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Where is our Classic server ?!?


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Perfect timing for one.

Market is bloated, a wipe and fresh start is probably only solution. Classic server accomplishes this.

The success of WoW's classic servers speaks for itself.

Ahh, to be able to get back to the core worlds, well paced leveling, no Cartel market, talent trees back, all win IMO.

Besides, this game has always prided itself on being a wow clone, why not clone their success with the classic servers?

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Don't forget to include in all the joys of "Classic":

* the almost-total lack of end-game content

* having to "use" taxis as "source" before you could use them as "destination"

* having to pay credits for ability training

* having to pay gobs of gobs of credits for speeder piloting that doesn't make that 8K credit speeder go faster

* no zero-cooldown option on quick travel

* no 120% and 130% speeder piloting options

* having to unlock *all* QT points by clicking on them before you can QT to them (there's still a few like that, and they are... annoying)




No, I think your Nostalgia-O-Matic goggles are unusually rose-tinted.

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Don't forget to include in all the joys of "Classic":

* the almost-total lack of end-game content

* having to "use" taxis as "source" before you could use them as "destination"

* having to pay credits for ability training

* having to pay gobs of gobs of credits for speeder piloting that doesn't make that 8K credit speeder go faster

* no zero-cooldown option on quick travel

* no 120% and 130% speeder piloting options

* having to unlock *all* QT points by clicking on them before you can QT to them (there's still a few like that, and they are... annoying)




No, I think your Nostalgia-O-Matic goggles are unusually rose-tinted.


What about having to unlock all datacrons on each toon ?

No heroics teleport options? Having to go back to the spaceport every time you need to fly to another planet?


Those changes were really a matter of QoL, like all the fast movement/ qt options Steve cited.


I must admit I cared more about my companions when I had to outfit them so they would perform, and were role-locked XD ... I also cared more about planetary quests when I had to do all the quests on a planet just so I would be high level enough for the next planet my story mission send me to.


I wouldnt have leveled so many alts if that was still the case tho lol

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Don't forget to include in all the joys of "Classic":

* the almost-total lack of end-game content

* having to "use" taxis as "source" before you could use them as "destination"

* having to pay credits for ability training

* having to pay gobs of gobs of credits for speeder piloting that doesn't make that 8K credit speeder go faster

* no zero-cooldown option on quick travel

* no 120% and 130% speeder piloting options

* having to unlock *all* QT points by clicking on them before you can QT to them (there's still a few like that, and they are... annoying)




No, I think your Nostalgia-O-Matic goggles are unusually rose-tinted.


They seem to forget all that or they wanted that added to the classic servers. They seem to want to pick and choose what should be added.

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Don't forget....


* No Legacy bank.

* No ability to mail credits to an alt on the opposite faction. It's back to going to the Nar Shaddaa "Neutral" GTN and listing something for the amount so your alt can buy it, then wait an hour to get the credits :D

Edited by Solbeck
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Don't forget to include in all the joys of "Classic":

* the almost-total lack of end-game content

* having to "use" taxis as "source" before you could use them as "destination"

* having to pay credits for ability training

* having to pay gobs of gobs of credits for speeder piloting that doesn't make that 8K credit speeder go faster

* no zero-cooldown option on quick travel

* no 120% and 130% speeder piloting options

* having to unlock *all* QT points by clicking on them before you can QT to them (there's still a few like that, and they are... annoying)




No, I think your Nostalgia-O-Matic goggles are unusually rose-tinted.


I disagree. I was a supporter of the WoW classic servers, I played vanilla servers for years, and I support the same concept in SWtOR, even with the so called issues you mention above. Classic WoW had these supposed issues, and it was a huge success. I don't see any reason why SWtOR wouldn't see a similar, though scaled, level of success.


Rose colored glasses argument is old and proven incorrect by recent events. Yes, the older games had problems, but the benefits outweigh the cost. But I'm not going to go over a years-old-proven wrong debate. it's simple. you don't want to play the classic server, then don't.

