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Too many companions.


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I am returning player (quit after Makeb). Chapter expansions offer really good story, can't progress further because of bugged quest asking to kill 3 iokath sentinels driving walker (i do hope it gonna get fixed rather soon...).


Currently i have like 30+ companions. I will never use all those fugly fish/boar/octopus/rat/whatevermans. There are only 8 crafting slots, every companion can perform all roles, so can i have an option to kick out or at lteast hide all others i don't need? Also i kill/reject all aliens i can, yet they still remain in companion tab as "dead" with no option to sort them out or down the list.

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I also on my main have 30+ companions -- and bought a dozen plus more on the cartel market -- and I like the variety. I'm one of those phreaks who likes playing space barbie and tossing on various outfits on my companions, and I don't always play the highest-influence companion, but just what suits me at the moment.

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I also on my main have 30+ companions -- and bought a dozen plus more on the cartel market -- and I like the variety. I'm one of those phreaks who likes playing space barbie and tossing on various outfits on my companions, and I don't always play the highest-influence companion, but just what suits me at the moment.




And I want all of the class companions to be claimable on the companion locator terminal so everyone can have them all like KotFE first advertised.

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And I want all of the class companions to be claimable on the companion locator terminal so everyone can have them all like KotFE first advertised.

This would be great.


I was really hoping i could get them all on all my characters, or at the very least the ones i like

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Yeah I agree, I also didn't like how companions were no longer class exclusive, make them little less unique both the class and the companion. Don't get me wrong a 2 or 3 class comp for all the classes is fine, but we got way too many class companion for everyone and too many companions in general. In my opinion. Edited by commanderwar
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I also on my main have 30+ companions -- and bought a dozen plus more on the cartel market -- and I like the variety. I'm one of those phreaks who likes playing space barbie and tossing on various outfits on my companions, and I don't always play the highest-influence companion, but just what suits me at the moment.


Agreed, Plus it really is not that hard just to go though to pick the comp you like best. Really it takes less than 30 seconds.


I don't see BW cannot have a hide comps for the whiners though, that's not that hard to do.

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an option to kick out or at least hide all others i don't need


And I want all of the class companions to be claimable on the companion locator terminal so everyone can have them all like KotFE first advertised.


Well, it seems to me that as long as they make both of those optional, then everybody can play however way they want to.


I don't see any reason for us to argue about whether or not these are good ideas. If they give us the option to hide or dismiss companions we don't want, then the players who want to do that will be able to, and the players who want to keep all their companions can do so, simply by not using the "hide/kick" option.


If they make all of the class companions available by the companion locator terminal, then the players who want them will be able to get them and the players who don't can simply just not use the terminal.


My characters generally recruit all of the companions that they can. That's just my playing style. But I can understand why a player would get annoyed with all of those companions that they never use cluttering up their Companions and Crew Skills interfaces. You could refrain from performing the Alliance Alerts, but then they would still clutter up your Companions interface.

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Yeah I agree, I also didn't like how companions were no longer class exclusive, make them little less unique both the class and the companion. Don't get me wrong a 2 or 3 class comp for all the classes is fine, but we got way too many class companion for everyone and too many companions in general. In my opinion.


And they're almost all superfluous to the story. Except for the occasional plot-mandated companion, they feel utterly interchangeable - just pick your favorite skin and voice pack for your healbot/tank/incurable dot.

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I get any and all companions I can possibly get. They just make the alliance seem larger and more lively. You get random cameos from them during the stories. While you may be off with a certain person, one may talk to you over the comms or be referenced aiding you in some way. Just because some companions may be prominent and highlighted in the story doesn't mean other companions are just irrelevant. You're a faction with many moving pieces.


In the latest patch, 6.0 that happened a lot. Jorgan, Shae Vizla, and Gault are the ones off the top of my head. They all make these small cameos that just make the world seem more alive. You never know when one may show up- especially since many of these companions are killable. Or for Shae, a limited time companion(which I don't understand since she is seemingly a prominent figure).


