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inappropriate armor drops


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I’m assuming your a Assassin tank and not a Jugg or PT.

Have a look at the bug thread someone else linked, it seems this should be fixed in the next update


Yes. Thanks for the info.

Despite some things on PTS I don't like, 6.1.1 is shaping up to be the first release dropped in a while where I'm looking forward to "Reorganizing data..."

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And here I thought from the title you were getting skimpy clothing dropping...


Hey everyone!

I wanted to let you know that the team is working on resolving this lingerie issue with the Loot system.





(the quote above was shamelessly edited for humor purposes. Daniel Steed actually said "lingering", not "lingerie")

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And here I thought from the title you were getting skimpy clothing dropping...


I read the title and my first thought was, "What's wrong with bikini's?"


Seriously though, it's an issue, it's good to see they're looking at it. hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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I wish I could get tank drops on my sage :-(. The mods are BIS for below 75 content ! Then I wouldn’t have to switch to a tank alt to trade in coms to get the mods I want. To much work.


Get on a shadow and run some red reaper. You’re guaranteed to get these a lot (atm) if you are dps spec. More than half my drops on my deception sins are tank sets or mods.

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My Marauder keeps getting tank drops. I complained. Customer service said that's not supposed to happen (no kidding) and to file a bug report. Which I did.


Been happening since day one of 6.0 back in November.


Feel free to post your “bug” feed back in the official thread. It’s only up to 5 pages :rolleyes:

Most of us gave up hope till Daniel post a few days back.

(I like it when Musco takes leave, things seem to get done faster and there is more community engagement)


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Get on a shadow and run some red reaper. You’re guaranteed to get these a lot (atm) if you are dps spec. More than half my drops on my deception sins are tank sets or mods.


All I perfer to play is sage. I have a tank leveled only to get tank mods for my sage by purchasing the mods from the vendor due to the fact they are BIS for dps in anything other than Duxon ops. If I was experiencing this bug I would be very happy. Honestly I wish the devs would allow you to pic loot from either tank or DPS/Healer. Would be so much better for hearing, but since sage doesn’t have a tank spec I can’t :-(.

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Why does this drop https://i.imgur.com/flz7Abq.png when I'm a tank?

For fragments when you deconstruct it, or credits when you vendor it, or for use on another character and/or spec. BW could replace the "inappropriate" items with just fragments or credits, but this way you have 3 options for what to do with it.

You just need to stop thinking of every piece of gear as being immediately useful to you, and start thinking of it as just frags, credits, or alt stuff.

Edited by JediQuaker
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