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Far Too Many Abilities?


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Anyone else find that this class (I play as an Operative) has way too many abilities. I mean in everyday quest combat against an elite I use keys 1-9, then mapped






the middle mouse button


and CTRL+`


Even with all these (17 mappings) I find I still need to click some abilities like various interrupts for healing elites or shields.

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I unmapped 6 to = since I doubt I'd ever reach that far over with my left hand.

Remapped them to Q, E, R, Z, X, C, F

And also mapped shift+ 1-6, and the ones above.


I've been remapping things slowly as I've been playing and this works pretty well for me now. I'm not sure how to map more than the two rows of quick slots that I can see once I expand it though, so probably going to run out soon once I get the later level abilities.


Lots of options are good, just have to get in the habit of using them all in the right situation.

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Get a Razer Naga, and its not an issue. I'm a lvl42 Op, and I have everything bound with no awkwardness.


Also I recommend rebinding your camera zoom in and out to someting else, such as Shift+mousehweel or Alt+Mouseweel. That frees up regular mousewheel up /down for other abilities (I use mousewheel down for sever tendon, since I'm often trying to spam it while chasing someone, and nothing spams faster than mousewheel scrolling).


Another easy to reach bind that isn't commonly used is Alt+3.

Edited by Pinworms
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I would say that they succesfully could merge some abillitys. Examples could be Overload and takedown - just make overload deal x amount of extra dmg on low hp targets. Maybe merge it with Followthrough as well - deals x amount of extra dmg when used after Snipe.


Allso macros plz.

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I see what you're talking about. I'd like to have macros just so I could, say, apply Acid Blade and hit Hidden Strike or Backstab depending on my stance. It's an economy of movement issue for me.


That said, I have a Logitech G13 (which I suppose I could create macros with) as well as a Razer Naga. I'm by no means a great player, but both of them help a lot with key accessibility.

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I currently have 31 abilities mapped and I'm truly enjoying it. You'll be running with 4 bars in the end no matter what class you're playing, so you just better get used to it.


Some keybinds that might help you.



F1-F4 (for things like mount, huttball, recuperate)



Shift - Q E R F G C V


Ctrl - E R F C V


Mouse 4-5

Shift - Mouse 4-5

Alt - Mouse 4-5

Shift - Alt- Mouse 4-5

Ctrl - Mouse 4-5


= 40 abilities total. Although I think I'm gonna hitch Shift-Space for mount.


I also recommend keeping Countermeasures and Shield Probe in the same modifier key (like Ctrl), because they both share the same cd, they cost no energy, and they can both be fired simultaneously. Whenever you want to use Shield Probe during combat in PvE, you basically want to use Countermeasures at the same time as well.


I have Countermeasures in Ctrl-F, and Shield Probe in Ctrl-M5, and when I press Ctrl-F-M5, they both fire off.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Hadn't thought of remapping anything..but i don't see why the abilities bar isn't a larger array than 4. Like something as simple as hitting shift-2 to bring up an entire new bar. Do that 1-0 and you'll have plenty of space. I think nearly every other MMO has done this sine forever. Maybe it's in there, I haven't really been looked yet. :) Edited by PatriciaHarlow
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Anyone else find that this class (I play as an Operative) has way too many abilities. I mean in everyday quest combat against an elite I use keys 1-9, then mapped






the middle mouse button


and CTRL+`


Even with all these (17 mappings) I find I still need to click some abilities like various interrupts for healing elites or shields.


Is that all?


QECVFRZX1234 + WASD + Mouse


All I use




But ya there are a ton of abilities, that's why I hope to god they put in a macro system, to simplify the controls more.


Or, think of it this way... pretend you are any class in wow that has a bazillion skills, and play that way.

Edited by Ahebish
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Its the BH in swg all over again lol... they had all their rows full of abilities basically :p

Yes I do think we have way too many but oh well I have been doing ok I just leave things like (idk what its called) the one that puts out a lazer to increase sniper crit I honestly never remember to use it so I just took it off and IK it might come in handy but that just how I do it

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I think a lot of the skills can be rolled into the Talent Trees in my opinion. In my personal experience as a PVE Operative (Heal Spec) I find that I only use keys 1-5 in combat and I have Q and E mapped to my main heals. We can take elite mobs without a sweat and full groups of PVE mobs with 5 abilities, I am failing to see the point in the rest.


I understand PVP requires we use a lot more of our abilities, but there are some that can be more specialized to the specific tree or combined as one previous poster mentioned.


2 cents

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Get a Razer Naga, and its not an issue. I'm a lvl42 Op, and I have everything bound with no awkwardness.


Also I recommend rebinding your camera zoom in and out to someting else, such as Shift+mousehweel or Alt+Mouseweel. That frees up regular mousewheel up /down for other abilities (I use mousewheel down for sever tendon, since I'm often trying to spam it while chasing someone, and nothing spams faster than mousewheel scrolling).


Another easy to reach bind that isn't commonly used is Alt+3.


i do the same thing with mouse wheel, the nice thing about it is its great for instants becuase you can fire them off very quickly. i also have mousewheel down as sever tendon lol.


i found the amount of useful skills in this game a bit overwhelming, but i kind of like it. i also use a G13 gamepad which helps, naga looks nice but i have had bad expirience with razer being cheaply made (copperhead and lychies), that wa a few years ago mybe thier quality controll is better now.

