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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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How many brand new shiny daily repeatables did Planetary mission grind get again? 40?60? Even more? Nothing is stopping them from supplementing Pvp/GSF( and Fps/Ops to lesser degree) with dozens of similar, equally generous objectives.


The problem is, and I'll admit I'm selfish, is I don't want a bunch of flat leavers coming in and screwing up PvP... Every time they've added an objective based goal to PvP it's gone horribly wrong one way or another. If PvP rewards were equal and on par with the other menial tasks you mention, they'd ruin it again.


It's a balancing act between PvPers actually having PvP and getting CQ rewards... I'm not saying I wouldn't like better rewards for PvP, but at the same time I don't want PvP ruined....


The kill objective screws over Huttball cause no one will play objectives. People will just use it as a kill fest and then get pissed cause you, working on the actual objective of winning, made the match end too fast cause they didn't get your kills.


If they added an objective to pass it, or carry it, that's gonna start people just standing around waiting for it to respawn just to get those easy points. Again screwing over the match.


Hold or take an objective... that's gonna start groups of people standing around 1 node doing nothing.


I already explained the medal problem.


Also because of the random nature of which PvP matches spawn, tying it to specific WZ could mean you never get a WZ you need an objective for. I've been back since January and I still haven't seen Denova. Most of what I've seen is 4v4, which only has kill, which means objective based things are worthless...


But the repeatables that you say are all shiny and new are once per day per legacy. Once it's done, it's done for they day. I can still PvP all day and get points for every match except the weekly/daily, which I think should be at the least 1 per day...

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Dear Forum Denizens,



Achieving personal Conquest, however, as noted above, only rewards characters with 100 Tech Fragments / week. But if you think that is the fastest way to obtain Tech Fragments, you should visit my new business establishment:







Doing planetary misisons gives a ton of conqust for a ton of alts. If that pile of alts sits on a high yield guild, that'd be 600 fragments each, not 100. 6000 fragments for 10 characters.By doing planetary missions.


Besides and beyond that, Onderon weekly/daily patrol for six dailies and the two Mek Sha heroics. iirc those combined are 700 fragments/character. MM FPs is a great way of getting them. So is GSF. Doing certain solo FPs on a stealth class gives you close to 1000 fragments/hour. Facerolling CZ weekly is 100-200 fragments in 15 mins for each character. You have a number of options that are in the same ballpark. Doing many weeklies on many different chars makes you happy.

Edited by Stradlin
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I love the new changes and I can't always group up, especially with my less than perfect ping times and weird hours from Australia. I love looking like I'm contributing WHILE doing what I want! I love the story. I don't want to just bang out conquest stuffs all the time. And now that I work, I can't group up with 20 people like the old days and go teleport to all the commanders.
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Yes, yes you can. Menial stuff in fleet is for no particular playstyle, everybody can do it in few mins. Should conquest be diminsihed into a daily login reward for one char/legacy/day is an issue of its own, but far lesser one than what we have to deal with. Be that as it may, of course such decision brings its own little dysfunctions and wait a moment-moments. "Hm, didn't that 10 min pvp match just give me less conquest than giving Treek a gift?"


Presumably that 10 min pvp match is much more fun for you than the 5 seconds it takes for me to give treek a treat.


Now, as I mentioned WAY earlier in this thread, I like the idea of rewarding objectives within warzone with some amount of conquest points.

The idea didn't seem to take off.


This conquest patch, as a whole, has gotten me to log in alts I haven't used in 6 months or more.

Where I was previously content to gear up 6 toons per account, now my goal is 30+ toons per account.


I have something to work for now.

Something to keep me subscribed.


Since there are so many different ways to get people to cap conquest, presumably the idea is to keep as many players occupied, and subscribed, as possible.


Seeing, in game, the overall uptick in players doing CZ198 at random times of day, as well as all the other places conquest is like a fountain of points, I'd say the devs hit their mark successfully.

