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Weren't we promised more character name resets?


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Frankly i actually wonder, as you are attached to your names that much, do you have no issues at all about purging names of other people that maybe are as much attached to theirs?


Naturally I wouldn't want to see a Name Purge of reckless abandon. If a name purge were to occur, it should be according to the rules that have been used previously, perhaps a slightly larger scope than before but I would leave such a thing up to the devs. Low-level characters on inactive accounts don't strike me as material for players who are really attached to their character names. Of course I wouldn't want to ask for the devs to purge the names of active subscribers, or active Preferred or F2P players. But inactive ones? That's a different story, I'd wager.


Is there a chance that the name Ryssius would not become available after a name purge? Absolutely, that chance is high. Would I be sad if that were the case? Sure, but I'd then sigh and let it go, because a name purge is the last possible endeavor in all that I tried to having that name returned to me. However, if because of the name purge other players got some names back from inactive accounts which they lost previously, that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? I might not get my name back, but others might. That would satisfy me as well, if others were able to be happy that way.


Because don't all those motivational speakers tell you to initiate the change you want to see? If people want to achieve something - for example getting a name back - then they have to take action. Sadly, as a mere customer and player I have no other option than to come to these forums and suggest the change I hope to see in order for the devs to take note of it. If it succeeds, great! If it doesn't, at least I tried. If my actions amount to nothing then so be it, but I was always told as a child "no you have, yes you can get".


As I said before, I use my situation as an example, but I didn't mean for this thread to become The Lost Toon Called Ryssius :p yes, the suggestion was sparked by my personal situation but from what I have seen in this thread there are others in a similar situation, who lost character names in merges and such. There have been several posters expressing their support for a name purge. Seeing as how the last one was over little more than 2 years, it might not be a bad idea to do some cleaning up again.

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Is there a chance that the name Ryssius would not become available after a name purge? Absolutely, that chance is high. Would I be sad if that were the case? Sure, but I'd then sigh and let it go, because a name purge is the last possible endeavor in all that I tried to having that name returned to me. However, if because of the name purge other players got some names back from inactive accounts which they lost previously, that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? I might not get my name back, but others might. That would satisfy me as well, if others were able to be happy that way.


Your position is so clear and obvious that the push back is just baffling. I'm glad you made this thread and I hope the devs seriously consider doing another name purge.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Taking away was indeed a thing. I had no idea about it as I really didnt care much back then. It was back on the Progenitor server when I was in a progression guild. Naturally the players argued and a bunch left to the Red Eclipse. Not only did they move all their toons but also they made new toons with the names of the exguildies so that those names would be taken if they decide to move there too.


Swtor was my first MMO. Before that I had no “name” like this for anything. The problem was when I wanted to create my account all the possible names that i could come up with were naturally taken (it was stuff from star wars so all were taken). I was really frustrated with this and i didnt even play the game yet! People have issues now creating a serious email account as many people besr their name and those accounts are also taken.


Anyway I came up with my name by pure chance and since its in my language it wasnt taken. I did same for main toon. But then it slowly happened. When I joined guilds people started chating with u, calling u etc. My name was hard to say and also inpractical so i got a shortcut. Then i noticed that others had many alts and names them similar to their other toons in order to be recognized while being on an alt. I mean this was all new stuff to me. Like i said first (and only) MMO. Then came Teamspeak where people really needed to say your name etc so I later realized how important it was to chose a good name. Yet most were already taken.


There was a time when the servers merged and many people left, thats when i tried renaming and starting over but that did not work in the end. So yes, I understand the importance of naming in MMOs and on the internet in general now. I therefore agree with the OP that there could be another Name purge. Last time was great but there was the server merge issue so not sure how they would do it now, but they should figure something out.

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Your position is so clear and obvious that the push back is just baffling. I'm glad you made this thread and I hope the devs seriously consider doing another name purge.


