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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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First off, Collector's Editions are not worth the cash. You blow 2-3 times the amount on the game just to find it's not the greatest and you end up with Buyer's Regret.


Secondly, complaining about bugs during it's first month is ridiculous. Yes there was testing, but they never catch them all. EVERY game in creation gets patched shortly after release, even single player stand alone games. That's a stupid argument and shows that you really just want attention for some odd reason.

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First off, Collector's Editions are not worth the cash. You blow 2-3 times the amount on the game just to find it's not the greatest and you end up with Buyer's Regret.



I actually love the Malgus Statue and the Artbook.

Malgus is sitting on top of my comp now keeping watch over me while i zerg Hutball ... priceless!


the in-game items arent worth the money but if you bought CE for those you cant be helped i guess...

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This is a game. This is not a hard-knock life lesson or a job.


We deserve endgame content and I will never apologize for saying so.










And yes, I voted for Obama and will again.


Why? Does it say that on the box? I have to go back and look, but I do not recall BW breaking any promises.


You deserve to get what you paid for, yes. If it's on the box, it should be in the game.

But then again, by those standards, WOW players deserve their dance studio, and you can see how far THAT got them.


If it's not on the box, you don't deserve it.

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I really wish you stupid morons would stop using the excuse "rushing" to 50. Let's look at some simple maths:


I levelled slowly, but I skipped all cinematics, and I hit level 50 in /played of 2 days 17 hours. I hit level 50 after 4 days because I decided I wanted server first (got server second, oh well) and played for 18 hours a day, giving me 4 hours sleep and 2 hours to make/eat food, shower etc.


If you level to 50 watching all the cinematics and you're by means an intelligent person it'll take you a maximum of 5 days /played. Now, let's look at the maths. It's a Christmas holiday so let's assume you play 6 hours a day:


5 days * 24 hours = 120 hours

120 hours / 6 hours a day = 20

20 days from release - assuming you got in on the 13th December this would mean you would hit level 50 on 1st January 2012.


It's not a long time to 50. Fact is, the game just ends at level 50. There is nothing to do. I've cleared all of normal mode content. Done 4/5 EV on Hardmode, and I've got the world first for Bonethrasher nightmare mode. My character is 1 piece away from being full epic.


zzz even WoW isn't this carebear at max level.

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Its a pity they couldn't have developed meaningful content for those people then isn't it? Thats money walking out their door however you look at it, it's simply poor game design.


Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get to level 50 and suddenly there was some well thought out meaningful game design in place that would keep a solo person content for weeks. Then you would have level 50s singing the games praises rather than quitting.


If developers cannot think of anything to keep players entranced in their game (especially when it is an MMO asking you to pay $15 to continue playing) then that game developer is going to struggle. I have put more played hours into Skyrim (145h) than I have this game about (60-70h) and I am already bored of it - and they are asking for $15 per month. Extremely poor design for a game with the budget they reportedly had and the development time they had.


Now, back to Skyrim.


They could take another 3 years and DOUBLE the amount of content in the game. Then what happens? Whiners take 1 month before they cry there is no content, instead of 2 week.


OP said it himself. he's not even giving the content there is a chance. He only wants raids, and that is a bit hard at the moment with most people still leveling.

Edited by Raximillian
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Let's look at some simple maths:


Great idea. lets look at some math.


I levelled slowly, but I skipped all cinematics, and I hit level 50 in /played of 2 days 17 hours. I hit level 50 after 4 days because I decided I wanted server first (got server second, oh well) and played for 18 hours a day, giving me 4 hours sleep and 2 hours to make/eat food, shower etc.


If you level to 50 watching all the cinematics and you're by means an intelligent person it'll take you a maximum of 5 days /played. Now, let's look at the maths. It's a Christmas holiday so let's assume you play 6 hours a day:


5 days * 24 hours = 120 hours


That's all we need to do our math... Now.

To go to a movie these days costs: $12.50

Movie lasts 2 hours.

price per hour / $6.25


To buy a single player game: $59.95

average time playing single player game: 30 hours (look it up)

Price per hour: $1.99 / hour


Price paid for SWTOR: $59.95 + $14.99 if you purchased 1 month. = $74.94

price per hour using your 120 figure: $0.62 / hour


I.e. you have ALREADY GOTTEN the best value for an entertainment option short of cable tv. And every day you play more (if you level an alt, or sit around in game and stare at the wall) your price per hour goes down.


zzz even WoW isn't this carebear at max level.

What in your arguement has to do with carebear (as in content is too easy)? you are complaining about lack of content - something else entirely. Don't mix complaints.


If you are talking about carebear, WOW is more carebear at max level then SWTOR.


If you are talking about delivery of content, I lead you to the threads where people defeated the latest raid in ONE DAY after release. I.E. < 20 hours played for a 6 month patch.