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Even though I would personally like it, the change from the current QoL stuff would be too much. You can still play the original stories, bonus quest lines etc. Its all still there in the game and even on level due to level sync. The only thing I miss would be Ilum from the old days.


On the other hand I would preffer era servers like era 2.0 or 3.0

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Even though I would personally like it, the change from the current QoL stuff would be too much. You can still play the original stories, bonus quest lines etc. Its all still there in the game and even on level due to level sync. The only thing I miss would be Ilum from the old days.


On the other hand I would preffer era servers like era 2.0 or 3.0


I can respect that, and to be honest, many of the QoL changes over the years are simple things that should have been in the game at launch. As an example, legacy bank was amazing addition, as well as crafting storage, but many other MMO's had this stuff at launch. and if they had actually streamlined their mailing system and made it more intuitive, the necessity of the legacy bank would have been much less impacting. i griped about the mail system for years...even WoW vanilla had a better mail system, but they're answer was to wait for years, then bring out legacy bank.


I wouldn't be against a Vanilla server with some of the QoL, but that would possible be a different discussion. I do have a question for you though. If you'd support an "era" server like 2.0, then would you support an era server like 1.2? or if they followed Actiblizz's approach, the vanilla server would be the last major update prior to 2.0. Would you support a server like that?

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  • 1 month later...
I just returned after a few years away. Played 2 days, cant take it anymore. This game is now ZERO challenge. I shut off the bonus xp and still skipped most quests. At lvl 20 companion still wearing starting gear and super OP. Ill be back if they ever give us a "normal" or classic mode or whatever. Some people enjoy earning things.
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I suspect few players, especially the largess of casuals that pervade the game now, would want to slog through the onerous lack of QoL issues already mentioned.


I sure as heck wouldn't, and I seriously doubt after the contraction of 17 servers down to 5 and 5 data centers down to 4 that EA would shell out money on yet another maintenance expense for the two dozen or so diehards who might be clamoring for it.

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I just returned after a few years away. Played 2 days, cant take it anymore. This game is now ZERO challenge. I shut off the bonus xp and still skipped most quests. At lvl 20 companion still wearing starting gear and super OP. Ill be back if they ever give us a "normal" or classic mode or whatever. Some people enjoy earning things.

You picked a bad time to return if you feel like that. There's currently a "double" XP event on, which is why you're levelling so fast.


Oh, and companion gear means nothing except looks now, ever since October 2015 when 4.0 released and they restructured companions.

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Classic SWToR was terrible in comparison to the current version...No contest.


The only reason to go back would be to roll madness Sorc or anni Mara for PvP and completely dominate everyone...Even better roll an Operative and literally kill everyone inside the opening stun...TTK was crazy fast in classic SWToR.


The only good thing about classic SWToR is still here today...The class stories.

Edited by Soljin
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I started playing in 2012 and have been playing without any major breaks from the game in all those years. I followed every development that was introduced into the game and every new element added or changed. With that in mind...


I vehemently disagree with this idea and would scream "NO THANK YOU" at a classic server. I agree with Steve here, players with too rose-tinted nostalgia glasses completely forget what they'd lose on such a classic server. I mean, gearing companions aside from our own toons? On every single alt? NO THANK YOU.


I'd much rather Bioware invest time, resources and money into improving what we currently have, adding new stuff to it and expanding upon it, instead of creating a classic server to appease a really minor percentage of the playerbase. The way forward is looking forward, not dwelling on the past and wanting it back.

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I remember playing in beta and they had more complex stat systems on gear not like now but it was more flexible then what they launched with. Towards the end of beta they basically ripped it all out and launched with a much more basic system that confined everyone to specific gear sets...Was fine for Troopers to all look identical but it was disappointing from an RPG perspective.


Everyone looked exactly the same unless they were still working on their first tier of gear...Hated it. Luckily its all very foggy it was awhile ago.

