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I Love Corso Riggs


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Hey hey! Corso's writer, Jennifer Hepler, posted some info about Corso over on the BioWare Social Network that I thought Corso fans might be interested in. :)







This is funny as hell to me, idk why.


I definitely thought Guss was more of the "little brother" type...Corso's more like a bro if you're a dude. And if you're a girl he's the starry-eyed boyfriend.


OH, and because people keep bringing up the part on Balmorra where he gets all jealous and says you're allergic to candles, fyi he says it even if you never flirt with the dude. I thought that was kind of funny; my girl was like "omg help me I hate this guy"; and that's what he came up with to rescue her.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Corso may be good looking but the Bowdaar is bigger.


the thing here is loving corso not bowdaar... lol.... :)


i love bowdaar too but at some reason, i love corso much more.... how i wish i could have him at my companion too in real life :p;):)

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i love corso but its so hard to choose between him and bowd i like talking to both.


thougth corso is my man and i like to hit the flirt options at least once to drive him a little mad my smugg is such a tease but in the end hes all she wants :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread seems like a good place to ask this.

I just did the marriage scene with Corso, and I chose the first option when it was time for my vows.


(spoiler contains the vows)



I chose the one that was something like "Ooh, my turn", and my character said this out loud:


I swear to drive you crazy with jealousy, risk your life regularly, make fun of you in public and ensure you never have a boring day again.



I thought it was funny, but I wanted to see what the other vows would be and forgot to press escape. Out of curiosity, anyone know?

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This thread seems like a good place to ask this.

I just did the marriage scene with Corso, and I chose the first option when it was time for my vows.


(spoiler contains the vows)



I chose the one that was something like "Ooh, my turn", and my character said this out loud:


I swear to drive you crazy with jealousy, risk your life regularly, make fun of you in public and ensure you never have a boring day again.



I thought it was funny, but I wanted to see what the other vows would be and forgot to press escape. Out of curiosity, anyone know?


I'm carefully not reading what's in your spoiler-bit because I haven't gotten to that convo yet. I guess that google is your best option, good luck. Had a really sweet convo with Corso today, boy is that guy romantic =) *swoon*

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  • 1 month later...

Just read trough this tread and have to state that I love Corso too. <3

I began a smuggler because of the obvious *hint to Han* Reason and found it most fun to play and grew so much to that Farmboy *sigh* (Also love Torian and Vector)


For the Vows I tried them all but before switching to english. So I have to translate free if thats OK ;) My second smuggler (more Corso time *sigh) just got off Ord Mantell. :D



One is not even a vow. She just said "Finished, lets get to the fun part......" and he replies I am ashamed of nothing ;))


The One I finally took was the "traditional" one. Hell I sat in front of my Computer and had a tear of joy in my eyes when that happend *sighs*

I also want more convos *making petition* ;))

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You Smugs are all so easy.


Mine told Corso there was no chance she was going to get married without a 10,000 credit dress and a good caterer.


Only 10k? You know how many hundreds of thousands of credits he's lost due to mission failures?


If I were a chick, I'd tell'em to pay me back starters. Rocket Boots aren't cheap.

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The One I finally took was the "traditional" one. Hell I sat in front of my Computer and had a tear of joy in my eyes when that happend *sighs*

i picked the traditional one too, mostly because i was thinking, "alright, i'll be serious for once." what my smug said in her vows actually got an "awwww" out of me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I laughed out loud when I heard my Smugglers "honest" vow. That would have been more fitting I guess, cause shes all flirty just do make him jealous. Heavens hes cute when he is jealous. :rolleyes:

When I switched from german gamelanguage to english a while ago I needed to roll another smuggler just to her him saying all the cute things again in english :D

Troy Hall did a marvelous job there :cool: His accent is southern I guess. Just love it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just curious - my brother is playing a FemSmug and he got the drunken Corso conversation, and he told Corso to sleep it off, not realizing what that meant (I don't think he does still). Does this ruin the romance for him? I don't think he cares much (he is, after all a GIRL - Guy In Real Life, LOL) but he wanted to romance Corso for the story's sake. Is he sunk? :confused:
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Just curious - my brother is playing a FemSmug and he got the drunken Corso conversation, and he told Corso to sleep it off, not realizing what that meant (I don't think he does still). Does this ruin the romance for him? I don't think he cares much (he is, after all a GIRL - Guy In Real Life, LOL) but he wanted to romance Corso for the story's sake. Is he sunk? :confused:


not at all :) i would love to play a jedi male for romance Kira or nadia but i love to much creating girls lol, My boyfriend says that it's like being in your girl's mind and trying to understand her lol Your brother is just fine :) he's curious.

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i've made it a personal goal to gear up Corso in full BH after i finish my slinger's own set so that i'm properly ready for adventuring with him on the new planet whenever it comes out. the force knows how much i miss questing with him and hearing his voice in convos. >_<
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  • 3 weeks later...
I love Corso. He's the bromance I never had.


Love his excuse to leave me alone with the smuggler on Taris.


"Uh, I'll go count the Rakghouls".


lol :D that sounds like Corso, such a great pal!


i've made it a personal goal to gear up Corso in full BH after i finish my slinger's own set so that i'm properly ready for adventuring with him on the new planet whenever it comes out. the force knows how much i miss questing with him and hearing his voice in convos. >_<


I envy you, will only be able to get him in Columi I think. Want both him and Aakavi to be well geared before the next planet hits, they are my questing-people.


Hope that Corso will have plenty to say in convos and such things!

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  • 2 months later...

What a great thread! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who developed a crush on a pixelated character, lol.


I just got the quest "No Walking Away" last night and I've clicked through a couple times to see the options, but always escaped out before it ended. I love the honesty of this option:

Don't love me.

And I especially love what he says in response. <3 But if I choose it, will I still get the option later on to marry him, or will it kill our romance entirely?

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I personally love this thread! (Last time I checked I thought it was dead D: ) Corso is the---wait *counts the beloved guys from the other games*... (I'm such a fangirl xD), actually - I've met a lot of men from games, but none of them were like Corso (well, except Atton Rand :o ...kinda).

Last week I get a quest "Gunfight in Gorinth Canyon". I was happy for a short while. I checked mission log, then... well, it wasn't for my level :( (I've got 39 level and YOU give ME quest on level 45, Corso?!) I have to level up... really fast.

Luckily, I will have holiday in the next week, so I will do quests like I never did! (I do quests, but... Heroics? Nope, nope! D: )

But what concerns me the most is that Corso has (around) 8000k affection in my playthrough, he accepts the gifts (Rank 3 - military gift/weapon) and he gains only 11 affection, other gifts (Rank 1, 2 etc.) he just... doesn't gain anything. I understand, that he won't gain affection from Rank 1 or 2, ...but from 4? Am I doing something wrong? I'm soo confused by this, 'cause Corso is such a complicated guy!

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