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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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I commented earlier about conquest controlling player behaviour and received a response players don't want their behaviour controlled. The irony, and reality, is the genre is all about controlling player behaviour and providing a series of dopamine rewards for actions. The flashy animations, exciting sounds, and numbers all help give our brains a spurt of this delicious chemical. Regardless of whatever rationalization our conscious minds create to explain our desire to play, this dopamine hit is underneath it.


We can even look at KP farming for an example in SWTOR. Once that was established as the most effective way to hit conquest, which in turn provides a few million credits worth of rewards, everyone spent their time doing that to the exclusion of anything else. In time people get bored of that, but still don't do anything else since the ROI is so high. Like it or not the Devs have to consider and control the behavior of the player base by controlling the carrot.



Yeah exactly, Good point on something that is a huge portion of every single game we play I think. And most certainly it is a thing in MMOs or multiplayer games. How efficiently, quikcly and easily can you reach your target by doing X? If answer to this is VERY!, then x gets elevated as an activity. How boring, simple or stupid it is won't initially matter. Fact you can reach your target efficiently by doing it initially -makes- X great, no matter how dumb it is. In time, people can get bored of the game and quit entirely sooner and rather than they'd stop doing X.


How dumb, repetitive, boring or non sensical the acticity is irrelevant if it is fast and/or efficient. enough.

KP you mentioned is a great example of just this. Now, people placing 5 items in their SHs is an activity that has gone up by bazillion percent or so in popularity. No matter how much or how little you like decoirating SHs, most will quickly port there, spam 5 x deco and get out. Without context, it appears as batsith insane loop. Thanks to conq, it is suddenly very clever and efficient gameplay.



Almost all of the things outlined in this thread makes just the surface level of the stupidity and flaws within. Dig a bit deeper and one finds some really ridiculous stuff. Unestablished mid level character of an unestablished legacy is actually far better and more efficient in earning conquest than a lvl 75 char of a more established legacy. If your account still earns legacy xp, has all reputations unmaxed and you playing a character is still dinging conventional levels and grinding professions, you get there quite a bit faster than character with maxed account. I bet there were many other things, too. In general, game now encourages you to drop a crafting profession and grinding it again.

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I like the new conquest, because it also helps pref/F2P. They can't do ops, and are limited pvp, so having the extra options is great for them, and me, when my sub runs out...lol.


Hahaa. Aye, I bet they feel real glad about getting helped right out of the good rewards on all characters that aren't already 71 or above. FTP won't ding 71. They won't see matrixes or any of that.

Edited by Stradlin
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Completely in tune with the game and enveloped into it. It is a game feature, not just a little mini side game like it was before


This is pretty accurate. It is no longer a specific feature or an adventurous playstyle of its own. Instead, it got absorbed and reduced into being part of your perfectly normal default gameplay. This is what I mean when pointing out it has lost its shape. This is why I compared it to legacy xp. New Conq is this castrated, docile thing that runs on the bacground now, rather than being a feature encouraging you to do a variety of different content.


Maybe an analogue could help you see the present situation in a different light:


Let's pretend there once was an entirely different legaxy XP system. Imagine you once got "legacy XP" from doing "heroic deeds", that change around each week. "Heroic Deeds" would consist of things like completing some of the more-epic-than-most planetary heroics, some impressive feats done in Warzones or GSF, stuff like killing a ton of mobs at once in the world. Replaying Kotfe chapters involving the big fights. Killing world bosses and rare mobs. Various special challenges here and there. Things that, if you wrote a weekly magazine about your char, ended up on front page in big letters. Doing such things, and only such things would earn your legacy some legaxy xp. Then people complain. They don't like it how you'd have to do something " special" to earn legaxy xp. They want to earn it quickly, easily and by doing whatever they want. "All my characters are special and every *********** thing they ever do is special, give me legacy xp now! " Devs go " oh gee okay if thats what you people want!" Come next patch, legacy xp has been turned into nothing but an additional xp bar. You earn it super quickly, super easily by doing literally whatever and it is no longer in any way special or different to earning normal xp. People cheer. Finally, easy way for me to earn lots of legacy xp!! Everybody earns so much more legacy In this fictive example, did a game feature just get better and deeper?