Edited by Rupture
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naga is joke you only got 6 buttons easily accesable rest you need to work your *** off to press , not to mention what happens if you grab mouse too tightly..


eitherway ... use sdfe for movement is my hint for you all folks ... binds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q w a z x c v b g h r t y m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 (m6 m7 never needed to use those ) +shift , ctrl for can be used for some if needed.


makes 48+ binds avaible

Edited by Crawler
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naga is joke you only got 6 buttons easily accesable rest you need to work your *** off to press , not to mention what happens if you grab mouse too tightly..


eitherway ... use sdfe for movement is my hint for you all folks ... binds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q w a z x c v b g h r t y m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 (m6 m7 never needed to use those ) +shift , ctrl for can be used for some if needed.


makes 48+ binds avaible


I disagree. All 12 side buttons I have no problem accessing. The first two weeks it was difficult, but by the end of the first month it felt like second nature. I had to force myself to "learn" to use the bottom two corner buttons but after some practice its not hard at all now.

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Really? Too MANY abilities?


I guess it's true what they say, some people will never be pleased.


Too many abilities that can and should technically be the same ability is annoying.

The ability to write macros could solve this or they could do a few things like.


New ability: Backstrike

If behind the target it does X damage; X being Backstab's current damage.

If stealthed and behind the target it does Y damage; Y being Hidden strike's damage. OR (X+ difference of x and Y)




If target is X distance away it does that rapidfire ability's damage if within Y range it does Overload's damage.


With a little time they probably don't have (for now) they could reduce tedium and the overabundance of our buttons by half, easily.


Worst case scenario for myself, I start removing abilities I won't need or I start page swapping for tertiary stuff.


Small Ui's are my thing because I want to see the world not bars or menus.

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depands what you consider easy...thumb is not rly agile finger and while up down movement is fine backward forward is awkward. And the bigger hand / thumb you got the worse it is.


Razer is 95% estetics, advertisement and fanbase while just 5% ergonomic and quality.

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Really? Too MANY abilities?


I guess it's true what they say, some people will never be pleased.


Some of the stuff is just stupid, it should be passive/automatic.


Like the basic no-cost shot. There's no such thing as autoattack in SWTOR, but would it be so horrible if there was? It would immediately clear one keybind.


There's an ability that when activated increases your stealth rating, I forget the name. Why have it? Why not just passively increase stealth rating permanently, or for X seconds after stealthing? I literally never see people use it outside of raids when setting up CC. This would free another keybind.


Do we REALLY need two darts? The DoT one and the sleep/stealth one? Why not combine them? A sleep dart that when it breaks applies a DoT, and when used out of stealth doesn't apply the sleep effect? Frees a keybind.


Or take cover ability. Why do you need a keybind for it, when it could happen AUTOMATICALLY when you activate an ability that requires it? Press snipe, your char rolls into cover and fires.


Oh, I know, I know...it's about SKILL! :rolleyes: Riiiight. Takes absolutely mad skills to press 1 and then 2, instead of just 1. I stand in awe.


Overall the abilities in SWTOR are not GRACEFULLY done. They're clunky.

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depands what you consider easy...thumb is not rly agile finger and while up down movement is fine backward forward is awkward. And the bigger hand / thumb you got the worse it is.


Razer is 95% estetics, advertisement and fanbase while just 5% ergonomic and quality.


Sounds like a problem with your thumb. Try hitting the bottom buttons with the bottom of your thumb instead of the tip. My thumb actually moves very little, just small roll movements. Once you learn how to use the Naga, I dont see how i could go back to a regular mouse

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naga is joke you only got 6 buttons easily accesable rest you need to work your *** off to press , not to mention what happens if you grab mouse too tightly..


eitherway ... use sdfe for movement is my hint for you all folks ... binds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q w a z x c v b g h r t y m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 (m6 m7 never needed to use those ) +shift , ctrl for can be used for some if needed.


makes 48+ binds avaible



You have not spent much time with a naga. Even then if all you can manage are 6 buttons you realize you can add modifiers to each, right?



I use over 40 keybinds and it's still not enough.


exactly, most people who played wow(well most decent people) had about 60+

Edited by Canieldonrad
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Some of the stuff is just stupid, it should be passive/automatic.


Like the basic no-cost shot. There's no such thing as autoattack in SWTOR, but would it be so horrible if there was? It would immediately clear one keybind.


There's an ability that when activated increases your stealth rating, I forget the name. Why have it? Why not just passively increase stealth rating permanently, or for X seconds after stealthing? I literally never see people use it outside of raids when setting up CC. This would free another keybind.


Do we REALLY need two darts? The DoT one and the sleep/stealth one? Why not combine them? A sleep dart that when it breaks applies a DoT, and when used out of stealth doesn't apply the sleep effect? Frees a keybind.


Or take cover ability. Why do you need a keybind for it, when it could happen AUTOMATICALLY when you activate an ability that requires it? Press snipe, your char rolls into cover and fires.


Oh, I know, I know...it's about SKILL! :rolleyes: Riiiight. Takes absolutely mad skills to press 1 and then 2, instead of just 1. I stand in awe.


Overall the abilities in SWTOR are not GRACEFULLY done. They're clunky.



This. Its called skill creep, and the talent trees don't fix anything. And every class has to deal with it, not just IA.


Marcos would solve the problem in an instant... but they're dead set against it. So the only hope is that they actually put a real Gold Standard polish on this game (like developers used to do before everyone had cable modems to DL big patches) sometime soon.

Edited by Kromzor
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