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One good thing has come from the new crafting...


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Ok, now I’m confused. I don’t think we are talking about the same thing. Care to PM me and we can “swap recipes” :cool:


I meant the entire GTN is based on Greed haha, but I sent you a PM if I am wrong just let me know here. But if I am right. well.... $$$$$$


EDIT: also I have only told you and one other, if its not known... well you get the idea lol :)

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I meant the entire GTN is based on Greed haha, but I sent you a PM if I am wrong just let me know here. But if I am right. well.... $$$$$$


EDIT: also I have only told you and one other, if its not known... well you get the idea lol :)


Yeah, too much greed (driving the prices down) actually means everyone as a whole makes less credits.


And don’t worry, “mum’s the word” :cool:

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There's cliches and terms we like to throw around to describe certain scenarios:




"What goes around comes around..."


"Shoot yourself in the foot..."


"You're your own worst enemy..."



Back in the Bastion days, I watched as a dye that cost maybe 3000 credits to make get listed at 200k.


Black / Red


I would make and list a few at 22k.


Minutes later they'd get bought up by the same buyer. And additional listings would appear at 200k.


So I'd make a hundred...and list 'em at 22k.


I'd get a whisper...


"F*&J% ((*&***, quit being a *&^&, you're better off making them for me."


So I'd reply,


"Are you among the many complaining about low sever population. 200k for a 3k dye? Really?"


The same problem continues at Satele Shan....


Only difference now is that a few people have actually complained about me crashing the dye market in Fleet General Chat.


So I reply with:


"PSA: I hope the poor, down-trodden and credit starved are enjoying my cheap dyes on GTN."



It's easy to blame Bioware for low population, lack of interest.


But let's be honest...GTN monopolizers trying to bleed new and poor players dry - players trying to turn PUG ops into "preferred players only" or "clique" runs . . .


. . . aren't exactly helping either.



I make a clear and distinct difference between items that have no other source or items that are a matter of convenience.


For example, armor sets tend to come via the CM. It's the only place and they cost real money, too much in fact. But you have to buy it with real money or you are dependent on other players putting them on the GTN.


On the other hand, things like dyes you can craft yourself. So this is purely a matter of convenience. It's in the gameplay that you can do this yourself. So you pay for the convenience of not having to craft them yourself, which is a form of instant gratification. When it comes to that, I'm not really concerned with whether those dyes cost 20k or 100k.


For me it's simple...if something craftable costs too much, I make it myself. Even if I have to put in some effort to get it done, but let's be honest, crafting dyes is not rocket science and the schems are readily available from vendors. I mean when I do operations I do not like every single boss fight either. Some you just put up with. It's pretty much unavoidable that there is stuff in game that you don't like. But I also get a sense of pride when I can get myself to overcome myself. Rather than whine about it, I take care of it and then I've conquered myself in that respect.


I'm sure some people will say I hate crafting but I want the dyes and I want them cheap. Well, it's a seller's market at that point. Now if you want to crash that market by undercutting, that's also fine. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do that but to talk about sellers of these items as some form of "corporate overlords" is rather an exaggeration I feel.


Personally I craft them for myself and I don't put them on the GTN because if I put ten of them on there for 22K I'm lucky to get 200K if I sell them all and someone else doesn't undercut them again. When I sell two augments I have over 15M credits to show for it. I don't need to have billions but the game does require more credits to play. Now when it comes to items that cost that much I find it more interesting because there are fewer crafters of those and there are a couple of people on the server who buy the mats en masse and try to create a monopoly. So I am one of those people that undercuts them because I feel 8-9M is a fairer price than 12-15M. Do consider that you have about 6-7M in material costs per craft there so much lower isn't really workable because then you actually turn a loss.


I can't wait till the next patch hits and crafting costs go down because then also the augment costs will go down also because the blue schems will not require solid matrices anymore. This will make the mat more available and there will be more people crafting the purple mods. So I expect the mat costs to go down and the augment prices along with it.


Supply and demand.


The current crafting situation actually enables a few people to control the market at least at level 11 crafting. So it's good that it changes. But honestly, with the amount of credits that go around in the game these days 20k or 100k is nothing by comparison. As for the dyes, also there most of them come from the CM and that's where the real problem lies for me. Yesterday a guy was offering black black dyes x5 for 42M credits each. He was cheaper than the GTN by 3M credits with that price. Compared to that, crafted dyes aren't really a problem.