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Doing planetary misisons gives a ton of conqust for a ton of alts. If that pile of alts sits on a high yield guild, that'd be 600 fragments each, not 100. 6000 fragments for 10 characters.By doing planetary missions.


Besides and beyond that, Onderon weekly/daily patrol for six dailies and the two Mek Sha heroics. iirc those combined are 700 fragments/character. MM FPs is a great way of getting them. So is GSF. Doing certain solo FPs on a stealth class gives you close to 1000 fragments/hour. Facerolling CZ weekly is 100-200 fragments in 15 mins for each character. You have a number of options that are in the same ballpark. Doing many weeklies on many different chars makes you happy.


I'm wondering if Stradlin realizes he just proved my point.



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Before the new conq patch - Your favorite type of activity (solo pve, grp pve, pvp, gsf,conquest), gave a decent amount of fragments. In terms of how generously you were rewarded, these different activities were in same ballpark - you didn't have entire digits missing. You just had to approach getting the fragments as a target or an objective and jump through the right hoops. Some stuff gave a bit more, some a bit less. Solo player in particular had objectives to pursue, you couldn't get them effectively by paying 0 attention to it and just expecting them to rain in your inventory. In a sense, it was a lot like old conquest. Not an irrelevant xp bar or a rain of fragments. Instead, stuff giving fragments made an inclusive objective that did require you to give a chase and do some planning.If you did, you got by fine.

After the patch - More or less the same. Except now you have dozens of chars in conq target/legacy and it can be the sole source of fragments for tons of people just fine. -> Heroic mission grind is an excellent source of conquest and fragments both.. ->There is no pressure or need to do pve grp content for fragments.

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The problem is, and I'll admit I'm selfish, is I don't want a bunch of flat leavers coming in and screwing up PvP... Every time they've added an objective based goal to PvP it's gone horribly wrong one way or another. If PvP rewards were equal and on par with the other menial tasks you mention, they'd ruin it again.


You get so much conq so easily now by doing planetaries. I can't see people who hate pvp bothering with various performance based pvp objectives on top of it. Planetary grind plus the menial stuff alone brings 30+ chars to conq target with ease. What, then its off to do another 30 chars with pvp?..By afking, griefing, trolling and slacking as much as they can get away with? It'd take some pretty uncommon mix of hardcore approach to TOR, dilligent minmaxing, and pure loathing of pvp.


Generally speaking, most all conq farmers you notice are the nightmare scenarios. If your match has 6 people there mostly to get conquest, you notice the one who is afk. Those 5 other conq farmer guys? If each of them is somebody who kinda likes pvp, plays to win but shows up there for conquest, they won't in any obvious way differ from "a normal pvp'er". Conq farmers who approach the match to win it prolly don't really register when you begin searching for people whose fault it is you just lost. There are/were lots of folks who kinda like pvp but are mostly drawn to it because of conquest. Lot of these folks are perfectly fine with doing planetary grind instead, since its vastly superior conq now. You lost those from the pool.

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Soloable missions give about 400% better/faster conquest than any grp based stuff!


^ - Would make a better/more urgent title for this post.



- Extremely simplistic and straightforward low effort stuff that requires very little time and no other people is now much more efficient conquest than any group based content. Beyond these menial tasks, soloable planetary mission grind emerges as far better and more efficient way of earning conquest than anything else. GSF and PvP suffer the most. They've actually been -nerfed-. FPs and Ops, too, utterly pale in comparsion to planetary mission grind.


- You can earn at least 35k conquest without even leaving the fleet. Every day. This being a very conservative estimate. Once you are done with fleet busywork , quikcly solo one of the two minute lasting planetary heroics. You have now reached your conq target.


- Ignore these menial tasks (Garbage selling, gifts, etc) completely and focus exlusively on Planetary Missions. This way, you'll reach 54k conq or so within 10 mins with some ease.(Not an estimate, I tried and timed it.) After you've brought in 50k+ in 10 mins, switch another character and just continue doing heroic missions. You have 13 planets and 26 slayer missions ensuring menial bits and soloable planetary missions are much, much more efficient way to do conquest than anything else.