Anyway, ya. I disagree very much. I have done a lot in order to get any possible companion.

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Yeah I agree, I also didn't like how companions were no longer class exclusive, make them little less unique both the class and the companion. Don't get me wrong a 2 or 3 class comp for all the classes is fine, but we got way too many class companion for everyone and too many companions in general. In my opinion.


I love the mix match of companions, I wish they did it for all of them.


My Knight runs around with Vette now, and I love that. I just wish Ashara could be used with my knight too.


Some companions work out well since some of them are odd balls in the group.


I just pick like 5 or 6 of companions for each character to be that characters main crew.


Another favorite combo is Kaylio with my Sith Warrior.

Edited by kirorx
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And they're almost all superfluous to the story. Except for the occasional plot-mandated companion, they feel utterly interchangeable - just pick your favorite skin and voice pack for your healbot/tank/incurable dot.

This was my fear. I want my companion to have an opinion and speak up about what's going on. What would Ashara think about this? What would Mako have to say about that? It's kind of impossible now due to the 50 billion companions.


But most importantly, I want the return of conversation based influence gains! I HATE gifts!

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I get any and all companions I can possibly get. They just make the alliance seem larger and more lively. You get random cameos from them during the stories. While you may be off with a certain person, one may talk to you over the comms or be referenced aiding you in some way. Just because some companions may be prominent and highlighted in the story doesn't mean other companions are just irrelevant. You're a faction with many moving pieces.


In the latest patch, 6.0 that happened a lot. Jorgan, Shae Vizla, and Gault are the ones off the top of my head. They all make these small cameos that just make the world seem more alive. You never know when one may show up- especially since many of these companions are killable. Or for Shae, a limited time companion(which I don't understand since she is seemingly a prominent figure).


Anyway, ya. I disagree very much. I have done a lot in order to get any possible companion.




I love all the companions and the alliance feeling like an alliance.

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This thread is sort of like a letter to an auto manufacturer complaining that it makes too many different models of cars and there's too many to choose from and imploring the manufacturer to just make 5 and be done with it, to hell with what any other car buyers might want.


No one's gonna smash your kneecaps if you just pick one comp when not playing story chapters, so pick one, forget the rest exist, and leave us space barbie maniacs alone, we're happy with variety, thank you.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I also on my main have 30+ companions -- and bought a dozen plus more on the cartel market -- and I like the variety. I'm one of those phreaks who likes playing space barbie and tossing on various outfits on my companions, and I don't always play the highest-influence companion, but just what suits me at the moment.


Yea. Unfortunately, not many ppl will understand how some players like you and me play. Just like how many adults don't understand how a kid can play all day long pushing toy vehicles around and making bang bang sound with toy soldiers.


Playing is for the sake of play. It is not for the sake of achieving anything (gears, power against another weaker players, reinforcing their self-ego in a mad rush for BiS items etc etc.). Just like some wise man has said before, you play/listen to music for the sake of music, you don't compete to be the fastest player of the music and seek to reach the end of the music with the shortest time. You dance for the sake of dancing, you don't compete to dance to a particular spot on dancing floor to see who reach there fastest. Similarly you play for the sake of play. You don't play to compete with another.


Play produce enjoyment. Competition also produce enjoyment (through reinforcing and dressing up their ego via beating down other competitors). This is the subtle point that got ppl confused mixing play with competition. Both produce enjoyment. However the main difference between the 2 is: play don't produce grievances, but competition produces toxic grievances when you lost. In play, there is no loss because there is no concept of win. It is just play. This is unlike competition.


Sad to say, MMO today are designed on the main foundation of competition and less so on play (sand box MMO allow a lot more room for play as they don't force you to compete if you don't want to but not the case of theme park MMO).