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Anyone that undercuts for less than ~1% doesn't deserve to be purchased from. Same for any sale price with more than 5 significant digits.... those people make GTN sellers look bad.


May I politely suggest you attend your local community college and take a course in Remedial Capitalism? You clearly have no idea how it works...

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Anyone that undercuts for less than ~1% doesn't deserve to be purchased from. Same for any sale price with more than 5 significant digits.... those people make GTN sellers look bad.


I happily skip over those listings and pay up to 5% more (whether that's hundreds, or millions)


going rate for CC on my server is ~20kCredits:1CC ... which mean 20kCredits is roughly equal to a US penny... So there is really no excuse for pricing items in the millions of credits off by a single credit.


I do this too. And I've seen posts of other people who will also skip the 1 cred undercutters.


All you are really doing is acting selfish for a quick reward and pat on the back. It’s also the sort of predatory tactics massive corporations use to drive away competitors and then they raise their own prices. I really hope you aren’t number two because all respect will be lost for the other stuff you do to try and help the community.


Trixxie, your philosophy is all well and good if it works for you, but as far as I'm concerned, you're the predator using unsavory tactics in this conversation. And since you've brought in real-life examples to justify your miserliness, I would compare it to corporations who insist that a pure free market is the most moral thing for the community - and then try to get everyone on board selling their merch for the same outrageously high prices.


As it happens, if I sell something for 500 or 1000 credits less than everyone else, it will sell faster [obviously!] than if I sold it for one credit. And I just can't get over this idea that you think your greed actually helps the community, lol. It's an amazing kind of tunnel vision.

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I do this too. And I've seen posts of other people who will also skip the 1 cred undercutters.


I'm one of them, I always buy for 1 credit more (or 2 credits more sometimes). Equally when I list things like dyes, I lower the price by 250-1000 credits per time depending on how high the pricing is, I don't list all like that though, some I'll list for a higher price and for a longer length of time.


As a seller I'll play it both ways, but always fair on the other crafters. Sometimes if the price drops too low, I simply don't list and I take no issue with doing so. If someone wants to burn materials dropping the price below the market average pricing that's entirely on them, it does nothing to benefit them by doing so, especially when you know the cost of an item to craft (even if using Jawa Scrap).

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Yep. For crafting mats, for example, I won't sell for under 50k for 100 [500 per].


One thing that I just noticed that does bug me about undercutters though is the lemming philosophy, where you'll have a bunch of mats selling for say, 2500 per, by different people, then someone will come along and undercut it to 2000 per with just one mat or 2, and instead of buying that item to restore the price, people will sell under that, and by the time you get there, it's too late, the price has dropped too far. If one of these guys had just bit the bullet and bought that one undercut mat, it would have been fine.


But I'm not going to delude myself that my angst over this is because I care about the COMMUNITY lol.

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Yep. For crafting mats, for example, I won't sell for under 50k for 100 [500 per].


One thing that I just noticed that does bug me about undercutters though is the lemming philosophy, where you'll have a bunch of mats selling for say, 2500 per, by different people, then someone will come along and undercut it to 2000 per with just one mat or 2, and instead of buying that item to restore the price, people will sell under that, and by the time you get there, it's too late, the price has dropped too far. If one of these guys had just bit the bullet and bought that one undercut mat, it would have been fine.


But I'm not going to delude myself that my angst over this is because I care about the COMMUNITY lol.


or you see a bunch of items for 300-400k and low and behold one at the top for 4500 credits, only obvious thing to do is buy out the item. is it greed? not really obviously someone didn't bother to look at the market value or simply didn't care. either way you basically buy out said item and repost it for market value. not much else you can do in that situation. as for the undercutting yeah I can see people get annoyed at the 1 credit undercut, I cant be bothered to do that simply cause I am not typing 9999999 down the list lol. if I am going to undercut it is usually around 25k 50k at a time if something is priced in the millions...

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I do this too. And I've seen posts of other people who will also skip the 1 cred undercutters.


Trixxie, your philosophy is all well and good if it works for you, but as far as I'm concerned, you're the predator using unsavory tactics in this conversation. And since you've brought in real-life examples to justify your miserliness, I would compare it to corporations who insist that a pure free market is the most moral thing for the community - and then try to get everyone on board selling their merch for the same outrageously high prices.


As it happens, if I sell something for 500 or 1000 credits less than everyone else, it will sell faster [obviously!] than if I sold it for one credit. And I just can't get over this idea that you think your greed actually helps the community, lol. It's an amazing kind of tunnel vision.