Personally, it simply feels as if people see this as an "easy" opportunity to give push back and give push back just for the sake of it. For example, I am well aware of the fact that I was the one that initiated the server hop and that it's my fault for not taking any precautions. I don't need that pointed out to me, I am already painfully aware of that. However, when I do try to effectuate some change to my current predicament (because they always say that if you don't like the situation you are in, it's up to you to change it) and suddenly that becomes a bad thing that gets push back just for the sake of giving push back. Or, that is how it feels at least, if I am incorrect in this assessment I hope to be corrected.


Anyway I came up with my name by pure chance and since its in my language it wasnt taken. I did same for main toon. But then it slowly happened. When I joined guilds people started chating with u, calling u etc. My name was hard to say and also inpractical so i got a shortcut. Then i noticed that others had many alts and names them similar to their other toons in order to be recognized while being on an alt. I mean this was all new stuff to me. Like i said first (and only) MMO. Then came Teamspeak where people really needed to say your name etc so I later realized how important it was to chose a good name. Yet most were already taken.


Yeah, that's absolutely one of the reasons why people can get attached to their character names, especially when it becomes part of your identity as part of a nickname. Names are even more important when you engage in a roleplaying community, especially when your main becomes closely identified with yourself. Of course, I didn't become my character, but my character's name became a synonym for my own real life name. Over time, I grew attached to it quite profoundly and I bet that is how it went for others as well. Maybe not that specific scenario of being in a roleplaying guild, but of others using it instead of your real life name up to the point that it simply becomes a nickname.


Of course, I will always remain Ryssius to my friends from SWTOR or social media like Twitter, so that won't change. But it stings that I can't also be Ryssius ingame, or, not the true Ryssius anyway. I can make an altcode, change a letter or add an accent, but it won't be the same. It won't be the original anymore and that greatly diminishes the immersion for me.

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You keep saying you watched to see if this person logged in by using your friends list. You may want to put "Friends List Bug" in to the search finder here and see that people have not been showing up as online all the way back since the beginning of the game. I have seen this bug first hand. Someone on my friends list messaged me in game and I was like," When did you log on? You don't even show on my friends list as being online even now as I am replying to you."


As for them not replying to you in the games mail, If I don't know the name I hit delete. I'm constantly receiving in game mail from cred sellers. And so, name I do not know, hit delete without wasting my time looking.

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You keep saying you watched to see if this person logged in by using your friends list. You may want to put "Friends List Bug" in to the search finder here and see that people have not been showing up as online all the way back since the beginning of the game. I have seen this bug first hand. Someone on my friends list messaged me in game and I was like," When did you log on? You don't even show on my friends list as being online even now as I am replying to you."


As for them not replying to you in the games mail, If I don't know the name I hit delete. I'm constantly receiving in game mail from cred sellers. And so, name I do not know, hit delete without wasting my time looking.


I have not been affected by the Friend list bug to the extent as you described. People in my Friend list always showed up correctly when they were online, so I will assume that the player would show up normally if they were online. The only thing is that the Friends button shows less people online than actually are online in the Friends list, but that is why I regularly check the Friend list in its entirety as well as the "Who" lists. I also regularly remove and add anew the character, to see if their level changed or location. Neither one of those ever changes, which further points to them being inactive on that specific character.


Also, I make sure to specify in the title of the ingame messages what it is about, so as to signify it's not a spam or credit selling message and that it is specifically about the name "Ryssius".


People can keep coming up with excuses telling me why I never am online at the same time as the person in question, but in the end the most logical and simple conclusion is that they're inactive on that specific character. Either they're intentionally inactive on that character or simply don't bother with it. And no matter how many reasons people try to think up here on these forums just to deny for the sake of denying that I might be right about them simply being inactive, I know they are simply inactive on this character and don't log in on them. Everything I see and experience points unanimously to that fact, simple.

