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This is not free to play game at all


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To the OP


This game is more free to play than any other game out there that has a subscription model.


IMO, they give too much away for free. The most you should get is a “timed” trial run and that’s it.


This game allows people to play most content with some small restrictions that can be overcome. If you don’t want to pay a subscription, then go play another game. Why should the rest of us subscribers carry cheap arse people and the carry costs of the game because they are too stingy to pay a sub.


If you want a totally free game, I’m sorry, but this one isn’t for you unless Bioware decide to give it too everyone and it doesn’t require a subscription at all to play with all the bells and whistles.


Pay for a sub if you want better options and stop QQing.


This pretty much sums it up.


This isn't aimed at the original post, more of a generalization. If people can't afford fifty cents a day, then you probably have more concerning issues than sitting on your azz playing a video game. This game allows you to do quite a bit without paying a dime.

Edited by Pirana
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And yes, it *is* possible for a new F2P account to have eight crew-skill-capable companions, with a ninth that's a stretch and doesn't come easily:

* Five class companions.

* One ship droid.

* HK-51 (earnable by in-game activity)

* Darth Hexid (earnable by in-game activity)

* Treek, maybe. (Might need to add a security key - which is possible - and wait to earn some CCs)


this part you got right and wrong steve since basic companions you get are 6 that part you got right same for the HK and darth hexid.

the part you forget is nico for players that got it as sub rewart years ago is also a option.

and the part about treek you got it wrong.

since getting treek you can get it on 2 way's 1: is buying it from the cartal market. and second way is paying 1 mill credits to the droid on the fleet in the bezar there you can buy the treek contract to get him also without spending lots off cartal coins to get him.


Furthermore, there are *two* other crew skill restrictions for non-subs:

* F2P are limited to just one crew skill per character, while Preferred are limited to two.

* Non-subs can only have one item being crafted per companion, with none of this "queue up four more for the companion to work on afterwards" thing.

its true but there are legaal way's to bypass it its only the question to you know the legaal way's without spending cartal coins on it and i bet you know that way also since i not gone share it on the forum since its still legaal to use it.

all is it only for that to get 3 crew skill slots.

and the same legaal way to get 3 crew skills slots can also be use for crafting more things the same time.

there are way's to bypass this type off restrictions easy without paying for sub and its also legaal to use since its the developers own fault for adding it in the game in the first place.

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Pretty sure you need to buy fully priced expansions with that.


No, you don't have to buy all the Expacs.

Some of them can be purchsed with LOTRO Coins - which are earned in-game.


For all the content that was released by Turbine (so up until when SSG took over) I knew a guy who was in an end-game "raid team" and had never spent a single penny on the game.


There are increasing numbers of elements were players are being shepherded to purchase "convenience" from the Store, quicker power-ups, easier removal of boosts etc, and a lot of players are beginning to complain about it.


But from starting free to where you absolutely have to pay to progress further? LOTRO has about 10 times as much content as SWTOR - and a LOT less restrictions on things like currency caps, wardrobe and cosmetics etc.


All The Best

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then here is my question to you.

in my other thread i ask why the developers not have fix most off the bug's in the game yet like grafic bug's and other bug's that are in the game some off then are long in the game and still not fix,

then why if we pay for sub there not gone fix bug's like that in the game then since there getting much money for it.


since the reason is more when we pay for sub we give or money to EA and we pay more the EA top salary and notting from the money go's back to the game.

if the money go's back to the developers and get be use back for in the game thats something diffrend and most agree with it but what is happing in real life is that we pay for the EA top salary more and notting from the money we spent in cartal coins or subscriptions go's back to bioware developers and to the game.

then are this restrictions what this game has for preferrand and free to play worthless since most not gone pay the salary from the top off EA.

if EA give's bioware a small budget to work with and there earning a lot more money from it then its not going back to the game but in the salary from the EA top more.


Maybe there aren’t enough subs anymore?

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No major online game is truly free to play.


Different games have different monetization schemes, some rely more on recurring / subscription fees while others rely more on pay as you go / micro-transaction fees.


