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We had to destroy the game to save the game.


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It's this what your going for with 6.0?


Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them.


Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really?


Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds.


Outside of the story content for 6.0 the rest is a flaming dumpster fire. It's all bad. Changes no one asked for and no one wants.


I am really hoping this is some kinda of secret plan to destroy the game because Star Wars the Old Republic 2 is coming out and you need a way to kill the first one. It's the only thing that could explain the dumpster fire that is the current state of the game and the changes your making.

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It's this what your going for with 6.0?


Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them.


Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really?


Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds.


Outside of the story content for 6.0 the rest is a flaming dumpster fire. It's all bad. Changes no one asked for and no one wants.


I am really hoping this is some kinda of secret plan to destroy the game because Star Wars the Old Republic 2 is coming out and you need a way to kill the first one. It's the only thing that could explain the dumpster fire that is the current state of the game and the changes your making.


Command was worthless once Ossus came out anyways, and the 258 grind was way worse than this gear grind imo. At least with this gear we have full legacy and are able to rip mods,etc and put them where needed.(that's the only good thing about this expansion.) In comparison to the 4.0 era though, it's definitely crap. I personally knew they wouldn't listen to their community, so I went in not expecting much. I'll take a 3.0 era server over what's out right now. :p

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3.0 era was awesome, now it's just stupid.



And do you realise that the game had a lot more manpower and a lot more resources in the 3.0 era than they do now? You can't expect everything to be like it used to during SWTOR's prime years because the circumstances have drastically changed since then. The dev team has become much smaller and fewer people have to fulfil the same amount of roles, while their funds and resources have gone down in quantity as well. You have to adjust your expectations to the current circumstances, otherwise it's your fault alone that you're disappointed.

Edited by Ylliarus
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It's this what your going for with 6.0?


Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them.


Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really?


Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds.


Outside of the story content for 6.0 the rest is a flaming dumpster fire. It's all bad. Changes no one asked for and no one wants.


I am really hoping this is some kinda of secret plan to destroy the game because Star Wars the Old Republic 2 is coming out and you need a way to kill the first one. It's the only thing that could explain the dumpster fire that is the current state of the game and the changes your making.


"No one wants" way to speak for everyone there

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"No one wants" way to speak for everyone there


Exactly, the OP doesn't like it so they presume to speak for everyone. It's why I asked if they were part of the live test server when all of this was being developed there and put up for testing. Because what we have today is ALL based on feedback and testing from all the players that went onto the test servers and tested the gearing and leveling changes. If the OP didn't bother voicing their opinion back then and there, then they don't really have the right to complain now. And they definitely have no right to speak for others.

Edited by Ylliarus
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It's this what your going for with 6.0?


Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them.


Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really?


Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds.


Outside of the story content for 6.0 the rest is a flaming dumpster fire. It's all bad. Changes no one asked for and no one wants.


I am really hoping this is some kinda of secret plan to destroy the game because Star Wars the Old Republic 2 is coming out and you need a way to kill the first one. It's the only thing that could explain the dumpster fire that is the current state of the game and the changes your making.


Whereas i totally agree, that gearing is terrible right now, especially in comparison to what it was like during 3/4.x era, and crafting is ruined, i don't exactly get the problem with conquest. I took a day off to play dlc and easily surpassed 50k. Im currently sitting on 200k+. So, what's the problem?

Exactly, the OP doesn't like it so they presume to speak for everyone. It's why I asked if they were part of the live test server when all of this was being developed there and put up for testing. Because what we have today is ALL based on feedback and testing from all the players that went onto the test servers and tested the gearing and leveling changes. If the OP didn't bother voicing their opinion back then and there, then they don't really have the right to complain now. And they definitely have no right to speak for others.


Don't give this ******** here. It's been voiced many times, that gearing system is trash. however, everyone realized, that current system wouldn't be changed, so they also provided small suggestions how to make it more palatable, but it doesn't still change the fact that it's trash. I'm not even talking about crafting, its just ruined.

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Did you participate in the live test server? Did you express your opinions there when it was all in development?


Go take a look at the pts forums. There were HUNDREDS of posts voicing massive concern about the crafting and gearing systems. I can't speak for everyone but I am in a few of the biggest guilds in the game and I have heard people consistently saying the conquest change to 50k is unwelcome. As someone pointed out if you make this game a full time job it is still achievable but for people with limited time it is a disaster. As for small guilds...RIP. Please point out the huge number of people that thought that making conquest three times as hard was a good idea.


I love SWTOR so feel free to praise the good things in this X-Pac like story, companions returning, gear being legacy, new FP, new Op etc but White Knighting stupid changes does not help the game to improve. You are shooting yourself in the foot.

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Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them.


I agree with this one, crafting seems messed up right now.


Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really?


How is this worse? Gearing to 306 in 2 days is terrible? Even if you play really casually you should be at 306 in less than a month. Grind is barely there.


Hard and complicated? Get tech fragments from literally everywhere -> buy set bonus shells and a tactical item. Get all the modifications from running operations, dailies, flashpoints, anything. Done.


Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds.


What? I played for like 4 hours on launch day and for about 6 hours yesterday. I am at 120k conquest points. And that's with me doing the story for half of that time. We have some other people in the guild closing in on 200k. Do you have max stronghold bonus? Sounds like you don't have any, because 50k is nothing with it. You can also unlock a special flashpoint objective - Flashpoint Rally Part 1. It gives about 10k points. Run one flashpoint per day in a guild group and you will have a character at 50k just from that. Even without it, there are plenty of huge and simple conquest point sources. Specific operation objectives give up to 25k points, world bosses and weeklies - 10k+.


If your guild is struggling with conquest, it was dead long before 6.0.