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I have had in-game mail about two of my character names, I just delete. Before you ask not the name mentioned in your post above, but if it was it would still just be deleted unread. If another player has a name you want well that's just hard luck as far as I am concerned. Another player may be willing to swap or change names but no player should be made to.
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I have had in-game mail about two of my character names, I just delete. Before you ask not the name mentioned in your post above, but if it was it would still just be deleted unread. If another player has a name you want well that's just hard luck as far as I am concerned. Another player may be willing to swap or change names but no player should be made to.


Have you even read any of this thread? We're talking about purging names from characters that haven't been played in months or years on inactive accounts. This is not even a remotely controversial request.

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I have had in-game mail about two of my character names, I just delete. Before you ask not the name mentioned in your post above, but if it was it would still just be deleted unread. If another player has a name you want well that's just hard luck as far as I am concerned. Another player may be willing to swap or change names but no player should be made to.


I don't want another player's name. I want the name back which I have had for years before, from the player who - from my point of view based on the information I have - took it with spiteful intent when I hopped servers for 1 day. I had used the name since I had created the character that had the name back in 2014 until it was taken from me in November 2019, I have used the name as a nickname for friends and fellow players on Discord and the RP community, I use the name on my social media tied to posting about SWTOR, I use the name for art that I have created about the character that held the name. This is not another player's name, it's my name taken by another player, likely out of malice.


Have you even read any of this thread? We're talking about purging names from characters that haven't been played in months or years on inactive accounts. This is not even a remotely controversial request.


And yes, this. Whether the name I hope to see released as a result of the name purge will become available or not is inconsequential. This thread is about the name purges that the devs said they would look in to, so as to have them occur more frequently. I used my personal situation as an example, but whether the name Ryssius is freed up or not, I am a supporter of more name purges so other players in a similar predicament to mine can get their names back. If I get my name back, great! If not, then at least hopefully others did. As I said before, that would be enough to satisfy me.

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Have you even read any of this thread? We're talking about purging names from characters that haven't been played in months or years on inactive accounts. This is not even a remotely controversial request.


How do you know that? I have characters not played in months some even over a year, Still my characters. I will use them at some point normally when there's a double XP event like next week. Last time I did the EU servers this time it will be the US servers. I play mainly in the early hour of the morning so around 1 am to 5 am on any given servers. BW has already done a name purge so there won't be any inactive names not used in years. I have paid BW for my character slots so no I should not have to lose names to suit you or the OP. If you want to refund my 600cc x 90 then OK otherwise no.


As for inactive accounts? Who are you to decide what counts as inactive? Some players return after several years of being away. If they have paid for those character slots they should have the right to keep them including the names.

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I don't want another player's name. I want the name back which I have had for years before, from the player who - from my point of view based on the information I have - took it with spiteful intent when I hopped servers for 1 day. I had used the name since I had created the character that had the name back in 2014 until it was taken from me in November 2019, I have used the name as a nickname for friends and fellow players on Discord and the RP community, I use the name on my social media tied to posting about SWTOR, I use the name for art that I have created about the character that held the name. This is not another player's name, it's my name taken by another player, likely out of malice.



SO...... I lost several names from the last merge/purge, names I had had for 5 years in-game and over 20 years as RPG characters from when I used to do that. If you think I am going to feel in the least bit sorry for you in any way you are wrong I'm not. Why because while you are crying about a name you lost you are more than happy if other players lose their names. People are away from the game for lots of reasons, such as being deployed overseas or other work related stuff, in hospital long term, just need a long break from the game. Yes, I had almost a year away. It happens.


Also, are you really trying to tell us this other player knew that this was your name, knew exactly the day you chose to hop over to another server and just happened to be on at the precise time to nick your name? really?

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As for inactive accounts? Who are you to decide what counts as inactive? Some players return after several years of being away. If they have paid for those character slots they should have the right to keep them including the names.


Yes they paid, back then, but if they dont keep track of the current events they should lose the names as there are people who are actively paying for the game and they should be eligible for these names. If you would be Bioware whom would you rather reward a person who made toons and didnt play (pay) for 3 years or a person who has been playing (paying) for the last 3 years?

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If you think I am going to feel in the least bit sorry for you in any way you are wrong I'm not.