SWTOR is actually off to a good start compared to those numbers.

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It's a Christmas holiday so let's assume you play 6 hours a day:


5 days * 24 hours = 120 hours

120 hours / 6 hours a day = 20

20 days from release - assuming you got in on the 13th December this would mean you would hit level 50 on 1st January 2012.


Also, Who has christmas holiday from the 13th until Jan 1st?


I work every day. My schedule goes more or less:

Get up at 5am.

At work by 7am

leave work at 5pm

pick up kids / cook dinner / eat - done around 7pm

spend time with wife and kids until 8:30pm.


assuming I need 7 hours of sleep a night, that means I get at MAX 1.5 hours of playtime a day if SWTOR is ALL I DO and don't spend any time reading or doing anything else.


Yeah, I have some weekends where I can play 6 hours. But an your average weekday, i'm pressing it to get 2.


so those 120 hours is more like 60 days - not 20, unless you are in high school.

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If you're 50 already, you've either got 7-8 days of game time under your belt - OR - you didnt' take your time and spacebar whipped through every dialogue.


In which case - whats the difference of riding your mount in circles in org, or your speeder in cirlces in a space station?


Get over yourself.

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I really wish you stupid morons would stop using the excuse "rushing" to 50. Let's look at some simple maths:


I levelled slowly, but I skipped all cinematics, and I hit level 50 in /played of 2 days 17 hours. I hit level 50 after 4 days because I decided I wanted server first (got server second, oh well) and played for 18 hours a day, giving me 4 hours sleep and 2 hours to make/eat food, shower etc.


If you level to 50 watching all the cinematics and you're by means an intelligent person it'll take you a maximum of 5 days /played. Now, let's look at the maths. It's a Christmas holiday so let's assume you play 6 hours a day:


5 days * 24 hours = 120 hours

120 hours / 6 hours a day = 20

20 days from release - assuming you got in on the 13th December this would mean you would hit level 50 on 1st January 2012.


It's not a long time to 50. Fact is, the game just ends at level 50. There is nothing to do. I've cleared all of normal mode content. Done 4/5 EV on Hardmode, and I've got the world first for Bonethrasher nightmare mode. My character is 1 piece away from being full epic.


zzz even WoW isn't this carebear at max level.


You assume that the ONLY thing you do when you log in is grind progression through storyline and level. Take some time to tinker with the profressions. You rushed through an amazing game for what again? If you really enjoyed the loot pinata farming end game you should have stayed in WoW. I heard LFR is a real facerolling fun time.


You should tuck your epeen back in your pants and level another character, and this time PLAY the game.

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Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


These threads are not constructive at all. Because you do not wish to take part in the things that the game has to offer (re-rolling) you abandon the game and feel the need to complain about an MMO not having end-game content a mere 10 days after launch? Of course this game is about early content. I just started playing on the 20th along with many other people. I feel no need to rush, and the game has a lot to offer. This is negativity that offers nothing to the community or BioWare, toward improving their game. This is selfish spouting that is meant to degrade BioWare's reputation unnecessarily.

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Please Stay in WoW.


This is from a guy (me :))who play WoW since May 2005 in Europe, and you obviously dont.


Its funny to see how player´s comes to new MMO´s thinking that WoW was released in the state that it is today, I remenber the same whining from the new 60´s, the same that become hardcore, the same that made the official forums a whine fiest.


Ending... please stay there.

Edited by MATRA
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Its a pity they couldn't have developed meaningful content for those people then isn't it? Thats money walking out their door however you look at it, it's simply poor game design.


Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get to level 50 and suddenly there was some well thought out meaningful game design in place that would keep a solo person content for weeks. Then you would have level 50s singing the games praises rather than quitting.


If developers cannot think of anything to keep players entranced in their game (especially when it is an MMO asking you to pay $15 to continue playing) then that game developer is going to struggle. I have put more played hours into Skyrim (145h) than I have this game about (60-70h) and I am already bored of it - and they are asking for $15 per month. Extremely poor design for a game with the budget they reportedly had and the development time they had.


Now, back to Skyrim.


Nope, not at all. Developing content for a very small minority of players is never a good business decision. It is not Bioware's fault that he couldn't slow down and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed and not played as "generic MMO #58."


I'm sorry you feel entitled, but that is your problem, not Bioware's. Enjoy Skyrim. We will not miss you here.

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The part I liked most was hit 50 SITTING in WoW.


Not playing WoW just sitting there..... not sure I understand the luster of sitting in SW all day lol


That's the best part of this thread. The OP has nothing to do in TOR. But, also has nothing to do in WoW.


So they're stuck. They rushed through everything in both games. And are left with waiting on expansions and patches.


I'd say the best thing for the OP to do is go outside and take a break. But it's the dead of winter now, the OP could catch a chill.

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