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[Artifice] Why are there still no Willpower Shields?


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Artifice, the great Jedi weaponsmithing profession, can't make any Willpower shields.


Given that Shadows rely on this, it's really, really frustrating for them to be missing.


Is there some ETA on them being included in the skill? It feels like a really severe oversight.

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I was just in the process of making this very topic! I posted about this in Beta. Even gave it as my "Other advice" in the end beta survey. It doesn't make sense that artificers can craft the tanking shield item for every class but Jedi Shadow. I don't want to have to craft and use strength shields.


I also took a gander at Synthweaving and you can only learn to craft TWO Jedi Shadow tanking items before level 40. One item at level 23 and another at level 33. On the other hand the other tanks get tanking items easily available. At the moment it makes Jedi Shadow tanking look unappealing simply due to a lack of available tanking gear.


Edit: Seems there isn't much crafted tanking gear for Jedi Knights either before level 40. The reason I brought it up was because when I played Bounty Hunter there were tanking gear quest rewards given very reliably.


Also removed some hyperbole.

Edited by Tenrai
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I noticed this too. It sucks that Assassin and Shadow tanks can't be as self-supported with Artifice as Juggernaught and Guardian tanks would be if they choose Artifice.

It also sucks that the Guardian Hilt and Force-wielder Hilt types are not craftable until skill 240.

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tbh they need to just remove the Aim shields and put them on something like Armstech and replace those items with Will Shields, Artifice is supposed to be the FU version of Armstech, used to make weapons and stuff for FU's so why is there a shield for a non-FU, and no shield for Assassins?
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nope, Str increases out Melee Damage and Crit by a small amount, but Willpower increases all those things by a larger amount, as well as also increasing our Force Damage and crit by a large amount. And seeing as at least 1/2, probably 3/4 of our damage is force related...
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I beleive they changed how the WP stat affected shadows/assassins, i think WP just affected force powers at first and then changed to all damage to help with light armour gear drops and getting true benefit from stats.


I would assume the change just hasnt filtered across into the sheilds via a change due to the massive work they have been doing so far, with the old stat gain WP on sheilds wouldnt have been much use. I would expect it to arrive soon

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That's not the problem Arg, there ARE WP shields in existance, as you there are some from quest rewards, the problem is as I stand now my shield, which I got from a quest, kinda sucks, as is NOWHERE near as good as the ones I can make, the only problem is the ones I can make don't have will on them....So...... Yeah. fix it.
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I'm tanking a bh, but I feel your pain I have played poorly itemized classes before in other games. I would like to see this corrected also because I hate to see my fellow tanks not get to play the role they want in end game due to a lack of appropriate items.

I further support the idea of moving the aim shields to another skill, but that is less of a concern if the itemization is corrected.

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*not comfirmed* I have been wondering about the same problem myself. I also considered REing some of the quest reward Will shields might reward me with the art pattern. Only tried a few times so far and no joy and discovery if it is even possible.
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I think I read in one of the other posts on this topic, that there are no craftable will shields at low lvls and you will be able to make them at higher skill lvls. I think this is because they made it so tanks of all kinds, don't need too rely on shields too much till your in your 30's or so. Edited by CaesarsGhost
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A few builds before the end of beta they messed around with craft skills. The result was a streamlining of the crafting skills but it also caused missing recipes in several crew skills but some VERY NASTY ones in Artifice and Synthweave. Artifice lost most of its willpower shields at lower levels and Synthweave Light armor is missing a ton of recipes compared to medium and heavy armor when they should be equal. I was sad to see they are still missing in early access.
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yeah... funny how it always seems to be Assassin that gets messed over... in Artifice it's the Will Shields that are missing, I hear from a friend that in Synthweave alot of the Assassin gear is missing as well..



So not only do we have to deal with the general populace thinking we can't tank.... We also have to plan around CSs being nowhere near as useful for us as the other two tank classes.... oh and no Charge....or decent emergancy CDs....


why did I roll a Tankasin again?

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I think I read in one of the other posts on this topic, that there are no craftable will shields at low lvls and you will be able to make them at higher skill lvls. I think this is because they made it so tanks of all kinds, don't need too rely on shields too much till your in your 30's or so.



Artifice lost most of its willpower shields at lower levels and Synthweave Light armor is missing a ton of recipes compared to medium and heavy armor when they should be equal. I was sad to see they are still missing in early access.


I could live with not having lower level shields, but when I looked through the high level ones I didn't see them either

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I think I read in one of the other posts on this topic, that there are no craftable will shields at low lvls and you will be able to make them at higher skill lvls. I think this is because they made it so tanks of all kinds, don't need too rely on shields too much till your in your 30's or so.


If all three tanks don't need to rely on shields till our 30's(which is wrong btw, ironically Assassin's actually rely VERY heavily on block, to make up for our slightly lower mitigation pre EoTS), why is it we can make low level shields for Str and Aim, but not for Will.....


I could live with not having lower level shields, but when I looked through the high level ones I didn't see them either


Aye, this is a list of all the generators Artifice can make, we have:


Aim: nine craftable shields, spread out evenly over low, mid and high level green and blues

Str: FOURTEEN craftable shields, spread out evenly over low, mid and high level green and blues

Will: three.... THREE freaking craftable shields, all mid to high level blues nothing low level, no easy craftable greens, ONLY mid to high level blues.


You can see what's happened here, and you can see a VERY simple way to fix it, drop 5 of the Str greens, and move them over to will, that way Aim would have 9, Str would have 9 and Will would have 8, a FAR more even balance of shields.

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Has there been any comment on reason for no WP shields? And should I be using the Str one? What is the breaking point where end/str higher shield is better than the lower WO shield


nope no word as of yet :( but tbh I've been playing through and there does seem to be a fair few WP shields around, they crop up as quest rewards every so often, and I just got as very nice one from Nar Shaddaa commendations.


still want to know why I can't craft them though.... Tempted to go farm NS Coms buy a bunch of the shield gens and RE them all, try and get a pattern, but I shouldn't HAVE to do all this crazy stuff to get what both the other tanks can just flat out TRAIN.

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