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Winners and Losers 6.0 So Far


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Let me preface this by saying it may be to early for some as I respect the fact the the ability to poop socking MM is not a skill everyone has nor is having the time to do it a given even if you are able to handle mind numbing Korean MMO style grinding. Also this is anecdotal as I only have 3 toons with set bonus MERC,SIN,SNIPER and working on Operative. With out further ado here are my opinions feel free to add yours.




1. SIN both Deception and Darkness are a clear cut winner both can hit you for 80K and have access to the best Taticals in the game and the ability to swap those tacticals at will. I believe its meta changing in it current form.


2. Operative not a much as a winner as SIN but it seems to have gotten it front in burst back I seen over 100K in 3 GCD with veiled strike, backstab, AIDS combo on a 18 sec cool down ad to that the changes to roll on a charge system you still have a slippery class that can burst you down.


3. Sniper Based on Holo-Locate a good set bonus 3 Laze charges on a sub 45 cooldown along with tactical that give instant ambush at 20% more damage 80K crits is not out of the question. They retain the paradigm busting defenses they always had


Losers Cant really Say their losers, it just seems they are at the same power level as they were before the expansion.


1. MERC I only play IO but it seems just the same even with the bonuses and tacticals faster supercit on mag is nice and blowing up electro dart is nice.


I have no experience with the class below in 6.0 but fighting them seems the same


Jugg, Mara ,Sorc while all have a few new goodies fighting against them feels the same facing them in 6.0 as it was 5.0

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PT won jack ****! :D

And Sin tank lost one of the best cooldowns/utilities and gained 10 force instead... :o


This, shadow tank needs to be looked at again. We don't need force we need either remove cloak and give us better deffesives or reduce battle readyness to 45 second cd after saber master is equiped and reduce our Sr to 40 or do second cd eh that may be too little make it a 1 mins. Idk something

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Honestly, you can just grind the first boss of RR. Run through all trash to elevator, then stealth out. Run to the boss and kill him with a comp. Exit phase. Reset phase. Rinse repeat.


annnnnd.... queue bioware nerf. glad I quit playing seriously or the inc nerf after this post would have irritated me.

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annnnnd.... queue bioware nerf. glad I quit playing seriously or the inc nerf after this post would have irritated me.[/QUOte]


naww rare mats, embers, augments are the real endgame. Grinding RR is an unexpected farm. I think the dev's eyes are on player economy, crafting, and the GTN.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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SIth Assasin is by far a winner in 6.0 with deception, I can't say anything about hatred because I haven't seen many in PVP yet. Wonder why ? :D


Another possible winner are concealment operatives, but I'm not sure yet.


Marauder, the class I main, mercs snipers feel totally the same so far. Oddly snipers with their phasewalk aren't much of a problem.


Sin nerf, too OP ?


This game is balanced for PVE.... PVP is a just a minigame with a handful of people that think they are very important. So after contant whining on PTS sins got their "Buff" that looks like a bit too much. Not going to get balanced anytime soon so enjoy your sins if you main them.

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SIth Assasin is by far a winner in 6.0 with deception, I can't say anything about hatred because I haven't seen many in PVP yet. Wonder why ? :D


Another possible winner are concealment operatives, but I'm not sure yet.


Marauder, the class I main, mercs snipers feel totally the same so far. Oddly snipers with their phasewalk aren't much of a problem.


Sin nerf, too OP ?


This game is balanced for PVE.... PVP is a just a minigame with a handful of people that think they are very important. So after contant whining on PTS sins got their "Buff" that looks like a bit too much. Not going to get balanced anytime soon so enjoy your sins if you main them.

hatred can pull damn near 20k dps. you would think that's a joke, but it's not.

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hatred can pull damn near 20k dps. you would think that's a joke, but it's not.


Haven't seen many... All there is a chain stun deception groups. Dps wise I haven't seen anyone do more than 10-11k dps so far. There was a guy who did team ranked and said anni mara healed for like 9k hps ? I've yet to see that one myself in order to believe it.

