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How is PT in 6.0?


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Is the new skill enough to help PT's survive longer? How are we in PvP and PvE at 75? Is it any different then 70?





Its still a joke. On dps spec, Power Yield at 5 stacks increases dmg reduction by 25%(with 306 gear gonna be a bit more). Its essentially a Reactive Shield that lasts 5 sec less, but has cd 1 minute, instead of 2 on RS.

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Its still a joke. On dps spec, Power Yield at 5 stacks increases dmg reduction by 25%(with 306 gear gonna be a bit more). Its essentially a Reactive Shield that lasts 5 sec less, but has cd 1 minute, instead of 2 on RS.


It also increases your damage by 10%, and there is a utility that essentially makes it last 30 seconds. It's like a better Cloak of Pain.

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It also increases your damage by 10%, and there is a utility that essentially makes it last 30 seconds. It's like a better Cloak of Pain.


Yeah, you didn't think this through, mate. Any kind of incoming damage, even ticking, add up additional stacks of Power Yield. Its not like your opponent would wait for 10 sec for 4 times, so that you could stretch effects of DCD; In any real match, you would stack up 5 stacks in less than 5 sec.

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Yeah, you didn't think this through, mate. Any kind of incoming damage, even ticking, add up additional stacks of Power Yield. Its not like your opponent would wait for 10 sec for 4 times, so that you could stretch effects of DCD; In any real match, you would stack up 5 stacks in less than 5 sec.


I don't have a PT at 72+ yet to check but that utility states that Power Yield refreshes duration on damage taken. Nothing related to stacks. The way I read this utility is that it is exactly like Cloak of Pain, as that utility and Cloak of Pain have pretty much the same wording. So, as long as you take at least some damage in each 10 seconds, you will go to the full duration of 30 seconds.

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I don't have a PT at 72+ yet to check but that utility states that Power Yield refreshes duration on damage taken. Nothing related to stacks. The way I read this utility is that it is exactly like Cloak of Pain, as that utility and Cloak of Pain have pretty much the same wording. So, as long as you take at least some damage in each 10 seconds, you will go to the full duration of 30 seconds.


Wording might be the same, but doesn't work exactly the same. Any kind of dmg, ticking, aoe, direct... adds up a stack and each stack only refreshes that 10 sec timer. Like i mentioned in previous comment. in pvp you would get all 5 stack within few seconds, after which your 10 sec of dcd basically starts. Besides, it's still nowhere near of good dcd, but i guess, at this point, we'll take anything we can get.

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As defensive cooldown it's trash, only use for it is the dmg increase,which was never the problem with powertechs to begin with.

I find hilarious that pretty much all specs have some sort of self heal or in some cases a heal to full ability while pt's have the worst defensive coodlowns in the game and still get the short end of the stick with the new "ability" (this already happened with translocate for tanks but that is another can of worms) when snipers get something they didnt even need.


I urge people to try it for themselves before proclaming it a better cloak of pain...:rolleyes:

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As defensive cooldown it's trash, only use for it is the dmg increase,which was never the problem with powertechs to begin with.

I find hilarious that pretty much all specs have some sort of self heal or in some cases a heal to full ability while pt's have the worst defensive coodlowns in the game and still get the short end of the stick with the new "ability" (this already happened with translocate for tanks but that is another can of worms) when snipers get something they didnt even need.


I urge people to try it for themselves before proclaming it a better cloak of pain...:rolleyes:


It's not the pt. PT is exactly was it's supposed to be - glass canon. As dps you're not supposed to be tanking everyone, like snipers do, no. You execute your load and die. It's astonishing that devs don't realize this. I think, we either need entirely new combat system or just roll everything back to 2/3.x(with some minor balancing of course).

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It's not the pt. PT is exactly was it's supposed to be - glass canon. As dps you're not supposed to be tanking everyone, like snipers do, no. You execute your load and die. It's astonishing that devs don't realize this. I think, we either need entirely new combat system or just roll everything back to 2/3.x(with some minor balancing of course).


Agree, but dude this **** developers dont even have the ability to balance pve content so they lower ur stats to "balance" the content, how can they balance pvp.

PT is atm the worst class to pvp with and for anyone feeling that we are being crybabies just play it.

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I think it lost the viability for pve as well

Pyro burst is insane but sustain of the explosive fuel is really bad, and keep on mind that you don't take constant damage like in brontes and nahut every 0.2 second or so.


