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[Artifice] Why are there still no Willpower Shields?


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It sucks I agree and it should be balanced for all classes, but so far I have used either quest rewarded will shield or I even used a str shield. +8 will versus +8 str really made no difference in my damage or threat for tanking, as a tank your gear is more about high End. This will be more of an issue toward end game for certain.
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An easy solution I can see, let us craft a shield with mod slots, then put whatever mods u can craft in it to make it suitable for your class


that would actually be a fairly simple idea, instead of having Aim, Str and Will shields just have base shields with 2 slots, and we can make our own pieces to add in, to make it useful for the class we are.

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So frustrating not being able to craft will shields! Ended up just buying one with nar Shadda commendations


same, it doesn't matter that the one from NS Com's is actually better than most of the crafted ones, my arguement is mostly a principle thing, why are there 9 aim shields 14! Str shields and 3 Will? balance please BW!

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Are you sure there isn't one?


I'm pretty sure I can make one, I'll grab a screenie and post it when i get in (damn queue's)




http://www.torhead.com/schematic/hv5W0i3 from a drop schematic.


I am pretty sure I can make a similar one, along with an epic version.

But there are no green ones, I learnt it by RE'ing the Str defense shield while skilling up.

Edited by MetalGenocide
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dont drop the crappy will one over str


I dont know the exact numbers of how much will power effects your toon over str but if you look closely you gain 4 will and about 1 str every level so that should give you a clue. so if you have an 11will shield I wouldn't trade it unless I got near a 44str shield. Which is very big jump. But this is just me.


Are their orange shields that can be modded? I havent really looked because if you guys can make those it will make a world of difference for us shadow tanks and cybertechs.

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I told a lie, I did learn it from the trainer.


Specifically, its the Green Willpower / Endurance / Force Power one that gave me the blue and epic defense shields


Screen shots below:








Granted, these are only the lvl 10 ones, but there are more WP / EN / FP generators later on too which most likely give the tanking stats on blue and purple.


Hope it helps



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Are you sure there isn't one?


I'm pretty sure I can make one, I'll grab a screenie and post it when i get in (damn queue's)




http://www.torhead.com/schematic/hv5W0i3 from a drop schematic.


I am pretty sure I can make a similar one, along with an epic version.

But there are no green ones, I learnt it by RE'ing the Str defense shield while skilling up.


Wait so you RE'd a Str shield and it gave you a willpower version?


I've looked over all of the Artifice schematics, and there are NO low level Will shields trainable for me, before the high level blue ones :S.


I tried to follow the links you posted, but they weren't loadning.

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I told a lie, I did learn it from the trainer.


Specifically, its the Green Willpower / Endurance / Force Power one that gave me the blue and epic defense shields


Screen shots below:








Granted, these are only the lvl 10 ones, but there are more WP / EN / FP generators later on too which most likely give the tanking stats on blue and purple.


Hope it helps




That's a focus, not a shield generator. There's plenty of foci, just very few (can't remember seeing a one) Willpower Shield Generator that we can craft.



Up above, I liked the idea one person had. Just give either Cybertech or Artifice the ability to make an orange shield gen, and let people put what ever stats they need into it.

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That's a focus, not a shield generator. There's plenty of foci, just very few (can't remember seeing a one) Willpower Shield Generator that we can craft.

there's 3 blue Gens we can craft, but not till quite high level.



Up above, I liked the idea one person had. Just give either Cybertech or Artifice the ability to make an orange shield gen, and let people put what ever stats they need into it.


tbh I'm not sure why they DIDN'T do this... Would have free'd up alot of space in Artifice, and made the whole profession easier to manage...

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yeah... funny how it always seems to be Assassin that gets messed over... in Artifice it's the Will Shields that are missing, I hear from a friend that in Synthweave alot of the Assassin gear is missing as well..



So not only do we have to deal with the general populace thinking we can't tank.... We also have to plan around CSs being nowhere near as useful for us as the other two tank classes.... oh and no Charge....or decent emergancy CDs....


why did I roll a Tankasin again?


A better question for you to ponder would be why you rolled a dps class as a tank. Sith Assassins are DPS...with a tanking tree that makes them slightly beefier. The talents make it possible for them to be decent off-tanks.


However, PT and Juggs ARE tanks...with tank and DPS trees. I mean ONE item that doesn't have willpower on it is not going to hurt you that much. If you are going to complain about min-maxing then I would suggest re-rolling a pure tank.

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lol how are sith assassins specced for tanking not tanks?? sigh.....


also on the note of missing recipes, where are all the cybertech tanking mods?? there are 0 mods with absorb, defense or shield on them.... were they in a previous beta build?? but somehow got removed or what?

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A better question for you to ponder would be why you rolled a dps class as a tank. Sith Assassins are DPS...with a tanking tree that makes them slightly beefier. The talents make it possible for them to be decent off-tanks.


However, PT and Juggs ARE tanks...with tank and DPS trees. I mean ONE item that doesn't have willpower on it is not going to hurt you that much. If you are going to complain about min-maxing then I would suggest re-rolling a pure tank.


LoL in what world are Assassin's not Pure Tanks? When you consider they have the same armor as a Juggernaut, basically the same avoidance (Juggy's get 1% more, proc based) and WAY more block (like 11% more block chance and 4% more block value) combined with a metric frakk ton of self healing, compared to the juggernauts amazing 0 self healing, and one lame shield.


Assassin's also have comparable singletarget threat and VASTLY superior AoE threat...


so tell me again.. who is the pure tank in this situtation?

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A better question for you to ponder would be why you rolled a dps class as a tank. Sith Assassins are DPS...with a tanking tree that makes them slightly beefier. The talents make it possible for them to be decent off-tanks.


However, PT and Juggs ARE tanks...with tank and DPS trees. I mean ONE item that doesn't have willpower on it is not going to hurt you that much. If you are going to complain about min-maxing then I would suggest re-rolling a pure tank.


... if you wish to be a good tank, don't roll Juggernaut. We are currently the least effective tank in the game.


Don't get me wrong. We can tank. The more skilled you are, the less of a struggle it is. Agnostic of the player's personal skill level? Powertech are better tanks than Assassins, Assassins are better tanks than Juggernauts.

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I have made quite a few epic shields, and the starting stats are quite different then what it ends up as, and if you notice, some green schemes have different names but share the exact same stats (may have been focus I saw with this, but I think there were shields as well that shared stats at the same level). I assume that is because thier higher quality versions have different stats. Chances of one of them REing into a willpower shield? May just be a matter of time until some Artificer RE's the right one and says it adds willpower. I was looking to craft a shield to use for my Assassin DPS spec for soloing with willpower, but yeah sucks none of the premiums start with it at least. Edited by Midnight_Malice
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Aye, it's probably a holdover from when Assassin's used Str...


tbh I see this being fixed in the first major patch, which will probably be coming fairly soon, of course by then I'll not need them any more as I'll be high enough to make the blues...


still though.. for Alts!

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