I enjoyed bringing a char to conq target each day under the old system. Sometimes, I'd do just 4-6 chars a week. Sometimes, as many as 11 or 12. It felt rewarding. More importantly, getting conq quite fast and efficiently for one character/day made you feel like mercenary touring various aspects of the game for it. Grinding some things solo real fast, then some GSF, two FPs with guildies, then few different planetary heroics. Off to do crafting and log out. Next day, I'd do pvp weekly on a lowbie character since low lvl chars they were far superior in getting pvp weekly done fast. With exception of ops and ranked pvp, I did it all. Now, I sure as hell do not have to do any of that to reach conq target each day quickly and easily.



When it comes to your wishful thinking on thisd broken mess being here to stay..well.

Back when guild perks and legacy wide stuff came, conquest turned pretty balanced and great in my books. Ridiculous crafting hamster wheel got finally killed off. Only rewards were imbalanced. Plus life was too hard for small and medium guilds. (mainly due to how the rewards were) Somewhere around last summer, Devs decided to give solo players a hand and made xp=conq a thing. Everybody began getting tons of conquest. It helped small/medium sized guilds out a great deal. Just that any and all personal targets became irrelevant for guilds and players alike. Once previous big expansion was released, they decided to swing back again. Reaching target for players and guilds alike became about as hard as it had been before xp=conq. Now, they swing back to where they were before swinging back. """Adjustments""" to conquest have been entirely schizophrenic for a while now. Next "update" has literally been about taking back what happened in previous update.



I like it well that there are more and more varied conquest targets. However, as should be incredibly clear for all balance in terms of rewards varied activities give is in truly insane condition. Also, only straightforward solo stuff got targets and rewards in line with this new "conq is just a log-in reward now!" thinking. Challenging solo stuff and any and all group content did not get any new targets that'd share the ridiculous ease, speed and efficiency of fleet dwelling garbage seller's career. Socialite II is 7k conq for doing 5 activities requiring a queue. Mid level character with a newly chosen profession earns 10k a minute simply by sending 5 companions to do some slicing. Grp based content did not get their equivalents of " sell some garbage." or "take a taxi".or "Oh you did one mission? NICE! Heres 15k conq" . You don't see " Heal another player in FP for 5k" or "Cause damage to other player in WZ for 5k" or "pick up a powerup in GSF for 5k" - things that would be equivalent for the insane dailies garbage seller and solo mission face roller get.

Edited by Stradlin
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Hahaa. Aye, I bet they feel real glad about getting helped right out of the good rewards on all characters that aren't already 71 or above. FTP won't ding 71. They won't see matrixes or any of that.


pref can get to 75, if they were a sub first, which in my case means i'll get the rewards when i go preff..lol

But even if they don't get the mats, they can still get the flagship plans for their guilds, etc.

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pref can get to 75, if they were a sub first, which in my case means i'll get the rewards when i go preff..lol

But even if they don't get the mats, they can still get the flagship plans for their guilds, etc.


Pref and F2P are also quite restricted in temrs of characters they can have unlocked at once. Once you go to pref, characters you can have active and playable go down. If you are motivated about the rewards, well, value of everythig will go WAY down.Some preferred person who did conq with, say, 8 chars before Rise of The Garbage Seller won't be able to turn that 8 into a phonebook of 30 chars. Meanwhile, income involved in bringing those 8 to target will be nothing like it used to be.

Edited by Stradlin
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This is pretty accurate. It is no longer a specific feature or an adventurous playstyle of its own. Instead, it got absorbed and reduced into being part of your perfectly normal default gameplay. This is what I mean when pointing out it has lost its shape. This is why I compared it to legacy xp. New Conq is this castrated, docile thing that runs on the bacground now, rather than being a feature encouraging you to do a variety of different content.