Different people find different value in different games and aspects of games - such that some will decide the fees for whatever are 'worth it' while others will not - regardless of ability to pay.


SWTOR has some of the best content available for free (the original class stories) - though it also has a large number of restrictions that seem designed to get people to pay through annoyance them rather than enticement.


I only subscribe when I plan to play significantly, which is when there are new content to complete, otherwise I don't subscribe and don't play much, if at all (I've already dropped to preferred, just haven't lost forum access).


I have every unlock available, so the only annoying things are the things which cannot be bypassed with unlocks - such as the low credit limit, crafting restrictions (lowered crit chance, three comps, no queuing crafts), and ops.


For me though, rather than give EA money to remove annoyances, absent new, engaging, and quality (bug free / no stupid crap like crafting changes) content, I just move on and play something else.

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For me though, rather than give EA money to remove annoyances, absent new, engaging, and quality (bug free / no stupid crap like crafting changes) content, I just move on and play something else.


Yeah, me too.


I'll pay for actual content, not convenience-gates disguised as content.


All The Best

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Free to play does not mean, and has never meant 100% unrestricted access to everything.


Here is the first definition that pop us on a Google search. "relating to or denoting an arrangement in which basic access to a game is granted without charge while more advanced features must be paid for." Of course what constitutes "basic access" or "advanced features' is subjective. If you read enough threads on what should or should not be restricted for f2p you will realize that people have wildly different ideas on the subject.


In SWtOR free to play players can access most of the game with only minor irritations. If they set up a security key they can save up for unlocks to remove most of those irritations. Preferred players who spent $5 can reduce those irritations. Former subscribers can access almost all of the game with only minor irritations. Using a referral code will give a preferred player a few of those unlocks for free. So yes, SWtOR IS free to play, whether or not you like their version of it.


Whether or not there are better free to play models out there is a separate discussion that is also very subjective.

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Maybe there aren’t enough subs anymore?

it has notting to do with sub players or preferrand players.

if a company like EA is earning all the money we give to him by buying cartal coins and subscriptions then notting go's to bioware that means notting go's back for making this game better.

some players on my thread about fixing the bugs have post it there that there are older bugs in the game from years ago that still are not fix.


most off the old bug's are grafic bug's like

Armor glitches, especially those with capes/cloaks that can clip through a character's body, which often happens during cutscenes involving action or lots of movement.

Other players and/or their decorations appearing in one's own personal phase(like they do in strongholds often).

Player characters 'photo-bombing' into other players' cutscenes, killing the immersion.


and not forget there are a lot off quest's bug's also that still are fix and not will get fix.

if you look at the Taris bonus series bug its a bug from 2015 and 4 years later its still not fix.

it has notting to do with us as players that we need to spent more on subscriptions to get it fix its more where there get the money from and the problem is EA if EA is lazy to invest what more money in the game to get things done that a company like bioware can fix more things by buying new tools there are to fix it faster then you get something same with the grafic bug's there for you need to upgrade some things here and there but to upgrade then you need better tools to get it and to get better tools you need the money for it and thats something EA is not doing by giving more money out to the game to make it better.

and thats the point for a lot off players since there wane support the game but if the money go's not to the game but to the top off EA salary then most players not gone buy cartal coins and subscriptions since its not supporting the game more.

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Yeah, me too.


I'll pay for actual content, not convenience-gates disguised as content.


All The Best


You don't.


You pay to play the game and for new content to be developed. If you don't pay, you play a limited version of the game.


It's only fair. You want more, you support the game. You don't want to support, you deal with the limitations.

Edited by Nemmar
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You don't.


You pay to play the game and for new content to be developed. If you don't pay, you play a limited version of the game.


It's only fair. You want more, you support the game. You don't want to support, you deal with the limitations.


what is in your mind more support the game more is that more the way to let bioware pay the bils from the server and pay the developers more that make new contant.


or is it more support the game more by paying the salary from the top off EA more?


my reason i not gone buy any sub more is easy since its not helping with the game since the money i spent in the game go's to the top off EA and not to bioware that pay's the bills more for the developers/servers and tools there need to fix problems there go's the money not go.

the same reason i have is with cartal coins.