If I were angling for your sympathy, I assure you, I would have gone about it an entirely different way. As a matter of fact, I don't care even the tiniest bit what you feel towards me, I have more important things to be concerned about.


Why because while you are crying about a name you lost you are more than happy if other players lose their names.


First of all, "crying" would imply I feel emotions of sadness (also, don't even try to attempt to paint me off as whiny because I will gladly dismantle that image bit for bit). In fact, I feel motivated in my pursuit to try to get my name back. Trust me, that when I say that I feel motivated, sadness is at the bottom of the list of emotions that I feel.


Secondly, you know as well as I do that when a name purge occurs it happens according to strict rules employed by Bioware. I have no intention to dictate what constitutes active players or not, I will gladly leave that up to the devs. Thus, should the devs employ a name purge - as is being supported by multiple posters in this thread - then I remain assured it will happen in a just and honest way. As such, I will assume that the players who'd lose their names, wouldn't miss them anyway for whatever reason lies behind their prolonged inactivity.


Also, are you really trying to tell us this other player knew that this was your name, knew exactly the day you chose to hop over to another server and just happened to be on at the precise time to nick your name? really?


Have you been in my shoes? Have you experienced what I have experienced? Do you omnisciently know everything about my life and the things that I have witnessed and seen during my many years having played this game? Do you have some sort of device to access my memories and experiences and review them at your leisure? No? Then I suggest you do not speak up about it.


As a matter of fact, yes, I do suggest that. Do I have definitive proof? No, sadly I don't, I am working on obtaining any concrete evidence as I only have two Discord conversations with two friends playing the game that have repeated hearsay to me they read on another Discord server, where it was suggested someone playing the game who I knew from a few years back held a grudge against me and had indeed taken the name when I hopped servers. In the case of anything of substance being to this hearsay, I speculate that this person had my character's name in their Friends list and when they noticed that the name suddenly disappeared, they made use of that opportunity and claimed it for themselves. I hope you have not encountered any people of that type, but if you did, then you know how far people with a grudge are willing to go to get their revenge or whatever.


You can believe me or not, I don't care that much frankly, because it doesn't change the facts in reality anyway. You don't know my experiences in the game in the same way I don't know yours. So before you write "that's not likely", how can you - not having experienced what I have experienced - possibly know whether it is likely or not?

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How do you know that? I have characters not played in months some even over a year, Still my characters. I will use them at some point normally when there's a double XP event like next week. Last time I did the EU servers this time it will be the US servers. I play mainly in the early hour of the morning so around 1 am to 5 am on any given servers. BW has already done a name purge so there won't be any inactive names not used in years. I have paid BW for my character slots so no I should not have to lose names to suit you or the OP. If you want to refund my 600cc x 90 then OK otherwise no.


As for inactive accounts? Who are you to decide what counts as inactive? Some players return after several years of being away. If they have paid for those character slots they should have the right to keep them including the names.


If you are subscribed to the game, which you clearly are because you're posting on the forums, none of your names would be at risk. If someone hasn't played the game for months or years, that's inactive by definition, how are you even trying to dispute that? Bioware has already done a name purge on inactive characters on non-subscribing accounts (only on characters under level 10, but hopefully they'd widen that if they do it again), proving that they are willing to do so.


To be clear, a potential name purge would work something like this: 1) Characters that haven't been played in 90 (or whatever Bioware decides, could always be a bit longer) days or more AND 2) are on non-subscribed accounts will have their names reset. They might add a level requirement as well, such as only characters level 50 and under.


They would also give plenty of notice, so someone with an inactive account could always just login as free to play and log on to all of their toons and not lose any names. If they're so disconnected from the game that they're not ever checking their account email or the swtor website, then, again, they have no cause to be upset at losing a name.