- GSF and PvP in particular took serious hits. Patch that, overall, ensured people get 400% or so more conq than they used to actually NERFED conquest you get from GSF and PvP. One GSF match gives you 1500 points. Match lasts about 10 mins. Remember what also took 10 mins? Oh yeah, 54.000 conquest from doing some planetary missions, that's what. This imbalance is not about decimals. We don't speak of Acticity Y being 10.5% better or anything like that. Entire digits are missing.


- Selling vendor junk is now more literally more rewarding and efficient than doing a pvp match.


- Bioware, please bring pvp, GSF, group content and challening solo stuff to same level with menial tasks and straightforward solo content. Thanks to recent patch, content that requires other people is now vastly inferior in bringing in conquest when compared to fleet busywork&planetary heroics. This is crazy.



I tested things today for a bit.


Figured I'd see exactly how long it takes to go from 0 to 50k conq by planetary missions and nothing else.(well, I went from 2k to 56+k)


About character used:

150% Conq.

lvl 75 Tank specced Jugg in tanking gear. 306 gear, no augments.Haven't bothered with amps.

lvl 50 companion.

So char has decent gear and max lvl companion.. But is far removed from being the optimal pick for this. Tank in tanking gear.



Skipped all of the menial stuff. ( I did no crafting, gifting companion, selling garbage etc. )

-All- I did was planetary heroics. Daily 10k from doing a heroic objective dinged. No other major supplementary objectives. No kill 25/50 stuff, no pinnacle of power, no nothing. Just the stuff I get from doing the first mission on planet X before moving on.


It Took 10 mins and 6 seconds to go from 2k conq to 56k this way. Lots of mistakes along the way. I know which are the fast heroics, but I don't know which are optimal for this. I picked one in DK. - Didn't remember mobs there give no xp. If I had skipped DK, it would have been much faster... And I would have been done in 4 planets, not 5. So basically, my 10 mins 6 seconds is far from some great perfect time attack run. What i'm saying is, you can do it much faster. Easy to execute such run far better than I did.


You have 13 planets rewarding you for doing a mission there. Each of these planets also has generous 2 x slayer missions. That's 39 daily repeatables.Do them all over again tomorrow! Add to that few of the fastest and easiest daily areas. (Section X and CZ)


Meanwhile, GSF match gives you 1500. Except the first one of the day.


Suggestion: At least giver GSF and PvP many more daily repeatables. Put contet requiring other people to even happen in same BALLPARK with solable mission running at least . There are entire digits missing here.



Somebody doing a Warzone or a GSF match isn't necessarily even done with his match in 10 mins. That match is likely to give him 1500 conq. Thats four digits. 1.5k. Somebody doing FPs to reach conq target isn't even halfway done with his run in 10 mins. Soloable missions for 10 mins? 54.000 conquest.



Also, did this!



From character creation screen to lvl 10 to fleet to conq target. You don't earn any conq til lvl 10. Total time played on the character, 31 minutes. None of this is some super optimized min maxing. Didn't even use DvsL gear. I don't know any super creative ways to speed lvl, Just did class story til 10 and went to get my conq target.




Original OP below. it hasn't aged well: I wrote it before I had even noticed how BW had actually - nerfed- conquest you get from GSF and PvP..in a patch that increases overall conq earned by 400%! I stand behind the (entirely subjective) PoV given in old Op. However, people love getting stuff with ease much more than I love trying to explain what I feel got lost in the process. Considering what happened to GSF/PvP, and to lesser degree all grp content in general, we got some huge issues here that I feel are almost undeniably in an urgent need of a a fix.


Should reaching conquest target be something you can do in 10 mins without even leaving the fleet? OK, sure! For purposes of the conversation we can all agree this is actually just awesome. When it comes to earning conquest, please make sure content that needs other people to happen doesn't underperform in such drastic way when compared to extremely straightforward content. You actually nerfed conq coming in from pvp and gsf. In a patch where you made it possible to reach conquest target in 10 mins without even leaving theleet. Every day. People in general make like 400% more conq than they used to. Yet, pvp and gsf got nerfed. Please look into this a bit BW.