LoL, I’m trying to educate people, but what ever, you think what you want. I’m already super rich and I was imparting my knowledge to help others along the way. It’s no skin off my nose, I’ve bowed out of the dye market and crafting because I no longer need too.


If you don’t understand how undercutting by 1000 credits hurts the market stability, which starts price wars and upsets the overall market price, then there is noting I can say to convince you.


You also can’t grasp that it’s a fallacy that undercutting by 1000 vs 1 credit won’t make you more sales. Because if it’s a high demand item and fairly priced, it will sell regardless and you are doing it throwing money away.


But keep believing there is a magic GTN fairy that gives you more sales it you under cut by 1000. At the end of the day you will have less credits than you would have.


Ie you sell 1000 dyes, you under cut everyone by 1000 when it’s not needed and you are throwing away 1,000,000 credits. I’ll just let that sink in for a minute, that’s 1 million credits you are throwing away for no reason. For every thousand you undercut, you are losing money you could have had.


That is why I’m a billionaire in the game because I dont throw away credits. It’s no different to real life. You don’t throw money down the toilet to make more money ;)

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as for the undercutting yeah I can see people get annoyed at the 1 credit undercut.


I want to reply to this part for everyone’s benefit to understand where I’m personally coming from. I don’t necessarily list all my stuff 1 credit below everyone else to undercut them. But if I ever feel the need to undercut, I only do it by 1 credit.


That is the distinction here, I’m not advocating anyone go and undercut every time they list, just if you do undercut, don’t be dumb about it.

You don’t have to undercut anyone to sell stuff, but if someone feels like they have to be the cheapest, then don’t be foolish about it and undercut more than 1 credit.


Frankly, I rarely undercut anyone. Most of the time I spend listing above the lowest price or at exactly the same price as the lowest if its the correct market price.


Here is an example from the other night. I usually update my listings before I log off. So I listed some black and greys at 30k above the lowest price and actually 5k above where I would usually sell. I had way more than I usually list because I was clearing out all my stock to get out of the crafting market. I logged in the next day and I had sold all 10 black and grey dyes at 99,999 credits a pop. That wasn’t a one off or a fluke, that’s the norm for me and I log in every day and collect 5-8 million from my listings the night before. Then I list more and more during the day.


My whole point is you don’t need to be the lowest to sell the same amount as the person who listed 10 dyes at 30k less than me. I made 999,999, they made 666,666 because they were dumb and undercut cut everyone by 10,000’s.

If they wanted to just under cut, they could have listed at 99,998 and they would have made 999,998 credits instead of throwing away 333,333 credits for no logical reason.


I honestly can’t understand how people can not see the logic in only under cutting by one credit, it blows my mind that I’ve even got to explain the reason why you don’t. But I guess I understand the value of real money enough and I apply it to the games economy too and other people don’t.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You also can’t grasp that it’s a fallacy that undercutting by 1000 vs 1 credit won’t make you more sales. Because if it’s a high demand item and fairly priced, it will sell regardless and you are doing it throwing money away.

Now see, I don't believe you.


If the item is in such high demand it will sell anyway, why undercut at all? Just price match.


Personally I find it fun to see how fast I can get the undercutters to drop their prices. Those same players who 'must have every penny' and undercut by 1 credit, will eventually still be there undercutting by 1 credit even after the price wars have driven the price down by 50% or more.


I'll price match if someone's selling at what I think is a reasonable price, unless there's a bunch of items up by the 'undercut by a pittance' crowd. Then I'll undercut by 1% to 5% and keep doing it just out of curiosity to see how low the price goes. It usually only takes a couple of hours before the price goes below what I'll bother selling for.


I don't need credits, even after rolling for my gold amps I have more in the bank then before 6.0 drops. So when I play the market, I really am playing the market. Thing is I play as both a seller and a potential buyer, so this 1 credit undercutting crap is annoying, and I'll do what I can do undermine them. If that means driving the price down, well, that's better for the buyers isnt' it? The 1-credit undercutters can stop playing the game at any time, but they rarely do.


Price match >>> undercut by one lousy credit.

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Now see, I don't believe you.


If the item is in such high demand it will sell anyway, why undercut at all? Just price match.


Personally I find it fun to see how fast I can get the undercutters to drop their prices. Those same players who 'must have every penny' and undercut by 1 credit, will eventually still be there undercutting by 1 credit even after the price wars have driven the price down by 50% or more.


