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Vet's edge stacks in gods

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Ehh, it’s pretty close to true. The dev was considering it, and even testing it a little bit. It may not have been planned for this patch, but it was probably coming in some form or another. They have certainly claimed it as a purposeful implementation now.


yeah, just that the devs only were considering it after beeing asked by some borred players.


but hey, it took these players a whole week to reclear that stuff. #worth

anyway, lets make it harder again so 20 guys can have some fun for another week.

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yeah, just that the devs only were considering it after beeing asked by some borred players.


but hey, it took these players a whole week to reclear that stuff. #worth

anyway, lets make it harder again so 20 guys can have some fun for another week.


It can be more people if people spent all the time complaining about loss of stacks to improve their gameplay and rise to the challenge even if it’s just like doing it in 248 more or less. Not a huge mountain but not just a flat road. If people don’t want to there’s always vm or sm and if they are bored of content then there is always other MMO’s with more frequent updates for their level of difficulty. Making NiM super faceroll to generate content for people it’s not intended for was a mistake the Dev’s fixed. But as it is those are the options.

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if they are bored of content then there is always other MMO’s


interesting point, if only you guys had thought about that before forcing an unhealthy progression system into 6 year old content with an already small community.

quick math: i prefer the borred top 0.1% leaving instead of the 15% stranded between NiM und HM, as it is happening right now.

bw obvsly doesnt.

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interesting point, if only you guys had thought about that before forcing an unhealthy progression system into 6 year old content with an already small community.

quick math: i prefer the borred top 0.1% leaving instead of the 15% stranded between NiM und HM, as it is happening right now.

bw obvsly doesnt.


Who is leaving? What 15%? Its been 1 week...

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spoke to multiple people on my server who loved to raid random nim and many of them are switching to wow etc. already. denieing the problem doesnt make it magicaly disappear :)


That is fine, there is unsurprisingly always going to be players that prefer other types of games, if you as a player are between hardmode/nightmare in swtor, which a small portion of the player base is, and you have little interest in improving at your class/game for whatever reason. Could be that you don't have the time to farm gear, learn rotations isn't so much fun and learning mechanics etc. might not be entertaining, whatever reason is totally viable. In wow you have a lot more raids which additionally are a bit underleveled so they are easier to clear, naturally that can be a lot more appealing to players of this type.

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That is fine, there is unsurprisingly always going to be players that prefer other types of games, if you as a player are between hardmode/nightmare in swtor, which a small portion of the player base is, and you have little interest in improving at your class/game for whatever reason. Could be that you don't have the time to farm gear, learn rotations isn't so much fun and learning mechanics etc. might not be entertaining, whatever reason is totally viable. In wow you have a lot more raids which additionally are a bit underleveled so they are easier to clear, naturally that can be a lot more appealing to players of this type.


no idea where your point is honestly. generic statements like "everyone has different expectations of a game" have no value in this discussion right now.


its about cutting of 60-70% of nightmare community for the fututre, just to bring 2 weeks of nostalgia to the remaining 30%. in a game which suffers from leaving players since years. ofc there are bigger issues like missing content overall as s.o. mentioned already, not gonna argue against that. but slapping some motivated players in the face without any patch notes or open discussion before implementing such a change, after years where the game went on a route to become easier overall(from bottom to top, from leveling to endgame), this certainly didnt help at all.


on a side note: i´m not even sure if you are talking from "you" like in somebody.....or addressing me directly.

funny thing is: i already cleared much of the unstacked content, allthough i´m not that experienced overall. that doesnt prevent me from seeing the deeper problems for the game itself and neither should you guys.