- - -





Conquest used to be a mechanic that encourages one to look into content you do with or against other people. You know, the MMO -portion in MMORPG. It was absolutely doable (well, on most weeks) to reach conquest target only by focusing on soloable content. However, if you wanted the most ouf of it, you'd be better off entering queue or asking some guildies to run some content with you. I think this is just about how it should have been.


Granted, previous conq nerf took bit too much away from soloable bits. This next patch goes all the way to other extreme. It is completely ridiculous. 5k conq for selliing vendor junk? 5k conq for giving a gift for your companion. 5k conq for having a companion level up. 5k conq for doing 5 crew skill missions. Selling literal vendor trash with your companion is more rewarding than losing a GSF/pvp match.


This is insane. It removes any shape and form from conquest. It is basically as " exciting" or " special" as earning xp. Now, conquest rewards huge variety of simple and straightforward low effort content. In doing so, it encourages and lures people away from group based high effort content.




Give few gifts to your companions. Sell vendor trash. Send 5 companions to do crew skill stuff. Do this today and tomorrow..and you are at conq target. ***??



When you think of conq nerf made around release of last epxansion and this particular.."""adjustment""" it sums up into such a bat sith insane track record. Completely random swinging back and forth instead od developing the system in any consistent way.


Do you want people to make five bazillion conq with massive ease, thus ensuring all of the rewards for it have their prices hitting floor hard? Do you want it to encourage group content, make queues more lively and so on or don't you? Do you want straightforward low effort content be all it takes to earn conquest or not? BW changes their answers with each conquest """fix"""" they do. It is quite frustrating. Conq is a cool mehcanic but it doesn't really move forward. it swings back and forth. In current state, it feels as relevant and exciting as slegacy xp.


Losing GSF match is less conquest than selling vendor junk. lol


^All I hear is WAH~, they actually made Conquest relevant for a lot more people. Conquest lost it's shape and purpose - Seriously?! Conquest NEVER had much shape or purpose - it's broken most of the time it has been around: why people complained so much about it for years as being utterly useless.

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personally i think, that the actual conquest system is an improvement for the majority of players.

especially smaller guilds now can got for the large planets and level up their guild faster.

i also like the variety of different goals, so that you can do the conquest the way you like.




... i think there is still a lot of work to do.


at first there the points are very unbalanced imo. so there is a lot of stuff giving to much points,

like setting decoration, selling junk, using taxi. even with complete new accounts and no stronghold

bonus, you are doing an insane amount of conquest points.


a bit curious is, that you get the same conquest points for veteran mode and master mode operations.

i think doubled points for a master mode operation is the minimum, especially if you can do TC in some

minutes to go for these points.


in general i also think, that there is way to much solo content way more rewardingly, compared to

group content. this should be changed, too.



on our server you now could see, that the conquest table is a bit mixed and there are more

players involved. so just for that, i think it is an improvement. on the other hand, many players

i spoke with, just don't care about conquest anymore and they are just going to get the reward

and after that, they are going on with the stuff they like; or switch to another game.

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in general i also think, that there is way to much solo content way more rewardingly, compared to

group content. this should be changed, too.




As someone said, in this very long and boring thread, with group content, you are not alone, you have help, which 'might' mitigate the lower CQ points. Also most of the newer solo, easy stuff, is there to get newer players in to the CQ game, and encourages them to learn. Sure vet players are doing the 'trash' objectives too, but so can ANYONE, including the OP. EVERYONE can do the trash objectives while quing or questing. This crying about people sitting on fleet and earning CQ is BS, as most people do these objectives while doing other stuff. Also, remember, most new players ar starting from scratch, no datacrons, no extra boosts, no strongholds, etc. So it is harder for them to run through quests and objectives, etc. As said already. we don't want them tweaking it, as chances are, they'd break it.

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As someone said, in this very long and boring thread, with group content, you are not alone, you have help, which 'might' mitigate the lower CQ points.