Maybe an analogue could help you see the present situation in a different light:


Let's pretend there once was an entirely different legaxy XP system. Imagine you once got "legacy XP" from doing "heroic deeds", that change around each week. "Heroic Deeds" would consist of things like completing some of the more-epic-than-most planetary heroics, some impressive feats done in Warzones or GSF, stuff like killing a ton of mobs at once in the world. Replaying Kotfe chapters involving the big fights. Killing world bosses and rare mobs. Various special challenges here and there. Things that, if you wrote a weekly magazine about your char, ended up on front page in big letters. Doing such things, and only such things would earn your legacy some legaxy xp. Then people complain. They don't like it how you'd have to do something " special" to earn legaxy xp. They want to earn it quickly, easily and by doing whatever they want. "All my characters are special and every *********** thing they ever do is special, give me legacy xp now! " Devs go " oh gee okay if thats what you people want!" Come next patch, legacy xp has been turned into nothing but an additional xp bar. You earn it super quickly, super easily by doing literally whatever and it is no longer in any way special or different to earning normal xp. People cheer. Finally, easy way for me to earn lots of legacy xp!! Everybody earns so much more legacy In this fictive example, did a game feature just get better and deeper?



I enjoyed bringing a char to conq target each day under the old system. Sometimes, I'd do just 4-6 chars a week. Sometimes, as many as 11 or 12. It felt rewarding. More importantly, getting conq quite fast and efficiently for one character/day made you feel like mercenary touring various aspects of the game for it. Grinding some things solo real fast, then some GSF, two FPs with guildies, then few different planetary heroics. Off to do crafting and log out. Next day, I'd do pvp weekly on a lowbie character since low lvl chars they were far superior in getting pvp weekly done fast. With exception of ops and ranked pvp, I did it all. Now, I sure as hell do not have to do any of that to reach conq target each day quickly and easily.



When it comes to your wishful thinking on thisd broken mess being here to stay..well.

Back when guild perks and legacy wide stuff came, conquest turned pretty balanced and great in my books. Ridiculous crafting hamster wheel got finally killed off. Only rewards were imbalanced. Plus life was too hard for small and medium guilds. (mainly due to how the rewards were) Somewhere around last summer, Devs decided to give solo players a hand and made xp=conq a thing. Everybody began getting tons of conquest. It helped small/medium sized guilds out a great deal. Just that any and all personal targets became irrelevant for guilds and players alike. Once previous big expansion was released, they decided to swing back again. Reaching target for players and guilds alike became about as hard as it had been before xp=conq. Now, they swing back to where they were before swinging back. """Adjustments""" to conquest have been entirely schizophrenic for a while now. Next "update" has literally been about taking back what happened in previous update.



I like it well that there are more and more varied conquest targets. However, as should be incredibly clear for all balance in terms of rewards varied activities give is in truly insane condition. Also, only straightforward solo stuff got targets and rewards in line with this new "conq is just a log-in reward now!" thinking. Challenging solo stuff and any and all group content did not get any new targets that'd share the ridiculous ease, speed and efficiency of fleet dwelling garbage seller's career. Socialite II is 7k conq for doing 5 activities requiring a queue. Mid level character with a newly chosen profession earns 10k a minute simply by sending 5 companions to do some slicing. Grp based content did not get their equivalents of " sell some garbage." or "take a taxi".or "Oh you did one mission? NICE! Heres 15k conq" . You don't see " Heal another player in FP for 5k" or "Cause damage to other player in WZ for 5k" or "pick up a powerup in GSF for 5k" - things that would be equivalent for the insane dailies garbage seller and solo mission face roller get.


Yap. And it's great now. It's the way it will be, give or take a bit of tweaking with SOME objectives. But nothing big. Deal with it. at least TRY and have fun. You are reading too much into this

Edited by Sarfux
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I like this better then the spam <insert operation> farm screaming in chat all day and all night.... This is probably 1 step removed from removing CQ gains for killing things...


I'm fine with it, when I came back I almost went right back out the door cause I thought CQ was too restrictive... On a low/mid I was lucky to get any PvP pop in under an hour, and when I did I was then lucky if it even filled a 4v4... GSF, forget it, I have only had 1 GSF match since I've been back. I have 6 new characters that still have intro to GSF active, and it stayed that way to 75 (and they still have the quest). At least now I can get all of my characters to CQ without too much of a fight.

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Granted, previous conq nerf took bit too much away from soloable bits. This next patch goes all the way to other extreme. It is completely ridiculous.


This sums it up. The fact that there are currently fourteen pages of people arguing with you over it is mind boggling.


You're absolutely correct, they went way too far in the other direction. How about some sensible activities for lowbies that actually requires an active objective? Killing world bosses on DK and NS but only for toons under 30 or something. But instead we have these passive things like "riding a taxi" and sending a comp to the vendor... the problem is that they are completely passive and not objectives that you actively set out to complete thus removing any sense of accomplishment for making personal conquest as it is just something that automatically happens now unless you fail to log in.