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Just use a nightmare crystal if 0 VE stacks are too difficult. No one will know except you and your raid mates, that you were inadequate in clearing ops at the intended level.


that's not the point . Maybe for you it's only about tiles and achievements but for many it is working with a group of fun people that lie to move forward with new content. I have almost all the achievements from well before 5.8 except nim gods as I had no group and 3.0 for the oldest content but I love the group of people I am running with and they are passed HM; however, NiM checks are a bit too much and people prefer to just stop raiding because it is no fun at all and HM is just faceroll...as for me, I like to help new groups but constant wipefests on old content do not interest me either. Optional stacks would really provide a middle ground for those players who have completed HM but for whom current nim for old ops that they were already progging for a while suddenly became inaccessible. Removing stacks for everyone and sending players that have been progging nim since 5.8 to square 1 is a stupid way to address the lack of new content.


In any event what they should have done is to scale the bosses up and not this cheap system, In general unless you are doing Dxun it is not really fun to play and several pieces of equipment/stats are just useless.

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no idea where your point is honestly. generic statements like "everyone has different expectations of a game" have no value in this discussion right now.


its about cutting of 60-70% of nightmare community for the fututre, just to bring 2 weeks of nostalgia to the remaining 30%. in a game which suffers from leaving players since years. ofc there are bigger issues like missing content overall as s.o. mentioned already, not gonna argue against that. but slapping some motivated players in the face without any patch notes or open discussion before implementing such a change, after years where the game went on a route to become easier overall(from bottom to top, from leveling to endgame), this certainly didnt help at all.


on a side note: i´m not even sure if you are talking from "you" like in somebody.....or addressing me directly.

funny thing is: i already cleared much of the unstacked content, allthough i´m not that experienced overall. that doesnt prevent me from seeing the deeper problems for the game itself and neither should you guys.


that this game isn't big enough in terms of population or resources to provide a lot of different content for all types of players, naturally there will be players who are part of smaller player groups that don't get content on a regular basis would love on to games with more content for those


not that unreasonable imo

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that this game isn't big enough in terms of population or resources to provide a lot of different content for all types of players, naturally there will be players who are part of smaller player groups that don't get content on a regular basis would love on to games with more content for those


not that unreasonable imo


making a step towards 1% of the playerbase and away from the remaining 99% is indeed pretty unreasonable, tho.

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making a step towards 1% of the playerbase and away from the remaining 99% is indeed pretty unreasonable, tho.


Kinda deceptive to make up statistics just cause your argument doesn't hold up, the % of the player base leaving cause they are too good for hard mode but not interested in progressing through nightmare is without a doubt quite a small player base.

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Just use a nightmare crystal if 0 VE stacks are too difficult. No one will know except you and your raid mates, that you were inadequate in clearing ops at the intended level.


I keep seeing posts like that ^ talking about the 'Nightmare Crystal' like it's such a bad thing or whatever , but i don't get it ... Why exactly? Is it just 1 of those in-game legit things that's nevertheless frowned upon? (sorta like Sage bubble being "globalled" ? )


Also, isn't it a major pain to craft? And also doesn't it not even last more than like 3 hours and is one-time use?


I'm just seriously confused by all the hate towards it, in multiple threads too. :confused:


p.s. No, i've never used 1 before cuz no i've never even cleared a NiM op before lol ( but it's def. something i'm hoping to accomplish, legitimately, once i finish the last few HM cheevos i have to finish first )

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Kinda deceptive to make up statistics just cause your argument doesn't hold up, the % of the player base leaving cause they are too good for hard mode but not interested in progressing through nightmare is without a doubt quite a small player base.


bigger than the percentage of players who asked for this change for sure. wanna denie that? greaz. so dont tell me about not holding arguments.


im not making up statistics to make my point valid, rather to explain it so even you can grap it, since you seem to have difficulties to see the down to the rest of the playerbase from your high ground.


to phrase it again: it seems preety clear that the players who actualy forced that change are a minority, a pretty loud one if they got heard without any open discussion.

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I keep seeing posts like that ^ talking about the 'Nightmare Crystal' like it's such a bad thing or whatever , but i don't get it ... Why exactly? Is it just 1 of those in-game legit things that's nevertheless frowned upon? (sorta like Sage bubble being "globalled" ? )


Also, isn't it a major pain to craft? And also doesn't it not even last more than like 3 hours and is one-time use?