SO...... I lost several names from the last merge/purge, names I had had for 5 years in-game and over 20 years as RPG characters from when I used to do that. If you think I am going to feel in the least bit sorry for you in any way you are wrong I'm not. Why because while you are crying about a name you lost you are more than happy if other players lose their names. People are away from the game for lots of reasons, such as being deployed overseas or other work related stuff, in hospital long term, just need a long break from the game. Yes, I had almost a year away. It happens.


Pure nonsense. If you're away from the game for months or years, you have absolutely no cause to be upset that you lost a name to someone actively playing the game, period. I didn't play the game for about four years from 2014-2018, and I had to rename a few characters when I came back. While mildly annoying, I completely understood and accepted it. This is not an ambiguous issue whatsoever. It honestly blows my mind that people are still trying to argue about this lol

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I have not been affected by the Friend list bug to the extent as you described. People in my Friend list always showed up correctly when they were online, so I will assume that the player would show up normally if they were online. The only thing is that the Friends button shows less people online than actually are online in the Friends list, but that is why I regularly check the Friend list in its entirety as well as the "Who" lists. I also regularly remove and add anew the character, to see if their level changed or location. Neither one of those ever changes, which further points to them being inactive on that specific character.


Also, I make sure to specify in the title of the ingame messages what it is about, so as to signify it's not a spam or credit selling message and that it is specifically about the name "Ryssius".


People can keep coming up with excuses telling me why I never am online at the same time as the person in question, but in the end the most logical and simple conclusion is that they're inactive on that specific character. Either they're intentionally inactive on that character or simply don't bother with it. And no matter how many reasons people try to think up here on these forums just to deny for the sake of denying that I might be right about them simply being inactive, I know they are simply inactive on this character and don't log in on them. Everything I see and experience points unanimously to that fact, simple.


So what are you really asking here? You say in some parts of this thread that you want to free up names on inactive accounts. In reply to me you say that he/she is obviously inactive on that toon because they are never online on that toon when you look at your friends list. Which is it? Purge names from inactive non paying accounts (I can get behind that), or purge names on specific toons that you personally feel but can not prove are never active? I can not get behind that.


The game allows a subscriber to have x number of characters and allows them to purchase more if they wish. No where have I seen it stated that a subscriber must log in to every toon x number of times a week/month/year or they risk losing/will lose the names of the ones not active enough.


I don't want another player's name. I want the name back which I have had for years before, from the player who - from my point of view based on the information I have - took it with spiteful intent when I hopped servers for 1 day. I had used the name since I had created the character that had the name back in 2014 until it was taken from me in November 2019, I have used the name as a nickname for friends and fellow players on Discord and the RP community, I use the name on my social media tied to posting about SWTOR, I use the name for art that I have created about the character that held the name. This is not another player's name, it's my name taken by another player, likely out of malice.




And yes, this. Whether the name I hope to see released as a result of the name purge will become available or not is inconsequential. This thread is about the name purges that the devs said they would look in to, so as to have them occur more frequently. I used my personal situation as an example, but whether the name Ryssius is freed up or not, I am a supporter of more name purges so other players in a similar predicament to mine can get their names back. If I get my name back, great! If not, then at least hopefully others did. As I said before, that would be enough to satisfy me.


The above quote leads me to believe you are after something other than that which you express as your true goal. If such is the case. call up customer service or pm a dev here in the forums. Find out if you really have a case.

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So what are you really asking here? You say in some parts of this thread that you want to free up names on inactive accounts. In reply to me you say that he/she is obviously inactive on that toon because they are never online on that toon when you look at your friends list. Which is it? Purge names from inactive non paying accounts (I can get behind that), or purge names on specific toons that you personally feel but can not prove are never active? I can not get behind that.


I believe what I seek is obvious? I am hoping that a purge of inactive non paying accounts will lead to the name that I speak of becoming available. If it doesn't, however, then I hope that the name purge will free up names for other players who lost their names as well. I keep repeating, the Ryssius name situation is just an example. The primary goal and purpose of this thread is to hopefully inspire the devs to perform a name purge of inactive non-paying accounts. Personally, I'd think a purge of inactive subbed accounts might also merit some consideration, but it's a highly problematic area to walk into so perhaps it's best if the purge would stick to inactive, non-subs.


