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Unplanned Downtime: October 22nd


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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


LMAO you don't read patch notes do ya buddy? ;)

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


They announced multiple times that CXP items and command tokens were going away as well as unassembled components, masterwork crystals and monumental crystals. The first time it was announced was in a live stream months ago. It is also in multiple swtor news announcements and patch notes.

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


Um ive been hearing about it for a week. if you looked at patch notes (which have been available for a while) or watched videos of people explaining onslaught you would have known.

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You obviously only play the game and not read the website and read the forum. Its been said many many times that you would lose this currency.


And even if the announcements were only on the forum, the person who posted "where are my command tokens" had no trouble finding THIS post from Musco, so I fail to see how he/she failed to find all the other posts.

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LMAO you don't read patch notes do ya buddy? ;)


Or watch the feed, or test on the public test server, or anything else that would have let him know that this was coming. So much time we knew, so many sources.


There's only so much the devs can do when players are so passive about what's going on with the game that they think it's enough to look at what's flipping across the login page and that's somehow supposed to be the end-all and be-all of information.


Best EA can do is create a five-inch wide button at the bottom of the login screen saying "PLEASE CLICK THIS BUTTON FOR A HECK OF A LOT MORE INFORMATION THAN WHAT YOU'RE SEEING HERE"

WHICH then produces a linked list of the dev notes, patch notes, twitter feed, facebook feed, interviews, and EA Help if they need it. That's about how blindingly obvious they'd have to be for some people.


/old person rant

Edited by xordevoreaux
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well this is mest up all the way around so what r we paying for here to not play the game I don't like paying for some thing I cant play
I am glad you spend your life perusing through thousands of forums posts and live your life on twitter. I do not. I play the game, and expect to be communicated to in game for in game communications. That is not an unreasonable request. Do you expect your work communications to be submitted to you through work, or through some third party service like twitter? Of course, if you're one of them people that looks down at their phone constantly, I guess the answer is obvious.
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You obviously only play the game and not read the website and read the forum. Its been said many many times that you would lose this currency.

You're right. I only play the game. I don't waste my time reading tweets on twitter, and until today don't need to spend time on the forums. I don't pay for my game to read forums. I pay for it to play. What a concept.

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We are once again live, thanks everyone!




Because and in-game email that says "Please be sure you spend your command tokens, and use your CXP boosts before October 22nd" was extremely complicated and apparently is rocket science to send.

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I am glad you spend your life perusing through thousands of forums posts and live your life on twitter. I do not. I play the game, and expect to be communicated to in game for in game communications. That is not an unreasonable request. Do you expect your work communications to be submitted to you through work, or through some third party service like twitter? Of course, if you're one of them people that looks down at their phone constantly, I guess the answer is obvious.


You realise the person you quoted did not mention Twitter at all?


I rarely go to Twitter. I knew what was happening weeks ago. There was a massive Q&A thread about what to expect on these very forums.


The patch notes were released yesterday and mentioned this as well.


These are the official game forums. If I had official work forums then yes, I would expect work related information to be posted there.

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You realise the person you quoted did not mention Twitter at all?


I rarely go to Twitter. I knew what was happening weeks ago. There was a massive Q&A thread about what to expect on these very forums.


The patch notes were released yesterday and mentioned this as well.


These are the official game forums. If I had official work forums then yes, I would expect work related information to be posted there.


The problem starts when you NEED to go to the foruns to know if something in the game is going to change. I've lost nothing - im not in the "real" endgame - but only last week I have the news that the command points where going to a trash compactor, and it was throught a video of cosmetic gear. The point is, there where no official information that those points where going to be lost. I lost like 40 commader points cose, damn, i just hit my forst level a week ago. But it was not through the game, it was by pure luck. This IS, indeed, a problem. And as it was said here, it was not rocket science to send a in-game mail saying "command tokes are going off, spend then" or "look at the foruns as some of your currencies will be lost".

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It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


Not just this game, but about every game I've ever played. I make it a point to not do anything I don't want to do again, or earn anything I wouldn't want to lose until a few days after the drop, if not a week in some cases. But yeah it's just so tempting to start getting those new shinies...... :)

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Because an in-game email that says "Please be sure you spend your command tokens, and use your CXP boosts before October 22nd" was extremely complicated and apparently is rocket science to send.


QFE , or at the very least something on the 'Launcher' ....that literally everyone has to see.


People either forget or just simply disregard the fact that Forum users are the MINORITY.


I personally love the Forums, as an augment to the game (especially when servers are offline) but most players rarely ever read the Forums. And usually it's cuz they are too busy....enjoying the game. :cool:

Edited by Nee-Elder
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It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


Yep, you predicted it :D


Every should treat day 1-2 or even the first week as a live beta test or live pts because we should all know from past experience that Bioware use the players in the live game to beta test because it’s cheaper than paying professionals to do it for them.


As you say, don’t do anything you’ll regret if Bioware break your stuff and you permanently lose it.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Yep, you predicted it :D


Every should treat day 1-2 or even the first week as a live beta test or live pts because we should all know from past experience that Bioware use the players in the live game to beta test because it’s cheaper than paying professionals to do it for them.


As you say, don’t do anything you’ll regret if Bioware break your stuff and you permanently lose it.


I appreciate all these suck...players who are beta testing the game for me. Keep up the feedback, folks!

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