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This doesn't make sense in Warzones


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Am I the only one that thinks it doesn't make sense that we are still mixing Republic and Empire in the Warzone queues during the current Onslaught expansion. The two factions are at war again and its time to go back to Empire vs Republic in the Unranked Warzone queues.


Take away mixed teams and players on the republic side would hardly ever get to pvp. It’s why they introduced it to start with. The story has nothing to do with it.

The change was to stop pvp dying faster than it is.

If that’s too much for you to deal with, then don’t pvp.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I used to treasure nightly PvP when playing Pub before cross-faction. Two or three pops an evening really made you appreciate the time you spent in-match. I missed the birth of my first child because Voidstar popped for the first time in two months just as my wife went into labour. Didn't even win. Didn't matter.
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I used to treasure nightly PvP when playing Pub before cross-faction. Two or three pops an evening really made you appreciate the time you spent in-match. I missed the birth of my first child because Voidstar popped for the first time in two months just as my wife went into labour. Didn't even win. Didn't matter.


lol. I was going to post a sarcastic post, but this post gets the point across better than I ever could. ^


At the OP, who effing cares at this point if imps are vs. pubs in the WZs at this point? When you worry about stuff like this, consider yourself lucky.

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Am I the only one that thinks it doesn't make sense that we are still mixing Republic and Empire in the Warzone queues during the current Onslaught expansion. The two factions are at war again and its time to go back to Empire vs Republic in the Unranked Warzone queues.


No, just no. Keep the RP away from PvP.

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Take away mixed teams and players on the republic side would hardly ever get to pvp. It’s why they introduced it to start with. The story has nothing to do with it.

The change was to stop pvp dying faster than it is.

If that’s too much for you to deal with, then don’t pvp.


You got it backwards. Empire players would be the one with long queues. Republic ones would be near instant, cause presumably the empire population is bigger.


But otherwise, yeah. Not only on PvP imo, but in any instanced group content, faction split makes no sense. Gameplay > Sense of lore. Lore should stay on your personal instances and dailies/questing. Group content should be open to all. We aren't doing it for the " lore" we are doing for gameplay and rewards.

Edited by Nemmar
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You got it backwards. Empire players would be the one with long queues. Republic ones would be near instant, cause presumably the empire population is bigger.


But otherwise, yeah. Not only on PvP imo, but in any instanced group content, faction split makes no sense. Gameplay > Sense of lore. Lore should stay on your personal instances and dailies/questing. Group content should be open to all. We aren't doing it for the " lore" we are doing for gameplay and rewards.


No, because same faction WZ's were a thing. Before cross faction it was mostly Imp vs Imp matches. Only pubs really ever got a proper imp vs pub WZ's. So imps got frequent pops, pubs got very few.

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No, because same faction WZ's were a thing. Before cross faction it was mostly Imp vs Imp matches. Only pubs really ever got a proper imp vs pub WZ's. So imps got frequent pops, pubs got very few.


Oh wow... i didnt even remember they did that.


Yeah, that would totally break the system and everyone would stack in only one faction. Scary someone thought that would ever be a good idea.

Edited by Nemmar
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Some WZ make sense to be X-faction as all Huttball maps, and possibly Odessen. The rest do not make sense at all story wise.

Now the problem would be if they made the rest single faction we will have even more Huttball games popping like a 10 HB to 1 the rest games. Currently HB is like a 2 to 1.

Still I miss the times when it was single faction, games had more spirit to them and on my origin server it was important to make the Rep win especially in maps as Civil War. Guess it was Swtor early days, when most had a single or a couple toons at most.

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You got it backwards. Empire players would be the one with long queues. Republic ones would be near instant, cause presumably the empire population is bigger.


But otherwise, yeah. Not only on PvP imo, but in any instanced group content, faction split makes no sense. Gameplay > Sense of lore. Lore should stay on your personal instances and dailies/questing. Group content should be open to all. We aren't doing it for the " lore" we are doing for gameplay and rewards.


Lack of lore is one of the main reasons players quit swtor. They come to play star wars, to fight jedi vs sith but instead they see mixed group and jedi helping sith. Nonsense as it is. You should not think that lack of content and buggs are the only reasons people quit since the problem is complex

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Lack of lore is one of the main reasons players quit swtor. They come to play star wars, to fight jedi vs sith but instead they see mixed group and jedi helping sith. Nonsense as it is. You should not think that lack of content and buggs are the only reasons people quit since the problem is complex


I don't buy that at all. PvP is PvP.

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I don't buy that at all. PvP is PvP.


Agreed. If it’s red, it’s dead. If it’s blue, it’s you. There are only two sides in pvp. The red team and the blue team. There is no imperial or republic.


I honestly don’t even look at who is empire or republic in pvp anymore. All I look at is the class icon and Merc/mando, Mara/sent (in all honesty, I just refer to them all as their imperial versions).


And who cares, you can hardly get anyone to talk to each other these days. And hardly anyone dresses in a RP fashion.

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Lack of lore is one of the main reasons players quit swtor. They come to play star wars, to fight jedi vs sith but instead they see mixed group and jedi helping sith. Nonsense as it is. You should not think that lack of content and buggs are the only reasons people quit since the problem is complex


I don't believe that for a second. People who care about lore do the story and leave until the next story drop. People care a lot less about lore than you think. Gameplay is what keeps people playing.

Edited by Nemmar
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I don't believe that for a second. People who care about lore do the story and leave until the next story drop. People care a lot less about lore than you think. Gameplay is what keeps people playing.


Yeah I mean for the what last 3 years they've been fighting the eternal empire?

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The PvE side of me agrees, however, the PvP side of me knows that these game always seem to have imbalanced factions necessitating such steps.


Even WoW has this problem and offers various bonuses and mercenary options.


PvP is a team based thing, faction really doesnt matter.

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No, because same faction WZ's were a thing. Before cross faction it was mostly Imp vs Imp matches. Only pubs really ever got a proper imp vs pub WZ's. So imps got frequent pops, pubs got very few.


Even then in the early days, the Imp v Imp matches were all Huttball by default. I recall that drove a fair few PvPer types away early.

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simple option is to make an 8-man team on your own faction and queue with them. Any on your faction on the other team are obviously traitorous defectors and need killing ASAP.


Most big guilds have PVP orientated members. That's an obvious place to start.


But TBH I'm not that bothered about who is who. For some it's immersion breaking having lightsabres that don't cut 2d6 limbs off every strike, or having guns that really kill. - It's all a matter of suspending one's disbelief, and leaping into the fray.


A kill is a kill. A win is a win. It's a Zero-sum game either way, regardless of factional makeup of any friendly or opposing group.


When it was single faction one side usually dominated. I put my Gunslinger on hiatus for several years because of the faction imbalance. Now it's free for all, they can share ( most) gear with all my snipers and shine again.

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