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@LFG tool haterz


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I figure the people who don't want a LFD are either delusional or masochistic


1. Delusional:


WoW had a great super awesome community before the LFD. Everyone was best friends and there was no ninja looting


2. Masochist:


They love to suffer and want everyone else to as well. Its like being opposed to duel spec when it has absolutely no impact on them, they just don't like it and don't want anyone else to enjoy it.


The reality of the situation is WoW had a **** community long before the LFD and the only thing the LFD did was give people more access to the game.


Its like anything else, if you don't like it simply don't use it, there is no reason to punish others because you are don't want something.


Spamming a chat channel and logging off frustrated is not good for the game. Just because you got a group super fast does not reflect anyone else's experiences.


Spamming a chat channel is no more social then using a matching tool


Wart friends? Join a guild ffs, that's what they are for...

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Haha. Why should I bother to provide you with evidence? There are pages and pages of it that you can read all you like. Your side is wrong. Clearly. The above claim should be given the same credence as your original one. Are you usually this prone to bad thinking?


Vocal minority. Might wanna look it up champ, You few can keep whining like little children while the vast majority is in the game you know actually playing and enjoying it. The forums are a small percentage of the actually community sooooooo your numbers aren't great at all.

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Bioware even said it was offering far more profit then the other profs so they brought it in line with the others. Are you calling the creators of the game liars?

The market didn't have any time to balance itself out. Of course other skills aren't making money Crafting skills dont make money until end game.


the end game no ones really at yet.


Really, are you a troll or just thick in the head?

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The market didn't have any time to balance itself out. Of course other skills aren't making money Crafting skills dont make money until end game.


the end game no ones really at yet.


Really, are you a troll or just thick in the head?


I'm not the one demanding a feature that isn't needed for success. Want to bring me some facts that crafting skills dont make money until end game? You seem like the thick headed one

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A supposed/imaginary silent majority ain't exactly better.


Forum is a very small percentage of the that cannot represent the community. Want to know how I know you're the minority? The majority isn't crying on the forums. The majority is keeping servers full ENJOYING the game.

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Vocal minority. Might wanna look it up champ, You few can keep whining like little children while the vast majority is in the game you know actually playing and enjoying it. The forums are a small percentage of the actually community sooooooo your numbers aren't great at all.



The vocal minority for LFG is quite a bit bigger than than the vocal minority against it. What are you trying to prove? Also, consider that you're projecting. You seem angry. Maybe you should . . . you know . . . play the game with all those like minded calm souls that must exist in on the servers. Over'n Out.

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This post illustrates the problem. Pro-LFD people only see two options...


1. LFD tool.

2. Spam General.


It never occurs to them to join a guild or actually talk to people and make friends.


Sorry, but I don't want this to turn into a lobby game with people just standing around waiting for their instance to pop so they can mindlessly rush in to break their loot pinata and get their freebie epics.


That's what WoW has become, and I will never play that game again. Go there if that's what you want.


or people standing around spamming /1 waiting for private messages to pop to form a group??? eeeeh


since early game access i only have 1 person on my friends list, most people i have come across arent very social or friendly and get mad very easily or abusive when they dont realise what they say is always correct.


oh btw that 1 person on my friends list, i met during WoW in a LFD group. Now how's that for LFD is anti-social.

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Then there's no point to a LFG tool. A LFG tool isn't going to change people's classes and create more healers and tanks....and they aren't even as necessary to 90% of the game as you seem to be implying. Moreover, there's no guarantee you'll even up with a healer in your group with a LFG tool. You could end up with a totally mismatched group.


Groan...here we go again with these nonsense arguments. Who ever said anything about a LFD tool increasing the numbers of healers/tanks...that couldn't be more far from the point. The point is this: with a LFD tool those healers/tanks that do exist will have a much easier time hooking up with DPS players who are looking for them. You won't have to deal with all the coincidences needed to find a group as is.


are we in the same zone?

are they paying attention to /1 chat?


instead, you select which heroic/flashpoint you want to run, select your role and wait until you are paired up. It's really quite as simple as that. god people it's elementary...it's no different than how you find groups right now...it's just much more easy and reliable.


here is how it works now

group up with people you don't know by spamming /1 chat hoping there are people looking to run the same heroic/flashpoint that compliment your class. If you meet someone you like and have a good convo with you add them to your friendlist for future grouping


here is how it would work with LFD tool

reliably group up with people you don't know and within an acceptable frame of time. If you meet someone you like and have a good convo with you add them to your friendlist for future grouping.


nothing else changes... there is no evidence at all to substantiate this causal "LFD ruins community" claim people are baselessly throwing out there.

Edited by Deavyin
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The vocal minority for LFG is quite a bit bigger than than the vocal minority against it. What are you trying to prove? Also, consider that you're projecting. You seem angry. Maybe you should . . . you know . . . play the game with all those like minded calm souls that must exist in on the servers. Over'n Out.


Waiting in a server que atm because everybody is in game enjoying it without a lfd tool so it obviously isn't needed, why should i be the angry one? LFD tool is not in the game and according to biowares feelings it won't be for a long time :cool:

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I'm not the one demanding a feature that isn't needed for success. Want to bring me some facts that crafting skills dont make money until end game? You seem like the thick headed one


Simple knowledge of how the market works..


