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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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seriously stop whining that you rushed to 50 and ask for end game content




i take MY time (4-5h per day except xmas days) and i am 35.... do not lie that you took your time cause u didnt'. when i reach an area i clean all the qs and i do not do FPs.


if you rushed to 50 well ahead the rest of the population curve then u deserve what you get


the endgame IS there, there are not players to play it to full


jesus....ppls speak out from their @r$3$ nowadays

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Imagine that.


2 weeks after release and there isnt anything to do at level 50 with you and the other 10 level 50s.


More at 11.



basically "i got into early access and hit 50 within the week before it was released , now i am bored because normal people are taking their time enjoying the story and rerolling different classes to see what they like this makes the game horrible and i hate everyone the end"

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OP: I totally know how you feel. I bought a book, got to the end and there were no more chapters! And then, I ate dinner, but when I took my last bite, there was no more food! OMG!




Proud owner of a lvl 16 Jedi Sage and a bunch of 8-10-ish alts. I'm enjoying this game.

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OP: I totally know how you feel. I bought a book, got to the end and there were no more chapters! And then, I ate dinner, but when I took my last bite, there was no more food! OMG!




Proud owner of a lvl 16 Jedi Sage and a bunch of 8-10-ish alts. I'm enjoying this game.

This is more accurate than you realize. Under normal conditions when you finish the story for Mass Effect/KOTOR/Dragon Age/Jade Empire you go play an MMO (or something else). When you're bored with the MMO you go back to Mass Effect/KOTOR/Dragon Age/Jade Empire to experience a different play through or maybe the same play-through because their new DLC or a mod.


Same logic applies to SWTOR (another Bioware game) when you finish the story.

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Basically, this.


You're unsubbing because you "Took your time" getting to 50 this fast(lol) and you can't do endgame yet because your guild hasn't caught up? Sounds like a "You" problem.


You don't want to do FP's to gear up instead of going balls deep into raids? Sounds like a "you" problem.


Please, go back to WoW.


P.S. - *********** LOL at people who "I BOUGHT THE CE AND MY OPINION MEANS MORE" - Why? Because you have an art book? rofl.


I agree 100% here.

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There are always a bunch of these guys who rush through the games and just sits there at max lvl complaining about nothing to do. While the rest of us enjoy the game, chat with our guildies, and level in a moderate pace.


If there isn't much endgame to do 1 week in, what makes you think there will be anything more to do 1 month in?

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OP, how DARE you level so fast? How DARE you play the way you wanted before you consult with the fanboys? You are unbelievable. You cannot do anything you want in this game! You should not level fast because 3 years and 150mil were not enough to give some end game content. So you had to know that beforehand and adjust your playing style. And most of all, you should have ASKed fanboy's permission to play the way you like.


OP how DARE you and you didn't know that you have to refresh your UI all the time? It is so normal to press Ctrl+U all the time if you want party/guild char. Pfff. You OP are noob and you made upset the boys.




Now, really instead of adding your voice to the ones that feel weird that they made a leveling single player game that charge you monthly and you pay while you WAIT for them to add the content it was supposed to be there (no even mention the ui, AH, abilities delays etc), you attack the poor guy that trusted BW (which I still think is a great gaming company) and feels disappointed.


This minority fanboys have really make even asking for help in game a nightmare. I heard a poor guy yesterday who was complaining because he misclicked and bought the wrong weapon with warzone tokens. He didn't even whine. He only said "Man, they should have had a way to correct the mistake". The fanboys attacked him with wisdom like 'L2 not make mistakes. we are l33t and never misclick", "Deal with it, hater". I swear, the guy did not even whine! Just said that it would be nice to be able to get his tokens back...

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Bioware should know that not having a robust endgame ready to go has killed several games. So yeah, two weeks after release it should exist. Also, to all the people who keep saying "good, go back to WoW," you're essentially wishing for this game to lose subs and fail like every other MMO that's come along since WoW.


We should be about solidarity and a sense of community. Instead, gamers have become divisive and dumb.

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Bioware should know that not having a robust endgame ready to go has killed several games. So yeah, two weeks after release it should exist. Also, to all the people who keep saying "good, go back to WoW," you're essentially wishing for this game to lose subs and fail like every other MMO that's come along since WoW.


We should be about solidarity and a sense of community. Instead, gamers have become divisive and dumb.


didn't kill wow. i fail to see ur point.

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Bioware should know that not having a robust endgame ready to go has killed several games. So yeah, two weeks after release it should exist. Also, to all the people who keep saying "good, go back to WoW," you're essentially wishing for this game to lose subs and fail like every other MMO that's come along since WoW.


We should be about solidarity and a sense of community. Instead, gamers have become divisive and dumb.


Amen.. Fanboys (from both wow and swtor) wake the **** up. If you want better products stop being pets. At least the ones that are not getting paid to be pets.

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Amen.. Fanboys (from both wow and swtor) wake the **** up. If you want better products stop being pets. At least the ones that are not getting paid to be pets.


Being a good customer isn't being a complainer. Those are bad customers. You sound more like you don't care about this game then someone who wishes to improve it. Big difference.

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I got to the word deserve and stopped reading.




Like we havent heard this kind of whine before. What did you expect? That we all would powerlevel to 50 and instantly start a working 50 economy and loads of raids? Or that we would level slowly going through two-three classes before choosing one like most ppl do?

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If I pay for a product or service I expect the product or service to not be total crap and useless.


Please stop making excuses for BioWare's failings and start demanding that they address them.


Of course since I have said that I am sure I will be flagged for trolling and drowned out by a sea of poorly worded, misspelled fans screaming that it's fine if you run at crap FPS with an excellent computer due to poor coding, or it's fine if the game repeatedly crashes because, you know, it was JUST released (unfinished).

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