I'm happy that they recognized a need to have options for low level players who can't even reach some planets to meet the old objectives; they were essentially locked out entirely and that wasn't right either... but I made 500k on a single toon this week without even trying to make conquest which means that inevitably they are going to adjust the whole dang thing again and end up raising personal goal to 200k or more or something to compensate for how ridiculously easy it currently is, passively.

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I find this interesting, while most people are enjoying the changes because they can do anything they wish and get their conquest goals, even the lower levels, there are some saying no no can't do it this way. I wonder how many of them ran the same operation (can't remember which one was talked about in the forums) over and over to get their conquest points.


What is the difference? Probably because it was something they wanted and it was in their "idea" of conquest.


Conquest is fine the way it is, yes some points need to be redone (flashpoints/operations) because of the time and how you have to find a group to do it but overall this is better than what they used to have. People couldn't play their lower levels or they had to do what missions that were scheduled for the week and not doing things they like. When you have a system like the one we have, you have more satisfied people and more will play and enjoy themselves than the other way. If I was a company, I think I would rather have people playing and enjoying themselves instead of people saying oh forget it, I not playing, it's not fun for me anymore.

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This sums it up. The fact that there are currently fourteen pages of people arguing with you over it is mind boggling.


We are in the same boat then, because I also find the resistance of the OP and others like you to the new Conquest system pretty mind boggling. The only argument I read again and again is that you personally need it to be an exclusive endgame mechanic to increase the merit of all the other content in this game for everyone else. If the thread served a purpose, then it is to find out that a large amount of players don't agree with that idea of fun and they like it to be an inclusive mechanic rather then an exclusive one.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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We are in the same boat then, because I also find the resistance of the OP and others like you to the new Conquest system pretty mind boggling. The only argument I read again and again is that you personally need it to be an exclusive endgame mechanic to increase the merit of all the other content in this game for everyone else. If the thread served a purpose, then it is to find out that a large amount of players don't agree with that idea of fun and they like it to be an inclusive mechanic rather then an exclusive one.


At this point in time, I think we can safely say certain people are trolling. It's not just thread, but others too. But at least we can see that a majority of people like the new changes, so they will hopefully keep them (tweak if needed, but not nerfed)

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This sums it up. The fact that there are currently fourteen pages of people arguing with you over it is mind boggling.


You're absolutely correct, they went way too far in the other direction. How about some sensible activities for lowbies that actually requires an active objective? Killing world bosses on DK and NS but only for toons under 30 or something. But instead we have these passive things like "riding a taxi" and sending a comp to the vendor... the problem is that they are completely passive and not objectives that you actively set out to complete thus removing any sense of accomplishment for making personal conquest as it is just something that automatically happens now unless you fail to log in.


I'm happy that they recognized a need to have options for low level players who can't even reach some planets to meet the old objectives; they were essentially locked out entirely and that wasn't right either... but I made 500k on a single toon this week without even trying to make conquest which means that inevitably they are going to adjust the whole dang thing again and end up raising personal goal to 200k or more or something to compensate for how ridiculously easy it currently is, passively.



Previously, some guy expressed joy over being able to bring THIRTY characters to target during one single week. System might be completely broken and ridiculously imbalanced. That's on one scale. However, when other scale has the ability to ding entire phonebook's worth of alts to target, it then means the system is also GREAT! And should not see a major tweak. That's the concensus.



But instead we have these passive things like "riding a taxi" and sending a comp to the vendor... the problem is that they are completely passive and not objectives that you actively set out to complete thus removing any sense of accomplishment for making personal conquest as it is just something that automatically happens now unless you fail to log in.


Exactly. It feels bit surreal how few people feel major element or feature had been removed from them due to this.


Tbh, I'm pretty sure the Garbage Seller-tier of menial bs was once meant to be " lowbie characters introduction to conquest!:3" - stuff that'd be available only for 1-50 or something. Then they realized the said lowbie is now far superior in bringing conq in than high level characters and decided to just open them for all without a 2nd thought. "click your gear for conq!" and " do a crew mission!" tier of stuff should be turned weeklies or have at least 1 digit removed from their reward.



if some sort of sanity restoration patch EVER happens, then we get to talk about disparity between other fast, straightforward content vs content taking time.