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PVP is a just a minigame with a handful of people that think they are very important. .


We dont think we are important, we think we are better and our content is harder. and this thought is justified. I was going to quit swtor in august but a certain guild decided showing me ops would be a nice change.. so I stayed till 6.0 doing ops. I picked up Vet ops like it was vet fps, I had mechanics to memorize.... and that was it. My rotations, game sense and reactions were already better than the content. the only thing that caused wipes was unlike in pvp, 2 good players couldnt carry the win.


Pvp is everything pve is and an rng factor that is 100% going to happen. in pve the rng is more like 25%-10%. We dont think we are more important we think that anything that is broken in pvp is DEFINITELY broken in pve and both contents need a nerf for balance sake.


the difference is no one cares about balanced classes in pve as long as no one class doesnt get 1 shotted. a basic concept to remember is PVP is about doing as much damage as you can before you die, PVE is about not dieing. (it is a common belief that pvp is a race of dcds and dps doesnt matter, but remember, there is no reviving in comp pvp and the first team to lose their 4th is usually the team who loses. so your dps better put a dent in them before he dies or you lose.)


PS: yes, we pvpers do know about dps checks, threat control and drop yadada, we just tend to skim over those concepts because they are irrelvant and not even kind of difficult to manage or accomplish.

Edited by Seterade
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2. Operative not a much as a winner as SIN but it seems to have gotten it front in burst back I seen over 100K in 3 GCD with veiled strike, backstab, AIDS combo on a 18 sec cool down ad to that the changes to roll on a charge system you still have a slippery class that can burst you down.


How? Some set bonus + tactical? I have tried most classes now in both PvE and PvP at 306, and con-ops seems to be the weakest by far damage wise. Sure they can still roll and be a nuisance as always, but I am not feeling the damage at all. I can not even break 5k while free casting in the arena.

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Speak for yourself.


I speak from the prospective of a player who routinely solos HM FPS since 4.0, never has stood in pve stupid if I knew was the mechanic was and has never failed to hit a required dps number. I can absolutely beyond any doubt say no pve content in this game has ever challenged me and pvp to this day vs the right people can. during 4.0 "do all hm fps" I legit queued heals, never healed before, was in expertise gear and only wipes? were dps who stood in stupid circles and were late on add kills.

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How? Some set bonus + tactical? I have tried most classes now in both PvE and PvP at 306, and con-ops seems to be the weakest by far damage wise. Sure they can still roll and be a nuisance as always, but I am not feeling the damage at all. I can not even break 5k while free casting in the arena.


Are you wearing the Tacticians set and using your new ability right after your opener?

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I logged on just now, and searched for warzones on /who "arena ring canyon station square" and "novare ancient civil void pit proving vandin"


There were over 40 results on Satele Shan pub side - the lowest population faction of all the English servers, at past 1am.


I searched for the GF ops, literally 0 results. Zero.


But sure enjoy your "hurr durr pvp only small handful of players" delusions.


You are really dumb if you believe that your comment disproves anything ........

1 - You looked at 1 AM

why is this wrong?: You should have looked around prime time. If you really wanted to be secure you would look at prime time, maybe your 1 AM and some other weirdly chosen time frame


2 - you only looked at the GF ops

why is this wrong?: How does this prove what the ratio between people who do PvP and PvE is? You ignore all the other operations.


3 - you ignored other PvP instances

why is this wrong?: same as my 2nd point


4 - sample size is way to small

why is this wrong?: You try to make a conclusion based on very limited data. It's like you want to know how much peanutbutter gets sold nationwide on a daily basis and you think you can conclude something based on standing next to the peanutbutter shelf in you local supermarket for 5 minutes.


5- you only looked at pub side

Why is this wrong?: You immediately disqualify at least half of your server from your research. This makes the already small sample size even smaller


Now. I'm not saying you are wrong, nor do I say you are right. I'm just saying your reasoning is very much invalid and resembles a hurptydurp level of conducting research. Please try again and put in some more effort. Else please treat others with a bit more respect and just stay silent. Thx

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