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No, just no, we do not need all those QoL changes made over the years reversed. Now if you are looking for a harder challenge, what you might be seeking was brought up in another thread, a way to make instanced mission, class mission have a vet & hard mode, for those who want the challenge. I think , if it was possible, a lot of people would be happy with that, and it would give people the challenge they want, while keeping the QoL improvments
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I just returned after a few years away. Played 2 days, cant take it anymore. This game is now ZERO challenge.

You really should try to play anything other than story.

Solo MM FP in your Korriban gear, for example.

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Even though I would personally like it, the change from the current QoL stuff would be too much. You can still play the original stories, bonus quest lines etc. Its all still there in the game and even on level due to level sync. The only thing I miss would be Ilum from the old days.


On the other hand I would preffer era servers like era 2.0 or 3.0

No, it's not all here. They've removed content over the years, some of it was more noticeable than others, such as the removal of the Bonus Series breadcrumb NPCs, flashpoint courier NPCs, and heroic mission turn-in conversations with 4.0, the removal of the Choose Your Advanced Class mission series and their NPCs, the removal of certain bonus missions, such as one on Alderaan where you could raise the Imperial banner at House Alde.


There's plenty of stuff that has been removed. A classic version would not be welcomed by a lot of people if it meant sacrificing the QoL improvements that have been made.


I just returned after a few years away. Played 2 days, cant take it anymore. This game is now ZERO challenge. I shut off the bonus xp and still skipped most quests. At lvl 20 companion still wearing starting gear and super OP. Ill be back if they ever give us a "normal" or classic mode or whatever. Some people enjoy earning things.

Fortunately, you came back during double XP, because during these events, the Gree vendor is present at Fleet and you can pick up the White Acute Module, which brings XP rewards back down to pre-4.0 levels. You can find it next to the respec NPC in the Combat section.


As for keeping your comp from becoming OP, gear doesn't affect their stats anymore, only influence, which actually affects presence. You can forego giving them any gifts unless their performance is lacking. Crew missions grant influence now, so you will have to monitor their influence closely. That's as close as you can get to replicating Vanilla's difficulty.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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The trouble is, I think, here, that everyone has different ideas about how "pure" a classic server should be; about what was a change for the better and what was a change for the worse. Just personally, I'd love to see the Advanced Ckass choice system back, but my reaction to losing Appearance Designer would be [shock Them] all over. Others hated Advanced Classes and probably couldn't give two figs for being able to change their recently freed Korriban place's hairstyle to something more befitting a member of the Dark Council, and so on. Setting aside the first rule of forum PVP for a moment, neither of us are right, it's just matters of opinion.


Even in Classic Wow, there's considerable talk about updating Classic to Burning Crusade era - which, personally, I'd back, but I know many wouldn't. Swtor has a far lower player base , so even less chance of a decent consensus on what the game's "ideal" epoch would be.

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Early skill perks/trees were cool..I miss the ability to hybrid spec...That said I like the current system as well I just wish they would expand it (Need more spec diversity in the game).
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Early skill perks/trees were cool..I miss the ability to hybrid spec...That said I like the current system as well I just wish they would expand it (Need more spec diversity in the game).


Indeed. Maybe what this boils down to is not so much "classic servers" per se, after all, we dont have classic WoW's issues of whole decades worth of original story and quests being re-written and updated to tie in with the. current expansion had guys, or a completely different and somewhat divisive world map rebuild to incorporate flight; our vanilla 'world' is still here, it's only gameplay that's changed.


So, essentially is it not so much "classic server" as "server without all the eight years of cumulative erosion on fun class abilities and spec variety committed just to appease the PVP Balance crowd, most egregiously the loss of the Advance Class system, sadly removed for the benefit of the spacebar-hounds who think everyone else's experience is less important than that it once took them longer to win something in a game because someone else wasn't playing their role "right", so want them forced to do so on rails?"


Don't misunderstand me, I could totally get behind that as an idea, at least in one server, but sadly I don't think the game has anything like the membership of turnover to make it credible to expect development of two parallel systems.

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