I think it needs a buff to the damage little bit more to be more viable

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Agree, but dude this **** developers dont even have the ability to balance pve content so they lower ur stats to "balance" the content, how can they balance pvp.

PT is atm the worst class to pvp with and for anyone feeling that we are being crybabies just play it.


It's not that they don't have, they just don't want. Action like that certainly requires removal of countless abilities, set bonuses and more. Imagine, if snipers suddenly lost roll and reset abilities. There would be an outcry, forums are gonna be flooded with angry threads, cursing the developers, even though action like that will put snipers in line with pts.


I really don't get this endless quest for more dcds. By refusing to lower amount of dcds, they just create demand for more, thus we get this never ending loop.

Edited by Spoloma
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PT/VG damage is great actually


its having abilities that force you into melee range and not having DCD to be able to cope with being in the thick of the battle that breaks them, this also makes them top priority targets for PVP cause they just cant stand up to any kind of pressure without optimal circumstances of a competent tank and healer on your side and average opponents.

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I can only speak from a PVP perspective as I've never done anything like an OPs on my PT, but I think they're stronger than this thread gives them credit for.


Pyro PT is one of the best specs in the game when it comes to raw numbers, which was technically true in previous patches, but in 6.0, it's much easier to deal big damage because the rotation is simplified and their new ability increases their damage potential if they're getting hit (which, let's be real...is all the time). In arenas, especially tank/heals, they can decimate the other team.


PT Tanks are in a similar spot to Pyro except they're tankier.....imagine a PT tank and Pyro PT in queue.....


With regards to AP PT, they don't quite feel as bursty as they used to, but the lack of auto-crit is a blessing in disguise as I can use Energy Blast more often without fear of missing out on that crit. Their tacticals are nice, I use Flame Detonation and it gives them nice cleave potential, not as much as Pyro though.


Pyro > Tank > AP, and I do think they're better than they were before.

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Looking at vid this deeps without a bonus set or optimal tactical i'd say VG/PT is in top shape , im hoping to see some Tactictian action aswell not just Plasmatech so someone maybe can chip in if it performs better ?


I'm the guy playing in the video lol


That was early in the expansion and I've played the spec a lot more since then. Plasmatech at least is not a joke anymore in PVP. The tacticals are truly one item wonders. They give you two options for some insane on-demand damage in either single target or AOE flavour. I haven't tried any of tactic's tactical items, but at first glance, they all seemed pretty meh in comparison to plasmatech's 100% crit for 15seconds!!! or extra AOE CLEAVE on basically ALL attacks except high impact bolt. Both are brainless easy to execute and will absolutely melt faces.


Survival went up noticeably in this patch too. Power yield with the utility point taken is a really good cooldown. If you combine that with the right price set bonuses you get some pretty high uptime on 10% damage reduction.


6.0 was an improvement for the class, that's no question. Feels like plasmatech changed from a bad choice to middle of the pack DPS for PVP.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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Actually people are being a bit cynical.


Yes, PT is still a glass canon, but it is a bit less of a glass canon cause of the new defensive. Wich for a glass canon actually means you can output quite a bit more damage before dying. If you got a healer, then you are a mean killing machine.

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I'm the guy playing in the video lol


That was early in the expansion and I've played the spec a lot more since then. Plasmatech at least is not a joke anymore in PVP. The tacticals are truly one item wonders. They give you two options for some insane on-demand damage in either single target or AOE flavour. I haven't tried any of tactic's tactical items, but at first glance, they all seemed pretty meh in comparison to plasmatech's 100% crit for 15seconds!!! or extra AOE CLEAVE on basically ALL attacks except high impact bolt. Both are brainless easy to execute and will absolutely melt faces.


Survival went up noticeably in this patch too. Power yield with the utility point taken is a really good cooldown. If you combine that with the right price set bonuses you get some pretty high uptime on 10% damage reduction.


6.0 was an improvement for the class, that's no question. Feels like plasmatech changed from a bad choice to middle of the pack DPS for PVP.


Dps on tactics seems lower, but still high. I like powerlode tactical, which gives 4 stacks for cell burst upon activation, combined with 1 stack whenever enemy crits at you. Speaking of gear, i like 6 set meteor brawler. 10% dmg increase with stockstrike and 10m in radius aoe feels good. Though, i seem to reach only 7 stacks out of 10, not sure why. At 7, aoe dmg is like 40k+.