Edited by Equeliber
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Did you participate in the live test server? Did you express your opinions there when it was all in development?


Perhaps before making a poorly informed statement like this you could perhaps, just maybe, take a look at the Test Server page and there you will see post after post detailing the same issues.


The current crafting system is trash. Actually calling it trash would be an upgrade what we have at the moment is a dumpster fire.


Gearing is not as bad, but all of the extra mods and enhancements appear to have been put in as a massive time sink and the only point I can see for having that many options is to make players waste countless hours trying to get the ones they actually want.

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Did you participate in the live test server? Did you express your opinions there when it was all in development?


Please, Ylliarus. You come back from a longer break here and kind of go against players who actually were here all the time, just so that you can take on the role of the white knight. I'm not happy about this.


As someone already replied: Go to the PTS forum. Read the hundreds or even thousands of posts with our feedback. Especially in the case of crafting, there is literally no one (if I am not mistaken), who likes the changes. Not even Shield or Zion who've fallen in love with Onslaught otherwise. ;) So, in that case, the claim "no one likes" is the most accurate "no one" claim ever on this board. :eek:

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Please, Ylliarus. You come back from a longer break here and kind of go against players who actually were here all the time, just so that you can take on the role of the white knight. I'm not happy about this.


Not to be rude, but frankly I couldn't care less about what makes you happy. Also, what do you hope to achieve by calling me a "white knight"? Does it unlock some kind of secret achievement on the forums that I am unaware of?


The forums are and will remain an untrustworthy source of feedback from my perspective. It has been like that ever since I started playing all those years ago. Go to Twitter and Reddit, people are really positive about the expansion there, even on Reddit from what I have seen and heard. But the forums are - as always - full of complaints, doom and gloom. So can you blame me for avoiding the forums like the plague? I never left SWTOR, I never would, but I think I'll steer clear from the forums once again.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Go to Twitter and Reddit, people are really positive about the expansion there, even on Reddit from what I have seen and heard. But the forums are - as always - full of complaints, doom and gloom.

I shared what I learned from the PTS on Reddit as well as the forums. My tone was the same in both places. But, really, a focus on tone is misplaced. It's best instead to focus on specific things to praise and criticize, giving useful feedback to the devs.

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Did you participate in the live test server? Did you express your opinions there when it was all in development?


What kind of question is that? If you don't play on PTS do you not get to complain after? Let's ignore for the moment the fact that PTS threads get ignored all the time (see eg the walker bug not addressed after tons of PTS theads on it). Even if they weren't ignored, that doesn't mean feedback stops after testing.


You keep saying you are the "voice of reason" against the forums negative tendencies, but from where I'm sitting it just looks like you're trying to push down any criticism whatsoever.

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What kind of question is that? If you don't play on PTS do you not get to complain after? Let's ignore for the moment the fact that PTS threads get ignored all the time (see eg the walker bug not addressed after tons of PTS theads on it). Even if they weren't ignored, that doesn't mean feedback stops after testing.


You keep saying you are the "voice of reason" against the forums negative tendencies, but from where I'm sitting it just looks like you're trying to push down any criticism whatsoever.


If I'd be trying to push anything down you'd notice. All I am doing is offering a different perspective.


I am not saying that if you didn't participate in the PTS you can't criticize. Everyone has the right to criticize anything they want, anytime. But the criticism would have more value if one did participate in the PTS. It's like elections and people who don't go to vote yet do criticize the election outcome. If you want something to change, if you want something to be to your liking, you have to participate and engage to change it. Expressing criticism after something is released is one way to do it, but expressing feedback while something is being developed is much more efficient.

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Command was worthless once Ossus came out anyways, and the 258 grind was way worse than this gear grind imo. At least with this gear we have full legacy and are able to rip mods,etc and put them where needed.(that's the only good thing about this expansion.) In comparison to the 4.0 era though, it's definitely crap. I personally knew they wouldn't listen to their community, so I went in not expecting much. I'll take a 3.0 era server over what's out right now. :p


Wrong - this is way worse.


The 258 grind didn't force you to go through a dozen rating levels of throw away mostly no-mod non-optimized non-augmented gear. If it had, you would have started with green non-mod 208 gear and had to work your way up.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Maybe they have a very specific player base in mind with a very specific gaming style.


After all there are some people defending this gearing and crafting, so there must be some people who enjoy it and are supporting the game. They will hopefully be able to explain how this system is better than command crates which were generally received badly. Though compared to this mess seem like a great thing.

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Maybe they have a very specific player base in mind with a very specific gaming style.


After all there are some people defending this gearing and crafting, so there must be some people who enjoy it and are supporting the game. They will hopefully be able to explain how this system is better than command crates which were generally received badly. Though compared to this mess seem like a great thing.


People have defended everything that has ever happened regardless of how atrocious, just how some people are.

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People have defended everything that has ever happened regardless of how atrocious, just how some people are.


And some people have ripped on absolutely everything, trying to convince everyone to hate the game as much as they do.


or you know, you could just be a normal human being, chalk it up to different strokes for different folks, voice the displeasure once and go on your Merry way.

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So I like the story. Although not outstanding, but ok. Judging by the cliffhanger, it will be interesting. Arcina is sitting on my throne. I hope we will get rid of her soon. :D:D


I think you just wasted too much time and resources on the new equipment. Too much different stuff. It would have been enough to keep the old set bonus and additionally introduce the amplifiers.

But ... can anyone tell me why my 252 armor has better scores than 270? :confused:

The whole system is completely messed up.....:(


The game difficulty, think so well. It sometimes takes a while to kill certain mobs. But whatever. You get used to it.

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