I'll price match if someone's selling at what I think is a reasonable price, unless there's a bunch of items up by the 'undercut by a pittance' crowd. Then I'll undercut by 1% to 5% and keep doing it just out of curiosity to see how low the price goes. It usually only takes a couple of hours before the price goes below what I'll bother selling for.


I don't need credits, even after rolling for my gold amps I have more in the bank then before 6.0 drops. So when I play the market, I really am playing the market. Thing is I play as both a seller and a potential buyer, so this 1 credit undercutting crap is annoying, and I'll do what I can do undermine them. If that means driving the price down, well, that's better for the buyers isnt' it? The 1-credit undercutters can stop playing the game at any time, but they rarely do.


Price match >>> undercut by one lousy credit.


I think you may have posted at the same time as I just did, if you read my other post, you will see I’ve answered that you don’t have to undercut and you can price match or even price it higher and still sell if it’s a high demand item and that I don’t do that very often ;)


I do understand that lowering or increasing the price in to find the market price requires bigger jumps than 1 credit. But once I know that price, there is no reason to keep making such big adjustments. The best thing to do is find the market price and stick to it even when people have a price war or delist till the price war is over. Most of the time I just leave mine there at the correct price and it sells while I’m off doing something or I’m off line.


Edit: and yes, I’ve played silly games with the undercutters to see how low they are willing to go, especially the ones that undercut 1000-5000 at a time. And even then, I only undercut them by 1 credit and with one dye. Then they delist their 10-20 dyes 1000-5000 lower than my one dye. So I list another at 1 credit lower and watch them do it all over again.


Some people just have to be the lowest like it’s an obsessive compulsive disorder. So they’ll relist all 10-20 dyes if you list one at 1 credit lower.

I watched one guy go from 90,000 to 40,000 in 10 mins just because he wanted to be the lowest. When he hit finally hit 20,000, I purchased the lot from him and reset the price to normal.


Some might call that predatory and I guess it would be if I was only doing it to get him to list his stock low so I could buy it cheap. The reality was I wanted to stop him starting a price war with other foolish people who would do the same and we’d have 20 pages of the same dyes well below market price. It also helped me identify this guy for future reference. That way if I saw him undercutting everyone, I wouldn’t bother listing until he was sold out.


The best practice is find the market price, list it at that price and you will mostly sell out.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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its your item, its your time, its your credits, if your going to tank an item just because you need fast credits, don't ***** at the guy feeding you credits just to flip the item. that being said, every time I price match someone and look 5 minutes later, "Oh look I am the only one at that price and the guy with 5 of them undercuts me" it amazes me when this happens.
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Honestly I will undercut depending on the item. Never exorbitantly, but I will do more than 1 credit a lot of the time. It honestly really depends on the item & supply & demand.


That is why I’m a billionaire in the game because I dont throw away credits. It’s no different to real life. You don’t throw money down the toilet to make more money ;)


LOL All I can say is wow.

In the other thread, last week it might have been, you were whining that the game is a "massive credit sink" blah blah blah. And here you are BOLDY bragging that you are a "billionaire" in game.




Way to help your cause of getting things nerfed. lol

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LOL All I can say is wow.

In the other thread, last week it might have been, you were whining that the game is a "massive credit sink" blah blah blah. And here you are BOLDY bragging that you are a "billionaire" in game.




Way to help your cause of getting things nerfed. lol


Just because I’ve got credits, doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight for people who don’t have them. It’s not fair that people with low credits are the ones most affected by the credit sinks when the wealthy are the ones sitting on most the credits that Bioware are trying to siphon out of the game.


All that’s happening is we are getting more credits and everyone else is getting poorer. That is why I’ve been fighting against the credit sinks the way they are currently set up. They do not affect the wealthy at all, they only affect the credit “poor” and the credit “middle class” with these credit sinks. It’s a tax on the causal gamers that that really can’t afford.


I’ve also never hidden that I’m wealthy in the game and that these credit sinks don’t affect me personally. If you go back and read all those threads throughly, you will see I’ve said it doesn’t affect me.


Even on the pts I said the credit sinks would not drain the credits from the game in the way Bioware were hoping and that it would make it extremely arduous for the average players to keep up.

Not only that, but I also predicted the increase of credit spammers above normal range for an expansion because of said credit sinks.

Everything I predicted and provided feed back to Bioware on the pts about the credit sinks has come true.


If they feel the need to have credit sinks, then add ones that target where the most credits pooled. Don’t over tax those who can’t afford it, Credit sinks that focus on draining some credits from the wealthy need to target them only and not everyone else.


