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I got hit by an Assassin so hard it uninstalled the game


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Can we balance how hard Assassins are hitting right now in PVP, before they make every other class in the game totally irrelevant?


The undergeared ones are hitting for 50k and the geared ones are in the 60-65k range.


This likely isn't going to change. The only thing assin has going for them is hitting like a truck currently. They squishy af unless its a tank and we don't hit nearly as hard as they do.

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As a full geared sin I've seen 60K crits on maul but I've seen also 50K crits from jugs and snipers and a constant stream of 45K crits from mara at near 300K life if you extrapolate, into 5.0 health it's not outlandish. Sounds like sandy vag to me as sin original concept for deception was control and burst no defense, unlike lets, say sniper which became a 35 M burst Tank immune to leap and cc and more get out of Jail free cards then just about any class. Edited by Kinsal
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This likely isn't going to change. The only thing assin has going for them is hitting like a truck currently. They squishy af unless its a tank and we don't hit nearly as hard as they do.


The combo of high damage and low survivability is what ruined PTs/Vanguards in the 3.0 era. It became faceroll easy because there was no counterplay to crazy damage. I'm noticing assassins/shadows are in the same circumstance PTs were back then. They seem to me to be proportionately hitting way harder than everybody else at roughly the same levels of gear. Maybe I'm wrong in all this, but I can't help but notice someone can mash maul and watch a 1/4 of a life bar disappear.

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LOL, That’s the best thread title I’ve seen in a long time. :D


The only thing more ridiculous than this title is how good stunlocking people to death from stealth is. Being able to do insane damage is one thing, but being able to do it while your opponent eats 2 chained stuns really breaks the balance in PVP. Classes that do insane damage need to be squishy. Classes that can stunlock others have their burst tempered so that others have a chance to respond. Otherwise, it's not fair and it's also boring when you can melt defenceless players.


In the past scoundrels/ops had a knockdown/stun on their backblast that was deemed to be way too strong of a burst+stun combo. It was changed so K.O interrupts and roots. See where this might be headed? Either some Assassin gear pieces need a balance check or something like Assassins loses their stun from stealth and instead get a root. The stunlock and strong burst combo is too good. Way too good.

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I think burst combo will be fixed, as It doesn't look right that they can change many tacticals to charge many skills at once. Only current tactical should be kept, all other "charges" reset to base.

Then everything will be back to normal.

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The only thing more ridiculous than this title is how good stunlocking people to death from stealth is. Being able to do insane damage is one thing, but being able to do it while your opponent eats 2 chained stuns really breaks the balance in PVP. Classes that do insane damage need to be squishy. Classes that can stunlock others have their burst tempered so that others have a chance to respond. Otherwise, it's not fair and it's also boring when you can melt defenceless players.


In the past scoundrels/ops had a knockdown/stun on their backblast that was deemed to be way too strong of a burst+stun combo. It was changed so K.O interrupts and roots. See where this might be headed? Either some Assassin gear pieces need a balance check or something like Assassins loses their stun from stealth and instead get a root. The stunlock and strong burst combo is too good. Way too good.


After the opener, the sustained damage of the spec is mediocre. If you nerf the opener burst all that remains is that Sins are below average all over again.


Also, you have a CC breaker for if you are stun locked and Defensive Cooldowns. Use them.

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After the opener, the sustained damage of the spec is mediocre. If you nerf the opener burst all that remains is that Sins are below average all over again.


Also, you have a CC breaker for if you are stun locked and Defensive Cooldowns. Use them.


But you have to balance the burst. To not balance it right now is to not address the huge elephant in the room. The specifics of how to make the class competitive are important but a small resolution view of the larger PVP picture. The opener is the entire PVP meta because nobody survives the rotation.


Sure you can break the 2nd stun with a cc breaker to try and defend yourself, but then comes the vanish and the cycle repeats itself. Potentially another 2 times too with tactical juggling all in the same encounter. Being invisible and blindsiding players with a double stun and crazy burst is way too good in PVP.

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I'd say that not enough people are geared, and there hasn't been enough PVP going on at full gear, that it's too early to comment on the meta. Sniper, in particular, should be able to counter the assassin fairly well through kiting it's burst phase, or evasioning it. There is the bug where evasion does not mitigate attacks which get damage buffs from stacks (Discharge, Cell Burst), but sniper (MM in particular) had basically hardcountered Deception throughout 5.x, and has more distance making skills now.
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But you have to balance the burst. To not balance it right now is to not address the huge elephant in the room. The specifics of how to make the class competitive are important but a small resolution view of the larger PVP picture. The opener is the entire PVP meta because nobody survives the rotation.


Sure you can break the 2nd stun with a cc breaker to try and defend yourself, but then comes the vanish and the cycle repeats itself. Potentially another 2 times too with tactical juggling all in the same encounter. Being invisible and blindsiding players with a double stun and crazy burst is way too good in PVP.


I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I play sin tank I do not play inful. The class is designed to hit hard first then turn into a went noodle. Every class has OS abilities use them. However tatical swapping needs to be fixed.

Edited by allexj
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Not helping your case much. Obviously there is a problem. Especially in Solo.


Sniper hits MUCH harder with 3x more defensive abilities and is augmented by a team MUCH better than Assassin. Snipers can hit 100k insta cast ambushes. We should probably nerf sins and operatives to compensate.

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Sniper hits MUCH harder with 3x more defensive abilities and is augmented by a team MUCH better than Assassin. Snipers can hit 100k insta cast ambushes. We should probably nerf sins and operatives to compensate.


You are dancing around this thing like you don't know it's OP. Give up the stun on Spike and turn it into a root and the damage isnt as bad. If you want to keep double stun give up some burst. You want your cake and to eat it too while pointing to examples that haven't been a problem yet. I don't see roaming packs of snipers instant ambushing everybody the way assassin's have completely turned PVP into a plague.

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You are dancing around this thing like you don't know it's OP. Give up the stun on Spike and turn it into a root and the damage isnt as bad. If you want to keep double stun give up some burst. You want your cake and to eat it too while pointing to examples that haven't been a problem yet. I don't see roaming packs of snipers instant ambushing everybody the way assassin's have completely turned PVP into a plague.


You definitely seem like the type of player who plays this game solo. Unfortunately this is a TEAM game and until you figure this part out, you are going to think a lot of things are op when they are not.

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You definitely seem like the type of player who plays this game solo. Unfortunately this is a TEAM game and until you figure this part out, you are going to think a lot of things are op when they are not.


You seem like the type of person who can't debate the ideas but attacks the character of the person instead. Weak! Explain how I'm wrong for starters.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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