and I mix and matxh, but using different sexes, alignment options, species, and companions, trying to see all the different scences. Yet every time that is brought up, he ignores it. GSF & PvP can rack up more points than just doing story missions.


Yes .. you are correct... But then again some of them really do believe that this approach is stupid .. "dumbing down the game". ( Some of them enjoy utilizing verbiage aimed at belittling others as much as possible).


I wasn't kidding (in another thread) when I made the statement that I was flying star ships long before this game was developed ! But in this game … that part is dead. It's unfortunate. Even the early days of SWTOR it was more like the Activision game "River Raid" than anything else (OK we flew around rocks and space stations … but about the only difference).


I love the stories .. I also enjoy running the special parts now … Heroics / FP's … and more!


Even in these cases many hate listening to the stories (in flash points) … and ride the space bar like nobody's business!


There again … that's the choice that some make. That is THEIR choice. Not everyone does that. It's not demeaning to a group to let the "story" play out … even in FP's.


At any rate … we do agree. Just thought I'd walk through this aspect of the discussion as well.

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Stradlin. Stop. Please.


You are ruining conquest and the game for other players. BW have literally made it twice as hard to gain points through planetary missions, by doubling the number of missions required. Please focus on providing constructive suggestions to encourage other people to play the parts of the game that you like, instead of being destructive towards parts of the game that others like.


Dasty, Kendra, Trixxie, Ol' Buz, Lhanc, Cynical Steve and many others are trying to be constructive and add to the player experience. Please keep this up. You have silent supporters out here.


I am only one forum reader - but I suspect there are many like myself who read and rarely post unless we feel strongly enough about something. For me, that is enjoying the freedom to play at my own pace, at times that suit me, for as short or long a session that I choose, and still be rewarded through conquest. BW's nerfing of the planetary conquest missions, which appears to be in response to your anti-planetary campaign, has diminished my enjoyment of the game.


Please. Stop. Stradlin.

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Absolutely seen a drop in GSF pop frequency since the last conq patch. Queue wakes up 40-60 mins later than it used to. On GSF forums, somebody playing on French server is complaining GSF there suddenly being completely dead. Additionally, at least my guildies seem to be doing much less FPs than they used to.


Umm well last CQ patch was a couple days ago... Did you stop to consider that people might be....


Wait for it.............


Returning to work?

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