There have been many suggestions over the years and not just on the pts or after the expansion launched that would only target the wealthy players.


Also, I’m not bragging about the wealth I’ve worked damn hard to get. I’m trying to give some context about throwing credits away and not throwing them away by being overly silly with the amount people undercut.

I’ve not purchased anything on the CM to flip. 85% of my wealth has come from crafting dyes for the last 11 months. I only achieved that because I used the prudent trading practices I’ve outlined and didn’t throw credits down the drain.


I’ve only ever want what’s best for this game and the players. My posting history, wether you agree with my points of view or not, reflect that I’m passionate about the game and want help my fellow players by advocating fair play for them.. Yes, sometimes that meant it helped me too, but there are many occasions I’ve campaigned for things that don’t personally affect me, but do affect a lot of players.


So before you try to link two completely different topics, think harder before you disparage someone trying to help other players.

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Some threads are realy funny ...

I think this is the reason why i see nice cheep stuff at GTN in lower price than each single mats cost

you need for to craft it .... :D


Somtimes i ask myself is SWTOR a MMORPG or a business simulation game .... :rolleyes:


Oh yes - so many ingame stuff are expensive but to many players are to lazy to use their

brain how to make the money for it.

And if you start to explain how to do many say: i have no time or to complicated.

There was never an easier way to sell green stuff for high prise as now ....





(ps BW. this i a privat discussion don't spy us out)

Edited by Lydia-Ty-Goor
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Here is a prime example of why you only undercut by one credit. This is currently live at this time on Star Forge GTN if you want to go check for accuracy.


Someone listed black and gray dyes just over an hour ago. The going rate was 92,250 and that’s a “market price point” for that dye as they are high demand dyes that often fly out the door faster than I can craft tham to list at 90,000


Since that person listed an hour ago, people have been undercutting for more than 1 credit and have driven the price to 60,000.


Let’s me show you what I mean. I will list the price and how many they have listed


* 92,250 x 2

* 90,000 x 4 (and the silly under putting of 2,250 starts when it’s not needed)

* 89,999 x 1 (this person gets it)

* 80,000 x 7 (this person just dropped the market price by 10,000 for absolutely no reason and over supplied)

* 79,949 x 14 (this person only cut by 50, but then really over supplied the market)

* 78,000 x 1 (why waste 1,500 credits for no reason, but did only list one, so not over supplying)

* 77,000 x 7 (another 1,000 drop for no reason and then over supplies an already flooded market)

* 76,250 x 1 (750 wasted, but only one)

* 76,000 x 2 (what can I say, lowers the price more, but 2 listed is probably ok with how flooded the market is)

* 74,900 x 3 (more silliness dropping the price more than necessary)

* 70,000 x 4 (this is when the really foolish people start making it worse again. 4,900 undercut is ridiculous)

* 68,250 x 2 (another undercut still driving the price down more than needed)

* 67,000 x 3 (yep, let’s drop it another 1,250)

* 66,885 x 4 (only 15 credits, not bad, but 1 credit would have achieved the same result)

* 65,000 x 1 (1,885 dropped, why?)

* 64,000 x 9 (this guy not only floods the market with cheap prices, but also drops it another 1,000 for good measure)

* 60,000 x 4 (4,000 undercut for no reason what so every and drives the price into stupid territory for high demand dyes)


Can you all see how an undercut of a 1000 here, 250 there and worse 10,000, drives the price down for everyone involved in crafting those dyes. Some of the worst offenders also flooded the market and my prediction is it will go lower in the next hour and have even more over supply because people think they need to sell 3 times as many to get the same return.


Now, if they had only undercut by 1 credit, the price would have only dropped to 92,233 instead of 60,000. Yes, the market would have been over supplied, but everyone would have gotten a chance to sell at the market price as othes sold through.


Once the larger under cutting starts, it snow balls into oblivion for a day or more. That is just stupid because all of those dyes would have sold out at 92,000, even if others were undercutting by 1 credit.


What will happen now is discounters who have no understanding will dump large amounts of dyes lower than the usual market price. Which means no one crafting for profit and not over suppling will be able to sell at the usual market price. They will either have to pull their stock or get in the trenches and knife fight at the lower prices. Which doesn’t benefit anyone in the long term.