I get that people these days are quite self-centered and such, but surely it's not difficult to understand that - even if I personally won't get what I want - this subject doesn't revolve around me or my character name that I lost? Am I motivated to try to get it back? Yes, and if promoting a name purge will help me in getting back the name, then great. If it won't, then at least the purge will have helped somebody else (hopefully). I'd consider that mission accomplished.


The above quote leads me to believe you are after something other than that which you express as your true goal. If such is the case. call up customer service or pm a dev here in the forums. Find out if you really have a case.


What ulterior motive could I have? I have openly stated my goal and hope with this request multiple times: I am hoping that a name purge will free up the name I lost, a name that I strongly feel I lost due to malice, but which I can't prove other than providing hearsay. I have contacted Customer Service more than once already and also reported the situation to the ToS team. Sadly, there has been no action - or any visible action in the form of the name being freed up - so I seek different avenues to achieve what I want, which is to get my name back and have it taken out of the grasp of the player that I feel has taken it out of spite. As I said before, if this can be achieved with a name purge, great! If not, then at least it will free up names for others to use. There literally is no other ulterior motive here.

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I don't want another player's name. I want the name back which I have had for years before, from the player who - from my point of view based on the information I have - took it with spiteful intent when I hopped servers for 1 day. I had used the name since I had created the character that had the name back in 2014 until it was taken from me in November 2019, I have used the name as a nickname for friends and fellow players on Discord and the RP community, I use the name on my social media tied to posting about SWTOR, I use the name for art that I have created about the character that held the name. This is not another player's name, it's my name taken by another player, likely out of malice.




And yes, this. Whether the name I hope to see released as a result of the name purge will become available or not is inconsequential. This thread is about the name purges that the devs said they would look in to, so as to have them occur more frequently. I used my personal situation as an example, but whether the name Ryssius is freed up or not, I am a supporter of more name purges so other players in a similar predicament to mine can get their names back. If I get my name back, great! If not, then at least hopefully others did. As I said before, that would be enough to satisfy me.


Sounds to me like you've a nasty stalker/troll, and unfortunately unless they actually do something to you, there's not a lot CS can do. Chances are they are logging in once a month, not moving the char, ignoring the emails, and laughing at the misery/hassle they are causing. And if they are being that much of an ***, chances are you'll never get the name back :( , best you can hope for is they shuffle of this mortal coil, and never log in (not that I'm wishing it), the world could certainly use less trolls, and the name eventually gets released in some future purge/release


As for the names, someone said a name release might be a good idea, not an actual purge, the way they do with guild names. With whatever rules that normally apply. It probably won't release the name you want, but it might help others. And sometimes helping others creates good karma, that returns in some future form (or so those inspiarational posts say :) )

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Sounds to me like you've a nasty stalker/troll, and unfortunately unless they actually do something to you, there's not a lot CS can do. Chances are they are logging in once a month, not moving the char, ignoring the emails, and laughing at the misery/hassle they are causing. And if they are being that much of an ***, chances are you'll never get the name back :( , best you can hope for is they shuffle of this mortal coil, and never log in (not that I'm wishing it), the world could certainly use less trolls, and the name eventually gets released in some future purge/release


Thank you, I realise that the name may be forever unavailable to me exactly because of the situation you have described. From my point of view, that is the most likely scenario at the moment. Nonetheless, I am not someone who gives up easily and am known to persist. If I can get my name back, I will try it :)


As for the names, someone said a name release might be a good idea, not an actual purge, the way they do with guild names. With whatever rules that normally apply. It probably won't release the name you want, but it might help others. And sometimes helping others creates good karma, that returns in some future form (or so those inspiarational posts say :) )


While I am not specifically angling for good karma (but hey, it never hurts to have it), if a name purge or release as you described would help others, then that would be great too! I have noticed that people latched on to the example I gave about the name I had lost, but not all go into the core of the thread, which is simply asking the devs to consider another name purge/release. I am hoping this will help me too, but if it doesn't help me specifically, then the fact it may help the rest of the community is reason enough in itself to pursue the goal.