I assume you referring to what DarthSpuids said somewhere a bit earlier? If so..

I swear, you will have to look long and hard for another place in the world where anyone seriously tries to present this as a reason. For that alone, this thread is far from boring. You are assuming/suggesting multiplayer game goes out of its way to punish people for participating in multiplayer exclusive content. Honestly, I could start selling tickets to this thread for that alone.


You are saying content that needs other people to even happen should see diminished rewards due to the other people. Come one, come all. You don't get this anywhere else!


As said already. we don't want them tweaking it, as chances are, they'd break it.

Proud owner of a literal one man vanity guild hoping BW ignores parts broken or lacking in the game. To ensure your one man guild gets to have its heyday for as long a spossible. It is alright things are untweaked or dysfunctional for some others. I got mine! Dont repair or improve stuff for others, there is a small change I might suffer from it! Nice. One man guild certainly sounds like a perfect fit for you, too.






Also most of the newer solo, easy stuff, is there to get newer players in to the CQ game, and encourages them to learn. .

I think you are onto something here. I bet most of the menial tasks were originally exclusive to low level characters. The "take a taxi!" is kinda strange leftover from this. Then, they realized these things make low level people more efficient in getting character to target than max lvl folks are. They didn't really think it through and went all" ehhh it dont matter" and made it a thing for everybody.

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personally i think, that the actual conquest system is an improvement for the majority of players.

especially smaller guilds now can got for the large planets and level up their guild faster.

i also like the variety of different goals, so that you can do the conquest the way you like.




... i think there is still a lot of work to do.


at first there the points are very unbalanced imo. so there is a lot of stuff giving to much points,

like setting decoration, selling junk, using taxi. even with complete new accounts and no stronghold

bonus, you are doing an insane amount of conquest points.


a bit curious is, that you get the same conquest points for veteran mode and master mode operations.

i think doubled points for a master mode operation is the minimum, especially if you can do TC in some

minutes to go for these points.


in general i also think, that there is way to much solo content way more rewardingly, compared to

group content. this should be changed, too.



on our server you now could see, that the conquest table is a bit mixed and there are more

players involved. so just for that, i think it is an improvement. on the other hand, many players

i spoke with, just don't care about conquest anymore and they are just going to get the reward

and after that, they are going on with the stuff they like; or switch to another game.


Fully agree with the boldened bits..and most other things you saying really. When it comes to conquest. content that needs other people to happen has way too little appeal now.


Current state of matters is such that copnquest system pretty much makes mockery of what it initially was. - System promoting group content and drawing people to do stuff with their guild and against other guilds. I'm perfectly fine with conquest becoming more inclusive towards various solo content. 6.0 in particular needlessly dropped various solo bits from menu. However, now solo stuff got included at utterly needless and non sensical cost of everything else. GSF and PvP in particular!


especially smaller guilds now can got for the large planets and level up their guild faster.


Overall, its a nice thing of course. Small yield were in bit of a tight spot I guess. I think era when small guilds got a real raw end of the deal conq-wise mostly passed when crafting mats were made available for them, too. (previous expansion made high and mid yield choose between encryptions OR mats, and small yield got only encryptions.)


Undertones include couple of pretty strange and bit sad flipsides though.

This thread, for example, has quite a few real happy literal one man guild -persons keeping very busy pecking at me. They are real happy they can now pursue and reach various ambitions with ease. Good for them! Even though low yield is entirely attainable by one person now , it still takes some effort from that person. It is a pursuit. So achieving it all by themselves is rewarding. That's so great, right?

...Its just that every single goal that became attainable for a 1 person guild turned the same pursuit utterly irrelevant for a 5 or 10 person guild. They now do in a day what the one man show does in a week...

...,ofc, that 5 or 10 person guild in turn have new objectives to chase now. Its very rewarding to be a tiny, 5 RL friends type of a guild who can now reach medium yield together....

...Its just that every goal that became attainable and rewardiong for that 5 person guild turned utterly irrelevant for any and all 50 or 500 person guilds...