As soon as the legit crafters pull their stock or get sick of it and just stop crafting altogether, those at the bottom jack up the price higher than the market price and under supply the market. Then buyers are worse off in the long term. I’ve seen it happen for 12 months and I know of all the players doing it,


Now, it’s a free market and all and GTN pvp is a thing and so is predatory behaviour by some people like this. But the casual, general or reasonable crafters contribute to the problem too because they undercut more than 1 credit at a time.


If you can’t see that the person selling at 60,000 is losing out on a massive amount of credits, is spending more time crafting and getting a bad return on mat costs, then I don’t know what to say.

That guy selling at 60,000 is essential losing 30,000 credits per dye. Times that by a 1000 dyes and they just flushed 30m credits down the toilet.

Of course they are not 100% to blame for being in that position, everyone who under cut more than 1 credit contributed to such a big loss. But they are to blame for losing 4,000 credit per dye to undercut the lowest person. Which means 1000 dyes x 4,000 credits = a loss of 4m for no reason at all.


On the flip side, that person listing at 92,250 will make 92.25m when they sell through their 1000 dyes.


At the end of the day, you can either drive the price down stupidly and sometimes double the mats, costs and time crafting to get what people selling at the market price get for less crafting, less mats and less wasted time. Or you can play smart and make a truck load of credits like everyone else does who has billions or credits.


Wether you agree with my methods or me is irrelevant. Surely you can all see how undercutting more than 1 credit snow balls the prices.

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Some threads are realy funny ...

I think this is the reason why i see nice cheep stuff at GTN in lower price than each single mats cost

you need for to craft it .... :D


Somtimes i ask myself is SWTOR a MMORPG or a business simulation game .... :rolleyes:


Oh yes - so many ingame stuff are expensive but to many players are to lazy to use their

brain how to make the money for it.

And if you start to explain how to do many say: i have no time or to complicated.

There was never an easier way to sell green stuff for high prise as now ....





(ps BW. this i a privat discussion don't spy us out)


Yep, it’s not even hard to do or understand logically. But for some reason people don’t.

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Just because Trixxie has credits, doesn't mean i won't fight for what's right!

It's a good thing.



The fact that you could read the patient, simple, draw-you-a-picture explanation above and still reply as you have is eloquent testimony to the manner in which critical thinking skills have become sadly rare.


Trixxie showed you, with clear and simple logic, how her philosophy leads to a win-win, and how yours leads to even worse price-gouging in the long run. Yet you reply by trumpeting your "double-down-on-st00pit" stubbornness.

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Undercutting people by 1 credit is pathetic. All that says to me is you want all the moneies but are unwilling to actually lose anything and would rather steal a sale from someone else.. because some people blindly buy the cheapest thing going. I always avoid those sellers.


If I buy something cheaper I do it from those that are actually willing to lose something to make the sale. Not to be a greedy guts. If you don't wanna lose anything then make your price the same as the people above you.


If ya gonna undercut someone, do it like you mean it. 1 Credit..pfft that makes your sale worthless in my eyes. I will buy the more expensive item over yours because you are too greedy to actually lower the price meaningfully.

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I'm probably closer to void singer and some of the others with respect to undercutting - one credit in a game where a million is nothing is pretty silly, not to mention I just don't like dealing with large numbers full of random digits.


At the same time, Trixie isn't wrong about some of the undercutting - the type where someone tanks the price by 20% or more, and where the current price is in line with average and the item has reasonably high sales volume.


So sure, undercutting by more than one credit makes sense to me - but undercutting something which sells for tens of thousands of credits (like the dyes mentioned) by tens of thousands of credits AND where the original price was in line with average price does seem idiotic.


I learned several of the new 6.0 augments and have been selling them for weeks now - yet this will probably be my last time bothering (unless matrix price really collapses) as some idiots keep undercutting each other by millions at a pop, so the price goes from 17 million to 15 million to 12 million to 10 million to who knows.


At those prices, I can sell my mats for more (a bit less after crits), and save myself hours of crafting time queuing up assemblies all day and actually go play the game.


The ONLY reason I craft and sell items is as a means to earn as much or more credits than I could doing something else, which works only as long as everyone else selling is also of the same mindset.


If and when people enter a market on some white knight GTN quest to help the poor and don't mind selling stuff at a price where doing other activities is a better use of time (usually with all kinds of claims about how people selling stuff are all just ripping players off or use the idiotic 'my mats are free' logic), then I exit that market.


I do still check in from time to time as sometimes it isn't a GTN white knight driving prices lower, but rather someone trying to tank the market and drive others off - in which case there can still be plenty of credits to make in that market.

Edited by DawnAskham
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