I'm just seriously confused by all the hate towards it, in multiple threads too. :confused:


p.s. No, i've never used 1 before cuz no i've never even cleared a NiM op before lol ( but it's def. something i'm hoping to accomplish, legitimately, once i finish the last few HM cheevos i have to finish first )


some people would consider it similar to a cheat code as it buffs your stats by ~20% and makes any dps/hps check a lot easier, nightmare operations are generally about executing mechanics and working as a team while also meeting the DPS and HPS requirements. Using Nightmare Crystals to bypass these mechanics, dps requirements or teamwork is kinda frowned upon generally within the nightmare community but as you say the cost to make one is quite large and as the other guy says, nobody really knows if your group used crystals or not to clear encounters.


I know many groups that aren't that serious about nightmare raiding use them cause they want the titles/items/mounts/achievements that come from Nightmare operations (in particular the Wings from Dread Master Brontes and the Crest from Hateful comes to mind) but might not want to spend time/energy to learn how to execute the mechanics, get good at teamwork or work on rotations to increase dps/hps. Some of those groups use them and tbh I don't think anyone really cares if they do or don't.


Part of the animosity I think regarding crystals comes from players who cleared content with them and then lies when they apply to other raid teams/pug groups doing Nightmare content saying that they killed those bosses without using crystals, then when they are put into raids with those raid groups and perform far below the required level it makes players annoyed.

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Part of the animosity I think regarding crystals comes from players who cleared content with them and then lies when they apply to other raid teams/pug groups doing Nightmare content saying that they killed those bosses without using crystals, then when they are put into raids with those raid groups and perform far below the required level it makes players annoyed.


ahhhh okay , that sorta makes a bit more sense then yeah i can understand that


hmm.... Simple solution, if any Devs are reading, ---> Add a new achievement: 'Completed ______ operation on Nightmare Mode without using Ilum buff crystal' :D

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It is official...Tulak Hord lost all raid teams, that were capable to do sale runs.


Tonight Better now was not able to sell Brontes Wings. They had to abort the run. Nahigo said "we are better off doing crafting to earn credits". After that, he started WoW. :rak_01:


What a dumb posting.

First of all we fulfilled the wishes of 4/5 of our customers today. The last customer was the brontes buyer and yes: sale runs are very hard now but if you have listened to Nahigo carefully then you would have heard that he said "it is still makeable" - and yes: it is still makeable.

"We are better off doing crafting to earn credits" was meant as a joke and even I laughed about it and continued with "nah, let's do some heroic credit farm runs". We cancelled the last run because it's sunday and most of us have to get up early. (It was around 22:30 pm)

If you watched Nahigo's streams more often, you'd realize that we never do sales or mainraids beyond 22 pm. I don't get why people are so hysteric about it - relax, we just had too many customers for one day without raiding beyond 22 pm according to the difficulty of the content atm. That's it.

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Yesterday was fun and all...a little bit of mocking. But today...no customer...no raiding beyond 22 pm...three hours of raiding...no boss kill. No Tyth, no Brontes. Raiding on Tulak is dead.


Random raids on tulak are dead. But we have no internal problems. On monday we had a new trial with 0% gods achievements - he basically never saw this operation before and didn't even play too bad for that. The reason why we didn't kill Tyth on monday was because we didn't play good as a group in general on that day.

I'm wondering why you complain instantly about such issues. The latest removal of veteran edge stacks in old nims has nothing to do with gods from the machine.

On tuesday (one day later) Better Now killed Tyth and A&E again in approximately 45 minutes, before our "Schielauge-Tank" ragequitted and brought the raid after not even an hour to an end.


Furthermore I organized a second brontes nim run today (Nahigo streamed the whole run) and we did a brontes one shot and also a gatecrasher even with some pauses within the run. We also did an extra kill pic for you. https://ibb.co/Y3j9Mz5


Brontes kill video:


And my final opinion on this whole topic is: you don't need veteran edge stacks and I like the difficulty of nim raids exactly how it is now.