So how is what I said above relevant to this thread? (sorry that I have to explain myself to avoid the risk of getting another warning of non-constructive post from the moderator). The relevancy can be seen when some parents told their kid why they still want to buy another toy soldier when they have so many back at home? The parents don't get it because the kid is at play while the parents are at "business" trying to optimize.


I am sure many players out there are fully kids-at-heart and is fully capable and competent in playing. They don't need designer to shepherd them to how to play. Just built the toys (which may appear useless and serving no purpose to the designer) and let play evolve. Don't dictate play as that is the death-knell of any funfactory which most MMO aspire to become.

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I don't see any reason for us to argue about whether or not these are good ideas. If they give us the option to hide or dismiss companions we don't want, then the players who want to do that will be able to, and the players who want to keep all their companions can do so, simply by not using the "hide/kick" option.


What you said is logical. But this is not the case. Just look at the case of our healing comp. Some players think our healing comp is too OP and hence it is too easy for them to tackle the game content. Remember they have the option of dismissing and not using their healing comp if they find it too easy. Are they happy? Obviously not and they insist on using their OP healing comp but instead ask for healing comp to be nerfed which now this patch did exactly that. No, the option of hiding and dismissing companions will not solve the issue. Some players just want thing their way, no less no more. Don't think any workaround will satisfy them.

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My opinion is it is an issue of perspective.


Just like the case that you can say our healing comp is not OP but that the mobs are too weak (hence instead of nerfing our healing comp why not make the mobs stronger), you can say similarly that it is not the case that we have too many companions but we have a lack of "meaningful" usage for so many of them (all of them playing similar roles and having a few vs many make no difference for those player on "competitive optimization" mode).


One solution is to devise a lot more usage for so many companions. This is easily done. It can even be done here and now just changing parameters at the back end without much coding change for example, lifting the hard cap of eight max crew skill deployable so that player can send ALL without any hard cap of their companions out on crew skill mission. IF you need a cap, just implement a soft cap instead of hard cap. Implement a escalating cost of sending companion out for mission beyond the first 8 missions so that it become prohibitively expensive to keep sending so many companions out simultaneously on mission.


When you have usage for many companions you will instead create a scenario that players will complain that they make a mistake of not recruiting more companions but choosing instead to kill them or reject them.


There are many angles and approaches to the same issue. The real question is whether you take a positive attitude (by devising more usage and making the companion system more useful) or negative mindset (by back peddling and cutting down on companions number or not introducing any more companions in future). The nerf to our healing comp is a negative mindset and I hope that it does not become the norm for future development for companion system.

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solution ---

ignore them ...

use the ones you like, get them to 50 influence and just forget the others -- that is what I did

I can't ignore them, because no matter what i do they clutter companion tab. In vanilla every companion was important, you may disliked particular ones but they were irreplacable. So it was kinda trade off, you working with someone you don't like for benefits. What the point of having something like Gault, Rusk, Broonmark or starfortress dudes now? I dont like their looks, i dont like their story (most dont even have story), they add nothing of value.

I like to have things clean, organized and meaningful, not asking to remove companios, just option to hide/kick them. People who like dozens of useless (from my point of view) companions would still have an option to play the way they like.

This game has very serious problems with ui, sorting and filtering, all these additions over years made it even more apparent.

Edited by Eanke
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I can't ignore them, because no matter what i do they clutter companion tab. In vanilla every companion was important, you may disliked particular ones but they were irreplacable. So it was kinda trade off, you working with someone you don't like for benefits. What the point of having something like Gault, Rusk, Broonmark or starfortress dudes now? I dont like their looks, i dont like their story (most dont even have story), they add nothing of value.

I like to have things clean, organized and meaningful, not asking to remove companios, just option to hide/kick them. People who like dozens of useless (from my point of view) companions would still have an option to play the way they like.

This game has very serious problems with ui, sorting and filtering, all these additions over years made it even more apparent.


You've reduced your own thread to a whine. You'll surely garner a little bit of sympathy for your egregious plight of having too many comps, but don't expect an army behind you on that.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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