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Runescape did this on a timed schedule and it only effected players who haven't logged into the game and thier character for X amount of years.


They basically said: "Okay guys, Names starting from A-H will be reset in 2 months, please log into any inactive characters you have if you wish to preserve that character name (this will only effect your character if he/she has been inactive for X amount of years). Once that wipe happens, they do another announcement. Alright guys its the same deal but with I-P, please log into that character if it is currently inactive.


Please point out what is unfair about this? I spent 3 hours trying to get a name for my Inquisitor last week. Im not exaggerating, I could not find a single *********** name I could use without doing some stupid character modification. To test the amount of names used, I OPENED A WORLD OF WARCRAFT WIKI, AND STARTED TO NAME LIST EVERY SINGLE NAME I COULD FIND, ALL OF THEM WERE TAKEN. I then moved onto Tolkien mythos, then historic names, then fantasy name, until i just got so angry I deleted an old character and re used that name.

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Please point out what is unfair about this? I spent 3 hours trying to get a name for my Inquisitor last week.


Are you trying to have a one-name only character? Or names of well known fictional characters (or real people)?


I make new alts frequently, and rarely have any problems getting a name, especially since you can use the [name] space [surname] format.

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Are you trying to have a one-name only character? Or names of well known fictional characters (or real people)?


I make new alts frequently, and rarely have any problems getting a name, especially since you can use the [name] space [surname] format.


Yes because generally when I name a character I just name them. I don't feel like adding a surname plus my legacy sure name and any title plus guild titles... its just way too many words. There is literally nothing wrong with removing names from characters that haven't seen game logins in over 2+ years.

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Just because that character name doesn't show as being played recently, doesn't mean that the account itself is inactive. There are alts for people in my guild who play every day that haven't been touched in over a year or more. They just happen to be playing on other characters they prefer and are leaving that character for another day.

Maybe try using a server discord and asking if anyone has that character name and see if they would be will to part with it.

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Just because that character name doesn't show as being played recently, doesn't mean that the account itself is inactive. There are alts for people in my guild who play every day that haven't been touched in over a year or more. They just happen to be playing on other characters they prefer and are leaving that character for another day.

Maybe try using a server discord and asking if anyone has that character name and see if they would be will to part with it.


It's a long thread, and you might have missed the part where he said he thinks the person who has it, tok it maliciously,

so unfortunately I don't think the person is willing to part with it :(

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Just because that character name doesn't show as being played recently, doesn't mean that the account itself is inactive. There are alts for people in my guild who play every day that haven't been touched in over a year or more. They just happen to be playing on other characters they prefer and are leaving that character for another day.

Maybe try using a server discord and asking if anyone has that character name and see if they would be will to part with it.


I point to this post:


It's a long thread, and you might have missed the part where he said he thinks the person who has it, tok it maliciously,

so unfortunately I don't think the person is willing to part with it :(


First of all, I have already asked in Discord servers, especially in those where I have been active and known. No one came up and said they took the name.


Secondly, I am strongly convinced the name was taken out of spite/malice. I have explained several times in this thread where that feelings comes from. I cannot prove it, I only have hearsay from a Discord server, but in my opinion it is likely the name was taken ro keep it away from me as a spiteful joke. The person will intentionally not log in onto that character or if they do, ignore any messages. I doubt whether they would be willing to part with it because I ask nicely, offer them character rename and even Hypercrates or credits. I even imagine they might hold the name hostage and ask a lot from me, before they'd part with it.

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you can use the [name] space [surname] format.


And then you'll have to live with the way the name is depicted in chat for the rest of that characters existence, namely that the second name (for example the surname) is in lower case :p maybe that's not a big deal to you, but RPers who write a lot in /say chat or in /e or /me see it all the time. It may seem like a small thing, but immersion can be a fragile thing at times.

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