The only issue I don't like is that there are still mastery endurance and ap caps in all old raids, because they aren't scaled to 75, which forces me to use crit adrenal and weird relics. I can't even determine my life pool with different gear on my tank.


All in all: random raids on tulak are dead and probably some middle skilled raid groups aswell, but not raid groups in general.

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  • 3 months later...
It was a blanket change of “remove 30 stacks” with click of button. No thought or effort involved. Why were they even there in the first place? Would have been less rage without them from the beginning, but we got ninja'd.

The whole VE looked to me like a blanket scaling attempt that failed horribly. There's the excuse we've been getting from EAware/commuunity about the player base being bored with all the pre-6.0 SM-NiM content that's been done to death so there's no point to scale it in a way that's challenging, just make the one new phase in the entire game max level and sans Stat Boost, and give 30% stat advantage to the rest of the game so you can breeze through it. Now that VE is removed for MM but kept for everything else it's just doing more to burn the bridge between serious players and players who would like to be serious enough to accomplish this content and have "proven" they have some commitment with clearing VM. But the issue is there's now no way to gauge how ready you are for MM because you're stuck with a massive hello-kitty land buff for VM that just vanishes once you try anything harder, rather than seeing your raw numbers in VM fights and being able to more easily think about what you need to tweak. How are the new raiders supposed to know how to redistribute their stats once the hello-kitty lvl 70 buffs and caps disappear?


My opinion? Veteran's edge was just a way for a programming team that's becoming increasingly lazy over time to churn out an update quickly before they lose any more subs over their past transgressions. Do the careful numbers work for Dxun/Meridian, but slap a blanket buff on the rest of the game so you don't have to do so much math to balance everything for lvl 75. Now committed raiders just need to do even more math-major work to make sure their player is optimized for MM, and of course God help you against the team If you decide to bring a class that you've mastered over years but is useless in view of parse, only because the Maker screwed up weapon damage scaling or some other ridiculous thing.

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Since there was some necroposting on forums recently, I have to add to this thread I made two partially new groups to Brontes as tank yesterday. Less then half of the people had cheevos, but they didn't complained and learned on every pull.

No stacks, no whine, no s:rak_01:t. 4/5 prog doable with two pug tanks with cheevos. Not Brontes, of course, she requires excessive level of coordination and adaptivity now, which is not very much reachable by players new to the encounter.

So I still don't see any of the "leaving" or "raid stopping" issues being implemented in raiding community, since I every week learn about one new prog team :rak_01:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll chime in with my two cents on the state of nim raiding in general and specifically on Tulak Hord:


In my opinion the state on nim raiding at the moment having lost the veterans edge stacks in all operations, including gods, is a good decision. It makes the content challenging again. Especially the older content. What a lot of people don't realize, is that SWTOR generally was a lot harder when it was released back in 2011. Every aspect, not only raiding. The game got dumbed down so that more people would find their way to the game. Nowadays most people ding 75 and dont even realize how they play their classes.


Sadly I think a lot of people think the same about raiding at any kind of level. They dont think it necessary to put the time into clearing the content, because they never had to!


Comparing it to an example, on Tulak Hord, our Raid Group on Pub Side has been working on clearing Nahut NIM for almost two months now! It is a hard boss to learn and to clear the first time. But we all have a good understanding of the classes we play, we played strategies that worked for our group and put the time in. Last Saturday we got our first kill.


Knowing the fight now it is alot easier to handle. Like with all other nim ops. In my opinion the ops are properly tuned for what they are suppose to be: Nightmare Ops. If.. you're willing to invest the time and improve.


Shameless plug with Nerd Screams: /watch?v=NYjfcDJpgzE

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4/5 prog doable with two pug tanks with cheevos.

DF is one op where you can basically bring a team with rather minimal HM+ experience and make it to Brontie without much hassle... The difficulty curve is weird there, some of the easiest nim bosses before one of the hardest in the entire game.

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