For GSF, they've actually NERFED THE CONQ COMING IN. 7k for winning a match is now a daily repeatable vs infinite. Entering queue, spending 15 mins doing grp content and winning the thing is, in terms of reward, a feat no different than taking a taxi to sell garbage. Galactic Conquest indeed. give 5 gifts to a low level companion. Gzs, your deeds are now MORE VALUABLE than doing grp content. This is isnane.

Edited by Stradlin
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We are in the same boat then, because I also find the resistance of the OP and others like you to the new Conquest system pretty mind boggling. The only argument I read again and again is that you personally need it to be an exclusive endgame mechanic to increase the merit of all the other content in this game for e.


When has it ever been an end game mechanic?? It used to be a pretty creative replacement of end game more than anything else. I was a big fan of conquest. I'd ding it with 4-12 characters a week. Besides something like 1-2 MM FPs/week, I haven't done ANY content traditionally considered as end game in SWTOR in half a decade. (vet/master ops, ranked pvp) Weird huh? Is everything besides selling literal garbage to be considered content with leanings towards elitism now? :D


Conq. gains via straghtforward soloable content are now so ******* insane that some people can bring THIRTY CHARACTERS A WEEK to target. Yet, they actually NERF conquest you manage from CONTENT THAT NEEDS OTHER PEOPLE TO HAPPEN. It is insane.,

Edited by Stradlin
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This sums it up. The fact that there are currently fourteen pages of people arguing with you over it is mind boggling.


You're absolutely correct, they went way too far in the other direction.


Don't you think that the fact that on those 14 pages there's you and Stradlin thinking this is bad thing, and everyone else thinking it is a good thing that may need a few tweaks, suggests that the "mid boggling" thing here is that you think you and Stradlin are the ones who are correct?


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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Don't you think that the fact that on those 14 pages there's you and Stradlin thinking this is bad thing, and everyone else thinking it is a good thing that may need a few tweaks, suggests that the "mid boggling" thing here is that you think you and Stradlin are the ones who are correct?


All The Best


it depends on wether they really think they are right, or they are just trolling, either way, they'll just keep banging on, people like thata don't listen :rolleyes:

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Conquest isn't as it was originally intended, I'll agree with that. It use to be competetive, that's been gone for a long bit. It's been easy as pie to get conquest points for awhile now, with the latest patch all you have to do is sneeze and you get conquest. Conquest isn't competetive, there is no work involved, none, just have more bodies. If you want a title, put your toon in one of the giant guilds, boom. I'm in 5 different big guilds, just for giggles, there's a hard fight every so often, very rare. Most of the time it's not competitive at all, which is fine for people that don't like competition.
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Conquest isn't as it was originally intended, I'll agree with that. It use to be competetive, that's been gone for a long bit. It's been easy as pie to get conquest points for awhile now, with the latest patch all you have to do is sneeze and you get conquest. Conquest isn't competetive, there is no work involved, none, just have more bodies. If you want a title, put your toon in one of the giant guilds, boom. I'm in 5 different big guilds, just for giggles, there's a hard fight every so often, very rare. Most of the time it's not competitive at all, which is fine for people that don't like competition.


Many of the things you outline here are stuff they -should have- paid attention to instead of turning conq into something so broken and ridiculous as it is now. Amount of planets weekly available is an echo from time when TOR had dozens of lively servers instead of three. Today, those three servers all have so many huge guilds competing for so few planets. Vastly increasing amount of planets available and working some clever mechanics here to make competing for them more inclusive and fun would have been a sensible way to improve conquest.


Doing menial garbage in fleet is far better, more efficient way of earning conq than doing grp content is. This is a an incredibly broken state of affairs. At least have group content and menial garbage stand EQUAL.

Edited by Stradlin
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Many of the things you outline here are stuff they -shoulf have- paid attention to instead of turning conq into something so broken and ridiculous as it is now. Amount of planets weekly available is an echo from time when TOR had dozens of lively servers instead of three. Today, those three servers all have so many huge guilds competing for so few planets. Vastly increasing amount of planets available and working some clever mechanics here to make competing for them more inclusive and fun would have been a sensible way to improve conquest.