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I know this really isn't the heart of the issue, but if you click someone's referral link as a past subscriber, you get a few things that make the transition easier, such as an extra row of inventory slots, the ability to use legacy titles, etc.


The rest has been pointed out pretty well in the thread.


It's not really productive to compare SWTOR's f2p model with any other game, because all f2p games have a give and take between subscription and p2w mechanics. Others offer free players more content, but they make it back by requiring you to straight up purchase important game play items if you want to "win." Others require you to purchase frequent "episodes." At the end of the day, you can either subscribe or choose to get around the restrictions via unlocks.


Also, you should know that any content you have while subscribing, you maintain access to after dropping your sub. If you play all the way through onslaught on one character, you can do it on all your characters.


The main downside of not subbing for me is not being able to run operations or pvp much. However, I recently discovered that I hate PVP since 6.0 and that GSF is more fun than I thought.

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You don't.


You pay to play the game and for new content to be developed. If you don't pay, you play a limited version of the game.


It's only fair. You want more, you support the game. You don't want to support, you deal with the limitations.




I live in a world where you don't typically pay for something until you get it.


Not pay up front in the hope you get it, and then when you don't get it carry on paying in the hope you get it next time.

Frankly anyone who pays for services like that is a fool, and deserves to get conned.


All The Best

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I read this thread yesterday but couldn't log into respond but I figured I would today. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the op has never played any other mmo before. About 18 months ago I wasn't happy with SWTOR and left to play another mmo. I bought a 6 month sub, the latest expansion and probably spent about 600 usd total. So due to financial constraints I decided I would only play one game the mmo i was playing or go back to SWTOR. SO I resubbed here in December 2018. My sub ran out on the other game in February. To my surprise I could not access any character over 20, which all my characters were over 20, So I had no access to my gold I had which was approxiamtely 500k, and I couldn't do what I really like to do which was pet battles(everybody should know the game now.) Oh yeah btw I couldn't access the expansion I bought either because I didn't have access to my over level 20 characters. So I resubbed one month to the other game moved all my gold around so it was with a level 20 character that way when it ran out I could resub for a few months by buying a token for a few months. Now I don't have that option anymore because I don't have enough gold.


Long story short don't come on here whining about this game because in my experience this game allows you to play f2p to 50 (i think it was raised to 60 and you get rothc and SOR as f2p), sub once you get max level cap and all the expansions and once your sub runs out you still have access to all the content at the time of sub. You are like so many other people on these forums coming here to whine about their business model you just want everything for nothing and it gets seriously old real fast. Bioware has many flaws but I think they have a generous f2p based on my personal experience. Buck up don't let your sub run out and don't come here crying and whining about it like it's some social injustice.

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what is in your mind more support the game more is that more the way to let bioware pay the bils from the server and pay the developers more that make new contant.


or is it more support the game more by paying the salary from the top off EA more?


my reason i not gone buy any sub more is easy since its not helping with the game since the money i spent in the game go's to the top off EA and not to bioware that pay's the bills more for the developers/servers and tools there need to fix problems there go's the money not go.

the same reason i have is with cartal coins.


Oh please, the money to pay EA execs comes from FIFA.

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I don't get the people who spend hours complaining about the game in here, but still buy a subscription to continue on whining about how much they don't wanna pay for it. :rak_02:


LoL, +1 upvote


If you pay to play something and it’s not right, you have a reason to complain.


If you don’t pay for something and it’s not right, you really shouldn’t expect much. Especially if others are “carrying” you.