...And with those 50-500 person guilds, you start running into a problem now. Previously, I think a great portion of these guilds considered pursuit of high yield target quite rewarding. Majority of active medium sized/large guilds have no business fighting for planets. Too few planets to fight for, too many very well ran huge conquest guilds winning them. So Instead, for many, reaching the high yield target was thje " victory" to pursue. Now, the pursuit isn't there anymore. Objective that previously needed..say, 3-5 days now happens within 24 hours. Previously, this pursuit could be the relevant portion of conquest for them. "ok guys, how do we ensure we reach conq this week without it becoming too much of a pita?" For huge amount of medium/large guilds, this has now been erased as a relevant or meaningful or exciting or stressing or annoying pursuit.


There are thousands of people in guilds like these. They are the "Inbetween guilds" if you will. Ones who were able to reach high yield but were miles from being able to win planets. Ones to whom pursuit of high yield prolly made a pretty rewarding/relevant/stressing/fun/annoying weekly goal. Such guilds don't now have TOR providing them with a new ladder to step on. Not a ladder with such well defined goals at least. Their new goals need to be more abstract and self made. " alrite guys lets see if we can we earn 20 mils!" "Alrite, lets see if we can chase that 10th spot on board!!" Their guild isn't any closer to winning a planet..or reaching a top 10 spot than they were before the patch. One man shows and 5 rl friends together forever guilds got new goals to chase and feel rewareded about. Countless of inbetween guilds offering a roof for thousands of peopele all combined? Not so much.

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The new Conquest system is awesome and a massive improvement. Conquest is now much more inclusive to a wider array of individuals and guilds...It needs some conquest reward tweaks here and there /Thread


How is this a 35 page conversation?

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The new Conquest system is awesome and a massive improvement. Conquest is now much more inclusive to a wider array of individuals and guilds...It needs some conquest reward tweaks here and there /Thread


How is this a 35 page conversation?


Because one person is crying over it....

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The new Conquest system is awesome and a massive improvement. Conquest is now much more inclusive to a wider array of individuals and guilds...It needs some conquest reward tweaks here and there /Thread


How is this a 35 page conversation?


Your mesage is short, but in terms of ratio of what it covers you have a mostly accurtate portrayal of what's happening in the thread. I helpfully divided it in two parts! Thread is all about underlining and highlighting what is wrong, bad or needs work&tweaking in the new system.(dark red stuff!) However, people for the most part aren't too interested in discussing that. it is more important to treat all they feel is great as it were paint, and use this paint to cover the bits that are pretty undeniably off...(Pink part!)


Your post is pretty accurate miniature of the thread in this sense! Only one major flaw: Nowhere in your post do you spend a good portion of time talking about me or trying to find passable ways to insult me. It is a big part of this thread. I focus on talking about game mechanics and all that I argue orbits said game mechanics. Many people consider it important to talk about me. I'm not here to talk about me. I'm certainly not here to talk about them. Maybe we could talk about conquest instead of doing ad hominem? (<- this was for people all around our two posts, not for you Solje) In case you wanna craft a perrfect miniature model of this thread, you shoud try to sneak in some ad hominem. At least you could call me a troll or something.

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Not only that, he's alone inhis argument, trying to attack my 'one' man guild (not that i have one), pretty pathetic of him. He is trolling, badly, and and has been said by plenty of people, yet the mods will allow it, and keep it going, because they don't give a ****. Yet they've already warned a couple of people for calling him out on his BS. He's probably crying to them, because if they actually bothered reading any of this, they'd see who the problem really is. I used to be pretty active on the forums, but this ******** has pushed me away, and so many other good posters, soon all we'll have left will be trolls, idiots, and useless CS/Mods. Don't care about a warning, if this goes, it will just serve to prove my point.


One of the reasons I stopped commenting on it, no point if the supposed people in charge don't care or listen.

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Only major flaw, you don't actually spend a good portion of time talking about me or trying to find passable ways to insult me. It is a big part of this thread. In case you wanna cradt a perrfect miniature model, try to sneak in something low and underhanded. Check posts around ours for good examples.