Doing menial garbage in fleet is far better, more efficient conq than grp content,.


won't argue, agree, they coulda done a lot differently

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Don't you think that the fact that on those 14 pages there's you and Stradlin thinking this is bad thing, and everyone else thinking it is a good thing that may need a few tweaks, suggests that the "mid boggling" thing here is that you think you and Stradlin are the ones who are correct?


All The Best

Which is right:


A) It is a good thing that menial tasks and extremely straightforward content is far faster and more efficient conquest than group content.

B) It would be a good thing if group content and challenging single player content (Master mode chapters etc) were equal conquest with menial tasks and straightforward solo content.




PvP/GSF matches after 1st win of the day give 1300 conq each. You get 10 times that in few minutes by doing a single heroic mission on any of the multitude of planets. Eight GSF/PvP matches is about 80-100 mins. You get 8 matches worth of conq by giving 5 gifts to your companion. This madness is something that sounds like something that needs " a minor tweak"? Any and all group content and more challenging solo content is more or less in the same boat with pvp. State of matters with them is sligly less insulting is all. Time spend vs conq earned has some massive disparity going.

Edited by Stradlin
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Not that I care what happens to the cq or anything but from what I can see people who are nobodies, can't kill nothing but trash, can't do anything but story because they are that bad really happy about these changes because now they feel rewarded. And people who actually wants this game to live to its potential disliked it.


To the people who says 'uuuu mmo doesn't mean group content' yes it does, and numbers shows that heavily. Look at WoW, Ffxiv sub numbers and look at swtor. It's not even 100/1 it's more like 10.000/1. So just story isn't enough for an MMO. And both wow/ffxiv has much more story content in this game so jokes on you.


I really agree with one comment tough, just put a button that spamming cq points. Problem solved. And again people will say 'it's my way of play, don't tox'. You are a joke. Keep killing trash in starter planets, that's the maximum you can kill in this game nothing more.


Good changes, carry on, buff the trash selling, déco putting tough, it's my way of play, don't be elitist and don't be toxic.

Edited by lord-angelus
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what's the point of this thread? just complaining? this is how conquest will be. Deal with it. if you don't want to...stop trying to have them nerf everything and ruin it for everybody else that likes it. simply don't do conquest then
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Not that I care what happens to the cq or anything but from what I can see people who are nobodies, can't kill nothing but trash, can't do anything but story because they are that bad really happy about these changes because now they feel rewarded. And people who actually wants this game to live to its potential disliked it.


To the people who says 'uuuu mmo doesn't mean group content' yes it does, and numbers shows that heavily. Look at WoW, Ffxiv sub numbers and look at swtor. It's not even 100/1 it's more like 10.000/1. So just story isn't enough for an MMO. And both wow/ffxiv has much more story content in this game so jokes on you.


I really agree with one comment tough, just put a button that spamming cq points. Problem solved. And again people will say 'it's my way of play, don't tox'. You are a joke. Keep killing trash in starter planets, that's the maximum you can kill in this game nothing more.


Good changes, carry on, buff the trash selling, déco putting tough, it's my way of play, don't be elitist and don't be toxic.


this is fun as HELL, and i seriously hope bioware does not listen to people like the op. because conquest is FINALLY how it should have been!!

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Which is right:


A) It is a good thing that menial tasks and extremely straightforward content is far faster and more efficient conquest than group content.

B) It would be a good thing if group content and challenging single player content (Master mode chapters etc) were equal conquest with menial tasks and straightforward solo content.




PvP/GSF matches after 1st win of the day give 1300 conq each. You get 10 times that in few minutes by doing a single heroic mission on any of the multitude of planets. Eight GSF/PvP matches is about 80-100 mins. You get 8 matches worth of conq by giving 5 gifts to your companion. This madness is something that sounds like something that needs " a minor tweak"? Any and all group content and more challenging solo content is more or less in the same boat with pvp. State of matters with them is sligly less insulting is all. Time spend vs conq earned has some massive disparity going.


This is how conquest is going to be now . It's meant to be a part of the game, not just some afterthought anymore. Which is great, because i dont need every thing in an mmo to be this big challenge. I dont' need to conquest to be like an operation. I want it to be incorporated into the game so I can come home from work, hop on..play the game how I want, have more options to do things, have fun with my guild and others, and that's that. not EVERYTHING has to be this big challenge or competition.

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