If you only pay to complain that you don’t want to pay. Then there is something wrong “upstairs” :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'm curious. What if this game reverts back to sub-only model and see the population numbers after that. I believe everyone can voice their opinion and feedback whether they are sub or not. The people you see doing quests and in FPs, some of them are non-subs y'know? What happens when they are no longer able to play because it's sub-only? Heh. :rolleyes:
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I'm curious. What if this game reverts back to sub-only model and see the population numbers after that. I believe everyone can voice their opinion and feedback whether they are sub or not. The people you see doing quests and in FPs, some of them are non-subs y'know? What happens when they are no longer able to play because it's sub-only? Heh. :rolleyes:

But those aren't the people complaining here about the F2P model. It's subs that drop their sub, sometimes temporarily, that want the same service without paying for it.


The OP is just annoyed cause he has to drop his sub for a short while and can't deal with not playing the game for a few days. That has nothing to do with F2P players and I feel guys like this are giving F2P players a bad name under the guise of caring about them. He doesn't, he's just mad he can't play the way he wants for a couple of days and tries to validate his anger by showing some fake solidarity with F2P players.


In the end this game was saved in part by introducing F2P but only because it serves to get more people to spend money on it. As much as population is important, the lights are only still on because of the money people put into it. I don't care for people who don't have a sub and demand to get more but I get the feeling that that's not most F2P players but rather the subs who are used to having a bunch of stuff and then want it for free when they don't want to or can't pay for it anymore.

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Oh please, the money to pay EA execs comes from FIFA.


you really think its only fifa there earning money from.

its from all game's.

FIFA is maybe there bigst money pit there get since there are lot off people wane spent a lot only for that good player in there team.


but this game is for then also a good money pit for then not better then FIFA but still its good for then since with the stupid restrictions you have in this game as free to play player or preferrand is it also better for then.


I don't get the people who spend hours complaining about the game in here, but still buy a subscription to continue on whining about how much they don't wanna pay for it. :rak_02:

and friend i have been preferrand for 5 years all and there is no resitrictions for preferrand status players to post on the forum its only for free to play status players that cant post on the forum.

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I don't get the people who spend hours complaining about the game in here, but still buy a subscription to continue on whining about how much they don't wanna pay for it. :rak_02:


I doubt anyone does that, but it is a very weak-sauce argument; usually used by those who can't actually counter the points being made.


I used to Sub for 6 Months at a time, I have not played since a week after Onslaught went live, but I still have lots of time left on my 6 Month Sub.


Does that explain it for you?



All The Best

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you really think its only fifa there earning money from.

its from all game's.

FIFA is maybe there bigst money pit there get since there are lot off people wane spent a lot only for that good player in there team.


but this game is for then also a good money pit for then not better then FIFA but still its good for then since with the stupid restrictions you have in this game as free to play player or preferrand is it also better for then.



and friend i have been preferrand for 5 years all and there is no resitrictions for preferrand status players to post on the forum its only for free to play status players that cant post on the forum.


Of course it's not all, but FIFA is by far the largest. If we are saying who is paying the execs the most, it's FIFA players. After that probably Battlefield and Madden/NBA/NHL players, and then the rest. SWTOR is definitely not the biggest contributor to the execs.


Oh and btw you are lying. You have to be subbed to post in the forums. Cookies refresh every 2 weeks or so. Once your cookie doesn't refresh you can't post anymore after unsubbing. I know. I've tested it before.

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You have to be subbed to post in the forums. Cookies refresh every 2 weeks or so. Once your cookie doesn't refresh you can't post anymore after unsubbing. I know. I've tested it before.


Have to say I was thinking that as well.

As someone who has been unsubbed before I know I was unable to post here without an active Sub.


All The Best

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The subscription is cheap. A subscription and you have the entire current story for free. The rest is limited, live with it.

All f2p MMORPGs have restrictions. Some more and some less.


There is nothing wrong with a company trying to make money.

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The subscription is cheap. A subscription and you have the entire current story for free. The rest is limited, live with it.

All f2p MMORPGs have restrictions. Some more and some less.


There is nothing wrong with a company trying to make money.


What ???






You mean that companies like this can't make it as a "not for profit" organization... Must be something wrong !!!



Yeah... There's something wrong for certain... BUT IMO... I'm with you. It takes money to make the game (and keep it maintained) ... It's necessary to charge money to play it...


Funny how that works !!


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