Here's an example:


Proud owner of a literal one man vanity guild hoping BW ignores parts broken or lacking in the game. To ensure your one man guild gets to have its heyday for as long a spossible. It is alright things are untweaked or dysfunctional for some others. I got mine! Dont repair or improve stuff for others, there is a small change I might suffer from it! Nice. One man guild certainly sounds like a perfect fit for you, too.


Not saying the attacks on posters is fine, but you just stooped to the exact same thing, so don't act like you're above it.

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Here's an example:




Not saying the attacks on posters is fine, but you just stooped to the exact same thing, so don't act like you're above it.


...What on earth is wrong or..insulting in being a proud owner of a literal one man vanity guild(ship)? I bought my 1st literal one man vanity guildship back when they were still 50 mils each. One or two more at some point back when they turned 8 mils each.

Just that I never for one second expected/assumed/demanded BW to acommodate me by making stuff clearly meant for living guilds to become within my reach in those 1 man guilds with their dollhouse guildships. .Way i see it, you are/were basically buying a bridge to deco for 50/8 mils. I had no plans back then to start doing some solo low yield and, even tho it'd be perfectly attainable now, I still don't..no time.


What in there is an insult or insulting, I don't get. Imagine what it'd do to my posting here, if I lost my marbles to " insults" of that scale?

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...What on earth is wrong or..insulting in being a proud owner of a literal one man vanity guild(ship)? I bought my 1st literal one man vanity guildship back when they were still 50 mils each. One or two more at some point back when they turned 8 mils each..

..Just that I never for one second expected/assumed/demanded BW to acommodate me by making stuff clearly meant for living guilds to become within my reach. Back them you bought a bridge to deco for 50 mils. I had no plans back then to start doing some solo low yield and, even tho it'd be perfectly attainable now, I till don't..no time.


What in there is an insult or insulting, I don't get.


Apart from the fact that he's not (according to the poster himself), and you ended with "Sounds like a one man guild is a good fit for you too."?


You know exactly what was insulting about it. Difference is that you're also acting as if you're above being insulting and claiming that "I focus on talking about game mechanics and all that I argue orbits said game mechanics." What in that comment was about game mechanics? It was personal, aimed at the poster, and meant to be insulting. Don't agree with others doing it, but I dislike the hypocrisy of you making comments like this when you do the exact same thing. Trying to hide it like it wasn't an insult makes it even worse, own up.

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Apart from the fact that he's not (according to the poster himself), and you ended with "Sounds like a one man guild is a good fit for you too."?


You know exactly what was insulting about it. Difference is that you're also acting as if you're above being insulting and claiming that "I focus on talking about game mechanics and all that I argue orbits said game mechanics." What in that comment was about game mechanics? It was personal, aimed at the poster, and meant to be insulting. Don't agree with others doing it, but I dislike the hypocrisy of you making comments like this when you do the exact same thing. Trying to hide it like it wasn't insult makes it even worse, own up.


Yeah, I could have sworn I saw him mention his 1 man guild last page or one page back. If its wrong, that was then somebody else or my mistake. It didn't occur to me that there is something insulting in owning one and suggesting as much makes some..accusation? You are welcome to comb stuff I've said in all these threads and find how much space I use in talking about posters. If I think somebody is a proud owner of a literal one man guildship then I feel its in relevant to context to call him as such.


Hey DarkGruffalo, I'm extremely sorry that I thought you have a one man guild.I could have sworn I saw you saying as much few pages back etc. I officially withdraw my implication that you own a one man guild.

Edited by Stradlin
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Yeah, I could have sworn I saw him mention his 1 man guild last page or one page back. If its wrong, that was then somebody else or my mistake. It didn't occur to me that there is something insulting in owning one and suggesting as much makes some..accusation?


You once again ignore the "Seems like a one man guild is a good fit for you too" jab and the overall focus of that comment on the poster, whether that focus was misplaced or not.

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