Low level crafted gear is easily replaced, and thus no one bothers buying it from the GTN. Why bother spending even 500 credits when you'll replace it in two hours for free from a mission?


the only low level gear that sells, is TWINKING gear, twinking isn't going to happen in this game unless they add a function to stop EXP from pvp like WoW has.


The only gear that really sells is high level crafting gear to help people get into heroics to then grind gear to get into raids, or crafted raid gear to help them skip heroics and get into raids.


Thats how every MMO with craftable gear gos..

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Simple knowledge of how the market works..


Low level crafted gear is easily replaced, and thus no one bothers buying it from the GTN. Why bother spending even 500 credits when you'll replace it in two hours for free from a mission?


the only low level gear that sells, is TWINKING gear, twinking isn't going to happen in this game unless they add a function to stop EXP from pvp like WoW has.


The only gear that really sells is high level crafting gear to help people get into heroics to then grind gear to get into raids, or crafted raid gear to help them skip heroics and get into raids.


Thats how every MMO with craftable gear gos..


That isn't true at all. I've made a lot of money selling yellow crystals on the AH because people want their lightsabers to look cool. You just gotta know what to sell

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Forum is a very small percentage of the that cannot represent the community. Want to know how I know you're the minority? The majority isn't crying on the forums. The majority is keeping servers full ENJOYING the game.


That... that isn't even a proper answer. You just replaced one unproven assumption with another.

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That isn't true at all. I've made a lot of money selling yellow crystals on the AH because people want their lightsabers to look cool. You just gotta know what to sell


thats not gear, thats a color crystal, its entirely different. Color crystals and mods are reletive to enchants in wow, not gear.

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Sorry, but you're talking in circles and everything you're saying comes down to the truth - you want a LFG tool to make it easier to find groups. Easier to find groups. It's not a game-breaking issue. If people are playing on low population servers, then a LFG won't add more people to the server, there are other ways to fix that.


you really need to read what you write and add some logic to it.


a. you keep claiming that we expect a LFG tool to create more healers/tanks...no one ever said that. It only makes it easier for all of the classes to group together.


b. it is a game breaking issue if in a massively multiplayer game we sit in one location for an hour + unable to find a group to do what we want to do...that breaks the game for me. If I log on thinking "alright, got 2 hours to run flashpoints before I need to run errands/go to work/sleep/whatever" and I spend half that time spamming chat looking for a group...guess what: GAME BROKEN

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thats not gear, thats a color crystal, its entirely different. Color crystals and mods are reletive to enchants in wow, not gear.


that isn't relevent. You said profs dont make money until endgame and i proved you wrong with my color crystal sells

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that isn't relevent. You said profs dont make money until endgame and i proved you wrong with my color crystal sells


Most profs don't. and yellow crystals only sell so much. Keep flooding the market with the one item that "makes money", we'll see what happens.

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but mine is proven bioware has even said the forums are a very small minority


I believe you don't really understand what I'm getting at. Firstly, in social science, you observe a small sample group in order to find out things about the entirety of a given population. The same can be said about the forum. Just because there aren't as many people here as there are in the game doesn't mean the opinions expressed here aren't representative.


Secondly, you have no proof whatsoever whether or not there is a silent majority of people who don't want or need a DF. In fact I'd wager most people don't care either way but would use it if it were in the game.

Edited by FerrusPA
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Give BioLucas some credit here, good or bad. They purposefully made the decision to not have a cross server flashpoint finder. It's not like this was accidently overlooked. A tool exists in game to assist with finding a group. It just takes a tiny bit more effort than afk crafting while waiting for an insta teleport to the flashpoint.
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Most profs don't. and yellow crystals only sell so much. Keep flooding the market with the one item that "makes money", we'll see what happens.


Ah ok so we went from Profs don't make money until endgame to some profs don't make money until endgame (which isn't true) and that one item cannot continue to produce revenue if you keep putting it on the market ( still not true ) Please stick with one arguement.

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Ah ok so we went from Profs don't make money until endgame to some profs don't make money until endgame (which isn't true) and that one item cannot continue to produce revenue if you keep putting it on the market ( still not true ) Please stick with one arguement.


Most profs don't, you've given one example, of one item, from one prof that does.



also, if you were smarter you'd realize, the point i was making was IF YOU KEEP FLOODING THE MARKET WITH ONLY ONE ITEM THAT SELLS, THE PRICE WILL DROP.

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I believe you don't really understand what I'm getting at. Firstly, in social science, you observe a small sample group in order to find out things about the entirety of a given population. The same can be said about the forum. Just because there aren't as many people here as there are in the game doesn't mean the opinions expressed here aren't representative.


Secondly, you have no proof whatsoever whether or not there is a silent majority of people who don't want or need a DF. In fact I'd wager most people don't care either way but would use it if it were in the game.


too bad that logic is flawed. a small town has a disease break out in it. people observe this town and say "o because this town is sick the whole country must be sick also!" which is simply flawed and no it cannot be said about the forum. People come here to only complain, how many *gee bioware this game is amazing* post have you seen here? I bet not very many because the people enjoying this game are actually playing it instead of whining on the forums here (vocal minority)

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Most profs don't, you've given one example, of one item, from one prof that does.



also, if you were smarter you'd realize, the point i was making was IF YOU KEEP FLOODING THE MARKET WITH ONLY ONE ITEM THAT SELLS, THE PRICE WILL DROP.


you haven't given me any factual evidence that most profs don't generate profit until endgame, who cares if the price drops as long as im the only one selling them i still make profit.

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