A few days ago, i scored like 8.6 mil dmg on void, so i'd say vg's overall damage is pretty high:D

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Dps on tactics seems lower, but still high. I like powerlode tactical, which gives 4 stacks for cell burst upon activation, combined with 1 stack whenever enemy crits at you. Speaking of gear, i like 6 set meteor brawler. 10% dmg increase with stockstrike and 10m in radius aoe feels good. Though, i seem to reach only 7 stacks out of 10, not sure why. At 7, aoe dmg is like 40k+.


A few days ago, i scored like 8.6 mil dmg on void, so i'd say vg's overall damage is pretty high:D


I tried tactics out without any tacticals or set pieces and I agree it seemed like the damage sucked. The burst damage wasn't as lethal as it was in 5.0. I tried pyrotech and saw the damage was noticeably better than 5.0 and never looked back.


I looked at the power load tactical being the strongest choice because the damage potential is really high if you're getting tunneled. That's IF and a big IF you get tunneled. If you don't get attacked at all then all you get basically is a free cell burst. High risk high reward basically. The plasmatech tacticals by comparison are zero risk high reward.


Is meteor brawler worth it? The 40-45k aoe seems okay but doesn't appear to crit, as far as I can tell. Does it cancel out your reactive shield when it blows? Vanguard dcds are precious, so firefall clipping your shield would not be good for pvp.

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I tried tactics out without any tacticals or set pieces and I agree it seemed like the damage sucked. The burst damage wasn't as lethal as it was in 5.0. I tried pyrotech and saw the damage was noticeably better than 5.0 and never looked back.


I looked at the power load tactical being the strongest choice because the damage potential is really high if you're getting tunneled. That's IF and a big IF you get tunneled. If you don't get attacked at all then all you get basically is a free cell burst. High risk high reward basically. The plasmatech tacticals by comparison are zero risk high reward.


Is meteor brawler worth it? The 40-45k aoe seems okay but doesn't appear to crit, as far as I can tell. Does it cancel out your reactive shield when it blows? Vanguard dcds are precious, so firefall clipping your shield would not be good for pvp.


Powerlode may be considered high risk high reward, but i don't think any other is worth it. Seriously, Energized Blade is a joke and Flame Detonation requires use of Explosive Surge. I think Shaterred Slug would've been a better pick, instead of ES.


I actually went on forums and checks number of stacks, kinda looks like i pulled number 10 out of nowhere, so don't mind that :)


Ionfall - aoe ability of RS, triggers only after shield ends, so it doesn't cancel out the shield. Between +2% endurance/mastery, it looks like a better pick, at least to me.

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Powerlode may be considered high risk high reward, but i don't think any other is worth it. Seriously, Energized Blade is a joke and Flame Detonation requires use of Explosive Surge. I think Shaterred Slug would've been a better pick, instead of ES.


I actually went on forums and checks number of stacks, kinda looks like i pulled number 10 out of nowhere, so don't mind that :)


Ionfall - aoe ability of RS, triggers only after shield ends, so it doesn't cancel out the shield. Between +2% endurance/mastery, it looks like a better pick, at least to me.


I agree, the other tacticals just really didn't seem worth it.


So to use Meteor brawler effectively, you basically just need to supercharge your shield and then it's set and forget from there? You can just walk around knowing that when the shield is finished it'll hit everybody around you? The tooltip looks like you can trigger the damage potentially early at max stacks, but I am just making sure it doesn't cancel out your shield when it does pop.

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Oh I just read today's patch notes. Okay, so it's not popping off shield now so that's good.


Of course it's good for the community.


Guess what this was doing:


Meteor Brawler


(6) Activating Energy Shield gives you Firefall for the duration of Energy Shield. During this time, dealing damage with Ion Wave, Ion Pulse, Magnetic Blast, Stockstrike, or Shockstrike builds up to 7 stacks of Firefall. When Energy Shield ends, it detonates dealing elemental damage to all enemies around that scales with Firefall stacks. After it explodes, your heat-using abilities cost 50% less heat for 20 seconds.


Superheated Fuel


Battle Focus increases all elemental and kinetic attacks critical chance by 100%.


You've got a bit of time left to see Firefall autocritting if you have the pieces.

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